Clark quickly received the news from Cortana. He had no time to continue to be immersed in grief, and immediately put on his suit and rushed in the direction shown by Cortana.

Before he could join up with the Justice League, Doomsday had already massacred people along the way, causing extreme chaos in Canada.

News has its own lag. By the time the news of Doomsday was uploaded from Kuaishu to the United States, he had already destroyed the country of Canada!

From the far north to the far south, he left behind countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In fact, the Doomsday incident had the opportunity to spread at a faster speed, but the Lex Group used its strength to suppress the news for the time being.

Because they hadn't finished their work in the mine at that time, and by the time they finished, the accident caused by Doomsday could no longer be suppressed.

It was also at this time that the information here was noticed by Cortana.

But it was too late, and Cortana didn't have time to start dreaming about Canada.

And Doomsday finally landed on the soil of the United States. However, by coincidence, the place where he landed was St. Roch, Louisiana, where Hawkman was located.

In this Hawkman's territory, how could he allow Doomsday to run wild here?

What's more, Dr. Destiny is also here, and it just so happens that the two of them come together to deal with this monster.

"Kent, help me!"


Kent no longer resisted Naboo's power. He directly put on his helmet and transformed into Doctor Destiny again.

He sensed it and immediately said to Hawkman:"Let's go quickly! That monster is killing ordinary people!"

After that, he used magic with both hands to teleport himself and Hawkman to the neighborhood where Doomsday was.

Doomsday, who was killing pedestrians, suddenly noticed that a creature with a higher threat level was approaching and looked over.

"What is this?"

Eagle Man took a breath, this thing looks like a human, but it's definitely not a human!

"Carter, be careful, the energy level in his body is very high, it may even surpass mine!"

Dr. Destiny was highly integrated with Kent's will at this time, so the two of them were actually one.

Doomsday roared on the ground, and the huge sound waves shook Hawkman's head.

Then the big guy He jumped over directly, knowing that Hawkman and Doctor Destiny were far away from him and still in the sky.

The monster seemed unable to fly, but with this jump, it"flyed" up as if it was breaking away from gravity. , grabbed hold of Eagle Man directly with his big hand.


Dr. Destiny immediately used magic, and divided dozens of clones to rush forward to surround Doomsday and Hawkman.

Hawkman was caught by Doomsday, and his huge weight actually made Carter's body sink, and he felt a little unable to pull him.

So he flapped his wings desperately and tried to fly up.

But Doomsday grabbed his head with one big hand, and grabbed one of his wings with the other hand, and tore it off with all his strength.

The wings made by N-genus were all intact. Broken, Hawkman could no longer fly, and his body fell together with Doomsday.

Fortunately, Dr. Destiny's clones arrived in time. Some of them caught Hawkman, slowing down his fall, and some caught him. Doomsday, to prevent him from continuing to hurt Hawkman.

But these clones are too fragile for Doomsday.

He grabbed Hawkman with one hand and Doctor Destiny's clone with the other hand. He closed his palms and easily crushed the clone. , turned into a ball of golden magic crystal

"Carter, we can't stop him, he's too strong!"

Dr. Destiny tried to use spiritual power to confuse Doomsday, but this monster's heart is all about destruction and killing, and there is no weakness that can be exploited. Dr.

Destiny's spiritual magic has no effect on him!

Eagle Man was unwilling to accept this, and he used all his strength He charged up the golden battle ax in his hand, and then struck Doomsday's eyelid with the ax, leaving a shallow mark. It didn't even break the skin!

But this blow angered Doomsday, and he He roared at Eagle Man again, punched him down, and drove Eagle Man into the ground.

Eagle Man couldn't resist this huge force at all, and even the weapon in his hand was knocked away, and his body was directly embedded into the cement floor. inside


Doctor Destiny roared, and pulled out a golden giant sword with both hands and slashed it directly on Doomsday.

But the giant sword formed by magic shattered directly. It was not much harder than something made of glass, and it shattered into pieces in front of Doomsday's hard skin. A ball of scum.

Doctor Destiny's attack also allowed Doomsday to find his true body.

With a big hand, he grabbed Doctor Destiny directly. The two of them fell from the sky to the ground at the same time, shaking the sky into rubble.

Doctor Destiny was fine because he was protected by the N-genus. He immediately wanted to get up, but before he could stand up, a huge body pressed down on him.

Of course, it was Doomsday.

Once he targeted the living creature As long as the opponent is not dead, he will continue to attack until the opponent is completely dead.

So Dr. Destiny can only lie on the ground, helplessly accepting the devastation of the Doomsday, unable to even straighten his upper body.

There is no way, He could only activate his teleportation ability and fell towards the space behind him in a ray of golden light.

Doomsday's fist hit the empty space, roared angrily at the surroundings, and then focused on Hawkman not far away.

He Although he was also wearing N-type armor, it was not as pure as the Helmet of Destiny and could not completely protect against shock injuries, so he had already suffered internal injuries.

But even so, he still struggled to stand up again.

Eagle Man looked down at his hands. , realizing that his weapon had disappeared at some point, he clenched his fists and raised his fist frame.

He actually wanted to fight Doomsday with his bare hands!

Doomsday did not show any mercy to him because of his opponent's courage. He crushed the ground under his feet with one step, and the huge reaction force gave him super speed.

Even faster than him was Dr. Destiny, who quietly appeared on the road to the Day of Destruction and pulled out a The golden rope tripped him down, and then he threw something to Hawkman with his other hand.

It was the weapon that Hawkman had been knocked away from earlier!

"I think you should need this."

Eagle Man reached out and took it, turned it into a hammer, and removed the other wing from his back to maintain the balance of his body. Then he jumped up high and struck the sun with a hammer on the head.

"There was a"boom" sound, and a violent shock wave spread out from the air. Doomsday's head knocked downwards with great force, creating a huge crater on the ground.

But this attack only made his mind dizzy for a moment. , and Doomsday never relies on his mind to fight.

So when Hawkman was about to fight again, the falling hammer was caught by Doomsday's big hand, and the concussive force was extinguished by the palm of his hand.

Doomsday pulled it easily, and Hawkman simply Unable to withstand this strange force, the weapon was snatched away again.

And Doomsday grabbed one of Hawkman's legs and picked him up. He threw his hand and hit Dr. Destiny. The two rolled into a ball and flew out.

They kept moving forward. It flew until it smashed through a building. Due to the broken load-bearing structure, the building quickly collapsed, killing countless innocent people.

Hawkman and Doctor Destiny were completely buried by the collapsed building.

Seeing the Justice Society's Two famous heroes were defeated at the same time. When the people of Saint Roque were in despair, they also spread this scene to thousands of households across the United States through TikTok.

Everyone who was watching the video felt heartbroken for them and called out in their hearts:

Justice League, we need the Justice League!

(Qian Zhao's) As if their prayers had been answered, when Doomsday was about to continue his atrocities, several rays of light suddenly flashed above his head, and familiar figures appeared from the light.

Dane transformed into thunder and lightning, and punched Doomsday's Heavenly Spirit Cover with one punch!

The monster didn't expect this blow, and it swallowed the attack forcefully. It was driven deep into the ground, kicking up tens of meters of sand and gravel.

"Cortana, expand the dream realm and isolate the citizens to safety!"

Dane gave an order, and the power of magic expanded in Saint Locke. A strong light flashed, and the surrounding citizens suddenly found themselves far away from the battlefield.

"It's the Justice League! They're back!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The crowd cheered. The familiar heroes of the Justice League finally reunited and appeared on this land!

Many people cried with joy, and even more people dug their fingers into the air. He took out his cell phone and filmed the scene and sent it to all parts of the world.

Dane noticed the shaking on the ground and quickly stood up to avoid it.

Then there was a loud bang and Doomsday stood up again from the center of the earth. He looked at Dane with murderous eyes.

Roaring and coming straight towards him!.

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