Just when Dane went to New York for an appointment, in the world of minor gods, Cortana came to the Temple of Atlas.

Here, the three goddesses have been waiting for a long time.

Also here is Zatanna, who is now regarded as the caretaker of the three goddesses, preventing them from doing irrational things during this special period.

When Hespera saw the person coming, she realized that it was not Shazam but his secretary. She couldn't help but be a little dissatisfied:"Is he unwilling to fulfill his promise personally?"

Cortana explained:"Dane has more information Important things have to be done, and it’s the same as leaving your agreement to me to complete."

Before the war began, in order to allow these goddesses to work seriously, Dane had promised to send them to the New World after the war. Holy area.

It is not easy to travel to the new divine realm from the earth. The wizard Shazam can do that because he is dead in a sense, so his soul can reach the divine realm through the Tree of Life.

But the three goddesses must not give up their divine bodies. They hope that they can enter the divine realm in a complete posture.

However, the power of the gods cannot extradite them. Now, the only one in the world who can help them is Shazam.

Dane can first transfer them to hell, where the power of the gods can more easily take them away.

Hearing what Cortana said, although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, Hespera and Calypso said nothing more.

"In this case, then you should send us there as soon as possible! I don't want to stay in this place any longer!"

Although Dane helped them restore the Tree of Life, he did not allow the three goddesses to enter and exit the God Realm freely.

Therefore, except that they will no longer gradually age due to the demise of the God Realm, they are still no different from their previous lives.

What they are facing They were tired of seeing these unchanging scenery in the divine world. Strictly speaking, Hespera and Calypso were tired of seeing it.

In fact, they yearned for the colorful life in the world.

Although these two The goddesses always laugh at how bad the human world is, but in fact they are very envious of the rapid changes in the human world, like the sense of expectation that there are new changes every day.

But given that these two gods have had bad experiences Despite their criminal record, Dane did not show mercy to them because of their longing for the human world.

These two were already very old gods, and their views on the world were exactly the same as those of the old gods, and they could no longer change.

Dane I don't want them to want to imitate Zeus and cause him trouble when they see something bad happening in the world in the future.

Whether they can do it or not is one thing. Dane doesn't want this possibility to happen. Not to mention giving them any chance.

We are not relatives. It is impossible for me to really be your father because I have your father's magical power, right?

So the biggest promise Dane can give is to send them to the new I believe they are willing to go to the God's Realm and live with those old gods.

Hespera and Calypso are indeed willing to go to the New God's Realm and live with their father God Atlas. There is nothing they don't want to do..

But there was one person who was different.

Anthea glanced at her two sisters and said softly:"I don't want to leave here~"

"What did you say?"Hespera seemed to hear her voice and couldn't help but ask.

Calypso stared at Anthea and suddenly sneered:"Let me guess, why are you unwilling to leave here? Is there something here that appeals to you?

Is it the unchanged scenery here for hundreds of years, or is it this half-dead tree of life? Or is it someone who worries you? Hespera heard this and thought for a while before suddenly reacting. Her expression suddenly changed.

She grabbed Anthea and said,"Anthea, tell me, you have fallen in love with that man?""

Anthea lowered her head and said nothing, but her silence was also an answer.

Hespera felt a little dizzy, how could this be possible, how could this be possible!

They had only gotten along a few times in total, how could they just...etc! Could this be caused by lust and desire?

Thinking back when the three sisters were possessed by the Seven Deadly Sins, the one that possessed Anthea at that time was lust.

Anthea is a very young god. When she just became sensible, the world of gods ushered in a decline.

Then came the large-scale withdrawal of the gods into the new divine realm. Although this allowed her to escape the corrupt private life of the Olympus gods, it also caused her to not meet a suitable man when she first fell in love.

Such emotions were suppressed in his heart, and then exploded when he met Dane.

Dane's strength left a deep impression on her, and after that, she never met another man who could give her such a deep impression.

Coupled with the influence of lust at the time, Anthea fell into some strange emotions unknowingly.

It's just that she doesn't know what this emotion is called, and she has no experience.

But Hespera and Calypso knew very well that that kind of emotion is called"obsession". They used to often use various postures to seduce mortal men in the world for fun.

"Ann, he is not suitable for you! Hespera rarely tried to persuade her out of consideration for her sister,"That man is very dangerous. You can't control him at all.""

"But you have a good sense, but I don’t know if he knows about your little thoughts and will he accept them?"Calypso said with a smile. Zatanna listened very unhappy. Do these old women think they don't exist?

Do you believe that I asked Cortana to trap you two in hell for hundreds of years?

But ? Neither Hespera nor Calypso's words could shake Anthea's determination. She had already made up her mind.

"I won't leave, I will always stay here. Maybe one day I can visit the human world more often."

Then you have to agree with that man before you can go out!

Calypso nodded. She was too lazy to say anything else. She knew that once a woman takes over, she won't listen to any opinions.

"When you are hurt by that man, you will understand how stupid your behavior today is!"

Of course Hespera also saw Anthea's situation. Anthea, who had always been a good girl for thousands of years, suddenly started a rebellious period, which she didn't expect.

But she would do it because Anthea wanted to Do you want to give up the opportunity to go to the New God's Realm by staying?

Of course it's impossible. They won't disappear forever. Hespera believes that she will change her mind one day and they will meet again in the New God's Realm. It's just a matter of time.

"Since you want to stay here, there's nothing I can do to stop you, but you can still come back if you change your mind."

Speaking of this, Hespera glanced at Cortana, who had been quiet all the time. Of course, she understood what the goddess meant, and nodded lightly:

"Dane's promise is valid for a long time, and Miss Anthea can decide when to go at any time."

Hespera was relieved, she took one last deep look at Anthea, and then turned around.

Calypso didn't say anything, just turned around with a half-smiling expression.

Cortana immediately used Magic opened the teleportation array, and she had obtained the authorization from Hell from Dane to freely open the door to the two worlds.

A flash of light, and Cortana, Hespera, and Calypso disappeared.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Anthea and Zatanna were left here to stare at each other.

Since Hespera and Calypso had just revealed the truth with almost no concealment. Anthea's little thoughts, so she now doesn't know how to face Zatanna.

But she didn't expect that the other party didn't care about this at all, so Zatanna asked directly:"Do you want to visit the human world?"

"ah? May I?"Anthea said in surprise

"Now I am in charge of this place and I have the final say. If I say you can do it, then you can. Let’s go!"

Anthea was pulled by Zatanna and walked into another teleportation array leading to the human world.

If the sisters knew that she had gone to the human world not long after they left, would Anthea be mad to death? Anthea couldn't bear it. She couldn't help but think like this.

When she came to the human world, she opened her eyes and found that the person standing in front of her was the first friend she made in the human world.



Pandora, wearing a red robe, walked in the shadow of the city, holding the skull-shaped magic box in her arms.

She walked all the way and finally came to a hotel, which was where the Lex Group held a charity party. Place.

Pandora followed the guidance of magic and looked up at the sky. High in the sky, a red cloak fluttered in the wind.

"I got you, Superman."

In Pandora's arms, the three eyes of the magic box flashed with a strange red light.

In the sky, Superman's eyes were fixed on Lois in the building, and at the same time, his super hearing was fully turned on. , always paying attention to the movements around him.

When Pandora opened his mouth to speak, Clark heard someone calling him. He couldn't help but look over curiously and found that it was a woman he didn't recognize at all.

She was the only person in the room who noticed him. , Clark flew down and landed in front of Pandora.

"How can I help you? Miss?"

Pandora heard his words, raised her hand, and lifted Pandora's Box in front of him.

"Superman, you must open this box. In this box lies the hope of ending human evil."

Clark felt that this woman was a bit magical. Opening a box could end human sins. Even when he was eight years old, he had never heard of such an outrageous fairy tale.

"Madam, are you comfortable in here?"

Clark began to worry that the other party might have some mental problem.

But Pandora didn't notice Superman's rude look at all. Seeing that Superman didn't understand what she meant, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so she pushed forward with both hands and pulled the demon away. The box was thrust into Superman's hand.

Clark took it reluctantly, but the moment his hands touched the magic box, he couldn't help but scream in great pain.


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