"Everything in this dream world is under my control, including time."

Dane briefly introduced Victor and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Those things are not important. Next, you have to take over Luthor's role and continue to maintain contact with those people he just contacted.

Did you see what he did just now? Victor nodded subconsciously, and then quickly reacted:"I see, is this why you asked me to act with him throughout the whole process?""

Is this a superhero? He also plays dirty tactics!

"You already know that St. Roch's incident is related to him, so do you think you can trust him? Victor hesitated for a moment:"At this time, he shouldn't do anything unnecessary, right?" Dane sneered:"That's because you don't know how capable this bald man is of causing trouble.""

The character of Luthor is actually not strictly a pure villain. He is a human supremacist, and the purpose of all his actions always revolves around trying to prove this point. So in most cases his goal is just As for superhumans, unless ordinary people are clearly related to superhumans by him, he will also attack humans if he has to.

Just like Superman, when Luthor didn't know his hidden identity, Superman was to him It is the impeccable"933".

But once he knows that the existence of Martha or Lois is Superman's weakness, he will not be pedantic and choose not to exploit such weaknesses.

In《BVS》, he took advantage of the contradiction between Batman and Superman, as well as Clark's weakness Martha, and almost succeeded in achieving his goal.

Even though Plan A ultimately failed, Plan B he prepared successfully killed Superman.

But only Luthor himself knew that he was taking advantage of not only Clark's weakness, but also Superman's kindness.

If Superman had as low a baseline as Lex Luthor, Luthor wouldn't be able to win, just like Speedmaster from the Crime Syndicate.

A Superman who lacks a baseline can make Lex Luthor run away with his head covered.

"Forget about the bald head, let's talk about your mission."

Victor thought for a while, but gave up reminding Shazam that Luther was not bald, at least not now.

He didn't know why Shazam was so sure that Luther would be bald in the future.

"You have just watched the whole process of Luther's actions. If you were asked to take over and maintain the contact with these people, would you be able to do it?"

"But I'm not Luther"

"But you can simulate Luthor's approach to dealing with them, right?"

Victor thought about it carefully. He had just recorded Luther's behavior pattern and language style. If it were not in person, it would not be seen through.

If it was just on the electronic screen, he could even use Luther's image and Those people communicated and promised not to be seen through.

So he nodded to Dane:"I think I should be able to do it."

"Okay, then I'll leave these people to you. I don't require them to work together as one, but I hope that when I need them, they will point their guns at the outside and face the intruders. You understand me. the meaning of?"

Victor nodded, then hesitated for a while and said:"Then I...Still work here?"

Although this dream world feels very realistic, it is still fake in the end, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Dane saw his resistance to this place, and he thought to himself, could it be because of Victor? Knowing that everything here is fake, it is easier to associate it with himself.

So he said:"Although you don't need to stay here often, in order to fight against the power of the Mother Box, you still need to take some time to come here to perform tasks.."

Those dignitaries were actually pulled into the dream world. Otherwise, only a few hours had passed in reality. How could Luther have been able to complete the contact?

It's just that each of them did not enter the dream world for a long time. After the explanation of the matter was over, they would Being thrown back to the real world by Dane, they could not tell the difference between the two worlds with their naked eyes.

Victor knew that this was a big deal, so he had no other complaints and nodded:"I understand."

"By the way, one more thing"


"Welcome to the Justice League."

When Dane had basically completed all the preparations, the progress on Steppenwolf's side quickly came to an end.

On this day, Luther walked into the Star Laboratory again. He looked like he had deep dark circles under his eyes.

He Mercy, the female assistant, asked with concern:"Are you okay, Lex?"

"It's nothing, I just feel like I haven't been able to sleep well lately....It was like I was subconsciously resisting falling asleep."Luthor shook his head,"Maybe it's because I've been too tired recently."

"Do you need me to hire a personal doctor for you? Mercy suggested.

Luther was about to refuse, but then he thought about how much hair he had lost when he woke up this morning. He frowned, but nodded silently.

After receiving his response, Mercy walked out resolutely. Entered the room.

Luther calmed down, put on a business smile and walked into the laboratory door.

Steppenwolf just glanced at him and turned his head again. In front of him, the three mother boxes each emitted a color. The light was already in a semi-activated state.

At this time, Steppenwolf spoke:"The activation of the mother boxes is about to reach the critical value. They will be fully activated in seven days. Before that, I want you to ensure the power supply here. There won't be any surprises! Luther quickly replied:"No problem, but my friend, until now, you still can't tell me what you want to do by activating this mother box?""

Although he has tried countless times, Luther would never tire of bringing up this issue every time.

Sometimes Steppenwolf also wonders, isn't this human afraid that he will really crush him to death?

But maybe it's because the harvest is about to come, and... Maybe he has been here for too long and wants to find someone to talk to, or maybe he thinks that Luther, a human being, can't change the overall situation at all, so this time Steppenwolf actually answered Luther's question for the first time.

"When the Mother Box is fully activated, they will immediately execute the Trinity Agreement. At that time, their power will purify the planet and reshape it, making it the new Apokolips, my Apokolips!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Luther, observing every move of this human being.

If Luther wanted to take any resistance measures at this time, Steppenwolf would let him know how unbearable human power is in front of Apokolips. One blow.

But what surprised Steppenwolf was that Luther didn't act strange at all, as if what Steppenwolf said was just a trivial matter.

He just nodded indifferently:"So, is the ultimate goal still to occupy this planet?"

It's just a common goal. The last alien who tried to rule the earth has been eliminated by the Justice League. He believes that this time it will not be surprising.

Huh? Why is he so sure?

Luther felt a little strange, but he soon I put this matter behind me and tried to continue to obtain information. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you want to accomplish this, then there must be an organization that is an opponent you can't get around...0"

Steppenwolf sneered:"Ah, of course, I know what you are talking about, the Justice League.

A demigod with the power of the old gods, a Kryptonian, a hybrid of Amazon and old gods, a Green Lantern Corps, and a Martian who is afraid of fire..."

As for others, such as Batman or Constantine, Steppenwolf was not taken seriously from the beginning.

Although Steppenwolf did not stay on the earth for a long time, he had already learned about all the superheroes on the earth through the mother box, especially the Justice League.

As for the others Most heroic organizations are not worth mentioning.

What Steppenwolf is worried about is nothing more than Shazam, the user of the power of the old gods, and the Kryptonians.

He believes that only these two people can truly pose a fatal threat to him.

"But they are no longer a threat to me, not anymore, the Mother Boxes act much faster than you can imagine, they only take a split second.

In just an instant, the world will change, and the Justice League will not have any time to react, and you, the Earth, will no longer have a chance to unite. Your end has arrived!"

Although Luther is a smart man, he has shortcomings in his character that can be exploited.

Although Steppenwolf promised him to help him complete the technical cracking of the Kryptonian spacecraft, Luther does not stay in experiments all the time. Indoor.

He is a capitalist, not a researcher, and his intelligence is used to meet the needs of the former. What kind of creature are capitalists?

They are a group of people who constantly suppress in order to gain absolute control over limited resources. The miser of new technology.

When Steppenwolf knew the news, he almost laughed to death. With the technology of Krypton, there are almost countless resources in the solar system for all mankind to enjoy.

And Lex Luthor's brain What he was thinking about was how to extract energy from the core of the earth in order to surpass Umbrella's technology and eventually become the planet's energy giant and the dominant player in the energy industry!

This is why Steppenwolf looks down on humans. Before Apokolips began to enslave the planet, they were already thinking about how to enslave their own race. How could such a race not be destroyed?

And on the surface, he was helping Luther crack the technology of the Kryptonian spaceship. , but in fact he has known about the ship's technology for a long time, and this time is very early.

In fact, before Luther decided to launch the"Apple Core" project, Steppenwolf carefully selected the seal for him. He found the Kryptonian spaceship that was heading for Doomsday.

He had found the spacecraft with the help of someone in advance, and extracted Doomsday's tissue cells from it. Then he destroyed the original rigid structure of the ship. Otherwise, a seal The sealed capsule of a super biochemical weapon like Doomsday would actually be drilled by human drilling machines. Think about it, is this reasonable?

Moreover, this spacecraft has been buried under the rock formation for tens of thousands of years. Superman and Dane were in I couldn't find anything when I searched here, but Luther discovered the radiation in this place when he needed to launch the"Apple Core" project.

Don't you think this is too coincidental?

The truth is, all of this belongs to Steppenwolf Plan, every step Luther took until now was part of his plan.

Or he thought it was part of his plan. In fact, Steppenwolf, who was only thinking about fighting and killing, could not actually formulate such a complex and sophisticated plan. plan.

Before he found Lex Luthor, he had another, more astute collaborator named"Vandal Savage.""!

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