The Justice League all thought the source of this crisis was Doomsday, but they were wrong.

Doomsday may be a very troublesome problem on the Earth in the original movie or on other planets, but it is still not enough in today's Earth with so many superheroes.

Some people see this clearly.

No one could imagine, not even Dane, that the crisis of Doomsday did not come entirely from Lex Luthor's pride. Behind him, there was a black hand controlling the world.

Let's push the time forward slightly. When the Justice League took collective action to deal with Doomsday, an uninvited guest came to the Amazon residence on Paradise Island.

The Amazons guarding the Mother Box noticed something unusual about it and immediately asked someone to call the Queen. However, when Queen Hippolyta rushed here in a hurry, a sonic blast channel suddenly appeared above the Mother Box.

In the"buzzing" sound waves, a large group of demonoids like flies flew out

"Amazon——! attack!"

Hippolyta threw off the cloak she was wearing, revealing the exquisite armor underneath. It was a sub-artifact mixed with a small amount of the eighth metal.

She was neither a god nor a demi-god, so she could not perfectly play the role of the artifact..

But as a sub-artifact that is only slightly inferior to the artifact, it can well bring out Hippolyta's own 09 combat power.

And the demon-like strength is not strong, at least for these well-trained elite Amazon female warriors. They are not strong in words. Their only advantage is that they can fly and have thermal weapons in their hands.

So most of the time they can bully people with their air superiority.

But the place where the Amazons store the mother boxes is a fully enclosed base with only one exit. The surroundings are all made of the hardest basalt, so demons cannot take advantage of them. The elite Amazons are all perfect marksmen. At this distance, they can kill those with their eyes closed. Demonoids.

So even though they were using primitive bows and arrows, they still killed the demonoids with their corpses all over the ground.

But this situation changed after another person arrived, and Steppenwolf descended.

A giant emerged from the boom Landing in the bunker above the passage, trampling on this thousand-year-old castle


Steppenwolf is nearly three meters tall, his whole body is wrapped in silver active metal armor, his eyes seem to emit a blue light, and he is carrying a huge single-edged ax in his hand.

As soon as Hippolyta saw him, she immediately felt a deep sense of worry in her heart.

"kill him!"

She shouted loudly, then threw the rope and tied it to the mother box in the center of the bunker.

Steppenwolf noticed her movements and was about to step forward to intercept, when he was blocked by a group of Amazon female warriors who were not afraid of death.

He cleared the way with his sharp axe, hacked to death the several Amazons who caught him, and then chased in the direction of Hippolyta.

But Hippolyta, who had already run to the exit, had already arranged everything, and before waiting for the wasteland The wolf broke out of the door, and the entire bunker collapsed downwards, falling into the sea on the edge of the cliff.

Hippolyta held the mother box and breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could finish her breath, she saw a huge figure rising into the sky. , landed in front of her.

It was Steppenwolf!

He grabbed Hippolyta's slender neck with one hand, and grabbed the Mother Box in her arms with the other hand.

"This belongs to me!"

However, before he touched the mother box, his hand was tied by a rope, and Steppenwolf was pulled accidentally. At this time, Hippolyta pulled out the sword from her waist and slashed at Steppenwolf, who had no armor. A shallow wound was added to his protective face.

Steppenwolf was hit in the face and subconsciously blocked it with his hand. In this way, Hippolyta was free. She did not choose to continue attacking, but Turn around and run away!

Steppenwolf was furious. He yanked the rope tied to his arm, pulled the Amazon over, swung his ax, and split her in two.

Then he continued to move towards Hippoly At this time, Hippolyta had found a horse and rode it away. She knew that there was an Amazon army behind that hillside, and they could fight at any time!


At this time, the female warrior in front glanced back and shouted to her.

Hippolyta subconsciously looked behind her. Steppenwolf jumped high at this time, and his figure looked very small in the sky, but gradually, His figure became bigger and bigger, and he was gradually approaching her!

Hippolyta gritted her teeth, threw the mother box in her arms to the female warrior in front, and shouted:"Keep it with your life!""

Then she turned back on horseback, preparing to fight Steppenwolf.

But she made a mistake. Steppenwolf had no interest in her at all. He only had eyes for the Mother Box!

So when Hippolyta looked like death in front of him, Steppenwolf He ignored it and chased directly in the direction of the Amazon in front.

Hippolyta was stunned for two seconds, then hurriedly turned around and chased Steppenwolf.

But for an opponent like Steppenwolf, the horse's speed was still too slow..

He jumped lightly and jumped to the side of the Amazon holding the Mother Box. He hit the man and the horse with an"iron mountain leaning" posture, and the Amazon was knocked away on the spot. At this time, Hippolyta threw herself again She came to the rope and tried to catch the Mother Box, but this time Steppenwolf was on guard and grabbed the Mother Box one step faster than her. Then with a strong tug, she dragged Hippolyta up from the horse.

Due to Steppenwolf's strength The speed was so fast that Hippolyta had no time to let go. When she realized this, she fell into the hands of Steppenwolf again.

"You are brave, but your strength is not worth mentioning, look at it!"

Steppenwolf's gaze turned to other places, and Hippolyta also looked over. There, the Amazons were being slaughtered by demonoids.

Unlike in the movie where demonoids have the advantage of flying and have to land on the ground to fight hand-to-hand with Amazons, The demonoids here know how to use their own advantages.

They have been flying high in the sky, using their excellent dynamic vision and energy weapons in their hands to shoot at the primitive people on the ground.

Therefore, the battlefield presents a one-sided situation

"I'm surprised that you Amazons are still using such ancient and ineffective fighting methods after so many years since the last war."

Steppenwolf sneered sharply, and the demonoids also ruthlessly harvested the lives of the Amazons.

All this made Hippolyta heartbroken.

Steppenwolf enjoyed all of this, he enjoyed the moment of ravaging his opponents, but now he He couldn't waste too much time.

He wasn't sure when the real guardian of this world would notice him, so he was going to kill the Amazon Queen quickly and leave.

But as Zeus's little lover, how could Hippolyta not save her life? What about her little tricks?

Just when Steppenwolf started to murder, a strong lightning suddenly burst out from her body. The lightning blasted Steppenwolf out in an instant, causing him to fall into a huge pit with his back on the ground.

Steppenwolf clapped his hands. , stood up quickly, and looked at the woman opposite with a pair of eyes coldly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The power of the old gods!"

Finding that it might be difficult for him to kill Hippolyta in a short period of time, Steppenwolf is very clear-headed and has no intention of continuing to entangle with her.

Now that the Mother Box has been obtained, he should retreat immediately. He still has otherDo you need to collect the boxes?

"This is not the end, Amazons, far from it..."

Leaving behind these words, whether it was a warning or a foreshadowing, a sonic blast channel exploded above Steppenwolf's head, and he disappeared again with his demon-like army.

At this time, the Amazon army gathered behind the hillside arrived belatedly.


Her lieutenant hurriedly came over to help Hippolyta, who had lost strength, and was caught by her.

"mother box, mother box..."

The female adjutant looked ugly and whispered:"The mother box has been taken away!"

Hippolyta was greatly shocked, and it took a long time to come back to her senses.

"We must light the ancient beacon of warning!"

However, the female adjutant hesitated for a moment:"Human beings may have forgotten the meaning of beacon fire."

But Hippolyta was very determined:"But she won't!"

But before that, the Amazons still need to bury the dead and clean up the battlefield.

And while they are doing these things, Steppenwolf is already rushing to the storage location of the next Mother Box, Atlantis.

There is It’s even simpler. In the original movie, Mera went to take care of her from time to time, but now, the place where Mera runs the most is the surface world. She hasn’t been here for a long time.

So when Steppenwolf gets this mother box They succeeded without even encountering any decent resistance.

The first person to get the news of the theft of the Mother Box was Arthur, but after hearing it, he just scratched his head and said in surprise:

"What is a mother box?".

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