Cyborg is responsible for debugging all electronic equipment, while Cortana focuses on the unfolding of the power of dreams.

Such division of labor and cooperation greatly improved efficiency. In just a moment, Cortana's power quickly spread to the entire earth.

Even Sandman Morpheus was alarmed by this power

"what's the situation?"

When he turned his sights to the earth, he found that an extraterrestrial war was taking place there.

And the dream stone he gave to Dane has now become the core of a new dream god, - his face twitched slightly.

Murphy Si has recently been busy rebuilding the Kingdom of Dreams, and has not paid attention to the Earth for a long time.

Thinking that he and the Earth have a bad relationship, he can't help but extend his divine power in the direction of the Earth, and he swears , what he did was really just an instinctive reaction.

In the past, when he was the Supreme Dream God, he often lowered his gaze to the human world, and never encountered any obstruction.

But this time he encountered it.

Although hell and earth are not in the real space, Adjacent, but in terms of dimensional structure, they are adjacent.

So when Morpheus's power quietly entered the earth, hell suddenly had a stress response. It was no longer an ownerless thing, it was Dane's. The playground.

The demonic power that Dane left here did not react for a moment. It was the power of the Sandman that came, so he very irritably sent out a signal that only their gods could receive: Get out!

So, Morpheus's power For the first time in my life, I was kicked out of the earth in a very dishonorable way!


Even a good-tempered person like Morpheus couldn't help but curse. When did hell come to a god with such a bad temper?

So he opened his eyes and looked, good guy, it's Dane, you bastard!

But Dane's main consciousness is on the earth, and he doesn't care about him at all.

Morpheus could only suppress the anger in his heart and cast his curious eyes on the earth.

If I don’t have the strength to go in, then I’ll just look outside at the head office, right?

The episode between Morpheus and the Hell Demon did not affect things on Earth.

With the assistance of Cyborg, Cortana completed dream coverage of 80% of the world.

There was nothing she could do about the remaining 20 percent. Some of the more primitive areas did not have any network coverage or any mobile facilities. Cortana could only hope that they would not be unlucky enough to encounter the Doomsday.

And she quickly located the Doomsdays scattered around the world and immediately sent the location information to Cyborg.

Cyborg quickly used the image of Lex Luthor to contact military and political officials around the world, so that the armies that were ready could quickly organize and march to the battlefield to face the Doomsday!

But Dane knew that these human armies could only buy them time at most. If he really wanted to deal with these guys, he still had to rely on his back-up or the back-up left by Batman.

He couldn't believe Batman hadn't updated his files on Kryptonians yet.

So he immediately contacted Batman who was commanding the battle in Gotham:

"Batman, there are about a thousand Doomsdays scattered around the world. I will ask Cortana and Anthea to arrange as soon as possible to gather these guys in one place.

Therefore, you have only one chance to wipe out these Doomsdays. When you have your weapons ready, give me the signal."

After saying that, Dane hung up the communication and flew in the direction of Steppenwolf. He caught him and gave him a hard hammer, beating him until he was unable to fight back.

But when he turned around, he found three mother boxes. They had melted together unknowingly, almost becoming one!

Steppenwolf looked very embarrassed, but he didn't care, and sneered:"You're still a step too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the"Trinity" agreement of the mother box was officially completed. In an instant, it merged into one and emitted a strong white light.

If this continues, then all this will completely destroy the entire earth like in the movie. Destroyed, and finally Barry inspired the Speed ​​Force to reverse time and space.

But how could Dane bet his fate on others?

He looked at the Steppenwolf in his hand and sneered, Have you forgotten? In the world of dreams, All rules are under my control, including time!

Then Dane had a thought, and the light of decomposition emitted by the Mother Box stopped for an instant, and then retracted into the box. The

Mother Box that had been integrated into one also appeared to be integrated. Despite the flaws before, Steppenwolf returned to the state he was in a few seconds ago, still saying the line:"You'd better come later."...Wait, how is this possible!"

Steppenwolf instantly understood that time had been turned back. He took a breath of cold air. He had never heard of this ability before!

However, in just a few seconds, a large amount of the power of the Dream Stone was consumed.

To turn It takes a lot of energy to travel back in time with an artifact like the Mother Box. If humans all over the world hadn't replenished the Dream Stone, Cortana might not even be able to maintain such a large dream.

But for just a few seconds That's enough!

Dane activated the double speed force and dragged Steppenwolf to fly in front of the Mother Box, but Steppenwolf had no power to fight back.

Dane put his hand on the Mother Box and said the most powerful Big mantra:"SHAZAM!""

Gathering the power of many gods in him, the power of this thunder is unbelievable!

In the golden age, the divine power of Zeus could split the unified force field of the Mother Box alone, and the divine power of the God of War was enough to split Dark. Said's hard skin penetrated deep into his bones.

And these two powers that once defeated the Mother Box and its owner are now concentrated on Dane, and there are more powers of the old gods involved!

So formed Even the unified field of the Mother Box could not withstand the divine thunder. There was a loud sound in the sky, as if a nuclear bomb exploded in the sky. The huge thunder instantly defeated the power of the Mother Box and split it into three.

0 Asking for Flowers and Thunder's The power continued downward, not only hitting Dane, but also Steppenwolf. The active metal on his body died instantly, exposing his iron-gray skin to the air. Steppenwolf let out a miserable howl, and his huge body instantly All vitality was defeated by this unparalleled lightning.

There was no need for Dane to continue to make up for the second blow. Steppenwolf directly turned into a dead corpse with this move, and there was no possibility of survival.

Dane backhanded his corpse Throw it into his inventory.

In Gotham, after receiving the news from Dane, Batman immediately handed over the command of the battlefield to Wonder Woman, and then he quickly flew in the direction of the Batcave in the fighter plane.

On the fighter plane, Batman called his butler:"Aph, get that thing ready!"

"But Master Wayne and Master Kent are also there."

"Clark will be fine, he will just suffer a little bit. Now, the most important thing is to completely deal with those monsters!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Alfred stopped trying to persuade him and immediately went down to prepare:"I understand, as you wish...."

Along the way, many demonoids flew over to chase his fighter plane, but they were all exploded by the Red Hood and Amazon female shooter on the ground.

But there are still a lot of demonoids in the sky, and the Mother Box sent more demonoids into the world before sending Doomsday around the world.

Not only Gotham, but also demon-like armies appeared in other worlds.

Superhero organizations and official armies around the world also took action, cooperating with each other to fight back against the demon-like armies.

With the deployment of Cyborg and the call of the Justice League, they temporarily put aside their conflicts and faced the alien threat together.

During this war, many superheroes appeared in front of the world for the first time. They were unorganized but spontaneously began to resist the invasion of demons.

And more superhumans began to encounter the Doomsday, buying precious time for the army to move out.

Just as Dane had imagined before, under the threat of foreign enemies, the world temporarily formed a whole.

All political orders that are conducive to defeating the opponent will be quickly passed and then reflected on the battlefield.

The demon-like armies around the world have been attacked by the earth's coalition forces in different ways, and their weakness of not having a commander has once again been completely exposed to mankind.

Although they brought some disasters to various places at the beginning, they soon encountered counterattacks from all over the world.

Needless to say, although humans are no match for demonoids in terms of individual abilities, they appear to be far more advanced than demonoids in terms of long-range strikes and precision guidance.

I don’t know where Steppenwolf got the confidence to laugh at the Amazons for their backward fighting skills. In fact, his demon-like army was not much better.

They were covered by overwhelming artillery fire without even seeing the soldiers of the human army.

Even if something is omitted, it will be replaced by an endless stream of superThe gates killed by the heroes..

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