
Pandora's body stopped. She turned around and looked. A beam of golden light opened like a door in the warehouse, and Doctor Fate walked out.

"Are you Naboo now? Or Kent Nelson?"Pandora and these two people are old acquaintances.

Few people know that before Naboo became the God of Order, he was also an ordinary human being, and he was also the son of Vandal Savage.

This primitive man once lived in a certain place. He ruled ancient Babylon during that time, and also claimed to be the main god Marduk. It was at that time that he gave birth to his son Nabu. Let me explain here, the name God of Order sounds very big, but in fact in In the system of the Old Gods, it should be regarded as a secondary god, one level lower than the real Old God. There is not more than one God of Order in the entire universe, and Naboo is just one of the chosen ones on Earth.

This selection is very similar to the Green Lantern Corps. On many primitive planets, some Green Lanterns are also worshiped as gods.

However, the Green Lantern Corps is deeply influenced by republican ideas and does not regard itself as a god....Except, of course, the little blue men, those immortal little things who love to call themselves gods.

All in all, the nature of the gods of order is not as high as that of the old gods. It is more appropriate to regard them as a group of selected agents who can use divine power.

On top of the God of Order, they also have a common boss called the Lord of Order, who is a mortal enemy of the Lord of Chaos.

He is the god who gives order to humans or other races. This is the real god.

As an immortal woman, Pandora certainly met the equally immortal human Vandal Savage when she was wandering the world, and therefore also met Naboo who had not yet become the God of Order.

I remember that Pandora went over to laugh at him when he turned into a helmet.

Pandora has devoted her life to finding ways to solve the problem of the Seven Deadly Sins. She believes that mankind has become what it is today entirely because she accidentally released the seven demons deeply rooted in the human heart.

She hopes to transform this world back to the simple world of the Garden of Eden.

But Dr. Destiny knows very well that human evil actually only stems from human nature, not from the seven deadly sins. They are just parasites that feed on it.

"Pandora, you shouldn't have taken that box, put it down, and walked out of here like nothing happened. Hearing this, Pandora smiled at him and said,"Naboo, you clearly know that only I can touch it in this world."

Aren't those humans who tried to come into contact with it crazy?"

Pandora's Box is a very evil object. It has its own will and will confuse all people who should not come into contact with it.

Legend has it that only people with two extremes of"goodness" and"evil" can touch it but not She can not be harmed in any way.

Pandora is different. She seems to be more special. Not only can she touch the magic box without any scruples, but she can also restrict the seven deadly sins to a certain extent.

So strictly speaking, the magic box is indeed better than being kept in Pandora. The human world is safer.

Doctor Destiny pondered for a moment and asked:"Then why do you want to retrieve the magic box at this time? Obviously (cacf) you have given up on it"

"I never gave up on it!"Pandora's expression suddenly became very angry.

"The damn wizard council convicted me, but I refuse to accept it! I had no idea what this thing was at the time!"

The crime that the Wizards' Council sentenced Pandora to at that time was that she had undue curiosity. In fact, it was just to dump the blame for the seven deadly sins on her head.

But Pandora was always unconvinced, so she wanted to find out He found a way to redeem his"mistake" and seal the Seven Deadly Sins back into Pandora's Box.

But this aroused Dr. Destiny's vigilance:"So you mean, you want to open it again?"

"That's right! Pandora did not deny it,"If you don't open it, how can you recover the original sin?""

"But, you don’t have to do this at all! Dr. Destiny said anxiously:"The seven deadly sins have been trapped in hell by Shazam. They can never return to the world to do evil. This is simply unnecessary!""

But Pandora doesn't believe it. She has been walking in the world for many years, and the concept of"human beings are harmed by original sin" has been deeply rooted in her bones and has become her heart disease.

If the problem of human original sin is not solved, she will never give up!

Even if Doctor Fate Tell her clearly that those original sins have nothing to do with the Seven Deadly Sins, and Pandora won't believe it.

There is no way, Dr. Fate can only take coercive measures when persuasion fails.

"If you insist on doing this, then I'm afraid I have to stop you, Pandora. Dr.

Destiny flew up and aimed the golden magic in his hands at Pandora,"You should know that you are no match for me, so this is the ultimatum. Please hand over the magic box!""

Pandora looked at the tense Doctor Fate and suddenly showed a smile, which complemented the red lines on her face and had a strange charm.

"Since you said so, let me give it back to you."

As she said that, Pandora suddenly threw the magic box in her hand at Dr. Destiny, and he subconsciously took it with both hands.

At that moment, the power of the magic box spread to Dr. Destiny through the place where his hands touched, making him scream. The screams. The extreme pain caused Dr. Destiny to instantly bend over and collapse to the ground.

He was neither a"good" person nor a"bad" person, so he could not touch the magic box and was caught by the magic box. The backlash was so painful that Doctor Fate's divine power could not resist it at all.

"It seems that you are not the one chosen by the magic box, Naboo."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Dr. Fate was almost losing consciousness, Pandora took back the magic box and relieved Dr. Fate's pain.

Then Pandora hooked her finger and activated her magic power. Doctor Fate's helmet detaches from Kent's head and falls into Pandora's hands

"After all these years, your weaknesses are still the same, Kent, you've aged a lot."

Pandora saw Kent with white hair and beard, and was very moved. She thought that when they met, he was still a young boy.

Although he lost his power, Kent still did not change his elegance. He stood up and straightened his clothes.

"And you are still as young and beautiful as we saw you, Pandora."

Pandora didn't want to see his old appearance anymore. She threw the helmet in her hand to Kent and warned him:

"I hope you don't have to worry about my affairs anymore, Kent. This is my last advice to you!"

After saying that, Pandora turned around and left.

Kent, who stayed in the dark room, raised his helmet, which was emitting dazzling light.

"how? What else do you want to say?"

"Why did you let her go?"Naboo said sternly.

"Because we can't stop her at all. You and I both know that Pandora is immortal, and besides, she is supposed to be the holder of the magic box."

"You clearly know that I am worried about another thing!"

As for the other function of Pandora's Box, in fact Nabu was vaguely aware of it. It seemed to be a door, but he didn't know where the door ultimately led.

Kent just stroked the helmet gently and smiled broadly. Calmly:"No matter what danger we encounter, I believe the Justice League can solve it. Have you found any abnormalities in the future?"

"......You have changed so much now."Naboo's voice was a little helpless. Ever since he returned to Kent, Kent seemed to have changed. He was no longer anxious all day long.

But because of this, he began to lack some enthusiasm in doing things, but the amazing thing is that they The two have never been so compatible as they are today.

Kent puts the helmet back on his head and transforms into Doctor Fate again

"Now that the war has just ended, we still have a lot to do..."


After leaving the black room, Pandora returned to her station.

After living for so many years, in addition to learning various skills, she also formed a team of her own.

Fortunately, in recent times, there have been more superhumans in the world than expected, allowing her to recruit a lot of reliable people.

She believed that these people could contribute something when she recovered the Seven Deadly Sins.

Looking at the magic box in her hand, Pandora couldn't help but try it again, but she gave up after a few minutes.

Since she first opened it, she is no longer qualified to open the magic box.

Pandora guessed that it was because she was no longer"purely kind" at this time, so she couldn't open the magic box.

Therefore, she needs a"perfect" person to help her reopen the magic box.

After much thought, she felt that perhaps only one person could meet this condition.

That person is Superman

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