I think everyone must have forgotten that there is still a crucial character who did not appear.

He is the culprit who caused the Doomsday to flood the world.

When the Mother Box randomly teleported everyone out, he was lucky enough to land in a no-man's land.

When Savage discovers the deserted location to which he and his base have been teleported, he quickly takes action.

He killed all witnesses in the base in an attempt to eliminate any trace of himself.

As an ancient man who has lived for tens of thousands of years, Vandal Savage knows a lot of things. For example, he knows that there is a magic called the tracking spell that allows Shazam to find him regardless of distance.

But as long as no one gets any information about him, even a powerful god like Shazam can't do anything to him.

Because he was sure that Shazam had never seen him.

But when he walked out of his base, he saw an uninvited guest.

It was a guy who looked like a detective, with a windbreaker, a gentleman's hat, and a face with no facial features at all.

These characteristics combine to form an identity that makes Savage look somber


The Inquirer has also experienced reboots and changed its origins in the DC world.

This Inquirer belongs to the New 52 version of the Inquirer and is one of the legendary Original Sin Tribodies.

In the era when the Wizards Council was powerful, he and the Phantom The Stranger's predecessors, Judas and Pandora, were jointly recognized as the three most sinful people in human history.

Because he refused to repent, and even made rude remarks and verbal threats in front of the 20th Congress, his face was taken away by the Wizards' Council. I also forgot my own name.

I can only wander on the earth forever, constantly looking for my identity and name.

"Vandal Savage. The questioner raised his head and asked,"You didn't expect to see me here?" You are responsible for this disaster"

"Then God should judge me. Savage glanced contemptuously at the man in front of him,"Not another villain who has messed up the world!""

"This time is unlike anything you've done before."

The questioner ignored Savage's attitude and was still talking to himself.

"In the past, because of the existence of the Seven Deadly Sins, we had to admit that they were reasonable and therefore powerless against any evil.

But today, the Seven Deadly Sins have been trapped in Hell by Shazam. This place should have returned to the era of the Garden of Eden, and careerists like you will become the most dangerous evil force in the Garden of Eden."

Savage felt very ridiculous when he heard what he said.

"You've been wandering around the world for so long and you've come to such a bullshit conclusion? Blaming the sins of mankind on a group of demons who make a living out of this? Savage mocked the questioner wantonly:"This is wrong because human beings are born like this. The seven deadly sins only amplify the evil in human hearts, but they are not the root of evil."

You are completely wrong. Human beings are the source of the seven deadly sins. Just like those so-called gods, human beings are the source of all these!"

It is precisely because of this that Vandal Savage has always wanted to be the King of Humanity.

In essence, he is the same as Lex Luthor. They are both human supremacists.

"maybe."Facing Savage's statement, the questioner did not refute it because it could not shake his will.

"Even if what you say is true, you are still responsible for the disaster."

There is no doubt that it is precisely because of the help provided by Savage that the difficulty of Steppenwolf's copy has increased so much.

Otherwise, with the intensity in the movie, any one of Shazam or Superman can be directly equaled. Push.

For men of steel like them, there is no difference between demons and large flies.

If Savage, a traitor, had not helped lead the way and plan, Steppenwolf would have been beaten by Shazam on the first day he came. Falling from the sky and hacking him to death.

However, Savage's original intention was actually to kill the alien invaders and superhumans, but the plan went wrong and it failed.

But even so, Savage still looked arrogant.

"Even if it is true as you say, what can you do to me?"

No matter who the inquirer was before he became this ghostly figure, but after he became the inquirer, he was just a freak with the ability to be immortal and without facial features. As for what powers he had mastered before, it didn't matter. The appearance has been eliminated and has been forgotten by him.

Although Savage also does not have any superpowers, he has strong physical fitness and fighting skills accumulated over tens of thousands of years. I believe that it will not be a problem to deal with a mere questioner.

The questioner also knows very well. Savage is difficult to deal with, but he is as confident as his opponent.

Although he is not as ancient as Savage, he is still a person who has lived for ten thousand years, and is also proficient in fighting skills.

So the two men faced off for a moment, and then they unanimously chose to take action..

They are both typical pragmatists, so every move is very simple and unpretentious. Although they fight with bare hands, they will always randomly pick up things around to attack the opponent during the battle. After the fight, the two of them have their hands on There are guys everywhere.

The character of the Questioner is the prototype of Rorschach in"Watchmen", so not only do they dress similarly, they even have similar personalities.

Because he has no memory of his past, the Questioner has no choice but to He could only investigate through detective methods, so that he developed a character to get to the bottom of the problem.

He was also a very stubborn person, which was also reflected in his battle with Savage.

Savage soon understood Unless he can completely kill the questioner, the other party will never let him go. He will definitely chase him until the end of the world.

"You are a fucking lunatic! Savage yelled. He had no time to deal with this lunatic now.

So he quietly put his hand deep into his waistband and prepared to draw a gun.

He practiced martial arts to kill his opponent, not to compete with him, so he could kill The martial arts of the dead opponent is the strongest martial art.

American Iai is also Iai!

But before he could show off his quick shooter skills, the teleportation light brought Dane to the scene.

Since they had never seen Dane in his death state, the questioner and Sasha Vicki didn't even notice Dane's identity.

"who are you?"The questioner asked him.

And Savage didn't want to know the identity of this man at all. His American Iai was already ready to go.

So when he saw Dane's incarnation of the God of Death appearing, he immediately turned his gun and targeted him. That's right Dane

"The sound of"bang bang bang" kept ringing, but Savage was shocked to find that the bullets he fired passed through his body as if they had not hit any obstacles at all, and fell into the open space behind him.

Savage Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He only knows boxing and kicking skills, but he can never defeat a magician.

Moreover, his high-tech equipment cannot be used because he is in the wilderness at this time. He didn't bring him here at all, so running away was the wisest choice.

But Dane proved with facts that his efforts were ineffective.

He grabbed it with his big hand, and he didn't see him using any magic gestures or chanting spells, just here With a slight twist of his hand, Dane caught Savage in front of him.

In fact, Dane didn't know who this person was at this time. He didn't have a deep impression of Vandal Savage, and he himself couldn't say he had one. What a particularly obvious identification mark.

But the training base of Doomsday is here. Even if Dane doesn't know this person, he is an insider. He can't let this guy go.

After catching Savage, Dai En didn't wait for him to speak. En directly put a magic point on his forehead, making Savage fall into a drowsy state, but before the guy fell asleep, he suddenly bit his teeth hard.

Dane knew very well what this action meant, so he He immediately opened the other person's mouth and tried to use magic to remove the poison.

But there was no poison sac inside, only a signal transmitter, and the electromagnetic waves emitted from it had spread out at the speed of light. At this time, Cortana suddenly reported to him:"Dane, I discovered that the nuclear bomb silos in Murmansk, Vladivostok, and Arctic had each launched varying numbers of nuclear bombs!

Dane frowned slightly:"Where is the target?""

"630 throughout the United States! And to make matters worse, nuclear counterattack systems around the world have been activated. If the concentration of nuclear radiation in the atmosphere reaches the warning level, nuclear bombs around the world will be launched at the same time, destroying the world!"

So crazy?"

"Cortana, send me all the locations of those nukes that have been activated!"

Cortana did so.

Dane closed his eyes and directly communicated with the power of the devil in hell.

The sky suddenly fell into darkness, the shimmering moon ring blocked the sun's light, and the earth was dark.

Globally. People felt something and raised their heads to look at this strange sky.

The missiles rising from all over the place were like a series of bolides. They flew high into the sky, and then were captured by the gravity of the lunar ring, and finally submerged into it, even splashing. No. It wasn’t until the last missile disappeared that the moon ring dispersed, and the sun once again spread its light to the earth.

Dane threw away the corpse in his hand. There is a price for using the power of hell. After all, he promised heaven. He will not bring the power of the devil to this world.

But he can summon part of the power of the devil through the ritual of summoning the devil and sacrifice his life. This is in line with the rules of hell.

Fortunately, the quality of life of the person in his hands is very high. He was able to summon the Eye of the Demon God, and he didn't know who he was...

But death was not the end for him. This soul was just sent to hell by Dane. I believe he would be able to figure out this person soon. After doing this , he turned his attention to another person present, this one was much more recognizable.

This face without facial features, this outfit is highly similar to Rorschach


The questioner's face changed when he heard this... although it was hard to see.

He asked:"Who are you?"

Dane thought for a while, silently recited"Shazam", and returned to his divine body again.

At this time, the questioner put away his hostility, but still looked at Shazam warily.

"It's you, Shazam!".

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