Doom flies very fast!

Even though he weighs so much, he can fly faster than a rocket with the support of energy in his body.

With the support of the two gods, Dane was faster than Clark and was the first to approach the Doomsday.

Just as he was about to catch this guy, he noticed a red arc flashing in the other person's body, hitting him with a crackle.


Dane was surprised to find that the lightning on Doomsday's body actually had magical power!

He evolved very quickly and actually had such high resistance to magic!

Dane accelerated again, holding Doomsday's neck with both hands.

He used force Twisting backwards, Doomsday's flight trajectory was suddenly distorted, and his speed became a little unstable.

At this time, Superman took the opportunity to catch up with them. Seeing that Dane had controlled Doomsday's movements, he poured all his fists on Doomsday. Doomsday's body.

The sound of his fist colliding with his flesh resounded over the city, like the sound of fireworks exploding.

Citizens who heard the sound looked up at the sky, but could only see a blurry shadow.

But Clark's His efforts had no effect on"five three three". The blow that had just been effective against Doomsday was now not painful at all for him.

Dane frowned. Physical attacks did not work, and energy attacks did not work. Then the only thing that can pose a threat to this guy is...

Under Dane's suit, green nano bugs crawled out, and the kryptonite radiation shone on Doomsday's body, making him instantly weak.

However, the city gate caught fire Disastrous for Chi Yu, Clark, who was still attacking Doomsday from the front, suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell down like a green onion.

Dane ignored him. He knew this sparring guy very clearly after many years of fighting, and he couldn't die..

Doomsday suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger coming from behind, and tried to pull Dane away with his own hands, but his movements were very weak under the influence of kryptonite radiation. At this time, Dane took out the kiss of death again He came out, without giving Doomsday a chance to evade, and stabbed him directly in the heart.

This blow was very fatal. Doomsday's body stiffened instantly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then dilated.

Finally, he collapsed softly, and Dane fell to the ground together.

Before landing, Dane saw another pit not far away, which Clark fell out of, and he also saw Clark's girlfriend Louise standing beside the pit. Ryan.

Only then did he suddenly realize that they had flown to Metropolis!


When Clark was at a loss, he heard a loud noise not far away. He looked around and found that Dane and Doomsday had fallen.

He didn't know that Doomsday was dead, and was afraid that Louise would be hurt, so he blurted out to Louise:"Louis, this is very dangerous, you must leave!"

However, Louise immediately caught his flaw:"Why do you know my name?"

Clark was instantly stuck.

"This is...this is because..."

Clark Kent, Superman, almost the strongest man in the world besides Shazam, has completely lost his sense of proportion in front of a powerless woman, and has become hesitant to speak..

Dane’s Confusion Spell is not an unbreakable magic. As long as a person recognizes in her heart that the two identities are the same, then she can completely break through the confusion of the Confusion Spell and see the truth. The way

Superman looks now is so different from when Clark lied. Like, although Louise was bewildered by the magic with her naked eyes, she had already determined in her heart that they were the same person.

Therefore, the magic of the confusion spell was broken without warning, and Louise finally saw the truth. shut his mouth

"Oh, God! It's really you, Clark! Clark panicked and realized that the magic had failed. He quickly wanted to explain:"Louis, listen to me..."

However, Louise turned around and ran away. At this moment, she didn't want to hear what he said at all.

At this time, Dai Eun didn't know when he had appeared next to Clark silently.

He saw Louise walking away, then looked at the dull Clark next to him, and asked:"You like her very much?""

"I love her! Clark said decisively.

Dane raised his eyebrows:"Then why don't you catch up quickly?""

Hearing his words, Clark ran out as if awakened from a dream.

Dane stood there and watched them leave.

Well, my friend is worried.

He turned back and looked towards the middle of the pothole. , Doomsday’s corpse is lying there quietly.

"Cortana, recover this body, remember, not a single cell can be left behind!"

What this thing is most afraid of is that there are things like Doomsday spores on its body. It cannot leave any possible hidden dangers. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In another part of the metropolis, Lex Luther has watched the live news of the Day of Destruction ravaging Saint Locke.

"Interesting, does that monster actually have abilities that rival Superman and Shazam?"

Luthor was thoughtful, and he called his assistant Mercy over.

"How's Project Cadmus going? Mercy shook her head:"The survival rate is still not high, and most of them are deformed. Not to mention having his abilities, even if they stay in a germy environment for a few more minutes, they will die from infection."..."

She persuaded in a subtle way:"Lex, I think this project is impossible to succeed at all. Maybe that person's genes are simply unbreakable."

Luther was not angry. Instead, he sat down and thought for a while.

"Is there anything useful on that spaceship?"

He was talking about the Kryptonian spacecraft that was originally used to seal the Doomsday.

But Mercy still reminded him regretfully:"The programming language used on that alien spacecraft is completely different from the one on Earth. I even I suspect that it is not composed of 01 at all. Our people have no way to crack its system0........."

Wanting to use human programming language to crack the alien system like in the movie"Independence Day" is a fantasy in itself.

These two worlds are completely unrelated species in terms of the underlying code of the system program. It is impossible to communicate with each other unless it is the backward compatibility of high technology with low technology, so this result is not surprising at the moment. Luther's expectations.

But he turned to Mercy and asked:"Where is the jar that was originally used to store the big guy? Can you find any tissue from that monster in it?"

Mercy's heart moved, and she understood what Luther meant.

Judging from the results of their inspection of the rock formations around the spacecraft, this thing has been buried in the rock for at least tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, has nothing left from the monster?

As long as it leaves a tissue cell, then their Lex Group may use it

"This is indeed something we have neglected. Mercy said with great admiration. If it weren't for Luther's reminder, she wouldn't have known about this method.

Now she just hopes that those researchers haven't had time to destroy the internal environment of the ship.

Thinking of this, she can't sit still. Standing up quickly:"I will tell Dr. Donovan about this immediately."

Luthor was still sitting there. The old god was there. Mercy had gotten used to his appearance. After saying that, she left on her own.

Only Luther was left sitting on the screen, looking at Superman and Sandy. Thumbs up

"You really are indestructible, aren't you?"

Then he saw something that interested him in the last video. It was Lois Lane. Luther knew this female reporter who worked in the"Daily Planet".

Because this woman often came to him from time to time. Trouble, a company as big as Lex Group has a lot of secret things. 2.5 If he hadn't seen that her father was Sam Lane, how could Luther have allowed her to be arrogant for so long?

But this time he saw Lois, what was on his mind was not revenge, but because he saw that Lois Lane seemed to know Superman. It was hard not to think too much about that look.

"Interesting, what secrets are you hiding?"

Luthor looked at Lois and Superman on the screen, and couldn't help but reveal a playful smile.

In the dream world, Dane was also discussing a problem with Cortana.

Dane still remembered that in"Superman" In the movie"Death", there were many cloned supermen in the later period, and they almost all had the same power as Clark.

Even in the 18th year version of the movie, there was a juvenile superman, who was made of Luthor and Superman. Genes synthesized together.

Hey ~ I feel GayGay.

In short, after the Doomsday incident was resolved, he asked Cortana to keep an eye on Lex Luthor. It was important to know what experiments he was doing secretly.

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