When Nab heard Dane's words, he knew in his heart that he was determined to win the N genus.

But precisely because of this, he was even more worried

"Dane, Genus N involves a very important secret. Don't be too curious about it, it's very dangerous!"

Dane knows what he means. The real source of the Ninth Metal is the Dark Multiverse. It is a material produced in that universe, so it does not need to abide by the physical rules of the current universe.

If you delve too deeply into its secrets, it is likely to Being targeted by Barbatos.

The Dark Multiverse hates all hopeful worlds, so once they are noticed, they will rush here desperately and try to destroy this universe.

But Dane knows better that the universe he is in It is not the main universe, so it has not yet entered the sight of Barbatos and others.

So as long as he does not seek death to delve into the hidden secrets of N metal and only uses it as a material, it is actually harmless.

And he thought What we are looking for is actually the pure N attribute that already exists in this universe.

Since Senagang can be used, Naboo can be used, and Eagle Man can be used, why can't Dane use it?

Do you look down on me, the Lord of Hell? -Look down on me, the God of Death?

Under his questioning, Nabu had no choice but to reveal a piece of news to him.

"There is no pure N on earth anymore, unless you can let Hawkwoman give you her mace...."

Nabu's cloak swayed, as if he was sizing him up:"Maybe you really have this possibility."

"But if you don’t want to go to Senagang, and you don’t want Hawkwoman to have no weapons to use, then there is another place where you may be able to get some N attributes."


"In the antimatter universe, there may still be some pure N remaining there."

The antimatter universe?

Dane frowned. He still remembered this place. Sinestro's army came out of the antimatter universe.

It seems that he has to find time to go to Oa to see if there is anything there. Sinestro's remaining information about the antimatter universe

"I have also fulfilled your last request. Can I fulfill your promise now?"

Naboo's divine power flickered in front of Dane, with a strong sense that if you go back on your word, I will die with you.

Dane was not a dishonest person, so he withdrew the forbidden power from his helmet.

In an instant, , the Helmet of Destiny disappeared in a burst of golden light.

Taking advantage of the fact that he could still use his power, Nabu quickly activated the teleportation magic and returned to Kent.

Then Kent Nelson, who was resting in the Eagle Manor with his eyes closed, suddenly felt that he was pregnant His heart sank, and the familiar weight and feel made him open his eyes immediately.


In the northern mountainous area of ​​Canada, this area has been occupied by a group of private armed forces.

On the uniforms of these private armed personnel, you can see the LOGO of the Lex Group printed on them.

If Dane and Clark could see this scene in front of them, If you do, you will find that the mountainous area where this group of people are located is very close to the ancient Kryptonian spacecraft they were looking for.

In the area near where private armed forces are stationed, there is a huge mine, and the mining team of the Lex Group is working here.

This is very It’s strange, because it’s late at night, and there are not many teams willing to carry out construction at this time.

This mining team uses laser drilling technology independently developed by Lex Labs, so the construction efficiency is very high.

One of them is wearing a safety helmet. The female researcher walked in the deepest part of the mine, holding the instrument in her hand while working and chattering:

"Two miles below the surface, even Superman probably can't see us. Another male colleague was working on the side and replied nonchalantly:"If that's really the case, Luther should be happy.""

"It's uncomfortably hot in here!"

Although laser drilling machines are highly efficient, they consume a lot of energy and generate a lot of waste heat.

If the Lex Group hadn't offered a salary five times higher than the market salary, the white men in the United States would have given up their jobs long ago.

This woman The researcher complained to her colleague:"Forget Luther and his joy!"

Then she imitated Lex Luthor’s expression, pointed her finger to the sky, and made a speech.

"I will invent a new energy source that uses radiation emitted from the center of the earth..."

Before she finished speaking, her colleague naturally continued:"And when we drown in our own sweat, we will get billions of dollars from it."

This was when Lex Luthor originally mobilized them to come to this hellish place. The two often joked about the speeches they gave, and they knew the lines by heart.

The female researcher said expressionlessly:"Don't be surprised that one day he will ask us to dig directly to hell. I feel like I'm already halfway there."

Another male colleague echoed:"Put it into Satan's rectum." A diode, and then returned to the company, keeping the power of Metropolis burning vigorously until the end."

The female researcher laughed:"It's like what he can say"

"Hey! Dr. Murphy!"Some workers discovered a new situation in the front yard and called them again.

After hearing this, they quickly packed up their equipment and ran forward.

"What the hell is this!"

The female doctor named Murphy looked at the huge man-made object in front of her, with a strange symbol on it, and exclaimed.

The worker shook his head after hearing this:"I'm not a scientist, so...It's up to you to tell me."

At the same time, in the Rikers Building in Metropolis, Luther was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office in a daze.

His female assistant Mercy walked in quickly, her high heels making a"tap-tat-tat" sound.


As soon as she opened her mouth, Luther raised his finger to stop her.

As if he was adjusting his thoughts or something else, he took a deep breath before turning around and calmly said:"What's the matter?"

"It's the Apple Core Project, and we've hit the main lode."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Apple Core Project is a high-tech project initiated by Lex Group to find new energy.

Luther is trying to find a way to replace the existing"burning""Boiling water" in order to obtain more efficient energy conversion and cleaner energy technology.

A detector he developed detected the existence of an underground vein of extremely high energy radiation in a mountainous area in Canada, which may be able to help them Open the door to this technology.

Now it seems that there are results?

There is only one company in the world that has mastered a new energy technology that is completely different from today's, but it is not ready to share it with all mankind.

That is Umbrella company.

Although the company founded by Dane was very low-key and had never even been listed on the market, the alert Luther discovered this unusual company.

His intelligence network found that Umbrella was headquartered in Khandak, and That is the new home of the Justice League.

Yes, for some people with supernatural powers, the place where the Justice League moves is not a secret.

So Luthor has some doubts that Umbrella Company may have something to do with superheroes, especially the Justice League. Inextricably linked.

This is why he must launch the apple core project.

If superhumans already have an absolute advantage in personal abilities, how can they be allowed to take advantage in technology?

Human beings should be the ones with this core. The most promising species on the planet, superhumans are all freaks!

"Transfer the signal there! Mercy followed her instructions and transferred the signal to the big screen in Luther's office.

A few seconds later, a brightly lit underground mine appeared in front of him.

The person on the screen was none other than Dr. Murphy, and behind her was A path has been cleared, and half of the true identity of the huge man-made object has been revealed.

"This must be a spaceship, from an alien planet!"

The spacecraft behind her was dark and smooth, with a beetle-like luster.

Another man appeared on the screen, pointing at the spacecraft behind her and saying:"The analysis of the mineral deposits here shows that it came to the earth a long time ago..

Luther asked:"So, it is very ancient?"

The person in front of the screen replied:"Yes, very old, even older than Jesus. This is still a conservative estimate.""

Mercy also came up at this time.

"The last time aliens came to Earth, we got a Superman, what will it be this time? Luther smiled at Mercy:"No matter what is in this can, it will belong to me."..."

Then he said to the people on the screen:"Lock it up, seal it, put it in a bucket, and bring it back." The people on the screen did as he was told, but soon, someone screamed in horror. Door..

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