Clark was cornered by Lois' words, and he almost revealed his identity.

But suddenly, the image of Sam Lane appeared in his mind, causing his mouth that he had just opened to close again.

As one of the official representatives, Sam Lane has always been hostile to superhumans. This is no secret in the United States.

Since the video of the conversation between him and the parasitic admiral was released, he no longer hides his political opinions, but openly discloses them.

And he has publicized the dangers of superhumans numerous times in public, gaining support from some people.

It is obviously impossible for everyone in the world to like superheroes, and they may not even like themselves.

Although under pressure from public opinion, Sam Lane was removed from his position in the CIA.

However, the Justice League has intelligence that shows that he did not leave the power agency, but secretly transferred to the Sky Eye Society and became one of the actual leaders.

And because of his friendship with Amanda, the ideological proposition within the Sky Eye Society has also been dominated by the equation"the superhuman threat must be controlled."

So it can be said that General Lane is likely to be an enemy to superhumans.

Clark can bear this danger himself, who makes him love Lois, but what about the other members of the Justice League?

He cannot selfishly only care about himself and ignore the harm it may bring to other members of 08.

So although he wanted to confess to Lois Lane in his heart, his reason stopped him immediately.

Seeing that he was still silent, Louise suddenly felt very disappointed.

She has already said it to this extent, which actually means that she has guessed Clark's secret, and now she just wants him to admit it personally.

Although she didn't know how Clark managed to have two identities and two completely different faces, a woman's sixth sense convinced her that this was the truth.

"Sorry, Clark, I think it's best for us to take some time apart for a while. Maybe we should both calm down and think carefully about our relationship."

After saying that, Louise covered her mouth and left.

Clark raised his hand as if to keep her, but with his super speed, he didn't have time.

Even if he could keep Louise's person, so what?

As long as he can't give To get the answer that Louise wants, no matter how he tries to keep her, Louise will eventually leave. In the end, Clark can only stay alone in the room and feel sad.

On the other side, the monsters coming out of the mine are adding They kill any living thing they see in Ma Da, and have left countless corpses of creatures.

Among these corpses are humans and animals.

The areas where this monster walks are basically virgin forests and no-man’s land, so it has not caused any fire hazards yet. The attention of the University of Massachusetts officials.

This gave the Lex Group time to deal with the aftermath. They were the first group of people to arrive here.

"Have you found any trace of that monster?"

The person who carried out this mopping-up mission was once an outstanding noncommissioned officer of the Navy SEALs - Anatoly Knyazev.

He was the one who《BVS》The man who dared to kidnap Martha.

After the U.S. military was in decline, he was the first to realize this situation, so he decisively retired and chose to join the private armed forces.

Now he is one of the operational leaders of the Lex Group's armed department.

The subordinates heard his question and quickly replied:"According to our satellite tracking, it went south. We suspect... that he may be entering the United States!"

Anatoly frowned slightly, this was troublesome.

After all, this is the territory of another country. They have many means and measures that they can't use. I'm afraid they can't stop the monster.

"What's the situation inside that mine?"

The subordinate's face turned green when he heard this, as if he thought of something like a nightmare.

"It was a hell there, the boss, everyone, couldn't even put together a complete version of the body, and they painted it all over the rock wall and there was no way to clean it up."

The main reason is that no one has this kind of psychological quality. Most people just took a look at the entrance of the mine and exited there, then squatted outside and vomited.

They already have many senior"scavengers" because they saw the hell inside. He began to have serious psychological problems due to the scene, and now he has no way to start work.

Anatoly frowned deeply when he heard this, and he made a decision immediately:"Since there is no way to clean it carefully, then burn it with fire, right? , before that, get that spaceship out first!"

The men immediately asked people to do it. Cranes and transport helicopters transported the spacecraft inside as quickly as possible.

Because the spacecraft was small, their operation was generally smooth.

Then they took a group of people Wearing fireproof clothing and an incinerator, he entered it and used flames to destroy all the flesh and blood inside.

But even so, there were still inexhaustible organizational remains in many subtleties.

In this regard, Anatoly waved his hand and let his blasters The team prepared to blow up the mountain.

With several loud booms, the mine collapsed in the explosion, so that no one could detect the abnormality here.

After finally cleaning up, they took the spacecraft and returned to the United States.

As for the monster, isn't it still there? Justice League.

Kandak, Hawkwoman Shayera's house, Dane woke up from his sleep.

He rubbed his eyes and found Cortana standing beside the bed.

He was speechless and said:"When will you learn Got this bad habit?"

She can obviously call Dane in her dream, but she has to stand on the bedside like Sadako in the middle of the night. It's so naughty!

"Dane, we have important information."

As she said that, Cortana's eyes quietly moved to Dane's side, the white shoulders and red hair.

Dane frowned slightly, carefully pulled his arm out from under Shayera's head, and then put it on. Clothing and Cortana walked outside to the balcony

"whats the matter?"

Cortana's eyes lit up, and a 3D image was projected into the air. The image showed an abnormal energy peak signal.

"It was a Kryptonian ship that had not been tagged before, I had no way of getting past its key, and it seemed to have some technology from other worlds on it.

Dane pondered for a while and asked,"Where does it come from?"" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In a mountainous area in northern Canada, I found from the satellite that the private armed forces of the Lex Group once appeared there, but the satellite data was lost for a period."

"Can it be restored?"

"Yes, but it doesn't mean much. I have detected an extremely strong energy source coming out of that place.

That satellite is not equipped with a high-definition imaging device, and we are currently unable to deduce the truth through videos or pictures.

Dane said,"Are you sure it's the Lex Group?""

Cortana nodded.

"Then let's see what new and interesting things Luther, this little genius, has come up with for us."

Luthor is a frequent visitor to inspiration dreams, so many of his technological ideas have always been noticed by Dane.

Not long ago, he also saw Luther imagining a project called"Apple Core" in his dream. He knew He ambitiously wants to start an energy revolution.

The early development of the"Apple Core" project seems to be in that mountainous area.

If something really happens to the"Apple Core", Dane believes that with Lu's desire for control , he must keep an eye on it personally.

So maybe there is some data or video files backed up in the server of Lex Tower.

And that 150 place happens to be Cortana's back garden, she thought You can see it by looking at it.

So Cortana's eyes flashed through the data stream, and she quickly found the video related to this incident from the server of Lex Tower.

Although it has been deleted, Cortana can still pass it even if she physically deletes it. Magical means could restore it, not to mention that it was just data deletion.

So she quickly restored the video and showed it to Dane. When

Dane saw the monster emerging from the spaceship, he immediately knew it was What's up

"Day of destruction!"

Unlike in the movie"Batman v Superman", this Doomsday was not created by genetic experiments on Zod's corpse. It came from Krypton. Dane searched his memory and found the origin of this Doomsday.

Judging from the way he appears, it should be Doomsday in the animated movie"The Death of Superman", and it is the 2007 version. The Superman in it is still the beanie-eyed version wearing underwear. There are a lot of things in this universe. , even this Doomsday came out.

"Can you find out where he went? Cortana immediately replied:"According to the analysis of his forward path, his goal is the United States. His speed is very fast and he has already entered the territory of the United States!""

"Who is the member closest to him?"

"It's Superman. Dane hesitated, but soon he realized that he was the God of Death!

With him around, it would be difficult for Clark to die. Besides, he also had the all-purpose tool of dreams, so he immediately said:

"Notify Clark to intercept the monster first, and also notify other members to rush to help! etc!"

Cortana was still standing there, waiting for his instructions.

Dane thought for a while, he was still a little uneasy thinking about the evil side of the power of destiny:"I have changed my mind and asked Clark to join us. The Justice League will join us. action!".

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