Throne Challenge!

Dane is no stranger to this term. In the movie"Aquaman", the two brothers Arthur Curry and Orm once had a duel for the throne.

At that time, it was Arthur who challenged Orm's throne to determine the final ownership of the throne.

It seems that this mode of challenging the throne was a traditional custom of the Greek theistic civilization at that time.

However, challenges to the throne mostly occur between brothers and sisters. Challenges launched by fathers, sons, and mothers and daughters for the throne are really rare.

Without Dane paying attention, Diana had already issued a challenge, and now it was probably impossible for her to take it back.

And if she were to take it back now, wouldn't that be helping Hippolyta to suppress Diana's momentum and self-esteem?

As the man behind Diana, Dane certainly couldn't do such a thing, so he chose to support Diana's decision.

Antiope, who was standing aside, immediately came up to grab Diana and try to dissuade her.

But before she could touch her, she was blocked by Dane.

"This matter is between their mother and daughter, and no one else has the right to interfere, let alone..."

Dane's smile was disgusting in Antiope's eyes,"This is Diana's power, isn't it?"

That's right, as the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and Zeus, Dai"870" Anna is from In terms of identity and status, she is qualified enough to challenge the position of"Queen".

Originally, if Diana had not left Paradise Island, she should have inherited the throne long ago, and she would not be thousands of years old but still a princess.

But not only Antiope, but also the old people who have lived with Hippolyta until now are unwilling to see the queen end up losing the duel.

Menalip also wanted to step forward to remonstrate, but was stopped by Hippolyta.

Although Hippolyta is not a man, she also has strong"maternal authority" ideas. She hopes that her daughter can surpass herself and become better, but at the same time, she does not want her daughter to challenge her authority.

At this moment, Diana was challenging her own authority. This was the first time in nearly a thousand years that Hippolyta felt that Diana had really grown up.

She was not afraid of fighting as Diana said, so she directly agreed to Diana's challenge

"Now that you have issued a challenge, I will respond to you as the current Amazon Queen. I, Hippolyta, hereby accept your challenge!"

Diana looked at her mother, who was still as young as ever, and strengthened her belief.

"I will not take advantage of you. During the challenge, I will not use any artifacts. I will use the most common Amazon combat equipment to fight you fairly."

Hippolyta is not a descendant of God. If Diana has an equipment advantage in a one-on-one situation, this is not called a duel, it is called crushing.

So Diana decisively weakened herself, but She did not ask Hippolyte to be like her, so she acquiesced to allow her to use the power of the artifact.

This reflects her strong inner self-confidence, and this self-confidence is very attractive, especially to places like Paradise Island. A place of martial arts.

This temperament will give her a strong personality. In a monarchy society, a charming king is very important.

Hippolyta did not say anything, but just reminded Diana:"Since So, the King's Duel is scheduled for tomorrow, what questions do you have?"

Diana shook her head, indicating that there was no need.

"Since there is no more, go down and prepare! Antiope, see you off!"

After saying that, Hippolyta turned her head, as if she didn't want to see Diana again.

Diana was also stubborn. She didn't even pick up the Vulcan Sword, she just turned around and left.

The meaning was obvious, wait until I win. , the entire paradise island is mine, it doesn’t matter whether I take it or not.

The parties involved have already agreed, and neither Antiope nor Menalip can change the established fact and can only accept this result.

But from this moment on, Antiope Op's attitude towards Diana has also changed.

Of course she doesn't hate Diana, but she is very likely to become the new queen of the Amazons, then Antiope will look at her according to the standards of the new queen and no longer regard her as She treats it as a child

"Since the queen has agreed to your challenge, I won't say anything more. Get ready for a duel in the arena tomorrow. After finishing speaking ,

Antiope glared at Dane fiercely:"Especially don't do anything that may consume your energy. This is a duel that everyone is watching, and it must not be stained in any way!""

Dane felt confused. Do you think I would play some two-person games with Diana at this time?

It's outrageous. No matter what, we have to wait until she becomes the queen!

Diana doesn't know why, here She could always accurately grasp Dane's inner thoughts, so she used her fingers to pinch Dane's waist in a subtle way, reminding him not to think too much.

Antiope directly ignored Diana's little move, Although she hasn't seen a man for a long time, she is not a blank slate. She can naturally see the relationship between Dane and Diana. It's just that although the Amazon atmosphere is hostile to men, there are really Amazons who like men. They won't really break them up.

After all, men can be used to reproduce offspring, and they must recognize this function.

After Antiope left, Dane and Diana looked at each other, and he couldn't help but smile:" This is what a feminist society is like!"

It's very fresh, just like seeing a male-dominated society from a female perspective.

Dane knows that there is another world in the dark multiverse numbered"Earth-11 (Earth-11)", which is a world dominated by Amazon. The heroes in the feminist society they rule are also gender-changed versions of the heroes of the main universe.

In that world, men are responsible for being beautiful, while women are responsible for making money and supporting the family. It’s interesting to think about it, but I don’t know Dane, have you had a chance to go there and take a look?

"Are you really going to duel with your mother? Dane asked.

Diana asked:"What?" Do you think I will lose? Dane shook his head,"I just think that her decision is actually understandable. After all, it is not easy to replenish the population of your Amazon. Any death in battle is a huge loss.""

"And your tactics are already behind the times. Diana almost laughed out of anger at him:"If that's the case, then you still come with me?""

"I actually fell in love with Amazon’s artifact. Dane told the truth,"In terms of weapons and equipment, Amazon should be powerful enough to effectively kill space invaders.""

Back then, Darkseid was defeated by the Earth Alliance with magical power. Otherwise, it would make no sense at all.

Apocalypse, a person who mainly plays with technology, could not defeat an Earth whose civilization is still in its primitive form... it must have been built by magic. Great job

"I don't know much about this matter. I have lived on Paradise Island for so long, and I only found one set of equipment in total."

Good guy, it's just one set. This Versailles almost broke Dane's waist.

He has been planning for so long, but he still hasn't put together a complete set!

That night, Hippolyta came to the temple alone. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Facing the murals engraved with statues of gods, she recited an ancient spell.

As one of the ancient nations, Atlantis knew magic, how could the Amazon not? Will it?

It’s just that Amazon advocates pure forceHe rarely uses magic like a wizard.

But that doesn't mean that Hippolyta, as the queen, won't do it. She knows that as a mortal, she is no match for a demigod like Diana in a normal battle, so she must find some outside help.

"Great goddess Athena, please give me the power to defeat Diana...."

If you want to obtain blessings in battle, you must seek out the gods responsible for war.

Ares was the most suitable candidate, but unfortunately he had a grudge against the Amazons, so Hippolyta chose to ask Athena for help.

In fact, in the history of God, Athena defeated Ares more than once, so her power is very suitable for Hippolyta.

Perhaps because she knew Hippolyta was her father's little lover, Athena was also very considerate and directly complied with her request and gave her stronger power.

Feeling that her body was filled with divine power, Hippolyta opened her eyes, and a divine light appeared inside, then gradually disappeared.

This power does not last long, and is probably only enough for Hippolyta to fight in one battle, but it is enough.

"Diana, take a good look at what the real Amazon is!"

The next day, when they arrived at the arena, the stands were already full of people. The arena was also surrounded by a group of heavily armed Amazons. They held long guns and stood ready in front of the center of the arena.

And in the arena In the middle of the field, Hippolyta was already standing there.

And what Diana didn't expect was that she didn't use any artifact, but the standard weapon of the Amazons.

When she stood still in the center of the field , when she and Hippolyta stood opposite each other, she heard the other party's voice

"how? Are you surprised?"

Facing Diana's surprised expression, Hippolyta looked calm. She pulled out the dagger from her waist and tightened the buckler in her left hand.

"Diana, you may have the strength to possess demigod blood."Speaking, Hippolyta lowered her body slightly, and her eyes began to exude a fierce fighting spirit.

"But you still don’t understand what the word Amazon means!"

After that, Hippolyta suddenly rushed over at an incredible speed.

Diana subconsciously raised her buckler, and with a"boom" sound, the dagger struck her buckler and pushed her out.

This force not only Pushing Diana out, when she tried to use her feet to stabilize her body, she found that the force pushed her far away.

Diana raised her head suddenly. Such strength was far beyond the ordinary. Amazon warrior.

The reason why Hippolyta became the Queen of the Amazons is precisely because she has the strongest combat skills among the Amazons!

She is the strongest Amazon!.

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