
After the Steppenwolf invasion came to an end, the power of dreams once again reset the world, and those who died because of the war once again regained their lives.

By the way, is this the first time Dane has used the power of dreams to reset the world?

Even those who died innocently in the war have gradually adapted to this situation. It seems that after every major event, Shazam will restore the world.

After many years, the popular Kuaishou"Fu N" once again reappeared, not only bringing first-hand information to netizens around the world about Steppenwolf's invasion of the Earth's battlefield, but also revealing the secrets of Shazam's unique magical"Dream World" Details.

Netizens revealed why everything went back to the way it was when they woke up.

Although many netizens already know some things about the dream world from various short videos, there is no"Fu N" who can explain it thoroughly.

Under his narration, many people felt for the first time that Shazam's ability was worthy of the title of"god".

The Greeks became even more enthusiastic about building temples. This time they were very lucky. The aftermath of the war did not affect their country. They believed that this was the protection of the gods at work.

But this also caused many bad things to happen, and some people began to despise their own lives and began to risk their own lives by"683".

However, the power of dreams will only be activated when needed. Under normal circumstances, it will not cover the whole world like it did during war.

After all, it consumes a lot of dreamstones and takes up Cortana's computing power, so the gain outweighs the loss.

So when those guys who committed suicide were discovered by their families later, they were really dead.

Of course, Dane cannot be responsible for this kind of thing, so the official can only come forward to remind the public that Shazam is not always using the power of dreams, and appeals to citizens not to make fun of their own lives.....

Amanda from the Sky Eye Club has become darker recently. She feels that the Sky Eye Club has almost become a follower of the Justice League, and they actually want to control public opinion and risk for the Justice League. How did the Sky Eye Club end up like this?

Thinking of this, she could not help but feel a little dissatisfied with the Justice Society. Ever since Kent Nelson returned to being Dr. Fate, the Justice Society seemed to no longer be as actively involved in major events as before.

Doctor Fate himself even has a tendency to drift along, being led along by his actions, and other members of the Justice Society seem to be showing signs of increasing"depravity."

But fortunately, Amanda could clearly feel that Atom Smasher was a very aggressive young man. He seemed not satisfied with the current state of the Justice Society, which made Amanda couldn't help but have some other thoughts.

Her recent desire to form an official"Justice League" has become more and more important, and she has already drafted several candidates.

There have been a lot of superhumans appearing in recent years, and some of them are good newcomers who are just blank slates of paper, and can just be recruited to instill in them the idea of ​​​​the supremacy of the United States.

"Stargirl, Doctor Light, Catwoman, Shockwave, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Firestorm..."

I don't know how many of these, but after counting, I realized that there are quite a lot of superhuman beings born in recent times.

But Amanda's eyes were attracted by a recently emerged superhero. She is very different from other superheroes. She can kill people and dares to kill people.

"Atomic Girl? A very interesting woman."

Amanda has more things to consider. The rise of the women's rights movement in recent years has allowed her to see new political trends.

A strong female superhero may be able to help their new"Justice League" become famous.

Maybe it can also shake Wonder Woman's status in the hearts of the people.

So she immediately called her right-hand assistant Harcourt:"Amy, I need you to meet this Atomic Woman for a while to see if you can bring her to life." Recruit into our team. Harcourt took a look and found that this Atomic Woman had a murder record, so she asked softly:"Do you want to arrange her into the suicide squad?""

"No, I want to put her on a new team, and..."

Amanda glanced at her without leaving any trace,"That team is called Detachment yes ma'am"

"Regarding the new team, it will be an organization that completely matches the Justice League. It should be bright, so don't stuff some tainted guys into it.

Now Harcourt understood:"So, it's like the Justice Society?""

"That's right! Amanda nodded and said,"Don't those people on the Internet always say that the Justice Society is a pirated version of the Justice League?"

This time we are going to make a real pirated version and call it the Justice League of China!"

Although the war is over, for Dane, the busy work has just begun.

Since the Amazons and Atlanteans collectively participated in the war this time, it is obvious that they can no longer stay out of it, and countries around the world can no longer ignore these two country.

So in the second week after the war, Kandak took the lead in submitting an application to the United Nations, proposing to absorb Amazon and Atlantis as a part of the United Nations. As soon as this application was sent out, it immediately caused a stir This caused an international shock, and the opposing and supporting countries quarreled at the United Nations General Assembly.

Who among the top leaders of these major powers didn't know that the Justice League was actually in charge of Khandak?

Now they have to introduce two countries with extraordinary bloodlines. This What do you mean?

But Cyborg still possesses the"weapon" that should have been mastered by Lex Luthor.

Under Dane's instruction, he ordered his secret hands to exert force on the United Nations, and finally in the second month At the United Nations meeting, the proposal to absorb these two ancient countries into the United Nations was passed. This event is of epoch-making significance for the world. Since the golden age, the mysterious and non-mysterious worlds have once again been connected.

The political structure in which the United States was dominated by one country finally disappeared, and a new political structure was formed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane knows that many countries have secretly conducted research on super-powered people. Research, and many countries have produced results.

Especially the five permanent members, their research on superpowers is far ahead of the world.

Therefore, in today's multi-polar world structure , superhuman beings are gradually evolving into an invisible force competing between countries.

Originally, the United States possessed Shazam and Superman, two"super weapons" that could destroy the world.

However, due to official manipulation, they fled to Kanda. Gram.

Although each of them is still active in the United States, in a political sense, they no longer belong to the United States. In the golden age of superhero comics, Superman once had a classic line:"Enforce justice, but not the United States." The way."

Now the United States can no longer say such lines. This is why Amanda is eager to establish their own Justice League..0

She wants to tell the world that the United States still has the most superheroes in the world. place, so it is still the most powerful country in the world.

Dane also has to admit this, but at the same time, the United States is also the country with the most disasters in the world.

Every time aliens or extraterrestrial demons want to destroy In the world, the first one must be to attack the United States, so whoever wants to fight with this boss will fight.

Dane has informed the Khandak government in advance that their task is to develop their own technology and ignore everything else.

You are a city-state A small country, no matter how much it develops, can only have such a large economic territory. It can support a population of millions. If it wants to continue to develop, it can only acquire more land. But as the headquarters of the Justice League, it is obviously impossible to expand its territory by invading neighboring countries. ?

Unlike a certain six-pointed star country, Dane still wants to save face.

So the only way he can think of is to seek land resources from the boundless space.

He is not greedy either. First of all, his first goal is the moon. , with the World Engine here, he believes that the lunar soil can be transformed into land that can grow vegetables.

Therefore, Kandak’s main work goal recently is to figure out how to build an artificial ecosystem on the moon.

Currently, the World Engine is still there Hell construction, they still have to wait for a while, but the preparatory work can already be started.

So recently, rockets can often be seen taking off from the rocket launch base in Khandak, and it has almost become an Internet celebrity. The address has been checked in, attracting countless domestic and foreign tourists to come and watch.

I don’t know who leaked the news. Kandak’s intention to build the moon was known to a certain Eastern country. Recently, a test was sent through the diplomatic embassy. It is said that They are very interested in how to grow vegetables on the moon......

Atlantis is also very interested in exploring deep space, mainly because they heard that some planets are completely liquid planets, which sounds suitable for them.

Unlike Amazon, Atlantis's technology is of great reference even for Khandak, which is full of black technology.

This has caused Dane to be very busy recently. He has to participate in some decisions as the master of Khandak Behind the Scenes 3.1, learn new technologies, and deal with some magic problems left over from the last war.

He has absorbed the power and divinity of so many gods in hell, and he still has no time to sort and digest it.

Of course, no matter how busy he is, he will still find time to spend time with his girlfriends. He has so many girlfriends that sometimes he can't even sleep.

A good relationship cannot be without companionship. Clark obviously did not understand this truth.

Ever since Louise knew his true identity, a cold war had fallen into place between the two.

Coupled with his role as the second-in-command of the Justice League,Superman still had a lot to deal with after Steppenwolf's invasion, so he did neglect to keep Lois company, so he missed the best opportunity to explain.

When he returned to Metropolis after finishing all his business, he found that there was a young man beside Louise.

"Hello, maybe you have heard my name, my name is Alexander Luthor."

Clark looked at the handsome man in front of him, his expression a little stiff, and he mechanically stretched out his hand to shake hands with him.

"My name is Clark, Clark Kent"

"Of course, I heard Louise talk about you."

Luthor smiled meaningfully.

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