Dane looked around and found that this place was very remote, and it could be said that it didn't look like someone was living there at all.

So he directly asked the questioner:"Why are you here? You can't be here for an outing, right?"

Even he spent a lot of trouble to find this base, so if you say that the questioner was walking here accidentally Dane wouldn't believe him even if he discovered this base.

The questioner doesn't know how much Shazam knows about him, but he is also a person who understands current affairs, and Shazam is a decent person, so it can't be detrimental to him, right?

So he didn't hide it:"It's Madam Xanadu. I learned from her that the instigator would appear here, so I came to block him."

Madam Xanadu? Descendants of the legendary ancient people……

"So did she say I would be here too?"

The questioner didn't say anything. Madam Xanadu really didn't say it. I don't know if she didn't predict it at all or if she predicted it but didn't tell him.

"You seem to know that person very well. I think you won’t mind going back to the Justice Building with me, right?"

The questioner wanted to say that he quite minded, but facing Shazam's power, it was obvious that he was not qualified to say"no".

Dane clapped his hands lightly, and instantly brought them together with the huge underground base. Moved to the Justice League station in Kandak.

He brought the inquirer to the Justice Building not only because he was very interested in the inquirer, but also because he felt that Mrs. Xanadu would not be innocent.

He knew that this woman had been living in New York. , doing divination for some people, it seems that it is also helping some people solve some supernatural events.

Mrs. Xanadu has never had any interaction with their Justice League or other superhero organizations before, which is actually a good thing.

Because that proves In the future that Madam Xanadu sees, they can solve all problems without her involvement, whether they are related to magic or not.

Her prophetic ability may even be stronger than Doctor Fate in some aspects.

Doctor Fate After all, two minds are one, and the power of the God of Order cannot be fully exerted. The future predicted is always slightly different from reality.

But the future scene predicted by Mrs. Xanadu is always generally consistent with reality.

If Mrs. Xanadu If she predicted that she would appear here and meet the questioner, it would prove that she deliberately sent the questioner to her.

As for the purpose, he still didn't know, but knowing this, he would not let him The questioner left like this. This person must be useful. Even if he doesn't have it now, he will in the future.

And in order to find out what use he has, Dane must put him where he can see him, otherwise he will Guys can slip away in the blink of an eye.

Among all people, the Questioner is the most difficult character for him to locate, because even Dane, who has read many comics from a god's perspective, can't figure out his true identity.

Question The author himself is pursuing the truth. He himself can't figure out who he is, and Dane can't understand it even more.

When they came to the Justice League, some members of the Justice League had already returned here, and some others were in the Brotherhood. Tan was over there to clean up the mess.

Barry was here at the moment, and he was shocked when he saw Dane bringing back a big guy.

"What it is."

The underground base built by Savage unfolded to the ground, almost as fast as the Justice Building. The Flash almost became a monkey and was crushed under the five-finger mountain.

But he was still too young, and he didn't know that the things inside this base were even worse. , will subvert his world view. If Barry sees those things, he may not just be shocked.

"So, do you want to lock me up?"The questioner was very quiet after arriving at the Justice League station. There is probably no safer place in the world than here.

But the questioner does not need safety, what he needs is the truth, and he has been working hard for that truth all his life. So he doesn't want to stay in a certain place forever. If Shazam wants to do this, even if his abilities are limited, he will find a way to escape from this place.

Although Dane does not use mind reading, he can probably guess The questioner thought about what he was thinking and said:

"Your true identity is probably related to the Wizards' Council, so I think that instead of running around the world, why not just stay here with me and maybe you can find the truth you are looking for?

Mrs. Xanadu must have told you the same thing, right?"

The questioner was silent. He found Madam Xanadu at that time, of course, not because of Savage.

Instead, he was directed to Savage because he sought information about his life experience from Madam Xanadu.

Now he has also returned. It seems that Madam Xanadu clearly led him to Shazam on purpose, but now he doesn't quite understand the meaning of her actions.

Perhaps, as Shazam said, he can find the truth about his identity here?

"I understand, I will stay here until the day the truth is revealed"

"Very good, don't worry, you're not a criminal, we won't put you in jail, we don't have much else here, just a lot of rooms, just pick a place to stay..." At this time, Barry walked over curiously and looked at A glance at the questioner’s face

"Dude, what is your mask made of? It’s very similar to real skin!"

With such technology, we might be able to make disguise masks or something like that.

The questioner's empty face seemed to move, and his tone sounded stiff:"This is not a mask."

"What?"Barry suspected that he heard wrongly.

"I said I'm not wearing a mask and this is my face!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In another corner of the world, the"Black Room" of the Sky Eye Society is located here.

At this time, outside the black room, a woman wearing a red cloak came to the black room.

Although she was wearing a cloak, she still couldn't hide her curvy figure.

"Madam, please show me your ID!"

Although the guarding soldier said this, he had already raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at the woman. There is no human habitation in this place for hundreds of miles, and if such a voluptuous woman suddenly appears, everyone will think there is something wrong.

Here The soldiers are all well-trained special forces, and they will not casually seize the opportunity.

However, when the woman faced the guard's warning, she seemed not to hear it at all. Not only did she not stop, but she continued to walk forward. Closer to the door


The guard realized something was wrong and decisively ordered to fire.

The moment he issued the order, countless bullets poured out, but what was strange was that none of the bullets could hit the woman in front of him. It was like they had eyes. All the bullets spontaneously flew around the woman's body, as if they deliberately avoided her.

The guard was well-informed, and when he saw this situation, he immediately realized that he had encountered a supernatural event, and quickly spoke into the walkie-talkie

"Here is the door! Enemy attack! Repeat, enemy attack! The enemy has supernatural power..."

As soon as he finished saying this, he was killed by a bottom-up bullet, and one bullet hit the center of his eyebrow.

In front of the door, the woman raised her hands and took out two modified pistols from under her cloak..

The two guns erupted with bright fire, and every sound that sounded represented the loss of a life. Her shooting skills were simply incredible. I am afraid that even if she is dead here, it is difficult to say that she can do better than her. Okay.

The woman raised her head and revealed a beautiful face from the red cloak. There were several red lines on the left and right sides of her cheeks, making it difficult to tell whether they were birthmarks or tattoos.

After she cleared all the guards at the gate, she inserted her pistol He turned back to his waist and pushed the door with both hands.

The door immediately opened as if it was blown by a strong wind, but behind the door, there was already a group of soldiers with live ammunition waiting there.


The same instructions, the same (Zhao Dehao) hail of bullets, but as before, none of the flying bullets could get close to the woman's body.

Suddenly, a rocket flew out from the ranks of soldiers and aimed at Xin flew in the direction of the woman.

When she looked up, a strange light seemed to light up in her eyes, and invisible power surged out of her body.

The rocket hit the target and exploded instantly.

The attacking soldiers They each found cover to avoid the impact. After a while, the woman's intact body walked out of the explosion.

"Shit! Is she immortal?"

However, these were the last words in his life, because immediately after, the bullet in the woman's pistol took away his life.

So after another period of killing, the woman walked into the deepest part of the dark room, and from the safety inside In the room, a metal creation shaped like a head was taken away.

It looked similar to the mechanical head in"Terminator", but it had three eye sockets, left and right, and a forehead. This head also had a resounding name, called Pandora. Box.

This is the one that released the Seven Deadly Sins tens of thousands of years ago, and the woman holding it in her hand is Pandora. Pandora, together with the Queer and the Phantom Stranger, is known as one of the three original sin bodies!.

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