In the vast land of Siberia, there lives a group of Inuit people.

They also have a name called"Eskimos", but they don't like this name because it comes from the language of their enemies, the Indian Algon tribe, which means"people who eat raw meat."

"Inuit" is their self-proclaimed name, which means"human beings." They believe that they are the first civilized humans in the world.

And the evidence lives here, the longest surviving human being in the world, an ancient Neanderthal.

He was the first civilized human being and the first sage to bring wisdom to primitive people.

He has had many names, Marduk, Napoleon, Jack the Ripper, most of the time he appeared as a conqueror, he even joined the Nazis, and his only pursuit in this world is to become the master of mankind.

He is Vandal Savage.

He is a man whom the Inuit here regard as"god", a careerist who has survived for at least 50,000 years.

In his long life, Savage has accumulated astonishing wealth, technology and experience.

Why does Steppenwolf know where Doomsday's ship is?

Because that was what Savage told him. He saw with his own eyes the spacecraft carrying Doomsday crashing into Canada, but at that time he did not have the ability to crack the technology of the Kryptonian spacecraft, so he just recorded it.

In this land shrouded by the cold wind, there is an underground base, which is Savage's fortress and his palace.

It is also a place called"Temple" by the Inuit20.

This"temple" is constructed using the latest materials and technology in the world. Even the N-genus that Eagle Man Carter Hall tightly grasps in his hand can be found here.

Of course, what exists here is still only secondary N metal, and pure N metal cannot be obtained with Savage's ability.

He also has some eternal metal stored here. He bought it from an international helper before Khandak was taken over by Dane.

At this time, Savage was standing on his fortress, peeping at the outside world through the large central screen.

This is not a networked projection device, and Savage doesn't really trust the Internet.

He believes that anything put into the online world has a high chance of being exposed in the end, and he doesn't want to take this risk.

So he would have his men regularly collect some recent major events and then bring them to him.

Although this resulted in a lag in intelligence information, it also ensured the security of his own information. With this method, neither Cortana nor Dane was able to discover him.

But Savage has been hiding in the darkness and peering at the world.

Especially in recent years, there have been more and more signs of a natural or unnatural increase in superhuman beings around the world, which has aroused his great concern.

Savage looked at the big screen with a serious face, trying to find useful information for himself from the limited intelligence.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and looked up at the ceiling.

The next second his eyes were fixed on that place, a blue sonic blast channel opened, and Steppenwolf appeared from it.

"You should connect this place to the external communication network instead of asking me to go there myself every time."Steppenwolf said with some dissatisfaction.

However, Savage just said:"This is the safest. It ensures that our conversation will not be eavesdropped by the Justice League by any means."

"I still don't understand how they obtained that accurate information in detail. It never hurts to be careful."

"But the global network is now in the hands of the motherbox!"Steppenwolf retorted.

Savage just replied calmly:"It's just like this for the time being."

Steppenwolf was too lazy to continue talking. There wasn't much time left anyway, so it didn't matter what happened to this matter.

He turned to the main business:"The mother box will be fully activated in three days. How is your work going?

Savage immediately replied:"Don't worry, they can fight at any time!""

It turns out that Savage has been providing technical support to Steppenwolf all along. The day of destruction that prevented Dane from pursuing Steppenwolf near Cyborg's home was exactly his work.

"It's just a pity that I still can't modify the cognition of these monsters. They can only massacre all living creatures regardless of friend or foe."Savage said with regret.

If Doomsday could act according to his wishes, he would dare to confront even the Justice League, let alone Steppenwolf in front of him.

Savage has never really cooperated with Steppenwolf. He wants to be The master of mankind, but relying on his own strength is obviously not enough, so he made today's plan when he accidentally came into contact with the mother box.

The mother box guarded by humans is code-named"6-1-9-8-2"No. 1" item was originally stored in the secret research institute of the German Empire.

He happened to have a vest in this country at that time, so he came into contact with and studied this thing much earlier than the Star Laboratory.

But Savage was not What an outstanding scientist, so his research on the Mother Box did not achieve great results, but he did record the radiation data of the Mother Box.

When Silas Stone used the Mother Box to resurrect his son Victors When the connection was made, the Mother Box was briefly activated for the first time, and Savage quickly obtained the radiation signal of the Mother Box. It was also at that time that, with the help of the Mother Box, he obtained the information from the Steppenwolf who claimed to be the New Protoss of Apokolips. He made contact and formulated a bold plan.

He prepared to use Steppenwolf to deal with the increasingly powerful Justice League. To this end, he did not hesitate to cooperate with him and cracked the Kryptonian technology to extract what he wanted from the sealed Doomsday. Gene.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to clone an unbelievable thing like Doomsday.

Dane was right to worry at the time. The spore virus on Doomsday was discovered and used by Savage, causing the cloned Doomsday to become It's extremely easy.

As long as humans are used as consumables, even if the success rate is not high, he can still rely on a steady stream of people to build an army of Doomsday.

And because Doomsday is also a Kryptonian, Savage also unexpectedly learned that Superman's weakness.

The X-ray that Superman can see through everything has always given him a headache, because although Savage's base is underground, it cannot block Superman's sight.

He is afraid that one day when Superman learns about his His identity and deeds will be found by those eyes that can see through nothing.

But Savage discovered from his research on Doomsday that Kryptonians cannot see through lead. This is their visual weakness!

He therefore suspected that Superman might There are still some weaknesses that he doesn't know about that have not been discovered, and this weakness is likely to be very fatal.

"I need to double check before our plans are about to begin. Savage turned to look at Steppenwolf,"When you finish transforming this planet, it will become a world ruled by me, right?""

Apocalypse has plundered many worlds. Except for those planets that were eventually destroyed due to stubborn resistance, most of the remaining planets still implement the principle of autonomy.

After all, Darkseid himself cannot manage so many worlds at the same time. What he wants It was just that these worlds believed in him and followed the commandments of Apokolips.

As for himself, he always stayed on Apokolips and rarely left there.

After understanding this, Savage proposed to Steppenwolf at that time A deal.

He could help Steppenwolf get the planet at the minimum cost, but he wanted to become the governor of the new world and the ruler of all mankind.

Steppenwolf agreed to him. This kind of thing is also very common in Apokolips..

Don’t think that Apokolips will only use force to forcefully occupy other planets. Supporting separatist forces in these worlds is also a common method they use. In the movie, Steppenwolf once said that the free will of the rebels must be deprived, which shows that Apokolips The requirement for obedience is very high, so dividing the local forces is their usual style. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Force serves this purpose.

Originally, Steppenwolf did not want to violate The agreement between him and Savage was because he felt that Savage was a person who was very aware of current affairs.

So it was not a problem to hand over the transformed 047 Earth to him.

However, since he knew that there was still something hidden on this planet He changed his mind when it came to the Anti-Life Equation.

But he would not let Savage notice this kind of thing. After all, the Doomsday is still in the hands of this human being, and he needs those monster soldiers.

So Steppenwolf said calmly:"Of course, this is what I promised you, Apokolips never breaks its promise! Savage seemed to believe what he said,"

In that case, I will always support you as I promised!""

After Steppenwolf left, Savage took out a paper document from his hidden password box and analyzed the information in it through complex codes.

After he read it, he burned the information and faced the void sneered

"Damn alien evil god, just continue to immerse yourself in your dreams. The earth will not be handed over to you, it belongs to me!"

Just as Steppenwolf hid something from him, Savage also hid something from him.

For example, the number of Doomsday clones, for example, he did not want to help Steppenwolf transform the earth, and for example, he knew that Luthor was Actively contact the military and government of various countries, preparing to unite the power of the world and give Steppenwolf a heavy blow.

As an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years, there is no country in the world with a history longer than his lifespan, so When Lex Luthor first activated those secret hands, it didn't take long for him to know about it.

But instead of stopping him, he actually contributed to it.

Although he didn't hate superhumans like Luthor, he also He believes that superhuman beings are an obstacle to his rule of the world.

So as long as Steppenwolf can help him eliminate those superhumans that may endanger his rule of the world, he will immediately destroy Steppenwolf!

He already knows that even a creature like Steppenwolf , it is impossible for him to physically carry a large-yield nuclear bomb, and Savage has already prepared a big gift for this guy who calls himself the New God of Apokolips...

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