The stand where Dane was sitting was located in the VIP seat. Next to him was the lieutenant Menalip who stood next to Hippolyta yesterday.

She obeyed Antiope's order and stared at Dane, but Dane saw several times that her eyes were glancing in the direction of the battlefield, as if there was a magic power there that was attracting her.

He said funnyly:"If you want to watch it, just watch it freely? Don't worry, with my relationship with Diana, I won't do anything bad to Paradise Island."

But Menalip didn't believe it at all. She also participated In the battle to defend the earth, he even witnessed Asteria's sacrifice in the human world.

After the Golden Age, humans betrayed the Amazons, forcing them to flee into the current safe haven established for them by Zeus.

Asteria stayed alone for a long time, and eventually died in the human world.

After seeing her distrustful expression, Dane didn't bother to talk to her anymore and turned his attention back to the arena.

He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he saw that Hippolyta was able to blow Diana away with her own strength.

Suddenly, a magic power condensed on his eyes. He used magic to activate the magic eyes and saw the clues about Hippolyta.

There is a thin divine power in her body, very weak, but it is a genuine divine power.

This piqued Dane's interest.

"Interesting, who gave her this power?"

He could see that the power in Hippolyta was slightly used up. It was estimated that it could only sustain this battle, so it should have been temporarily borrowed from some god.

Even so, in terms of divine power , While it is in effect, it can help Hippolyta level the ability gap between Hippolyta and Diana. She will temporarily be on the same level as Diana in terms of strength, speed, endurance and even defense.

In this way, they They are really fighting for skills, consciousness, and tactical wisdom. Only in this way can it be called an evenly matched and fair battle.

Antiop immediately understood what Hippolyta had done, but this was also It was within the rules, so she didn’t say anything.

So all the Amazons present had the honor to witness the two demigods competing in the arena.

Every attack they made almost destroyed the venue and shook its Foundation.

Diana quickly adapted to Hippolyta's fighting rhythm. She just didn't react for a while, allowing the opponent to take the lead, but now that she has adapted, it is her turn to fight back!

"You seem to gain equal power to me, which is better!"

After Diana said that, she jumped and slashed hard.

Hippolyta reacted quickly and blocked, but she forgot how terrifying the power of the demigod was. She had not yet adapted to the thinking of a normal person.

So when Diana's sword hit the shield, Hippolyta immediately understood that she had made a big mistake!

Because she knew that Hippolyta had the power to fight against herself, Diana did not hold back at all this time!

She The sword fell, and the ordinary round shield was instantly cut in half by her huge force, and went downwards, scratching Hippolyta's arm.

Hippolyta immediately retreated quickly, but Diana couldn't catch up. Let go!

Helpless, Hippolyta could only continue to deal with Diana's attack with one hand holding the sword, while quickly using magic to restore the injury on her arm. The stands were in an uproar, especially when they saw the Queen, who had always been so high and unreachable, actually Being chased and beaten by her daughter shook the faith of many people.

The Amazons are a martial people, so the strong are naturally respected here.

Especially since the person who has the upper hand is not an outsider, but Diana.

Here Many people grew up watching her, so Diana's defeat of Hippolyta did not cause dissatisfaction among them, so all the Amazons cheered for her!

Antiope stood on the sidelines a little anxious.

As Hippolyta Polyta's sister, she naturally hopes that her sister can win more, not because of the throne, but because she also agrees with Hippolyta's ideas in her heart. The

Amazons can no longer afford to continue losing, and they have no regard for this world. She has shown her utmost kindness to human beings, and there is no reason to die for a group of people they don’t even know.

But it’s useless for her to be anxious. After all, Hippolyta still has to fight this battle herself.

In these few minutes, Hippolyta relied on her superb fighting skills to finally buy herself enough time.

Her injured arm had recovered as before. Although she had lost some divine power, it was still within control.

Hippolyta began to use both hands. Holding the sword, she and Diana fought together again, and the situation was evenly matched again.

In fact, according to Hippolyta's current usage, as long as Diana can persist and wait until the opponent's divine power is exhausted, she can naturally win easily.

But Dane Knowing that with Diana's pride, she would never do this.

Sure enough, after Hippolyta recovered from her injury, Diana not only did not change her fighting mode, but instead accelerated her attack.

In the fierce wind Under the rain-like attack, Hippolyta could only try her best to protect herself with her sword. Without the buckler, she would indeed suffer a bit in terms of blocking.

But she was very patient. She knew Diana's shortcomings and she was waiting for someone. Opportunity.

And this opportunity soon appeared.

Seeing that she could not attack for a long time, Diana simply discarded the buckler. There was no need for it anyway. She chose to focus on the attack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

However, this act of discarding the buckler gave Hippolyta an excellent opportunity to counterattack!

She took advantage of the moment when Diana threw away the buckler, and slashed at Diana's waist with a sword, as if she was vowing to Cut her into two pieces.

This determination made Diana unable to ignore it, so she let go of the hand holding the buckler and returned to defense with all her strength, and the buckler fell between the two of them.

In the blind spot where Diana couldn't see, Hippolyta reached out and grabbed the shield she had discarded, and then pushed it forward.

The buckler hit Diana directly in the face, pushing her out again.

Hippolyta would not make another mistake this time. She held on to her buckler tightly and continued to block Diana's vision with the shield.

And she was holding the sword in her other hand, waiting for the opportunity to move, waiting for Diana to hit her with a violent storm when she landed, just like Diana had done to her before.

But this was also the opportunity that Diana was waiting for. She was not anxious when the shield changed hands, nor was she anxious when Hippolyta took the initiative back. Even if the other party deliberately blocked her sight, she still did not panic at all.

The moment she fell to the ground, Diana smashed the ground with one hand, and the huge force pushed her body back in the air. This was beyond Hippolyta's expectations, and the amount of advance she had just calculated lost its effect.

Hippolyta didn't realize that when she blocked Diana's vision with her shield, her own vision was also blocked.

So she didn't realize Diana was targeting her feet!

Therefore, Diana slashed the round shield with her sword, but at the same time she bent down and kicked Hippolyta's calf, instantly making her center of gravity unbalanced.

The huge force of her feet even caused Hippolyta's entire body to turn ninety degrees. When she started to protect her body with her buckler again, Diana stabbed her sword into the buckler.

She deflected the buckler hard, blocking Hippolyta's sword.Inside this round shield.

Then with one more force she pulled the buckler out of Hippolyta's hand and threw it aside.

Then he punched Hippolyta into the air.

Hippolyta bounced on the ground a few times, and then wanted to stand up, but by this time Diana had already pounced on her.

She used the locking skills she learned from the human world to lock Hippolyta's joints. Under the huge force, even Hippolyta, who had received the blessing, felt unable to move.

So she struggled a few times and then gave up.

It was really unseemly for her and Diana to grapple with their opponents in the middle of the arena.

Doing this in public is an act that damages their honor, so Hippolyta has no choice but to admit defeat.

When Diana let her go, she was quite angry:"Where did you 497 learn such inappropriate skills?!"

She didn't know at this time that she was being used by Diana. She must always maintain a decent mentality in front of the people.

Otherwise, this battle would still have to be fought.

Diana said proudly:"Because I know that if you follow the Amazon's fighting method, you would rather fight to death than surrender, but the divine power in your body cannot support you to fight until that time."

Once Hippolyta loses her divine power, Blessed, Diana punched down with the power of a demigod. She was really afraid that Hippolyta would punch her on the spot, and Diana herself might not be able to react!

At this time, she felt that what Dane said was true. Don’t be scrupulous when it’s time to use means, and use them decisively. This is called wisdom!

Dane, who was standing in the stands, almost laughed out loud when he saw the scene in front of him.

Diana has become a bit sinister now. I don’t know who she learned this from.

"There is no honor in winning like this!"

Beside Dane, Menalip was also very angry. With her eyesight, she could naturally see the problem.

But obviously, obviously Diana was capable of winning a more honorable one!

"I think if this were not the case, you would probably have to die as a king today."

With Hippolyta's character, I'm afraid she would rather die in battle to clear the final obstacle to Diana's throne. What does it sound like when a new king takes the throne but the old king is still alive? It seems that

Hippolyta has a future She is also capable of seizing power, but she is not like Atlanna.

Hippolyta has not made any mistakes during her reign, so I am afraid that there will be many old people who are willing to still take orders under her command. Ignore Diana.

But for Diana, inheriting the throne was never what she wanted. There was only one thing she wanted from beginning to end.

"Mother, now that I have won, please immediately issue the king's order to assemble all the Amazon armies. We will fight a war with humans and Atlantis."

"For justice!".

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