Although Steppenwolf told Savage that the full activation time of the Mother Box was three days, he did not tell the truth to Savage just as he lied to Luthor.

In fact, two days later, the mother box is only one step away from activation.

Cyborg, who had the closest connection with the Mother Box, was the first person to discover the abnormality of the Mother Box, and he immediately told Dane about it.

"Shazam! I feel that the power of the Mother Box is more active than ever before, and it has reached a critical value!"

Dane immediately summoned Cortana:"Cortana, now, immediately lift the iron curtain set by the Mother Box! Let the world's network be back under your control!"

Cortana immediately said:"I need the cooperation of Cyborg's electronic consciousness!

Cyborg responded immediately:"I'm on call at any time!""

So Cortana's eyes lit up, and countless data streams flashed in her eyes.

Cyborg also entered the online world under the influence of electromagnetic waves, and joined forces with Cortana to destroy the"Iron Curtain" left by the Mother Box in the digital world. Launch an attack.

Now that the Mother Box is in the process of the"Trinity" agreement, there is no spare power to resist the attack of the two top electronic consciousnesses.

Therefore, three days and three nights of electronic warfare were carried out in the dream world. In the real world, only After just five minutes, the"Iron Curtain" set by the Mother Box officially broke!

At the moment the"Iron Curtain" broke, Cortana immediately took control of Gotham's power network and supplied electricity to the area where the Mother Box was located. cut off


Steppenwolf was so furious that he was so close, so close, that in the last few minutes he actually cut off the energy supply!

But he still has a way!

Steppenwolf can temporarily supply his own energy to the Mother Box to complete the final step.

But the difficulties he needs to deal with are only beginning now, because Justice League is coming!

He felt the fluctuations in space, which was a sign that the teleportation device was starting.

Steppenwolf's expression immediately changed, and he immediately shouted at the Mother Box:"Summon our army!"

The light on the Mother Box flashed, and a sonic tunnel fell from the sky, bringing a steady stream of demonoids to the Star Laboratory.

And he himself entered the passage with the mother box without hesitation.

At the same time, Dane also appeared in the Star Laboratory with the Justice League. As soon as he came out, he saw that Steppenwolf was about to run away again.

"How could I let you escape again this time?"

So Dane flew out first, reacting faster than anyone else.

Before leaving, Dane's voice reached the minds of all the members.

"While I'm gone, everyone is at Batman's command!"

Clark was probably a little out of sorts because of Lois' matter, so Dane decisively let Batman take over the command.

After Dane said this, he chased Steppenwolf into the sonic tunnel, and then disappeared, so fast that even Superman could There was no reaction.

Batman said calmly:"Leave the matter over there to Shazam. Now, everyone in the Justice League, first destroy the enemies here~!""

As soon as he finished speaking, Wonder Woman could no longer hold back and rushed out, entering the army of demonoids and killing them.

Other members followed suit one after another and began to fight against the demonoids.

However, this time the demonoids The number was very large. Even if the heroes tried their best, there were still more demonoids breaking through the obstacles of the Star Laboratory and heading towards Gotham City in all directions.

Although Steppenwolf only opened the sonic blast channel for a few seconds, But the demon-like army he brought was overwhelming, like a swarm of locusts.

These were the natives that Steppenwolf captured when he conquered other worlds in the past, and he transformed them into the selfless war weapons they are now.

They are single The combat power may not be strong, but with their almost endless numbers, they were able to temporarily suppress the Justice League.

Batman finally understood why Dane spent so much energy to get Atlantis and Amazon to join the coalition. With the number of their Justice League, they couldn't stop these"locusts" at all!

So he couldn't help but yelled at Aquaman:"Arthur——!"

Arthur heard his call and immediately understood. He held the golden trident in his chest with both hands and concentrated his energy to summon the power of the seven seas.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and the golden trident hit the ground hard, and a huge shock wave shattered the ground under his feet.

From those shattered cracks, countless seawater spewed out, turning into torrents and spreading towards the surroundings in the blink of an eye.

In just a few minutes, the seawater flooded nearby streets and connected with the water in Gotham Harbor not far away.

And in those waters, countless battleships suddenly appeared in the water. They emitted colorful lights, illuminating Gotham Harbor brilliantly.

Atlanna was covered in armor, raised her five-pronged halberd, and shot at the demonoids flying in the sky!

"Atlantis——! Attack!"

The light emitted by countless water ion weapons flew into the sky, covering all the demonoids like a barrage, making their air superiority a joke.

The Atlanteans may be empty-handed, but the demonoids in the sky will never Survive!

Forced to have no choice but to fly at low altitudes, those demonoids tried their best to find a way to defeat the Atlanteans.

However, in the sewers on the ground, a group of ferocious trench tribes suddenly jumped out. They were more like humans than humans. The demons were even scarier, and they were even more bloodthirsty and crazy.

Many of the demonoids that passed by at low altitude were pulled into the ditch by them and were eaten crazily, just like the demonoids did to humans. It was really Feng Shui. Turns turned.

When Diana saw this scene, she was not satisfied with letting Atlantis dominate the front, so she immediately called Cortana

"Cortana, bring the Amazons here!"

"Okay, ma'am."

Cortana responded and activated teleportation magic, but what appeared was not the Amazon army. The divine power barrier set up by Zeus could not be broken with her magic, and her dream power was needed to maintain world-class dream operations. She didn't take action, but she had already found other ways.

In the teleportation light, Zatanna came to Gotham with the three goddesses from the divine world.

"This is a really bad city."

Calypso looked at the dim sky, feeling the moist air around him, and was a little confused.

What kind of freaks would live in this city?

And the eldest sister Hespera looked at the demon-like creatures in the sky. Frowning:"No wonder you turned to us for help, this is the minion of the Dark Lord!

Zatanna emphasized:"This is not a request, this is a deal!""

"To me that's a request!"Hespera raised her head high, still as proud as before. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After eating the golden apple, she has now become more beautiful than her sister Calypso Still young and confident.

Calypso secretly cast envious glances, but Hespera didn't notice.

Zatanna simply ignored them and turned to look at the third goddess, very Quiet Anthea

"Anthea, this is a problem for you."

I guess this is the goddess who speaks best here and never makes any mistakes.

Anthea nodded and raised her hands.

The magic of divine power can only be broken with divine power. Although Cortana couldn't move her hands away, she could Found a replacement helper.

Anthea, who still remembers her axis power?

She activated her divine power. Because of the restoration of the Tree of Life, she gradually regained her power during this period, and she can already do it Something that could not be done before.

With the help of Cortana, Anthea instantly located the location of Paradise Island, where a neat army of Amazons had been waiting for a long time.

Hippolyta was the first to sense it Anthea's magical power, she immediately called her soldiers

"Amazon, get ready!"

All the soldiers immediately stood ready.

Anthea activated the power of the Axis, and within a few seconds, she pulled Paradise Island to her location and connected it with the land of Gotham City.

"Holy. Shit!"The Flash Barry was running on the road and almost missed being hit head-on by Paradise Island.

"An island almost hit me in the face! Guys, can you believe it!"

Green Lantern Hal was in the air and helped Barry kill a demon-like sniper who tried to sneak attack him. He couldn't help but cursed:

"Barry, don't stop! start running!"

So Barry quickly started running again, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing across the road, knocking down the demons along the way like a bowling ball.

At this time, Hippolyta and Antiope also quickly figured out the situation of the battle and put their swords Pointed at demonoid


After that, she charged out on her war horse. Behind her, countless long-legged Amazon female warriors roared and followed, slaughtering the demonoids with their shining magical weapons.

Those magical weapons that need to be used in continuous battles are linked to the divine power of the three goddesses in the divine world, and they will continue to provide energy for these weapons during the battle. (of money)

"Amazons, and Atlanteans, who would have thought?"Hespera was filled with emotion.

This is the first time since the golden age that the two tribes have worked together again, right?

"If they didn't greedily absorb the power from us, maybe my impression of them would be better."

Calypso looked disgusted, but this was part of the deal. Even if she didn't like it, she couldn't resist Yuan.

With the addition of the Amazon and Atlantis armies, the demonoids no longer had a numerical advantage.

And they The shortcomings of lack of command were also exposed at this time, and they were suppressed by the Justice League and the coalition forces of the other two races. The human side also arrived under the command of Martian Manhunter. Of course, he was commanding the army as a human.

"General Swanwick, all ship-based missiles are in place, targeting all alien creatures codenamed Demon-like.

Martian Manhunter immediately said:"Fire!""

So in the waters outside Gotham Port, countless ship-based missiles were launched into the air, like rockets. When they fell towards Gotham, they were like meteors, bringing countless demons wandering around the periphery of the battlefield. A heavy blow.

Gotham City was once again shrouded in dreams by Cortana long before Cortana lifted the"Iron Curtain", so Martian Manhunter can let the Navy pour out its firepower without any scruples.

He wants to say something The anger I suffered at the hands of Doomsday a few days ago!.

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