A strong female warrior pushed through everyone and came to Diana, looking at her with surprise.

"Antiope, long time no see."

Antiope, the sister of Amazon Queen Hippolyta, was also Diana's first teacher.

It was she who taught Diana fighting skills and trained her into an outstanding female warrior.

Seeing Diana reveal her face, the surroundings The female warriors put away their weapons, but they still kept their curious eyes on Dai En.

For these new young warriors, Dai En was the first person they had seen on Paradise Island. -A living man.

Dane also generously appreciates these unique women. Compared with women in the outside world, they have a more wild charm.

They have the same figure as a Victoria's Secret supermodel, but their muscle lines are more Clear, revealing a sense of fitness

"A man?"

At this time, Antiope, who had regained her composure, turned her attention to Dane aside.

She was an old woman who had experienced the persecution of the Amazons by humans, so her eyebrows immediately wrinkled and she didn't look very good. Welcome Dane.

Diana intercepted her before she was about to say something serious.

"Antiope, I have something very important to ask the queen, and I must see her immediately!"

Hearing Diana call her mother"Queen", Antiope immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and she guessed that the matter must be related to the Mother Box.

So she said:"She is already in the temple Waiting for you, you can go up directly, but this man..."

Antiope pointed his dagger towards Dane, and his tone was so natural that he could not hide the underlying hostility.

Diana could only continue:"He is Dane, the guardian of the magical world. He has a significant relationship with what I am about to say, so he must meet the Queen with me."

Dane did not speak during the whole process, and this He left it to Diana to deal with it. He felt that it was best not to say anything at this time, so as not to offend the Amazons without knowing it.

However, when he saw the young female warriors around him, it seemed that not all of them were as deeply distrustful of men as Antiope was.

He even found someone looking at his lower body without blinking, as if curious whether it was different from theirs.

Some people also focused on his secondary sexual characteristics, as if they were very interested in the game of"find the differences".

Dane felt like he was a rare beast in a zoo, being scrutinized by their curious eyes.

These young people have no concept of the protection between men and women or the concepts of etiquette, justice and shame. Some of them even have the idea of ​​​​trying, as if they want to come up and touch it.

Perhaps sensing the thoughts of these young warriors, Antiope thought for a final moment, did not refuse Diana's request, and agreed to bring Dane to the queen.

"But I had to see him in person!"

As he said that, Antiope glared at the female warriors around him:"Don't you have anything to do? Hurry up and get back to work!"

When the surrounding soldiers heard her scolding, they were quite reluctant to leave, but they still obeyed Antiope's order and retreated.

At this time, Antiope took Diana and Dane to the temple.

In the main hall, Hippolyta was sitting on her throne, rubbing her temples with one hand.

On her right side stood the deputy general Menalip. She was almost fully armed and stared directly at Dane..

It seemed as if she could rush up to her in the next moment.

From her attitude, Dane could almost tell which generation she was from.

Hippolyta opened her eyes, first looked at Dane, and then at Dane. Anna

"Diana, you should have received my message."

Diana said seriously:"Yes, that beacon fire...Not only that, but we also meet the man who captured the Mother Boxes.

Hippolyta sat up straight and emphasized her tone:"You guys?" Diana glanced at Dane next to her before saying,"We formed a team called the Justice League, which has solved many troubles for the world."

Hippolyta was doubtful:"So, what is your purpose of coming back this time?""

"Mother, do you remember the story you once told me? The story of that heroic age, I think, maybe we have a chance to recreate the grandeur of the past. Hippolyta frowned instantly:"You want us to join forces with humans?""

"Not just humans, but also Atlantis."At this time, Dane had to speak. He had to express his attitude.

Hippolyta asked him:"Can you make the decision for the Atlanteans?

Dane nodded firmly:"I can.""

Hippolyta turned to look at Diana, wanting to verify the truth with her.

Of course Diana sided with Dane without hesitation?"What Dane said is true. He has the ability to call the sea. The people of our clan fought side by side with us.

Hippolyta sneered:"What about humans?" Although I haven't been to the human world for a long time, I know that they are not a peaceful group of people.

Even we on Paradise Island heard the artillery fire from the war decades ago."

"Don't tell me that those humans have now put aside their past grievances and become united? Don't forget, I can tell if you're lying!"

Diana was speechless. What Hippolyta was talking about should be World War II. That war was indeed huge and affected a wide range of people.

And as Hippolyta's words imply, the human world It is still divided to this day.

Diana herself does not know how to reunite mankind, but the number of ordinary humans is the largest among all races, which is destined to be the main force in this war.

Art alone The small population of the Landis and the Amazons would be swallowed up by Steppenwolf's army if they met each other, leaving not even a scrap left.

The Amazons have the smallest population among all races, and it is extremely difficult to replenish them.

Because the Amazons They have an extremely bad impression of human beings. They have not had a newborn for many years, and the youngest female warrior among them is already hundreds of years old.

So Hippolyta already has a tendency in her heart, and she has a crush on Diana. Said:"Diana, our people have lost many outstanding warriors when they faced Steppenwolf before, and we cannot involve them in another war with an unknown future. Diana looked at her in disbelief:"Hippolyta, do you know what you are talking about?" It is the responsibility of Amazonians to protect the Mother Box, but now that the Mother Box is missing, are you going to ignore it? Where is your honor?"

Please give me flowers.

At this time, Diana did not care about her and Hippolyta's identity as mother and daughter, and scolded her directly.

Back then, she also insisted on going to the human world under Hippolyta's objection, and she has never changed.

She originally thought that Hippolyta would not change, but did the passage of time make her coward after all?

This made her furious. Amazons have always been brave! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Menalip, who was standing next to the throne, heard Diana’s words and shouted:"Watch your words and deeds, Diana! You are facing the Queen of the Amazons!"

Diana grabbed the cloak off her body and threw it to the ground, revealing the exquisite champion armor underneath.

"A cowardly person does not deserve to be the King of the Amazons!"

As soon as these words came out, Hippolyta was also angry. She punched the throne hard, smashed the armrests and stood up.

"Why do you, the person who abandoned Paradise Island, say such arrogant words? You don't understand the weight of the throne at all!"

"How many sisters will be lost if the Amazons join the war? Do you dare to look them in the eyes and tell them you will lead them to their death? Just for an illusory honor?

The last person to die for honor was Asteria, and she died at the hands of humans!"

"But she lives in our hearts, even in human legends!

But if the Amazons choose to retreat this time, you will destroy its reputation that has been spread throughout the world for thousands of years, and even the gods will spurn you because of your retreat!"

Diana said these words loudly and pierced Hippolyta's heart.

Hippolyta also pointed her finger at Diana, trembling with anger!

She just hoped that her tribe could survive. Is this wrong?

Don't tell her that no eggs will be left intact after a nest is overturned. In fact, Zeus had long wanted her and her tribe to move into the new divine realm. If Hippolyta hadn't still been worried about Diana, she would have brought her there long ago. The tribe has moved into the God's Realm, and the humans outside love it.

But Diana's idea is that the Amazons train themselves every day, honing tactics and skills, are they just used for competitions?

They are warriors! Not an athlete!

It would be a shame for a warrior to be afraid of fighting!

But Hippolyta then sneered at Diana and said:

"No matter what you say, I have decided on this matter, I am the queen of Amazon!

The Amazons will never participate in this war. Take the man next to you and get out of Paradise Island!"

Dane, who stood aside without speaking for a long time, looked left and right. Good guys, they are indeed mother and daughter. They have the same temperament!

Dane was just about to say, in fact, it is okay for Amazon not to send troops. After all, they only have so many people. , in fact, it cannot make much contribution to the battlefield.

It is okay to only provide artifacts!

But Diana was faster than him. Before Dane could speak, she quickly pulled out the Vulcan from her waist. The sword was thrown away and stuck on the floor in front of Hippolyta.

"Now I challenge you for the throne as the daughter of Zeus and the heir to the throne!

Since you don't dare to fight against foreign enemies, let the real Amazons be the king!"

"Let them all know that the brave Amazons are still alive!".

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