But Doomsday was stopped by others before he even got close to Dane.

Hal appeared with a green hammer, which was placed on Doomsday's head. The machine pumped and hammered Doomsday into the ground.

Every time the hammer pumped, it caused a shock in the earth. Even the Doomsday couldn't hold it for a while, and the whole body was pressed into the ground in a large shape.

When he was completely lying on the ground, Hal turned the green light tool into a ring-shaped restraint circle to imprison Doomsday.

However, Hal did not take it lightly. After experiencing so many battles, he knew that it would be easy to become extremely happy and miserable if he took it lightly at critical moments.

As expected, the previous attack did not seriously damage the monster at all.

Doomsday stared at Hal in mid-air, summoned all his strength, and supported the restraint circle with a mountain-breaking force.

Hal suddenly felt a little tired. He strengthened his will and tried hard to continue to limit the Doomsday, while not forgetting to call his teammates.

"Guys, come help!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Doomsday had already broken free from the restraint circle, and the hardened green light shattered as if it were a real thing.

Hal reacted instinctively and immediately formed a spherical protective shield for himself to cover his whole body.

Next In one second, Doomsday had rushed up and knocked Hal and his protective shield away with one punch.

Hal flew to the sky like a baseball and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a red and yellow figure appeared like the wind At the scene, Doomsday subconsciously reached out and grabbed 810. The figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in front of him.

It was Barry. He hid in a corner, obviously not doing anything, but breathing heavily.

"You can do it Barry, you can do it Barry, you can do it Barry..."

Xiao Shen said speechlessly:"I'm sorry to disturb you when you are doing psychological construction, but the goal has already come."

Barry subconsciously asked:"What?"

"With a"boom" sound, Doomsday stretched out his hand from the wall behind Barry. Fortunately, Barry ran fast and was not caught.

With his thin arms and legs, once caught, he would never escape a"death""Character

"Barry, bring your weapons."Little Flash reminded him.

Barry said in surprise:"Where do I have weapons?..."Before he could say anything, he saw a golden mace on the ground in front of him, which was the weapon dropped by Hawkman.

He quickly stepped forward and picked it up,"It's so heavy!"

Barry used both hands to lift it, and then he asked awkwardly:"How do you use this?"

"Run up to that monster and hit it hard!"Little Flash's tone was a bit hateful.

Barry nodded quickly, and then ran towards Doomsday.

Seeing that this little shrimp actually dared to run towards him, Doomsday roared and reached out to grab it again, but Barry was He dodged by turning aside.

He used the inertia generated while running to hit the hammer on Doomsday. The electric charge he released spread from his body to the N-metal hammer. As if some function was activated, Doomsday was hit so hard that his head was tilted..

This gave Barry great confidence, and he continued to run around Doomsday. The faster he ran, the more charges he accumulated, and the more powerful the hammer he swung each time.

And he hit Doomsday. The attacks were connected in a short period of time, and the opponent could only use his hands to protect his head. This made Barry more confident.

But what he didn't know was that Doomsday was hiding around the eyes under his arms. Shaking rapidly, he was quickly adapting to his speed.

Just when Barry was getting carried away, Flash quickly reminded him:"Be careful!"

However, it took a step late. Doomsday had already calculated the lead time, and took a step in front of Barry's only path, causing him to fall out.

Then Doomsday jumped up, with two thick arms heading towards Barry came over.

Seeing that Barry was about to be smashed into meat pies, Dane naturally couldn't sit idly by. The reason he just let Barry go was because he wanted him to grow up as soon as possible and train as a soldier. The

Speed ​​Force is a very important force in the DC universe. Power, Barry needs a stronger ability to protect this power.

But he will not train people to death.

So when Doomsday was about to hammer Barry to death with his fist, he flew over in an instant and hit Doomsday directly. body, and then pushed him into the sky.

Since he pushed him out from Doomsday's back, it was difficult for the opponent to exert force, and his hands could not reach Dane behind him.

Doomsday tried hard to push his elbow back However, he couldn't touch the person behind him. Instead, he was pressed by the wind in front and couldn't move.

Therefore, he didn't notice that there was a figure flying over at supersonic speed in front of him. When he noticed it, Superman's speed of sound The fist had already hit his face.

Dane let go of his hand, and Doomsday flew into the distance with an explosion-like sound.

"Will this solve him?"Clark said solemnly.

Dane shook his head, not too optimistic.

This Doomsday should be closer to the version in the comics. He can quickly adapt to the opponent's attacks and produce corresponding evolutions.

Sure enough, Doomsday who fell to the ground Within a few minutes, Ri stood up again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Clark rushed forward again and punched him away, sending him crashing straight into the building.

"Dane, the monster's signs of life are still strong, he's not dead yet!"

The next second, Doomsday jumped out of the collapsed ruins, so fast that Clark was hit by the opponent before he could react. Clark

's weight was too different compared to the opponent, and he flew back directly, and his back was hit by the opponent. A gully was scratched out on the asphalt road.

Doomsday was still chasing, but at this time a golden rope tied his arm. He turned around and saw a woman wearing a war skirt.

That was Wonder Woman.!

Diana grabbed the mantra cord with both hands, turned around and pulled with all her strength.

Doomsday was pulled upwards by this force, and in mid-air, Martian Manhunter had been waiting for a long time. His eyes were red and he fired two laser beams.

Destruction Ri hit Martian Manhunter with a laser beam, and he instantly fell into the distance.

Barry saw it from below and couldn't help complaining:"Why does Martian Manhunter feel a little weak? Isn't he the strongest superhero besides Shazam and Superman?"

Dane also wanted to ask this question. Has sitting in the office for a long time made him lose his qualities as a warrior?

Doomsday, who fell back to the ground, grabbed the mantra with one hand and dragged it hard, even with Diana's strength. She couldn't compare with him and was dragged over by him.

But Diana responded very quickly. She pulled out the Vulcan Sword behind her with one hand, then let go of the mantra cord with the other hand, and held the shield in her hand. In her hand.

She first bent down to avoid Doomsday's punch, then jumped up and hit the shield on Doomsday's face. When the opponent's vision was blocked, she stabbed the Vulcan sword into Doomsday's throat..

Doomsday's perception of danger is very keen. He sensed the danger coming and took a step back. As a result, Diana's sword only pierced Doomsday's skin, leaving a small amount of blood.

But this intensified Doomsday's Madness.

Doomsday leaned back and kicked Diana hard with his big foot. Even though she had protected herself with a divine shield in time, she was still kicked away with huge force.

And this confrontation only lasted a short time. In less than a few seconds, their speed was so fast that it was like fast forwarding the scene.

At this time, Dane was ready with thunder and waved his hand down suddenly.

A bolt of lightning that was thicker than a human fell and struck Doomsday directly, causing him to freeze.

At this time, Dane took out the Ax of Ares from his collection and raised it high to the sky.

The thunder from the sky struck the battle axe, and the dazzling electric arc flashed a dangerous blue light on the ax blade.

Dane held the ax in both hands, and his body fell quickly. The ax fell downwards with gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Doomsday only had time to raise his hands to block.

"With a"click", Doomsday's hands were cut off at the roots, but his wild instincts saved him again, and he moved aside in time when the battle ax was about to split him in half.

Dane's attack once again gave the earth a A hole hundreds of meters long was opened, and the deep ravine was filled with darkness, as if there was no bottom.

And Doomsday?

The broken parts of his hands were bleeding continuously, and a huge hole appeared on his body. You could vaguely see turbid bones inside.

But soon, wriggling granules sprouted from his wounds, quickly connecting the separated flesh and blood on the left and right.

At the same time, his eyes, wounds, and mouth, nose, and ears began to sprout. A bright red light emitted.

Suddenly, a red energy storm erupted from his body, blowing Dane's entire body out!.

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