Although the human army can deal with the demon-like army, it is completely helpless against monsters like Doomsday.

The greatest result of all their weapons was only to damage the surface of Doomsday, and they were quickly adapted to it by the opponent, so that the same attack would no longer be effective next time.

Therefore, in the areas where the Doomsday is raging, the war situation is completely one-sided, and human beings are retreating steadily. Even with the help of the newly joined superheroes, this decline still cannot be changed.

Most superheroes are no better than ordinary humans when facing a Kryptonian monster that can continuously evolve like Doomsday, and are equally powerless.

But in the underworld, although the results of the human war did not achieve very good results, they at least succeeded in delaying the Doomsday and prevented them from spreading further and harming more areas.

Each city has millions of people at least, and Doomsday doesn't know how to use large-scale attacks to clear the field. Moreover, this monster prefers to kill one by one, which is very inefficient.

But it also gave Batman enough time to prepare. By the time he arrived at the Batcave, Alfred had already prepared his weapons.

"Mr. Wayne, have you really thought about it and must do this?"

"Zero Five Zero." Batman paused for a moment before saying,"Alf, we have discussed this issue many times."

"But each time you hesitate longer than the last time."Alf said something that Batman himself didn't even realize.

"I won't hesitate, at least not this time..."Having said that, Batman opened the communication with Dane,"I'm ready"

"Cortana, Victor, move!"

Under Dane's order, the two electronic consciousnesses worked together and finally located all the Doomsdays, no more, no less, exactly one thousand.

This also shows that humans really have no way to deal with this kind of monster. There is no way. For these days of destruction to cause even a little bit of damage.

On the Gotham battlefield, Zatanna also received Dane's order and immediately informed Anthea of ​​the matter:"Anthea, I'm troubling you again!"

Had she not just used the Dream Stone to perform time manipulation, Cortana would have been able to complete the teleportation on her own, but now she still has to rely on Anthea's axis power.

Anthea nodded and withdrew her divine power from the Amazon's weapon. Returning, she concentrated her power.

The Axis Power was activated again, and the thousand marked targets were shared from Cortana's eyes to Anthea's mind, allowing her to lock the locations of all Doomsdays. Even for For a god like her, it is extremely difficult to move a thousand targets, but Anthea gritted her teeth and did it, even though the veins on her forehead popped out.

She did not give up. On such a battlefield, the last steps of the gods were Afterglow must not hold back!

Not only did she think so, but Hespera and Calypso also thought so.

So they also took back their divine power at the same time and transferred the taken back power to Anthea, strengthening her power.

"elder sister..."

"Ann, keep doing it and don’t embarrass Father God Atlas!"These are the words of Hespera

"Let those humans see why we are gods!"These are Calypso's words. Her divine power is actually exhausted, but even so, she does not forget to speak harshly.

Anthea concentrated her attention. The power of the Axis has never operated with such intensity as it does today. The surrounding space All in her heart, the position became a plaything in her palm.

She plucked the relative position of the space like plucking the strings of a piano. A thousand Doomsdays instantly felt that the scenery around them had changed. They were moving in the direction of the Doomsdays. Moving at a speed that is completely invisible.

I also know that these brainless beasts cannot stay on the ground, so there are many Doomsdays trying to break through where they are.

But no matter which direction they break through, in the end they are not Being hit by a tall building means being hit by a mountain, and then returning to their original position.

After a few seconds, when the Doomsdays came to their senses again, they were already on the battlefield in Gotham City.

There was already a place for them An area was cleared, and they were the only ones in it, surrounded by a group of eagerly looking warriors from all races.

"Batman, now!"

Batman in the Batcave pressed the launch button, and the man-made lake next to Wayne Manor opened an underwater gate.

A small rocket flew out of the launch silo and flew into the distance with a bright yellow tail flame..The speed of this rocket is very fast. After entering the stratosphere, it quickly approached the speed limit of Mach 10.

Therefore, it only took a few minutes to arrive at the battlefield where the Doomsdays were concentrated, and stayed above the heads of a thousand Doomsdays. superior

"Doesn't he want to blow us up together?"

Green Lantern Hal was very doubtful. This sounded very much like something Batman could do.

But Clark, who had clairvoyance, looked very strange:"I don't think so, because the amount of explosives loaded in that missile is not not much, but...Why is there a kryptonite in it?"

Although the weight of this kryptonite is very small, it is estimated to be only the size of a fingernail....Bruce plans to use this kryptonite to deal with Doomsday?

Clark was puzzled, but soon he understood its purpose.

The missile suddenly exploded in the sky, but as Clark said before, it didn't contain much explosives, it just exploded its outer shell.

It revealed the device inside and the fingernail-sized chunk of kryptonite in the center.

The device then operated rapidly, and several laser beams were fired at the kryptonite, and then reflected back to the device.

Something resembling lighting fixtures lit up around the device, causing it to suddenly emit a blinding green light, like a green sun hanging in the sky.

Hal almost thought it was the power of the color light, but Superman next to him suddenly showed a very painful expression. Under the illumination of the green light, he arched his body and fell down.

"It's the energy radiation of kryptonite!"

Not only him, but even the Doomsdays on the field quickly became weak under this green light. They could only half-crouch on the ground, furious and powerless at the green sun in the sky.

"I've done what I can do, and the rest is up to you."Batman said to Dane.

This surprised Dane. Didn't he create weapons of mass destruction?

He thought Batman would make a huge kryptonite bomb to blow up all the Doomsdays..0

In fact, Batman originally wanted to do this, but this character has a deep duality in his character.

On the one hand, he doubts everyone, so he also questions everyone, and always likes to think the worst about things.

But on the other hand, he doubts everyone. On the one hand, he always leaves a glimmer of hope when making plans.

For example, in the famous"Tower of Babel" plan, which Savage stole from Batman, none of the plans for superheroes will lead to evil. Any member of the alliance died on the spot, which proves that Batman was actually merciful subconsciously.

Otherwise, with his ability, he could have planned to kill many superheroes instantly.

The same this time, Batman knew that the kryptonite bomb would not only Killing Doomsday would also likely cause irreversible damage to Superman present, so he subconsciously showed mercy at the last moment.

In the Batcave, Alfred's face was filled with relief, but Batman just pretended not to see it.

He He just said to Dane:"I have controlled all the actions of Doomsday, and I don't believe you don't have a plan to deal with this situation.

By the way, your hell super prison seems like the best place for these guys."

Oh, I'm just annoying you smart people, so I don't have any secrets at all. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane's body returned to Gotham with the light of teleportation. He has not yet Transformed back into Shazam, so almost no one knows who he is. They only know that he has an extremely unspeakable dangerous aura.

That is the deepest fear of death itself, and here is"Dane, the God of Death".

As mentioned earlier However, the identity of Shazam is unanimously believed by the members of the Zhenglian that it should not be related to Hell, so when Dane wants to use the power of Hell, he will use the identity of Death. Among the superheroes present, there are also people from the Teen Titans , Katana Katana is now in it

"It's the Lord God!"After she finished speaking, she paid homage to the figure in the sky with a face of admiration.

The expressions of Nightwing and Red Hood were very subtle. Although they could not detect the cover of the confusion spell, they could guess to some extent that this guy in the sky must be related to Dane. , maybe it is one of his vests.

After all, among the vests that are already known to Dane, in addition to the Lord of Hell, there is also the Dream God. It seems not surprising that there is another dark guy.

Dane is here In full view of the public, the groundThe key appeared, through which he connected with the power of the devil in hell.

At the foot of a thousand destruction suns, a huge gap suddenly opened, with golden light at the edge.

Hal, Clark and Wonder Woman can't help but think of the golden moon ring they saw in hell.

From the black area in the center, countless shadow-like hands stretched out, grabbing the Doomsday in the mahjong field and dragging it underground, which leads to hell.

The"sun" of kryptonite radiation shines above, and the claws of hell cling to it below. Even the irrational Doomsday feels hopeless inside.

They are still just newborn children!

However, under Dane's iron heart, they were gradually captured by the"black hand" and thrown into hell.

When the last Doomsday disappeared underground, the gap suddenly shrank, as if it had never appeared..

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