Lex Luthor was not punished.

Although he needs to bear a lot of responsibility for what Doomsday did in St. Roch and in Canada, those are things that can be done with money.

Besides, the Lex Group is responsible for this matter, so what does it have to do with Alexander Luthor?

To be honest, this"enthusiastic citizen" played a great role in the Steppenwolf incident, although he may have completely forgotten it.

Luther also discovered that his secret hand was being used. At that time, his first reaction was disbelief, then shock, then anger, and finally calmness.

He didn't investigate who was behind this thing. He could just guess who was in need of him most at that time.

Judging from the"zero-sum thinking" of the United States, it is unlikely that it is them.

And please forgive him for being a little rude, but he doesn't think the United States has the ability to crack the code he set.

So the only person or organization he could think of that could do this kind of thing without anyone noticing was the Justice League.

In this world, perhaps this organization is the only one that can break through his technology and take over everything he originally prepared for himself.

After thinking about this, Luther's inner desire to destroy these superhuman beings became more active.

And his first opponent was not the guys without superpowers in the main league.

Luther doesn't like to pick the soft ones first when doing things. If he wants to do it, he has to pick the hardest ones first! It's you, Superman!

When Doomsday attacked Metropolis, Luthor saw from the live broadcast that there might be some unknown secrets between Superman and Lois Lane.

So he began 20 investigations into Lois Lane's interpersonal relationships.

He discovered that in the past two years, the female reporter had been dating a small-town man named"Clark Kent."

What surprised him was that this man looked like a young reporter on the surface, but secretly he was the major shareholder of Pioneer Technology. Even if he didn't work, it would be enough for him to live a life without any worries.

He got into the Daily Planet apparently for Lois Lane.

But what interests Luthor is, does Clark Kent know about the unexplained relationship between his girlfriend and Superman?

He is so curious

"Mr. Kent, have you and Louise known each other for a long time?"Luthor asked.

Clark didn't want to answer him, but he didn't want to appear too rude, so he just reluctantly responded:"Lois and I have known each other for almost two years...."

"Two years? That's been a long time. The expression on Luther's face was unreadable,"Are you sure that Miss Louise is loyal to you?" Clark thought Luther was provoking him, so he was a little annoyed and said,"Of course, the relationship between Lois and I is unbreakable!""


Clark's voice suddenly became mute. He looked at Louise walking out of his apartment in an evening gown. She looked so beautiful.

But Louise pretended not to see Clark and put her Putting his hand gently on Luther's open arm

"Didn't we miss the dinner party? Luther showed a gentlemanly smile:"Of course not, Miss Louise, by the way, you are so beautiful tonight."

Louise covered her mouth and smiled softly:"You are flattered.""

Clark felt a little redundant, and there was a fire rising in his heart. This fire came out of nowhere and could not be stopped. But

Clark still had reason. Although he didn't like Luther, and he didn't like Lois being with him, but It was her freedom to choose who to be with, and he had no right to stop her.

So he could only stammer:"Uh, you...You, you are going out..."

As if she just discovered him at this moment, Louise said calmly:"We have a charity party that we need to attend. You won't mind, right? After all, you also have some little secrets that I don't know about."

Clark and Louise Everyone knew that she was talking about Superman's identity, but Luthor thought she was talking about Clark Kent hiding his wealth.

He was still a little disapproving. As a young and wealthy young man, it was nothing to have such an ambition. Instead, he felt that Louise was making a fuss out of a molehill.

He was sure that Clark Kent had misunderstood the relationship between them, but that was not the case between him and Lois, and had no connection with Yiyi, but he did not explain this.

Could Clark say he minded? he can not.

Aside from his crush on a girl named Lana Lane in middle school, Clark didn't have any other love experiences.

Of course, Clark, the girl who had an unrequited crush on him, wouldn't know.

Just like he never knew, Lanalan had never forgotten him.

All in all, Clark showed restraint throughout because he lacked experience in dealing with the situation. He stepped aside and allowed the two of them to pass.

Until Lois and Luther got into the car together, Clark's eyes were still fixed on the car.

In the car, Luther looked at Clark in the rearview mirror and suddenly said amusedly:

"Why didn't you tell him directly that you only agreed to go to the charity banquet with me just to interview me?"

Louis glanced at the man next to her. Even if he was dressed up and looked like a dog, in Louise's eyes, his essence was the same as scum.

So her tone was very rude:" This has nothing to do with you! Lex Luthor."

Luthor made a zipper motion to close his mouth, and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

As a stylish capitalist, he would not care about a woman.

After the vehicle they took left, Clark's His mood suddenly became brighter, and he obviously heard the conversation between the two in the car.

He even felt ashamed that he actually doubted Louise, that he actually questioned their relationship.

But Louise went to interview Lu by herself This kind of behavior still makes him feel a little worried.

Judging from the Steppenwolf incident and the Doomsday incident not long ago, Lex Luthor is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. He must go and look after Lois..

So Clark put on his blue uniform, broke the sound barrier and flew into the sky.

Dream world.

In the inspired dream controlled by Cortana, Dane welcomed a rare visitor.

She had brown skin and her skin looked like She is as smooth as satin, her face is delicate, and her figure is graceful and graceful, even compared with the spirit of Khandak or the goddess of the gods. When you see Mrs. Xanadu's face, you can easily think of a gypsy Enthusiastic and cheerful, in fact she is indeed a gypsy

"Madam Xanadu, welcome to you."

Yes, the beautiful woman in front of you is the descendant of the immortal ancient remnant, Mrs. Xanadu. She is also a master of prophecy. With

Mrs. Du's qualifications mentioned above, she should be able to enter the dreamland of inspiration very early.

But I don't know Whether it was her own intentional refusal or other reasons, she did not appear here until today.

Madam Xanadu seemed a little confused when she first entered the dream world. When she turned her head and saw Dane, she couldn't help but exclaimed:"Dai En kindness!"


This confused Dane. It's not surprising that Madam Xanadu could recognize his true identity, but are they so familiar with each other? This was the first time that he was called by his name right after they met. Of course, except for wizards.

Madam Xanadu seemed to realize that she had let slip, and quickly shut her mouth. It was somewhat different from Dane's imagination. He had thought that Madam Xanadu, who had lived for a long time, would be a very stable person. person.

But as it stands, her personality is as vibrant as her appearance

"Madam Xanadu, or Nimue Yinmandu, you should know the reason why I came to you."


"You can call me Nimue, that's what my friends call me.

Yes, I think I know the reason why you are looking for me this time, but please forgive me for being helpless. Because of the chaos of fate, the future scene is no longer unchanged, and I cannot see the full picture of the future clearly."

Not even Madam Xanadu?

Dane frowned and continued to ask:"Then why did you ask the questioner to come to me? Although I know that it was the Wizards' Council who tried him, I don't know his true identity." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, I asked the questioner to come to you not because you can answer the questioner's question. It should be said that on the contrary, I hope that the questioner can answer your question."

The Riddler again?

Fortunately, Dane is used to it. Predictions about the future are usually not very clear. It's like he remembers all the details like watching a movie. The more important thing is to rely on guessing or reasoning.

Although Dane opened God's perspective, the development of many things was still different from the details in his memory. After all, he was making nonsense and was not a real prophet. Since Mrs. Xanadu said this, it proves that the questioner is The key to something in the future, what Dane has to do is to keep him in the Justice League.

No matter what the event in the future is, as long as the Inquirer is in hand, it will never escape Dane's control

"Let’s leave the questioner’s matter as it is for the time being. I don’t know if I have the honor. Could you please Nimue discuss some magic issues with me?"

As an ancient gypsy, Mrs. Xanadu should be proficient in many lost ancient witchcrafts. Dane refused everyone who came and wanted to learn it.

But Mrs. Xanadu smiled softly, as if she had expected it:

"I've seen people invite people to drink coffee when we first meet. It's really rare for someone to invite me to study magic together. Mr. Shazam, is this how you treat a woman you meet for the first time?"

Dane's expression was a little subtle. This attitude gave people the feeling that......

"We can start there if you want, so Nimue, would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?"

"Of course, I know there's a great coffee shop in New York, maybe we can go there and sit there..."

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