Although Lex Luthor has too much malice towards superhumans in his heart, he still has to be patient because he must cooperate with the Justice League to solve this incident.

To some extent, he should indeed bear some responsibility for this

"So where do we start?"No matter how smart Luther's brain is, he can't conjure up a machine out of thin air and then break the blockade of the real network by the Mother Box.

"This is what I'm about to introduce to you...The reason for the steel frame."

Originally, Dane wanted to say Victor's name directly. Luther would forget everything after waking up from the dream.

But he thought about it and realized that it was just a title. It's not a bad thing to be steady.

Victor Once he knew that he was called"Cyborg", he glanced at Dane and knew that he was protecting his true identity.

Although this cover-up did not mean much to him, he was still grateful to Dane for his actions, which allowed him to Feeling respected

"Steel frame..."Luther raised his head and glanced at the cyborg, okay, thisWhat abilities do freaks have?

"Cyborg was born with the participation of the power of the Mother Box, so he possesses part of the Mother Box's abilities."

Smart people don't need to explain too much. Luther instantly understood the significance of Cyborg's existence. He is the key to breaking the network blockade of the Mother Box, and even the key to preventing the Mother Box from performing the"Trinity" ritual.

However, in that Before, Dane first needed Luther to complete one thing

"I need you to start the smart system you sold to the military normally so they know what's going on."

I have to say that Luther has some tricks up his sleeve. Although the system he designed is not unbreakable, if you want to use some of the methods he secretly planted normally, you must follow the passwords he set in advance. Just input it.

And it must be completed by him himself, because those passwords are not digital information, but living people!

It is he who has personally attracted the connections and development of the Lex Group over the years. Everyone can only see it with his own eyes. When it's time, he will be told a number or a word.

These numbers or words change all the time. Only by correctly obtaining this information within the specified time can Luther finally activate the secret hand he left behind. Quantum technology is used in the communication network system of He has set up a self-destruct program for this system.

Because of this, even Cortana cannot guarantee that she can completely crack the program. A single oversight may completely destroy the entire system.

So for safety reasons, Dane must Find Luther.

Of course, the most amazing thing is not his technical tricks, but that even if those secret hands are successfully activated, they are still people who do the work. Those people only identified Luther, who gave them the handle? It's in Luther's hands.

So only Luther can hold them hostage.

So even if Dane and Cortana can solve the technical problems, they still need a"Luthor" to interview those people in person and finalize the details. Because this was too troublesome and the steps were too cumbersome, they finally decided to directly involve Luther. Dane knew that this was actually Luther's purpose.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Dane also had a big killer like Dreamland. , so his follow-up plan failed before it even started.

Luther did not play tricks in this regard, he had clear priorities in his mind

"First of all, I need a computer, and the computer I need has very high computing power."

Luthor raised his eyebrows at Dane, which seemed to be provocative.

But Dane didn't pay attention to his expression and just said calmly:"Do you know about the Room of Requirement?"

"how? Do you want to tell fairy tales?"Luthor frowned.

However, just as he finished his question, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind him. Luther turned around suddenly and saw a mottled ancient wall.

He looked up again and found that there was something unknown here. It has become a very period castle, and the ceiling gives people a very profound sense of art.

He can even smell the musty smell of an old house emitting from this ancient castle.

All this is too It was so real that Luther couldn't tell whether he was in reality or a dream, but he knew very well that none of this was real.

Because the layout of this place was just like Hogg's described in"Harry Potter" Watts is exactly the same!

Luther was not happy. On the contrary, he once again became jealous because of the abilities shown by Shazam. At this time, Dane said behind him:"Since you have read that book, you should know that everything you ask for will be answered." The function of the house and the method of entry.

Concentrate on visualizing the space you need and walk across the wall three times to enter the Room of Requirement. Luther turned to look at him with a dark face:"Can't you just be simple and just let the door appear?" Dane smiled hoarsely:"That's not possible. This is the rule of magic, isn't it?" Rules are rules, and even in the world of magic, some things cannot be exceeded."

He deliberately conveyed some wrong information to Luther. Anyway, he was idle, laying mines casually, who might not be able to use them one day.

Looking at Luther's thoughtful look, Dane smiled slightly, Then he said to Cyborg beside him:"You will go in with him in a while and help him break through the blockade of the mother box, but be careful, this bald man is not a good person.

Luther frowned and said dissatisfied:"I'm not bald, I have hair!" Dane looked at his head and smiled half-heartedly:"Lex Luthor, there are some fates you can't escape. It will happen sooner or later.""

Whether Luther can escape his fate or not, Sam Lane doesn't know, but he knows that his fate cannot be escaped."

"Luther, what do you want to do?"

In the Tianyanhui base, General Lane said angrily to the computer screen alone.

"I am a soldier of the United States, not your private soldier! It is even more impossible to use the military of the United States to do things for you! However ,

Luther on the screen remained calm and calm:"You are not doing things for me, General Lane, you are doing things for the United States."...No, you are doing something for all mankind!"

"Remember the events caused by parasitic aliens in the United States?"

General Lane's face darkened, thinking to himself, you guys are not going to pick up any of the pots. Are you deliberately stabbing me in the heart?

Luther saw his inner dissatisfaction and immediately changed his tone:"That's not what I said. I don't want to humiliate you, General, but I want to remind you that a new enemy has appeared.

This time the enemy is not something that the Justice League or Sky Eye can solve independently. He has brought an invincible army. You must unite to win."

0request flowers 0

"Where did you get this news?"General Lane did not believe Luther's words and asked cautiously.

Luther's face changed slightly, and he seemed a little reluctant, but he still said it:"It's the Justice League, to be precise, it's Shazam of the Justice League.. General Lane quickly grasped the key:"

So, he knows about our cooperation?""

Luthor nodded silently.

General Lane's blood pressure soared. Fortunately, he did not die on the spot.

"Does your confidentiality seem less reliable than you promised?"He said sarcastically.

Luther just said:"Shazam is more terrifying than you think. We have been looking for the wrong target all along."

"This god who has always been hidden behind the scenes and remains silent is the most difficult opponent, but now, the most important thing is to get through the difficulties before him."

"In addition, I will give you another piece of news. The Saint Roch incident is related to the mastermind behind it...."

After speaking, Luther disconnected the communication, leaving General Lane to digest this information alone.

After a while, he stood up and called his assistant

"As the notice goes on, I need the council chairmen of each district to rush to the headquarters base as soon as possible for a meeting. The incident must be carried out urgently and in accordance with the highest standards!"

"In addition, please help me get through to Mr. President right away. I have important matters that I need to meet with him for an interview!"

The people Luther wants to contact are not only General Lane, but also Amanda, other generals in the Pentagon, some members of the Capitol, and even dignitaries from some Western countries abroad are all within his contact range.

These are not just him , and the connections accumulated by his ancestors were all mobilized by him this time.

And with his efforts, the confidential organizations of various countries gradually understood their current situation.

As an important liaison between human countries, Lu Arthur is very important, so he cannot let Steppenwolf know the secrets in his heart in any form.

Dane used this reason to tell Luther that he must seal his memory in order to leave the dream world, so that Luther in the real world would still be confused about this. No idea.

Although Luther was doubtful about Dane's statement, it was useless even if he had any objections, because he could not resist.

So after waking up from the dream, Luther continued to return to reality and the world with no memory. Steppenwolf and Snake.

After sending Luthor out of the dream world, Cyborg slowly walked to Dane.

"You never intended for him to be involved in the whole process, right?"

"oh? why would you say so?

Cyborg said expressionlessly:"Because Luthor's effect has been completely used up just now. My time stamp tells me that although the physical time has passed for a long time, the real time has only passed less than six hours." Dane raised his eyebrows. This was the first time that someone discovered the time anomaly in the dream. The power of the Mother Box was indeed something.

He did not deny it, but directly admitted:"Your timestamp is correct. NowIn this world, less than six hours have indeed passed."

Cyborg frowned, but they had just been in the dream world, and it felt like several days had passed!

But his and Luther's sense of time had been blunted, and they didn't realize that time passed so fast. But the problem is, How did Shazam do it?.

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