Steppenwolf was destroyed, but his soul was not captured by Dane.

Unlike the old gods who can only survive in the New God Realm, the New Gods are now in a prosperous state.

As one of the important figures of the Apokolips Protoss, Steppenwolf's soul has long been bound to Apokolips. Once he dies, his soul will immediately return to Apokolips.

Maybe one day, he will be able to resurrect under some kind of opportunity.

And the moment Steppenwolf's soul returned to Apokolips, as the master of Apokolips, Darkseid immediately noticed this, and the Omega Effect told him about it through his connection to the planet.

So he immediately called his right-hand man, Disad

"My loyal subordinate, Desard."Darkseid's voice seemed to be reverberated.

Desaad lowered his head deeply in front of him:"Your loyal servant comes to follow your orders, the great Darkseid."

"My uncle, the man who betrayed me and was punished by me and exiled from this planet, Steppenwolf, died in an unknown world."

Desard was very surprised. It had only been a few days since he last contacted Steppenwolf. He didn't expect that he would die there so quickly.

Although Steppenwolf was dead, Disad still did not forget to give him something. Applying eye drops, he whispered:"I told you, Wasteland-Wolf will fail."

"Yes, you said that."Darkseid's eyes seemed to be burning with divine light that could never be extinguished,"But no matter how unbearable he is, he is still the new god of Apokolips, and his life should be judged by me. Disad lowered his head deeply:"Of course, everything belongs to your hands, my master.""

"So, since you have had contact with Steppenwolf before, I leave this matter to you.

Be sure to find out which world Steppenwolf died on, and bring that world under Apokolips and my rule!"

Dissade felt that this task was very troublesome, but he did not dare to disobey Darkseid's orders, so he had no choice but to accept it.

But when he walked out of the palace gate, he began to have a headache for this task again.

Although Steppenwolf communicated with him, he did not give the specific coordinates of the world he was in at that time.

The universe is very vast, not to mention that the location of Apokolips is in a dimension outside the normal universe, which made them still difficult to locate. Will encounter extra trouble.

This is why Apokolips created the Mother Box back then.

Only the Mother Box can travel to any world without any scruples, and open a sonic tunnel to bring people from Apokolips there.

Now Steppenwolf It failed, and the mother box can no longer function. Finding that place is like looking for a needle in a haystack...

No, it's harder than finding a needle in a haystack. This is clearly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Unless Desarde is willing to enter in person like Steppenwolf did. To the mortal world, but what's the difference between that and exile?

Steppenwolf can't live without the nourishment of Apokolips, and DeSaad can't live without it either.

Just when he felt a headache, another top executive of Apokolips left. come over

"Lord Desard, you look like you are having a headache about something."

Desaad looked in the direction of the source of the sound and found that the person coming was Grandma Xiang.

Grandma Xiang is not kind. She is a native of Apokolips, and she is a rare leader who rises from the bottom to the top of Apokolips..

Her main job is to train a team for Darkseid that is completely obedient to him - the Nemesis Team.

Each member of the team has fighting skills like the most advanced Amazon warriors, and has a body comparable to Diana's. Basic abilities.

If Diana is the representative descendant of the power of the old gods, then the Nemesis team is the representative new generation of the power of the new gods. Each of them has the qualifications to become a"god".

Disad and Kind Grandma The relationship between them cannot be said to be very good, but also cannot be said to be very bad. They are just colleagues who work for Darkseid.

"Kind grandma? What are you doing here?"

The kind grandma walked to Disad with a sly smile like Grandma Rong:

"I feel your confusion, Lord Desaad. It just so happens that the girls I train are good enough to stand on their own. Why don't you tell me your troubles, and maybe I can provide you with some small help."

Desaad thought, this might not be a good idea. He didn't want to leave Apokolips, but he could let others go instead.

It's just that he didn't want to leave Apokolips....

DeSaad is not very confident in the team of the kind grandmother:"Are you sure your men can complete this mission?

I must remind you that it is not easy to kill Steppenwolf in that world. Even if your men really find it, It's hard to escape unscathed."

But the kind grandmother acted nonchalantly:"If this is the case, it can only be said that their abilities are insufficient, and the waste should be eliminated.

But at least, before they die, , and can make some insignificant contribution to the great master, then they deserve to die."

These words of the kind grandmother revealed her cold and ruthless nature, and Desaad said nothing more after hearing this. Since the other party was willing to His men are used as consumables, so what does he have to regret?

So the matter was decided. Desaad appointed Grandma Kindness to help him find the world where Steppenwolf was defeated. Grandma Kindness would hand over the matter to her Nemesis team.

Her purpose is naturally not to have a good relationship with Disad, or this is not the most important reason.

The main purpose of the kind grandmother is to let Darkseid see her value and the potential of the Nemesis team she has cultivated through this mission. In essence, she wants to use this to get to the next level. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She returned to her base with Desaad's mission.

The world of the New Gods is inherited from the Old Gods, so even on Apokolips, which plays with technology, there are many relics of the old era.

For example, kindly grandma's residence has a huge ancient Roman-style Colosseum, and she preserved this building and enhanced it.

Let it become a place for the Furies to fight and train.

At this time, in the Colosseum, there were five Furies undergoing combat training, and four people surrounded one.

However, in the Colosseum, the one being besieged actually had a slight upper hand. She was Big.Barda, the current captain of the team, whose strength surpassed all the goddesses.

In addition to her, the other people besieging her are:

Lashina, who is good at using long whips or other belted weapons;

Zhongtao, who is stronger than ordinary men and has infinite strength. The heavy metal boots on her feet can Crush dense materials;

0 flowers requested.

Crazy Harriet, an assassin with light skills and steel claw hooks on her hands;

Gilotino, a female warrior who is good at using two swords, and the only one who can compete with Big Barda in terms of skills. people.

But Big Barda is too familiar with their moves. Although it always seems to be in danger, she can avoid the combined attacks of all the members every time and find a way for herself to break through.

So after the forty-five minutes of the battle, Big Barda relied on a slight advantage to once again defeat the joint attack of the other Furies.

But she was also exhausted and had almost no strength to fight anymore.

Don't think that you are not strong. In fact, facing any goddess of revenge, with the strength shown by Big Barda, you can defeat one of them in a few minutes, even Gilotino, whose strength is closest to hers, is no exception.

The kind grandma watched in the stands for a long time and nodded with satisfaction.

Although her own strength is average, she can cultivate a goddess of revenge who is far stronger than herself but loyal. This makes her very proud, but this is not enough.

"Girls, come here quickly!"

Grandma Xiang clapped her hands to attract the attention of all the goddesses. Seeing that they all focused their attention here, Grandma Cixiang talked about their mission.

"The great Darkseid has issued a very important mission to you, this is the first time!"

The kind grandma emphasized the word"first time", and just as she thought, all the goddesses immediately pricked up their ears and began to listen to her attentively.

Even Big Barda, who had other feelings in her heart at this time, also Pretending to be interested

"The great master Darkseid had an uncle named Steppenwolf. He was once punished and exiled to the mortal world for betraying his master.

Recently, the owner learned that Steppenwolf died in one of the worlds. This is an unbearable shame for the owner! The new gods of Apokolips can only be judged by their masters!"

When Da BaDa heard this, she narrowed her eyes quietly. She roughly guessed what the mission was.

"So, in order to wash away this shame, what are you doing?Everyone must enter the mortal universe, find the world where Steppenwolf is buried, and then dedicate it to the great Darkseid!"

""For.Darkseid" the Furies yelled equally enthusiastically:"For.Darkseid"

So on the next day, each of them took a detector made by Desaad himself and entered the universe through the sonic tunnel.

Because of Desaad and the wasteland Wolf had a conversation with him, so he recorded the radiation signal of the mother box at that time.

But because the mother box had returned to silence, the detector he made could only react when it was very close.

This is what Disard felt The reason why the mission is very troublesome is that the universe is so big, and he might wander around in it for thousands of years like Steppenwolf, and he may not be able to find the target. The

Furies set out on the spaceship made by Apokolips technology.

The Great Bardana She couldn't hide her excitement. She had wanted to leave this damn planet for so long, but she didn't get this chance until today.

Mission? Damn mission!

As long as she goes out, she will never come back to this life again. Hell.

Big Barda searched on the spacecraft's navigation system and finally chose one of the universe areas, Area 2814.

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