Diana didn't mention the throne, and Hippolyta knew that she might not have the intention to take over the throne from her.

So she immediately wanted to preach, how could the matter of succession to the throne be such a trivial matter?

But before she could say anything, Antiope rushed out immediately and spoke before Hippolyta spoke:

"I understand, the Amazon army will be under your command."

This interruption made Hippolyta hold back what she wanted to say.

Only then did Antiope turn to look at her:

"According to the rules of the throne challenge, now Diana has every right to make a strong claim to the identity of the king, so it is completely reasonable for her to command the Amazon army, what do you think?"

Can I not understand this?

Hippolyta feels that Antiope is avoiding the important and taking the easy. Since she can make a strong claim, you let her directly ascend the throne!

What the hell is it that just letting her accept the army? This is not in line with the procedure at all!

But this It was something that Antiope and Diana knew tacitly. They both knew that Hippolyta was the most suitable person to be the king, whether it was based on the wishes of the people or Diana's own intentions. This is true for everyone.

Diana can't let go of Dane and the Justice League, so she can't really sit on the throne, otherwise how can she be Wonder Woman in the future?

Do you expect Hippolyta to be as hard-working and uncomplaining as Atlanna ? Being the one behind the scenes?

Diana is not a king like Arthur who needs to be taken care of! She is capable.

"What does this mean?"Menalip asked her own question. In fact, this was also the question of the audience.

They seemed to have heard before that this was a battle for the throne!

Queen Hippolyta lost, so now Diana takes the throne. The throne?

But no one answered their question, and soon they were shocked by an even more shocking news.

Antiope, as the general of the Amazons, stood in the middle of the field and announced loudly to the people in the stands.

"Amazon! Please listen to me!"

The noisy voices at the scene suddenly quieted down, showing the Amazon people's good obedience.

"Amazon warriors, you must all know about the capture of the Mother Box."

Even if most of the Amazons here have not experienced it personally, they must have heard about Darkseid, so they can understand what Antiope means.

"Guarding the Mother Box is a responsibility given to the Amazons by the gods, but we have lost it. This is a serious dereliction of duty!"

Dane couldn't help but look sideways. That's not what this girl said yesterday!

Sure enough, this woman's face is like the sky in June, changing at any time.

Antiope's words successfully aroused the Amazons' sense of honor. They are really a bunch of people. A very simple warrior who would sacrifice his life for some illusory glory or belief.

This kind of thing has become a very scarce thing now, and Dane can understand Hippolyta's approach even more.

If she is a queen , , I can’t be more thoughtful and keep an eye on these people, I’m afraid they’ll be sold and still have to pay for them.

"Take back the mother box!"

"Take back the mother box!"

The Amazons in the stands roared and joined together like waves. As a fighting nation, their fighting spirit only needed a little encouragement to rise. Antiope saw that the military was ready and morale was high, so he pulled out the gun from his waist. Sword, pointing diagonally towards the sky

"All Amazons listen, all trainees return immediately, find your centurions, and train the army.

We Amazons are going to leave the paradise island and go to the human world to show that hateful thief the wrath of the Amazons!"

As soon as Antiope finished speaking, there were clouds of followers, and war cries like mountain roars and tsunamis resounded in every corner of the arena. The

Amazons have officially joined the Earth Alliance!

Dane noticed that when Hippo When Lute no longer objected to the Amazons joining the war, even Menalip beside him became excited, showing a feeling of joy at hearing the war. The fighting nation has a deserved reputation.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Xi Polyta was still worried. After they walked out of the arena, Hippolyta took the lead in attacking Antiope.

"Antiope, you should not take matters into your own hands!

But Antiope said expressionlessly to her:"If you can win, of course I won't have to do this.""

This sentence directly silenced Hippolyta. After all, it was because she lost that Antiope had to agree to Diana's request.

Otherwise, Diana would really become the queen. It was her turn to be chattering here.

Hippolyta had to avoid this topic and turned to another issue:"Even if we want to use troops against Steppenwolf and his minions, we can't deal with them." weapons."

She emphasized:"You saw it last time. Our existing weapons are not effective against them at all. It is no longer the golden age."

At this time, Diana interjected:"I remember that Paradise Island still has the magical weapons that were preserved back then. They were all made by the God of Fire Hephaestus."

Although those are only mass products, once they can function, their power will be no less than that of modern human thermal weapons, and they will even have a greater advantage in range.

Moreover, these magical weapons also contain magical power. There is some additional damage to the New Gods or their creations, which human weapons cannot do.

However, the premise of all this is that they must be able to function, and this is the pain point of the Amazon today.

Since the gods After living in seclusion in the New God's Realm, those divine weapons have never received the blessings of the gods, and now they can no longer function as they should.

Since they are weapons made by gods, of course they need gods to help them maintain their divine power, and This process must be continuous.

Otherwise it will become a one-time thing like Hippolyta. This may not be a problem for weapons such as arrows, but for weapons such as swords, shields and guns that need to be used continuously, If there is no god to continue their function, they will soon be treated like ordinary soldiers by the army of demons.

Hippolyta feels that Diana is very annoyed no matter how she looks at her now, so her tone is not very good. Nice to hear:"Now that the world has lost the gods, those divine weapons have long lost their former glory. They are now just a pile of scrap metal!

Antiope also echoed:"Yes, unless there is a spark of God, it may be possible to activate their abilities.""

Hippolyta heard this and knew that Diana would definitely come forward. As the daughter of Zeus, she did have the ability to use the spark of God, so she quickly added:

"But just activating it is useless unless you can stably and continuously provide energy for an entire army. But let’s not say whether you can do it. Even if you really can, then you are basically saying goodbye to the battlefield.."

Once Diana chooses to bear the energy supply of an entire army, even if the number of Amazon warriors is not large, it will become a huge burden for her.

With such a heavy burden, it is impossible for her to join the battlefield in person. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is absolutely unacceptable to her, who is warlike, especially since her compatriots are fighting on the front line, but she can only watch from the rear. Based on Hippolyta's understanding of her, this was even more intolerable.

However ,What Hippolyta didn't expect was that Diana was not worried about this issue, but instead smiled at her

"Mother, just watch, this problem is not a problem for us at all."

Hippolyta didn't understand where her confidence came from, but since her own words couldn't shake Diana, she was completely at her wits' end.

Is it possible that Amazon has been inherited for thousands of years, and now it is going to decline in her hands?

Amazon Human efficiency is very high. For an army that still follows the ancient military establishment system to this day, their efficiency is even higher than that of the United States Army.

Those old guys from Sam Lane should really come over and take a look. I am so ashamed of them!

Mei Nalip followed the Queen's order and moved out all the magic weapons that had been stored in the warehouse for a long time and placed them under the sun.

It must be said that it was very tragic.

These once shined in the battlefield against the invasion of foreign enemies. The weapons are now rusty, and some even have curled blades, making people wonder whether such weapons will break at a touch. The

Amazon warriors had already received the notification when they assembled, so they did not carry any weapons at this time.

At this moment, when they saw the weapons spread out on the ground that looked like scraps of copper and iron, they were all thinking:

If they were asked to go to the battlefield with such junk, they would rather go up and fight the demonoids with their bare hands!

Hippoly Tu stood right in front of the army, and she looked back at Diana:"Now, it's up to you."

However, Diana did not move. Instead, Dane next to her came out.

I believe that not only Hippolyta, but also Antiope and Mei Nalip have been wondering for a long time.

That is Dane. How could En be able to be with Diana?

Dane walked slowly to the pile of weapons. In addition to the pile of weapons, there were also Amazon soldiers lined up in order. They also looked at it with curious eyes. The only man on this paradise island, he didn't know what he was going to do.

Dane closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the divine power had already illuminated his father through the dazzling thunder light.

Above the sky, the sky was clear and clear at some point. Already tainted with the shadow of thunderclouds, the clouds gathered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among the dark clouds, the muffled sound of thunder could be heard from time to time.

Hippolyta's face changed greatly when she saw this scene from behind, and she said in shock :"This is the power of Zeus!"

As the lover of Zeus, it is impossible for her not to have seen the power of Zeus, so she can easily identify the essence of this power.

Dane raised one hand and made a fist gesture towards the sky, and the clouds were in front of him. He quickly contracted under his gesture, as if he was brewing something.

At this time, Dane suddenly waved his arm downwards, and a bolt of lightning suddenly burst out from the clouds. It followed his command and fell directly, hitting the pile of"broken copper and iron.""Up.

A violent white light flashed by. When everyone put down their arms that were shielding the light, only the divine weapons with dazzling eyes were left on the field.

That was the spark of God, a blessing from the King of Gods!.

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