Only Cortana has noticed the abnormalities in the online world.

Although this power turns everyone into"blind people", not many people are aware of this.

Other organizations or individuals can still browse non-confidential content normally through the Internet, so they are unaware that a giant curtain has fallen on the digital world.

The purpose of this giant screen is not to block the network. According to Cortana's speculation, it should be to cover up a specific secret.

But in the world of the Internet, if this technology only works on a certain service terminal, it is equivalent to telling everyone that there is a problem here.

So it covers all network information, but only modifies some key information, replacing the real information with forged new information, in order to achieve the purpose of confusing the public.

And it is very successful. People who are unable to realize this still continue to be ignorant according to their normal trajectory.

Those who are aware of this, such as Cortana, cannot tell what key information the other party has modified, because this huge screen covers all information, making her feel like she is watching flowers from afar.

In today's world, other than the cyborg Cyborg, what other power can do this?

Dane thought for a while and suddenly thought of the Mother Box.

Cyborg's power is given by the Mother Box, so strictly speaking, the abilities that Cyborg has are also possessed by the Mother Box, and they will only be stronger.

"How could Steppenwolf have such a brain?"

Dane had to admit that his impression of him was biased. It looked like Steppenwolf was brave and resourceful!

In this case, they would not be able to find Steppenwolf's hiding place by monitoring the global network.

And Now there is no Silas Stone to recharge the mother box at the expense of himself, so they have no way to use satellites to search for abnormal thermal radiation to find out the location of the mother box.

"Have you ever tried using magic?"

Cortana also knows the magic of the Tracking Curse, but she shook her head.

Dane can also predict that Steppenwolf is still a new god no matter how hard he pulls it. Even if he is not experienced in magic, he should have one or two things. Equipment that can block magic detection.

Now things are a little tricky, but there is still something they can do.

In the movie, Steppenwolf built his fortress in a very deserted area, and his demon-like army was also concentrated together , so the Justice League can directly steal homes with a very small number of people.

But now judging from the existing intelligence, the army in Steppenwolf's hands may no longer be gadgets like demons, but the likes of Doomsday. A deadly thing.

One Doomsday can make the heroes of the Zhenglian League except him, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern very hard to fight, let alone a group of Doomsdays.

They urgently need a more powerful Targeted weapons, used to deal with killing weapons like Doomsday.

The colorful kryptonite in Dane's warehouse finally has a use. By the way, it seems that the kryptonite he distributed to the members last time was not returned?

Gotham , the Batcave.

Batman is studying a green stone. Behind him, the butler Alfred brings a cup of coffee.

"Are you still working on this stone? Master Wayne?"

Batman took the coffee from his hand, but said nothing to his question, because he knew what Alfred wanted to say.

Sure enough, Alfred couldn't help but speak:"Mr. Wayne, Master Kent is not Our enemy!"

This is something that Afu has been emphasizing. He does not want this incident to cause Batman to be excluded from the Justice League.

No one likes a teammate who is always thinking about how to deal with his own people behind his back. Afuben I thought that after these years of working together, Batman had learned to trust, but I didn't expect that he would still be like this.

Batman paused for a moment, and then continued:"The purpose of what I did was not entirely directed at Clark, Av."

"But I have to do this. As you have seen during this period, the opponents we encountered in the last two times were Kryptonians!"

Hades's Kryptonian army, and Doomsday, these are Kryptonians.

In front of their power, Batman feels that he has no sense of security.

So he must figure out the reason why Kryptonite can make Kryptonians weak. What, and in fact, he has already figured it out.

What makes Kryptonians weak is a special electromagnetic wave emitted from Kryptonite, not the decay particles he thought before.

This is important, because the former he It can be made without kryptonite, and for the latter, he can only use the limited kryptonite in his hand to find a way to copy it.

But kryptonite is a substance produced by Krypton when the planet explodes. It can only be born under conditions of extremely high temperature and pressure. The existing kryptonite is formed under the conditions of nuclear chain reaction on Krypton and is very rare.

Even Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham, has a hard time getting it together. There are so many conditions to be used to synthesize kryptonite.

However, if it is only electromagnetic waves in a specific band, it is relatively easy, and this kind of preparation will not attract anyone's attention.

Now he feels more and more that Cortana has been monitoring Although they had no evidence, he just felt this way.

Just when Batman was planning how to design his kryptonite ray weapon, the Batcomputer sent an emergency contact. This was the communication signal within their Bat-family.

And this signal , from Bat Girl Barbara. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He opened the communication:"What's the matter?"

Barbara is not alone, she is with the rest of the Birds of Prey team

"We recently discovered a very strange thing. Gotham's power consumption has been a little too fast recently."

Batman heard this and immediately sat in front of the computer to check the recent power usage, but he didn't see any problems from the data for a while.

So he asked Barbara:"What do you think?"

"We've checked several drug factories, but it's not them, and no gangsters have been doing any weird experiments that require a lot of electricity recently."

"Can it be judged by the actual electricity consumption in various places?

Barbara was a little surprised when she heard this:"What are you suspecting?""

"Although it is not obvious from the power grid system, what if there is a problem with the system itself?"

Batman thought more, what if there was a problem not just with the power grid, but...What about the entire network?

But he didn't know anyone other than Cortana who could do such a thing

"We'll check it out right away!"

Although the power distribution system is connected to the Internet and may be tampered with, factories in various places have their own electricity meters, which cannot be modified through network means. However, the workload is huge, and Birds of Prey alone is simply not enough. So they brought the Titans in.

Damian was very irritated. It’s okay if you let him fight and kill, but he really doesn’t want to do such a tedious job!

How is it possible that I have inherited 933 people from the Wayne Group? To do this kind of work.

But Barbara was the eldest sister in the family, so he had no way to resist, so he had to bite the bullet and get on with it.

But he was not reckless, and he also used some brains.

He coerced a group of people through coercion and inducement. Gotham's gangsters helped him do things. They just checked the meters of major factories. They only needed to wear the work uniforms of the power grid company to check the meters.

After all, the power company is also the Wayne family. industry, this identity cannot be considered fake.

In this way, they really discovered an anomaly.

So Barbara contacted Batman again:"We found a laboratory recently owned by the Lex Group. , there is a huge deviation between the electricity consumption registered on the power grid and the actual electricity consumption!"

"Lex? That Lex from Metropolis? Batman asked.

Barbara nodded:"Yes, that's Lex.""

Both are well-known companies, Wayne Group and Lex Group also have business cooperation, and he also has a deep impression of Lex Luthor himself.

This is a very shrewd and elusive person, and he always I feel that the other party seems to have an inexplicable hostility towards superhumans.

If he is doing it secretly, then it is worthy of Batman's attention.

"Av, if I want to sneak into the Lex Group, how can I get in?"

In addition to being a butler, Afu also occasionally acts as his strategist, often checking for gaps in his plans or making some constructive suggestions.

This time, the Butler Man once again played his role. handed over an invitation

"Maybe, you can choose to walk in directly"

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