Dane's words cast a shadow over Batman's heart.

If it is true that Steppenwolf will create more Doomsdays as he said, then it is impossible for him... or more accurately, with the current power of their Justice League to do everything.

And since the opponent can technically block Cortana's monitoring of the online world, it is likely that the opponent can also prevent Cortana from unfolding her dream.

This speculation is not without reason.

The scope of the dream stone's effect is not particularly broad. The reason why they were able to spread it to such a large area across the country before was mainly based on the radiation ability of mobile devices.

But this ability can be controlled by the network, so once Steppenwolf blocks Cortana's ability to control mobile data terminals through the network, she will no longer be able to cover the dream world across the United States like before.

In this way, once fighting breaks out again, it will be difficult for them to control the scope of damage.

And with the power of Doomsday, it is easy to demolish buildings and cities. Even the Justice League cannot take care of every place.

"how do you want to do it?"Bruce asked

"This is no longer an incident that we can solve independently. With the participation of the power of Apokolips, we need to gather all the power of the world to jointly resist the invasion of Steppenwolf."

Dane doesn't know if this is still like in the movie, where Steppenwolf is fighting alone.

So considering the worst, Darkseid is very likely to be watching this war personally.

Bruce Hearing Dane's words, he pondered for a moment, and he understood the meaning of Dane's words 207

"Do you want to... unite all mankind to fight against Steppenwolf? At a time like this?"

Even Batman, who usually makes the most whimsical plans, can't help but feel a little ridiculous.

As mentioned before, the current world situation is undergoing an invisible change, and Bruce even feels that World War III is close at hand.

But Dane's His view is different:"I think it is meaningful to promote this kind of thing just because it is this time."

Bruce immediately understood his idea. When all mankind is about to fall into civil strife, establishing a common enemy is conducive to internal reunification, even if it is only temporary.

This kind of thing is done by the furry bears, the United States is doing it, and everyone in the world is doing it. All countries are doing it, which is an effective way to divert internal conflicts.

Although it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

But Bruce has long been accustomed to this kind of plan that treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, at least it will not leave them with nothing to do.

But he still has some He said doubtfully:"Atlantis and Amazon are fine, but humans..."

He didn't finish, but he knew Dane would understand.

Atlantis has Arthur and Amazon has Diana. As long as they mediate, it shouldn't be too troublesome to promote cooperation.

But the human world is too complex, and there are too many problems left over from history. It is more difficult to unite a population of seven billion than to land them on the moon now.

But Dane looked at the laptop behind Bruce. By the way, the communication network service protocol Luther provided for the military seemed to be able to directly bypass the Supreme Order, right?

Dane had asked Cortana to check the thing he had created before, and found that the final authority of the thing was actually in the hands of Lex Luthor.

Yes, even decent people like them can't help but leave backdoors in their products. How could someone like Luther not do anything at all?

"I think Luther should be able to bring us some surprises in this matter."

Leaving the Star Laboratory, Lex Luthor finally had some private time of his own.

But he didn't show any abnormalities at all, because he knew that the Mother Box was monitoring him at all times.

But he was not worried, because he had successfully transferred himself The message he wanted to convey was conveyed to Batman.

If Batman knows, then the Justice League must know.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, compared to the government or other heroic organizations, Luthor also believes that the Justice League is more trustworthy.

If there is anyone in this world who can fight against Steppenwolf and his army, then it is beyond his imagination except for the Justice League. Although

Luthor hates superhumans, this will not change his Rational judgment.

And in the process of serving Steppenwolf, he was not without gains.

Although the Mother Box can monitor everyone almost everywhere on the network, it cannot see places that cannot be captured by surveillance.

Therefore, it cannot prohibit humans from using primitive means to communicate, and this is why the exchange of information between him and Bruce is possible. The

Mother Box does not know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. This is because of the relationship between Batman and Bruce Wayne. The relationship between the two has never appeared on the Internet.

His personal identity has not been preserved in electronic files, so the mother box that can only see network information has not discovered Batman's true (bbcb) identity at the first time.

Luthor now needs All he could do was wait, besides secretly commanding Mercy to carry out the mission according to his plan.

He believed that with the technical strength of the Justice League, there would be a way to break through the information blockade of the Mother Box.

And Dane was indeed like Luther As expected, I already have some ideas on how to break through the Mother Box's information cocoon.

This matter ultimately depends on Cyborg's ability. His power is inherited from the Mother Box, so only he has the ability to break through the Mother Box. Blocked electronic abilities.

In the movie"Justice League", he can even prevent the Mother Box from unifying the Trinity.

But before that, Dane still needs to take down Atlantis and the Amazon.

Atlantis Fortunately, Arthur and Atlanna are both sensible people, and Nereus will obey his orders because of the relationship between Mera and Dane.

But Paradise Island is a bit difficult to deal with. Almost all of them are A group of women who are difficult to reason with.

And because they once had rifts with humans, they are now extremely distrustful of humans.

But fighting against the Steppenwolf army requires the power of the Amazons.

Dane does not believe that they really relied on cold weapons to fight in the ancient war. You beat Darkseid.

Are you kidding me?

Back then, Artemis, the goddess of hunting, could shoot down a space battleship with a single arrow. This power was more powerful than an intercontinental missile.

And the Amazon was extremely affected by Zeus. It’s impossible for the beloved nation to have nothing but the bottom of the box, right?

Dane even suspected that in ancient times, they each had a magical weapon, which was specially used to fight against space invaders.

Otherwise, they would just use cold weapons to fight against demonic cities. Hard work, how can we fight against Darkseid?

"Do you really want to go to Paradise Island with me?"Diana looked at Dane, smiling so hard that her eyelashes curled up.

Dane nodded:"Of course, this is also to show the sincerity of the Justice League."

As the leader of Zhenglian, he has this responsibility and obligation. Besides, even if he is just himself, he has to visit his girlfriend's natal family.

"If you want to enter Paradise Island, this thing should not work. Diana shook the teleportation bracelet on her hand and continued:"I tried it last time. The power of Paradise Island can block the teleportation magic, so we can only fly over directly.""

The barrier on Paradise Island was set up by Zeus, and ordinary magic cannot penetrate it.

Dane doesn't mind either:"In that case, let's just fly over, please?"

He stretched out his hand to Diana. Diana couldn't fly as fast as him, and now they needed to race against time.

Diana didn't refuse and handed her hand to him.

Dane gently pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Then with a sonic boom, the two of them disappeared into the sky at the same time.

Although it had been a long time since she had returned home, Diana still clearly remembered the location of Paradise Island. At supersonic flight speed, Dane was very He quickly found the location of Paradise Island.

On the seemingly empty sea, there was a fog that shrouded it all year round. Through the fog, an island appeared in front of him.

He had just landed with Diana. , a large group of distinctively dressed female warriors surrounded them and surrounded them with bows and arrows.


Diana put down the hood covering her head, revealing her face


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