Bruce Wayne received an invitation to a charity dinner signed"Alexander Luthor".

The location of the dinner party was inside the Gotham branch of Lex Group, and there was a reception room specially used for the party.

Batman immediately chose to go alone, without anyone, and without informing the Justice League.

At this time, he thought this was an incident that he could solve independently.

When he drove his expensive classic car to the charity banquet, he found Alexander Luther standing at the door, and he was standing there specifically to greet him.

Bruce was a little wary in his heart, but he still showed a professional smile on his face and stepped forward to shake hands cordially with the other party.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Gotham's most famous business wizard, I always miss you at the recent parties."

Luthor faced him with the same business-like smile. As the helmsmen of two well-known companies in neighboring cities, Luther and Bruce were no strangers.

They would occasionally have some business gatherings. I communicated on the Internet and became familiar with it a lot after going back and forth.

"What are you working on recently? It's been a long time since I've seen your heroic figure in Gotham's newspapers."Luthor joked.

Bruce said helplessly:"I'm already very old, maybe it's time to settle down a little bit."

"Wow, this is what Bruce Wayne said. The ladies of Gotham must be very sad~"

Luther walked up to him, patted his shoulder affectionately, and shook his hand again.

Bruce's expression was slightly There were some changes, but they passed by in a flash, as if they were just an illusion.

Luther's expression remained unchanged throughout the whole process. He let go of his hand and introduced Bruce to the banquet.

"You're welcome, enjoy!"

"I will."Bruce said meaningfully, and then walked into the banquet.

After two hours, Bruce excused himself and left on the grounds of feeling unwell. After getting in the car, he drove back to the manor at lightning speed, and then went straight to the Batcave.

"Is there anything to gain?"Aph still works in the Batcave.

To be honest, there is probably only one butler in the world who is willing to work overtime like him, and he is still so old.

Bruce took out a small butler from his pocket. The thing is a U

"Great rewards, I guess."Alf said after seeing the thing in his palm.

Bruce turned the U over and found that there were words written on it: Do not connect to the Internet!

He instantly thought of the recent power grid system. The laboratory of Lex Group was obviously over... The amount of electricity used is not displayed on the networked system. It is obviously tampered with by some special programs.

"Afu, give me a computer without Internet connection."

Afu immediately found a laptop for him, and Bruce plugged the U into it. There were several folders in it.

He immediately clicked on the folder and found that there were video files and text files on it.

He opened the video file first. , which contains surveillance videos arranged in chronological order.

Judging from the way the files are named, they should be taken by surveillance cameras inside the laboratory.

Bruce clicked on the first video.

At first everything was normal, but after a few minutes, something similar to The things in the transmission channel appeared in the surveillance video, and then an alien began to appear on the screen.

He was wearing a silver armor, holding a giant axe, and had two deformed horns on his head.

After him, another alien appeared in the channel There are many humanoid creatures with wings, they are about the same size as humans, but they can fly, and they are extremely bloodthirsty!

Because the angle is very ordinary, and the radio reception is not good, Bruce has no way to hear what they are saying clearly.

But. He could roughly understand that some kind of agreement had been reached between Luther and the alien.

Then he saw three regular hexahedral boxes appearing in front of the alien in armor, with a flash of light erupting from them, and the video was interrupted..Bruce did not stop, he then clicked on the second file, which detailed the final destination of the lost power.

The large amount of lost power eventually went to a laboratory - the Star Laboratory.

Bruce had already vaguely noticed It turns out that this matter is more serious than he thought. Even Luther had to pass the news to him through this method. It can be seen that he should be in a state of control at the moment.

To say that the biggest change that has happened to Bruce in the past few years is that He finally knew how to show off when he shouldn't show off.

So he immediately contacted the Justice Tower, while Dane and Cortana were on the observation deck in low-Earth orbit. They picked up Batman's signal.


Bruce said concisely and to the point:"I have a little trouble here and I need to meet with you in person." Dane thought for a while. If Batman can take the initiative to find him, it must be a big event that he can't solve by himself, so he nodded:"I'll be there soon." He said to Cortana beside him:"You stay here first and continue to fight that electronic consciousness. I must go to Gotham to see it.""

Cortana obediently agreed.

Dane followed the teleportation light to the Batcave and saw Bruce in formal attire.

"What's so urgent?"

Bruce moved the laptop on the table in front of Dane and let him see the surveillance video.

"The look on your face makes me feel like you know this. He caught the subtle changes on Dane's face.

Bruce then asked:"You know who the guy above is, right?" Dane did not hide anything and said directly:"Steppenwolf is one of the new gods of Apokolips. I just met him once not long ago.""

Batman pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and an idea flashed in his mind.

"Apokolips... I remember you once talked about this..."

He was talking about the movie plots that Dane told when he was pretending to be a magician. It turns out that he still remembered that Dane had the character of a prophet.

"Yes, this is the alien invader I once saw in the prophecy, but I thought he would never appear again.…"

"According to what I predicted, Doomsday...that is, the Kryptonian monster we met in Saint Locke last time, will eventually kill Superman and die with him."

Batman's face changed when he heard this.

"After Superman dies, the Mother Boxes awaken from their slumber and summon Steppenwolf into the world." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I thought that since Clark changed his own destiny, Steppenwolf would never appear again.

But I didn't expect that he would still come as predicted, but the details were slightly different."

In the original movie plot, Luther knew the news of Steppenwolf's arrival in advance through some method, but Dane was sure that he had not had any contact with Steppenwolf.

But in this world, the two of them have a deeper understanding. intersection.

Even though Lex Luthor seemed to be coerced, Dane didn't trust him.

Even if he still had his hair.

".Who gave this video to you."

Even Cortana couldn't get something, but Batman got it."

"It was Lex Luthor, he gave it to me secretly."

Dane looked him up and down, and roughly understood how he got it.

So you see, Batman is his true identity, Bruce Wayne is just his mask! It

's obvious who he is, Luthor knows It's very clear. Fortunately, he didn't come to ask for the Confusion Curse, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to get this information.

But the news that Luther came to the door on his own initiative... doesn't this take a lot of care?

"I know the matter, but it is not appropriate to alert others. There is one thing I haven’t had time to tell you yet. There is more than one Doomsday."

"What did you say?"

Batman couldn't sit still now, and judging from Dane's (Nono's) expression, he had a bad guess in his mind.

Dane quickly confirmed his guess.

"I suspect that Steppenwolf has mastered the method of mass-producing Doomsday. Moreover, you probably don’t know that Saint Roch’s Doomsday was actually accidentally released by the Lex Group."

………After passing the news to Bruce, Luther returned to Star Laboratory as if nothing had happened.

Steppenwolf has taken over this place in his own way, turning it into an energy base that powers the Mother Box. All the electrical energy that disappeared in Gotham City has been transferred here.

"How long will it take for us to complete this work?"Luthor quietly inquired about the information.

But Steppenwolf just sneered:"Don't ask if you don't know, human!"

Luthor didn't pay attention to the contempt in his tone. He had already grasped Steppenwolf's bottom line. He would not kill himself before he truly completed his mission. At this time, he had no idea what the Mother Box was. With a very strong curiosity, he believed that Steppenwolf came all the way to the earth not just to recharge the three iron boxes.

These three mother boxes must have secrets that he did not know.

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