"After the"War of Gods" incident, the matter of transforming hell into a super prison was not directly passed.

Because the horror of hell is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people on earth, many heroes have raised humane issues. Maybe their heroes can I don’t care, but we have to consider the issue of public acceptance.

If the fact that Dane is the Lord of Hell is used by some people with ulterior motives, it may turn a good thing into a bad thing. In order to protect Dane’s reputation, some heroes chose to oppose it.

This makes Dane unable to be angry.

How should I put it? Dane actually did not consider the humanity of these people when he made this suggestion. If this person is so sinful that he should go to hell, why should Dane show him a humanitarian spirit?

En is the devil, and he is also the god of death. The greatest kindness he can give these criminals is to reduce their pain during life and directly let them go to hell to suffer punishment.

But Dane is very happy that there is no such kind of thing in his Justice League The guy with the heart of the Holy Mother, everyone’s worries about the super prison are not from the perspective of criminals.

That’s right, how can we talk about kindness and humanity when dealing with extremely vicious guys?

It’s already very difficult to resist not killing them on the spot. It’s time to restrain yourself.

Although this proposal did not pass, Dane is not anxious at all. He believes that it will be useful one day.

After the super prison incident was revealed, another proposal was approved by the Zhenglian Alliance.

Barrie Because of his performance in Hell, Lun was recognized by other members of the alliance and officially joined the Zhenglian and became one of them.

Barry also just learned that Shazam's true identity is Pioneer Technology, a well-known domestic technology leader. CEO.

He was shocked when Dane removed the effect of the confusion spell in front of him.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was not surprising. Where the Justice League's supplies came from has always been a mystery.

Some people speculated that it was Official capital supports it, but this cannot explain Zhenglian’s position.

If the government is really the financial backer behind Zhenglian, how can they prevent Zhenglian from doing the dirty work?

Not to mention that not long ago, Zhenglian just Declaring to withdraw from the United States and even throw away his nationality, this completely confirmed that the official capital theory was just a rumor.

Barry had made many random speculations in the past, one of which was that he believed that there must be a rich man in Zhenglian supporting him. This team.

Unexpectedly, he guessed it!

Next, Dane also promised Barry that he would be responsible for all his tuition and fees during college.

This big pie fell and made Barry dizzy..

You must know that the cost of education in the United States is extremely high, almost equivalent to paying a mortgage.

And the higher the institution you are admitted to, the higher the cost.

Although there are still scholarships available, there are a large group of outstanding students, and those scholarships are It’s not enough points at all.

Moreover, scholarships can only solve the problem of tuition fees, but not living expenses.

Moreover, the price of books in the United States is extremely high. For the books that I am interested in, Bari (ahfd) can only rent them and dare not buy them.

Bari Ai Lun lost his mother when he was very young, and his father was unjustly imprisoned, so his life has always been very difficult.

In addition to studying, it is normal to work two or three jobs a day.

To be honest, under such pressure, he can still maintain a pure and kind heart. He is worthy of being called the"conscience of the Justice League".

Since Dane has absorbed such a high-quality hero, he certainly cannot treat him badly.

If the tuition and fees can be taken care of, his life will be much easier.

We can't let him be like Spider-Man, who can't even afford to eat just to be a hero, right?

Do the people of the United States deserve his sacrifice?

In addition, Dane also brought a surprise to Barry:"Barry, I heard that your father has been unjustly imprisoned for more than ten years. Is this the case?"

Barry's excitement suddenly seemed to be poured out. A basin of cold water made him feel depressed.

"Yes, but I can guarantee that my father definitely did not do this! he...They have no idea how much daddy loves her..."

At this point, Barry's voice was choked up.

Dane patted his head comfortingly, and then told him the good news:

"Barry, bring over the files from your father’s case, and I’ll let Pioneer Technology’s legal department take a look at it. If there are key videos or other similar evidence, bring them with you, and I’ll ask the technical department to help you see if they can Restore it."

Dane still remembers that in the"Flash" personal movie, Barry kept part of the video evidence, which was a surveillance video of his father buying ketchup in the supermarket.

That video can prove that Barry's father was murdered when his mother was murdered. He was not present at all when the video happened, so his grievances can be washed away.

However, because of the age, his father’s appearance cannot be seen in that video. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the end of the movie, This video was restored with the latest technology of the Wayne Group and restored his father's innocence.

He can completely reproduce this process.

In fact, according to Dane's current net worth, he can completely clear the way with money, let alone his father's true identity. Even if he is really a murderer, Dane can still get people out.

If you don't believe it, look at Lex Luthor, the prison is just like his hometown, he can go in when he wants, and come out when he wants.

The justice of the United States is based on money. They are just decorations in front of the power and are vulnerable to a blow.

But considering that this case has become a knot for the father and son, if they cannot come out with dignity and innocence, I am afraid they will not be able to let it go for the rest of their lives. So

Dane can only use this Help them in a more troublesome way.

After hearing Dane's words, Barry felt like he was hit by a pie again, and this time the pie was heavier, and he was going to be hit stupid.

At this moment, he even felt a , the feeling that it didn’t matter even if he sold himself to the other party.

Dane saw that he was very excited and started to apply chicken blood

"I am doing this to help you solve your worries as much as possible. Barry, you have great potential and can achieve higher achievements, whether as an ordinary person or a superhero."

"But if a superhero can't even protect his own loved ones, how can he protect the people?"

Barry was greatly encouraged and went back to prepare the case and materials with excitement. He had a premonition that his father would be able to regain his innocence this time!

After Barry left, Dane was the only one left in the Hall of Justice.

Suddenly In a flash of light, Cortana appeared in the hall, holding a golden helmet in her hands.

It was the Helmet of Destiny.

Dane took it with both hands and said to her:"Cortana, Fiora I'll leave it to you to move to Hell with the Origin Room."

Cortana nodded and disappeared into a ray of light.

After she left, a golden light suddenly lit up around her, and the god Naboo appeared in front of Dane in his own image.

It looked like a person wearing a helmet, An invisible man wearing a cloak but without a body. Only the fluctuations of magic power can make people judge that he is a spiritual body.

"I have done everything you asked for. Now, should I be returned to Kent?

Dane smiled and said:"I think the cooperation between us is quite pleasant, why should we leave in a hurry?" otherwise...You might as well stay and help me figure it out."

When Nabu heard what he said, his divine power began to surge, as if he wanted to break free from his hand.

But Dane's hands were as steady as mountains. He raised one of his hands and patted it down again. Ares' divine power was slapped by him. Down.

With this palm down, the divine power that Naboo God had finally gathered was instantly scattered.

After all, it is just a helmet now. Without a host, it is impossible to be Dane's opponent.

"You want to break our agreement!"The god Naboo was angry.

"You can't even take a joke, you're so boring."Dane was very sorry.

If the Naboo god was unwilling to cooperate, it would be of no use to him even if he got this helmet.

So he chose another request:"I can put you back with Kent, but you must tell me the high-purity Where is the genus N?"

God Naboo thought for a moment and said:"The Senagon planet has high-purity N."

Dane was noncommittal. Of course he knew this, but he couldn't come to rob him, could he?

That was an entire advanced civilization.

And Hawkwoman...Dane felt that there seemed to be some secrets hidden in her body, and I was afraid that her purpose in coming to Earth was not simple.

He's going to do some digging tonight to see if he can get any useful information.

"Senagon is too far away, I wonder if there is one on earth"

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