"What happened?"

Luthor kept staring at the screen. When he heard the voice, he couldn't help but frown and asked.

The female doctor left for a while, and her voice came back a few minutes later.

"Our laser equipment penetrated its outer layer, and an unknown gas leaked out."

In the depths of such underground mines, ventilation is not a simple matter. If these are poisonous gases, a whole group of people will die directly.

Luther stared at the center of the screen, and there was a puff of white smoke. After the Qi dissipated, a blue fan-shaped light began to scan the workers.

After the light disappeared, a 3D image of an unknown species appeared in front of the screen. It had only one eye and no limbs, and was floating in the air.

It There are words in the mouth that seem to be saying something, but the language it speaks is not the language of earthlings, and even the pronunciation method is very different from humans.

"We don't understand what it's saying!"The female doctor said loudly to the screen.

But Luther felt a sense of crisis from the other party's demeanor and the frequency of language.

So he narrowed his eyes and said:"This is a warning."

"Four Zero Seven""Warning?"

The female doctor was a little confused and wanted to ask what was going on.

But she soon knew that the alien image disappeared directly after saying that.

But everyone present could hear a strange thing appearing in the mine. The sound, it pumps very regularly, with an obvious rhythm

"That's the heartbeat!"Luthor judged it almost instantly.

Sure enough, at the front of the screen, the bulkhead of the spacecraft suddenly turned red and showed a transparent texture.

In it, a tall and muscular figure emerged, and the voice came from It came from the body.

The female doctor was also brave, giving full play to the people's spirit of seeking death in the United States and went forward to explore.

Suddenly, a huge arm broke out from the red spaceship, and the hand could vaguely There were five fingers that resembled human beings, but each finger was thicker than a human arm.

At the same time, a roar like a beast sounded in the mine.

Everyone immediately realized that there was a fatal danger and shouted. Let other personnel escape.

Thanks to the recent frequent disasters, people in the United States have already developed their own mature methods for escaping.

So although everyone was afraid, they still remained calm and retreated in an orderly manner.

But soon, the bird The monster was no longer satisfied with only one hand coming out. It tore open the thick bulkhead of the spacecraft and jumped out. As soon as it appeared, its appearance was completely exposed to everyone.

The monster was at least three meters tall. Tall, bigger than a brown bear.

Its body was green, and there were unidentified cuticle-like sharp objects on its back and elbow joints. It looked like a male.

He opened his mouth and roared, and instantly It shattered the eardrums of countless people.

Many workers wailed and covered their ears, then fell to their knees and groaned in pain.

"Go quickly! Run away! Don't stop!"

When the monster heard someone talking, it immediately jumped over and grabbed the person with a big hand. It separated its left and right hands and tore the human in half.

Red blood and colorful internal organs were scattered everywhere. It was everywhere, causing countless screams in the mine.

When the monster heard the sound, it became even more inexplicably excited, and began to chase and slaughter those who screamed and escaped.

Those humans were easily torn apart like rag dolls in his hands, and their internal organs were torn apart. He was thrown around like garbage, and his flesh and blood were thrown to the rock wall like an evil totem, forming a bunch of weird patterns.

Even if she wasn't there, just seeing the scene on the video screen, Mercy couldn't help but cover her eyes. He almost spit it out.

But Lex Luthor was very calm. He narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the chaotic monsters on the screen. He didn't know what he was thinking. The private troops outside the mine heard the movement and quickly ran in. Entering the mine, when they saw the monster, their faces instantly lost color.

"This fucking thing should be left to the Justice League!"

Some team members yelled, but this attracted the monster's attention, and he turned his attention to the person who spoke.

"Everyone, fire free!"

The leading sergeant noticed something was wrong and immediately ordered his men to shoot.

"bang bang bang"——!

Countless gunshots rang out, and the copper bullets hit the monster, smashing out copper cakes, which then fell from him to the ground.

It was like giving the other person a bath, the monster didn't feel any pain or itching at all.

He roared, rushed into the gun-wielding team, and repeated his previous actions, and the result was another bloody storm.

Not even a single corpse could be found at the scene. Regardless of race, nationality, or gender, everyone became one again, a ball of flesh and blood, with me and you in me, regardless of each other.

After the monster killed everyone at the scene, it seemed to finally calm down.

Luther, who was in the Lex Tower, was still watching him intently. This surveillance camera had been tracking the monster's movements and captured most of its movements.

Then the monster turned its head, looking at Luther as if through the screen.


The monster on the screen roared, crushing the monitor, and Luther lost sight of that side.

Luther stood up again, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and muttered to himself:

"If an alien race used some kind of technology to trap that thing and use Earth as their personal toilet, there's only one reason they would do it..."

Mercy seemed to have recovered a little and couldn't help but ask:"What?"

Luther lowered his head slightly and seemed to smile:"They can't kill it!"

Mercy couldn't help but tremble, and a deep fear gripped her. broke her heart.

In the mine, the monster killed everyone and walked out of the mine.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then heard that there were still living people nearby. He was as fast as lightning and grabbed the hiding people........

"No! Wait, please don't kill me!"The man cried bitterly and begged for mercy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the monster had no humanity at all. Just like before, he squeezed the man to death.

Then he continued to sweep around the area. , as long as there is a living person, he will take the trouble to kill them, as if this is the only joy of his life.

After cleaning the outer area again, he finally became quieter again.

However, not long after, he seemed to be like He heard something again and turned around and ran in a certain direction. In the Lex Building, Luther walked out of the elevator quickly.

As he walked, he said to Mercy:"The monster's traces of destruction will make people come to me." Trouble. Mercy comforted:"

Relax, Lex, the apple core project has been approved by the authorities. We can easily erase those traces, and the authorities will not come to trouble us.""

Luthor ignored her comfort at all, and just said seriously:"You don't understand at all. What I worry about is never the bureaucrats. They can't do anything."

"But the Justice League is different. We can't let them know that it's our responsibility, especially Superman and Shazam!"

"All traces must be cleared at all costs, Lex Group was never there!"

"You have to be careful, Mercy. Although I haven't found out Superman's true identity yet, I am very sure that he is in this city, monitoring the entire city like a pervert.…"


In another corner of Metropolis, Clark and Lois are cuddling with each other in the cabin.

Tonight, after careful consideration, Louise finally decided to show her cards to Clark


"What's the matter, Louise?"Clark looked at his girlfriend in his arms strangely.

Louise also raised her head to look at him:"Clark, regarding the incident where you were missing for several days some time ago....0.1Don’t you have anything to say?"

Clark instantly remembered that it was the time when he entered hell, and a trace of unnaturalness appeared on his face.

"I...I have some stuff to do that day, you know, like usual..."

Louise asked,"I know, but what exactly is it?"

Clark was very nervous when faced with Louise's pressing steps. He was not a person who was good at lying.

But he didn't know whether he should tell her the truth. He didn't want to bring the danger of his world to Louise.

Louise was a little angry when she saw his hesitation and stood up from his arms.

"I've always wondered, Clark, why does Superman appear in Metropolis every time you disappear?"

"Why do you come back every time after Superman resolves an incident and leaves?"

"I can't see the connection between you two, but I have a strong intuition, Clark, that there must be some kind of connection between you and him, would you like to tell me?"

"Who are you?".

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