Superman's scream was so loud that the guests attending the charity dinner nearby heard it and looked over with curious eyes.


Superman can often be seen in Metropolis, but there are not many opportunities to come into close contact with Superman, so these people are very surprised. Don't think that rich people don't chase stars. There are many rich girls who immediately pounce on Superman when they see him..

Originally, when Pandora saw Superman in such pain, she immediately wanted to take the magic box back, but how could her strength be compared to Superman?

Of course, this pull was impossible, and therefore, when those ordinary people rushed forward , Pandora was directly squeezed out by the surging crowd.

Pandora jumped outside anxiously, and almost took out her pistol in an attempt to physically drive away the crowd.

But fortunately, she finally remembered that she was still a magician, and immediately used her magic power to surround the crowd. The crowd around Superman opened up.

Superman is in great danger now!

In Pandora's eyes, the red energy in the box has penetrated into Superman's heart, bewitching him and leading him to perdition.

"Superman! Don't be fooled, fight it with your mind!"

Pandora's shout attracted Superman's attention. He raised his head, and the red light in his eyes flashed, as if he was about to use heat vision.

The people around him felt a coldness on their bodies for some reason, and Superman's eyes were not like theirs. It was as gentle as what they saw on TV.

They retreated subconsciously, as if they were afraid that the Superman in front of them would emit heat vision at any time.

But Pandora could faintly see a red eye on Superman's forehead, which was a The Demon Eye!

As the Demon Eye gradually appeared, the painful expression on Superman's face gradually dissipated.

It was replaced by a maniacal and evil smile:"Why? I feel great!"

"Oops!"Pandora finally understood that she was in big trouble, but she couldn't get the magic box back now.

Superman looked around, and then turned his attention to the hotel behind him, as if he was looking for someone.

"I found you!"

After saying that, Superman's body flew up into the sky with a bang, and then penetrated directly through the building.

Upon seeing this, Pandora immediately drove the crowd towards the hotel.

She had already made a mistake once, and she must not make it again. times!

In the hotel, the atmosphere of the banquet was suddenly interrupted by a loud sound.

They looked up and saw that Superman had broken through the wall and flown in.

"Superman? What is he doing here?"Luthor felt a little strange.

He glanced at Louise beside him without any trace, and found that the other person also looked confused.

It seemed that it was not her.

Luther frowned slightly, but then he discovered something even stranger. Superman's eyes were staring at him closely, and what he conveyed in his eyes seemed to be malicious.

"Are you kidding me?"

Luthor saw the red light in Superman's eyes, and suddenly felt a chill all over his body. He couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Even if you saw Lois and me staying together, why would you be so angry?

But he quickly discovered the problem. In Superman's hand, he also held a golden skull.

Before Luthor could continue to think about what that thing meant, a voice suddenly came from beside him:"Be careful! Luther!"

He only heard these words, and then he was kicked in the waist by a high-heeled shoe, which made his whole face contort in pain.

But because of this, Luther avoided a heat sight falling from the sky, and those two The red light penetrated the ground where Luthor had just stood, directly penetrating the floor of this level.

As for what was going on below, he didn't know, but he only knew that he was just a little bit away from dying under Superman's heat sight.!

Luthor raised his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that this was something Superman could do!

He actually wanted to kill him in front of everyone!

This was not at all in line with Superman's usual behavior. Luthor's behavior It was almost certain that he must have been controlled by something.

Just after Superman sent out this heat vision, the people on the scene suddenly understood what had happened, and then they instantly became confused.

The man hurriedly fled to the nearest exit. And the ladies screamed loudly, and in the blink of an eye, the originally decent people became a mess

"Superman! What are you doing!"

In the center of the field, Lois, who had just kicked Luther away and saved his life, looked at Superman in mid-air and felt that he was very strange.

Superman had dissipated his heat vision, but there was still a strange red light flashing in his eyes. , he showed an evil smile at Louise

"Doing what I should have done all along."

As he spoke, he fell to the floor like a gust of wind, setting off a violent wind pressure that almost made Lois unable to open her eyes. Before she could react at all, Superman had already passed by Lois and came straight towards her. Go to Luther, grab his neck with one hand and lift him up

"Luther, you should pay with your life for St. Locke and the people who died in Canada!"

Luthor was caught by him and his face was filled with pain, but he still laughed.

"Look at you, Superman, you've finally shown your true face, right? Are you going to exercise your vigilante powers and kill me? Only then did Louise react and hurriedly ran to Clark and grabbed his arm.

"You can't do this! You never take anyone's life!"

The expression on Clark's face struggled for a moment, but it only flashed away:"In fact, I can, and I think I should have done this a long time ago."

Lois became even more anxious, and even in order to stop Superman, she couldn't help but say Superman's real name:"Stop! Stop Clark!"

Luthor's eyes flashed. At this moment, the confusion spell lost its effect in front of his eyes. He finally connected the face in front of him with Clark Kent.

"Oh it's you! No wonder, no wonder, I should have thought of it a long time ago, it’s so strange, you obviously look exactly the same..."

But Luthor couldn't continue talking. Superman's big hand completely pinched his trachea, and Luthor felt like he couldn't breathe at all.

Seeing that Clark didn't listen to her at all and insisted on killing Luthor, Lois had no choice but to use her last trump card. She shouted to Superman:"I'm pregnant!"

The movement of Superman's hand stopped, and he was stunned. The ground let go of his hand, and Luther and Pandora's Box fell to the ground at the same time.

After being freed from the bewitchment of the magic box, Superman finally got rid of the control. He immediately turned his head and looked at Lois' abdomen. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He tried to use clairvoyance to see inside, but Clark's lack of relevant medical knowledge, and the fact that Louise was far from pregnant, caused him to see everything. Less than.

He couldn't help but ask:"Is this true?"

Seeing that the red light in his eyes disappeared, and it seemed that he was really back to normal, Louise couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a bit of anger:

"Of course it's true, but it's only been three weeks and you can't see anything now."

Three weeks?

Wasn't that the last time they had sex?

It was on that day that the two of them fell into a cold war.

Clark suddenly felt very guilty in his heart. He opened his mouth, and in the end he could only say:"I'm sorry, Lu. Easy"

"I'm very sorry..."

Louise looked around and found that many people were looking at this place in horror, and some people were even secretly taking pictures with their mobile phones, so she quickly grabbed Clark.

"Clark, you have to get out of here, no, we all have to get out of here quickly."

"Well, okay, of course, if that's what you want."

Clark carefully picked up Louise, surrounded her with a biological force field, and then the two of them flew up towards the balcony.

After they left, people in the venue could finally breathe a sigh of relief, although it was just It only lasted a few minutes, but it gave people a feeling of the aftermath.

Only Lex Luthor, after Superman and Lois left, kept staring at the golden skull that fell from Superman's hand.

"Let me see what you are..."Luthor was also bold, knowing that Superman's mind was probably affected by this object, yet he dared to reach out and touch it.

He just thought that if this thing could confuse Superman, then it could definitely be used by him.

But before his hand touched it, he was blocked by someone

"You can't touch him!"The person who came was Pandora, and Superman had already left when she arrived.

Fortunately, Superman was only affected by the box for a short time, and there were no very serious consequences. Otherwise, Pandora's sin would have been even greater.

"who are you?"Luthor stood up and tidied up his appearance.

Although Superman's fingerprints were still on his neck, it did not affect his demeanor.

"I'm Pandora. Pandora looked Luther up and down, as if assessing something,"Unfortunately, you don't meet the requirements.""

The magic box needs to be opened by the"Ultimate Good" or"Ultimate Evil" person. The"Ultimate Good" Superman she originally thought has failed.

So next, she can only find a"Ultimate Evil" person to try.

But Luther is obviously not qualified. He is"evil", but he is far from"evil".

Luther frowned slightly, and his brain quickly analyzed the meaning of the woman's words. After a moment, he gently squinted his eyes and looked at Pandora skull in hand

"Pandora's box?"

This is a very familiar name in the Western world. Luther thought of it when Pandora announced his name.

No wonder even Superman can't resist such a power. It can be said that no human being can resist the power of original sin.

Clark He only has power comparable to that of a god, but he is still essentially a mortal.

This discovery made Luther feel a lot happy. He looked at the box in Pandora's hand and was trying to figure out how to get it back from her.

But Pandora simply didn't Without giving him such a chance, she put away the magic box and disappeared directly in front of Luther's eyes.

Luther's expression instantly darkened. This was another freak with strange abilities.

But thinking of another thing, he Feeling happy again

"So you are Superman, Clark Kent!".

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