The other members of the Justice League fought fiercely with the demonoids, while Dane chased Steppenwolf to Siberia.

Steppenwolf did not teleport directly to Savage's underground base. He was worried that Shazam would crush him to death. What would Doomsday's army do then?

He hasn't gotten the Anti-Life Equation yet, so he still needs the original man.

And he believed that Savage must have seen the situation here when he arrived here. If his mind was still normal, he should know what to do now.

Savage was indeed aware of his and Shazam's arrival, just as Steppenwolf thought.

When he saw Shazam standing behind Steppenwolf, he blurted out a curse word:"What.The.Fuck?"

Our cooperation is cooperation. What do you mean by bringing Shazam here?

It has to be said that Steppenwolf's move was really beyond Savage's expectation. It is his style to stand behind the scenes and control a little, and fight head-on....

He will be killed by Shazam if he meets him!

So when he saw that Steppenwolf was still looking at the ground and looking for something, Savage immediately ordered his men, even though he felt as sick as shit.

"quick! Start Project Babel!"

Originally, this plan would be launched at a later time. Savage arranged it with the intention of letting everyone on the other side die together.

But who would have thought that there was still one day away from the time 237 agreed by Steppenwolf, but something like this happened. trouble......

Um? Thinking of this, Savage suddenly wondered, is it possible that the time Steppenwolf told him was simply wrong? In fact, the time required for the mother box is as of today?

"This dishonest bastard!"Savage cursed with double standards.

While he was thinking here, his subordinates had already followed his instructions and launched the"Tower of Babel" plan.

Different from the animated movie"Justice League: Annihilation", Because Batman has not found an effective way to deal with Shazam, and his research on Kryptonians is still classified, Savage has not been able to get it. If these two core members of the Alliance can't handle it, even if Savage can handle the others People are meaningless. Both Shazam and Superman have the ability to make a comeback in one fell swoop.

Therefore, this"Tower of Babel" is not a privately customized plan for each member. The current"Tower of Babel" plan is created by Savage. The plan he established to reach the highest level is an invincible biological weapon composed of a thousand Destruction Suns.

A thousand?

They are enough to destroy any known civilization in this universe, even Krypton!

Outside the Savage base, Dai En had already launched an attack on Steppenwolf.

He took out the Ax of Ares from his warehouse, and struck it with the ax as the arc flashed.

Steppenwolf quickly raised his battle ax to block it.

"With a loud bang, Steppenwolf's divine power collided with Dane's old god's power, exploding the surrounding snow, directly revealing the base gate below.

This aroused Dane's curiosity

"oh? What is this?"He asked in confusion.

Then the steel door arched upwards, the door broke open, and a figure that felt very familiar to Dane jumped out. This was another day of destruction.

Dane suspected that he had poked a hornet's nest, because he was in Behind Doomsday, more Doomsdays were seen.

It turned out that Steppenwolf hid them all here. Dane was a little surprised. He thought Steppenwolf would hide them on other planets or space flagships, but no Thinking of hiding in this kind of world.

As soon as Doomsday jumped out of the base laboratory, he went straight to Dane. Their biological nature would prompt them to kill the creatures that are the most threatening to them first, and Dane fit the bill perfectly. This condition.

But not only him, Steppenwolf also enjoyed the same treatment. He quickly retreated and avoided the attack of one of the Doomsday Suns.

They were still in a new state, and they were incomparable to the one from Saint Roch.

But it is daytime in Siberia now. Even though the sun is mostly covered by clouds, the Doomsdays are still becoming stronger as quickly as possible.

Dane can see at a glance that these Doomsdays cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

So When they came out of the base, they chose him and Steppenwolf to attack because they were the only two creatures that threatened them here.

But the instigator was able to hide in the underground base and watch the show. Maybe Dane took advantage of them?

So he stamped one foot on the ground and raised his hand in an upward gesture. The ground shook, and the magic spread to the ground beneath his feet in compliance with Dane's will.

It wrapped around the ground around Dane, pulling the underground base directly upward. Get up.

Savage, who was in the base, suddenly lost his footing and was pulled to the ground along with the entire base he was in by Dane's magic.

Dane had never used this kind of magic before, so Savage was shocked for a moment. He lost his voice.

Although Dane has always preferred to use physical abilities, which are simpler and more direct powers, he has not forgotten that he is a magic god, and his study of magic has never stopped.

Deal with It’s hard to say what the gods are, but it’s easy to deal with some primitive people who have rarely seen the power of magic.

Savage was unable to make any effective response to Dane’s earth-shaking magic, and was directly dragged in by him. The center of the battlefield was not only exposed to the sun, but also to all the Doomsdays.

They sensed the breath of living creatures in this huge base, and one by one tore open the steel skin of the base and rushed in, killing everyone they saw!

See Dane This base temporarily attracted some attention, and he immediately rushed towards Steppenwolf to prevent him from continuing to use the power of the Mother Box to escape.

He struck Steppenwolf's battle ax again with his axe, and with one hand he used his other hand to draw the one on the ground. The snowball flew up and hit Steppenwolf in the face.

Don't think this trick is childish, but it does work wonders when it comes unexpectedly.

Steppenwolf didn't expect Shazam to use such a little trick, so it really happened if he didn't pay attention. After being hit, he lost his vision for a moment.

This moment was enough for Dane to continue his attack. He turned the battle ax and hooked Steppenwolf's ax upward, causing his middle door to open, and then a blast of lightning was fired. The fist hit Steppenwolf's face directly.

If you want to hit, hit the vital part. The active metal armor on his body is completely defenseless just on his face. If not, where can he hit?

Then Steppenwolf flew out upside down, his head twisted to one side, and several pointed teeth came out of his mouth.

However, even during this time of being beaten, Steppenwolf still did not forget to issue commands to the Mother Box.

So before he landed, a sonic blast channel appeared above them again, covering the entire battlefield.

"Is it possible that you only know this trick?"As soon as Dane asked such a sentence, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The scope of this sonic blast channel was too wide, completely covering all of them, and the base that Dane still didn't know whose name it was was also included. Included.

In the unique buzz of the sonic blast channel, everything on the field disappeared instantly, and there was nothing but a huge pit.

In the sonic blast channel, Dane flew forward and grabbed Steppenwolf, pulling him Tightly trapped between his arms.

After leaving the passage, there was another completely unfamiliar place below, and more than a dozen Doomsdays also ran out of the passage they came from.

As for the rest, they were nowhere to be seen. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Steppenwolf laughed loudly in Dane's confinement:"I have sent those cloned monsters to different places. You guys who call yourself heroes, are you going to Are you going to sit back and watch those innocent people being killed by monsters?"

This is also the reason why Dane knew that Steppenwolf was in the laboratory before, but never took action.

After all, he didn't know where Steppenwolf would put these guys.

In addition, the world's network was controlled by the mother box at that time. , Cortana is unable to unfold her dream, nor can she grasp the movements of those Doomsday Suns. Starting a group hastily may lead to some more unpredictable consequences.

Doomsday Sun Spores are too disgusting, and he can't grasp them before he is fully sure. No action will be taken.

But now that the"Iron Curtain" has been lifted, Cortana's abilities have been completely released. He will use this to release a dream that covers the whole world and contains everyone.

This is not easy, Even Cortana's ability is difficult to achieve global coverage, so she still needs a little help.

So Dane connected Cyborg's communication:"Victor, now is the time for you to use your power!".

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