The charity party ultimately failed to continue, but its impact was far-reaching.

After that night, the news about Superman's charity banquet topped the trending list.

Many of the people present were young rich second-generation people who were having fun. After the initial fear of this kind of thing passed, they turned into expressions of surprise after encountering big news.

Then the videos they posted on Kuaidu quickly increased their views in a very short period of time.

Everyone is wondering, what happened to Superman?

But given that the impact of the alien invasion war is not over yet, no one dares to say anything irrational at this time, but something is quietly sprouting.

Did Superman finally remember that he had the ability to become the tyrant of this world?

So how will the Justice League explain this?

Everyone is waiting for Justice League's response to this matter.

Compared with before, the media from all parties are now more restrained.

It is obvious that they no longer report this matter as entertainment news, but seriously regard it as a political event that needs to be taken seriously.

Dane learned the news the next morning.

By the time he returned to the Watchtower, news had spread around the world that Superman had nearly killed Lex Luthor at a charity dinner.

He couldn't help pinching his temples

"So, who is doing the trick this time? Luther?"

Cortana was standing next to him. She shook her head and replied:"This incident was not caused by Lex Luthor, or it should be said, not entirely."

Not entirely? That means he at least bears part of the responsibility?

Why don't we find an opportunity to throw him into hell? At worst, we can prepare a luxurious suite in hell for him, and prepare seven or eight graceful girls for him. The succubus, he took great pleasure in keeping.

Dane was seriously thinking about the possibility, until the surveillance video released by Cortana interrupted his thoughts.

"This woman... Cortana, zoom in, especially on the thing in her hand."

Cortana did as she was told and zoomed in on the picture for Dane.

The woman was wearing a cloak and her head was hidden in the hood so she couldn't see her true face. But the thing in her hand had a lot of history.

"Pandora's box!"

In the library of the Rock of Eternity, there are also records about Pandora's Box. Legend has it that it was a strange box that suddenly appeared in the world tens of thousands of years ago. The first to discover it was the Olympus gods at that time. At that time, Zeus had just killed his father and took the position of God King, and it was a time when his self-confidence was unprecedentedly expanded. When he suddenly saw this box, he thought it was a gift from God to become the God King...

Dane wanted to complain here, In that cultural environment at that time, Zeus himself was actually God.

Anyway, God has never been a bitch, so there is nothing wrong with him calling himself that.

So why does he think that there is a higher God who will give him gifts?

In short, when Zeus confidently wanted to open his gift, he found that he could not open this weird box.

Not only him, but after all the gods tried it, they found that no one could open it..

The gods were frightened by this, and they began to fear the power of the box.

Even they, the most powerful people in the world, could not open the box, so how powerful must the person who created the box be!

However, at this time, Olympus Hephaestus, the god of fire who was the most proficient in manufacturing among the gods, found a new way to open the magic box.

He tried to find the most"pure and kind" girl in the world and let her open the magic box. Box.

The gods agreed to Vulcan's plan and implemented it.

Pandora was the girl chosen by the gods. At that time, she was the kindest girl in the world. She was chosen because of her pure and flawless heart. This is also The beginning of her life was unfortunate.

That day, her mother asked her to go to the jungle to find a berry that could cure the sick child.

Pandora went according to her mother's words, but she did not find the berry, but in a Under the guidance of the mysterious person, she found a strange box emitting red light.

Pandora opened the box curiously, and the seven deadly sins flew out from it.

That day, a new evil was born from her hands.

When Pandora stumbled back to When she was in her own tribe, the Seven Deadly Sins were eating their flesh and blood from the corpses of her people.

One of the Seven Deadly Sins called her"Mother".

At that moment, Pandora's heart collapsed and her world turned into darkness.

When When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in the tribunal of the Wizards' Council.

She and Judas, the inquirer and the predecessor of the Phantom Stranger, were sentenced to the most sinful original sin trio in human history.

From that day on, Pandora He has been walking in the world, working hard to eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins.

However, both the Olympus Gods and the Wizards' Council have a completely wrong understanding of the Magic Box. It is not a magical creation...

This statement is not entirely correct. , some of its abilities do seem very magical.

For example, the seven deadly sins that were first born did indeed escape from the magic box into the real world.

But the magic box did not seal them. To be precise, the magic box only They were teleported from another world to this world.

The real function of this magic box is"teleportation". It can bring people from another world to this world. It is very similar in function to the mother box of Apokolips.

Dane It is even suspected that the Magic Box itself is the counterpart of the Mother Box in another world.

This can explain why the old gods cannot understand the energy and function of the magic box.

After all, they couldn't understand the mother box, so they could only seal it.

Generally speaking, people who are not from Apokolips cannot use the power of the Mother Box correctly.

Cyborg was an accident. His appearance was not caused by Sethos Stone. On the contrary, it was the Mother Box that caused the birth of Cyborg.

It needs the energy generated at the moment of Cyborg's birth to activate itself, thereby sending a message to Steppenwolf and guiding him to this world.

The same is true for the magic box. Only beings in the same world as the magic box can use the magic box correctly and open the passage to another world.

The world labeled Earth-3 is also the antimatter universe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, the magic box is likely to have the ability to convert matter and antimatter, just like the Sinestro Corps needs to undergo conversion when they invade the matter universe.

Not only that, the Magic Box also has self-awareness like the Mother Box.

It's just that unlike the Mother Box, whose self-awareness was suppressed by Apokolips, the Magic Box obviously has a more independent ability. It can actively confuse the person who touches it and pollute the person's mind.

Obviously, Clark was tricked because of this.

"Cortana, try and see if you can find the hooded woman.

Cortana heard something strange in his tone, so she asked,"Do you know who she is?" Need to create a codename?"

0 Asking for Flowers

She knew that Dane had some abilities that could not be explained by science and magic, such as being able to always know things in advance that had not happened before, and get to know some people who had never even met before.

Dane nodded, Said:"Create a file for this person, codenamed Pandora, and search worldwide."

Cortana did as she was told, but after a moment she shook her head:"No trace of Pandora was found, and no personal files on her were found in the systems of various countries around the world, not even fake identity certificates."

Dane was not surprised, just like he had not found any traces of Vandal Savith before.

These immortals who have lived for at least tens of thousands of years seem to be very good at hiding their identities, even Sandman's immortal human friend , it took him some effort to find it.

Therefore, Dane was not frustrated when he did not find Pandora. He closed his eyes and thought about it, and connected it with some things that had happened recently.

The Inquirer, Madam Xanadu, Pandora, Clark was Demonized Connecting a series of people and events such as Hezhuhuo, he probably knows what the future events predicted by

Mrs. The prelude to another big event.

At the end of the"Three-Body War" event, the Magic Box brought an evil version of the Justice League - the Crime Syndicate - from another universe.

And this big event is called——《Evil is Eternal"!

In the comic"Three-Body War", the key figure leading to the civil war between superhumans is an Earth-3 version of Alfred, codenamed"The Outsider", who has a completely opposite personality to Alfred.

According to the script, he came to this world in an accident with a Syndicate member named Atomic Girl.

He works hard to meet his master Night Owl and the Criminal Syndicate, trying to provoke a civil war among the heroes of this world.

But originally the beginning of the"Three-Body War" was caused by Billy Bassent.

But now that Shazam's power has been inherited by Dane, trying to use Billy to split the alliance's forces is obviously not feasible.

Dane was curious, how would the outsider carry out his plan?


Deep in a dark underground base of the Sky Eye Club, a middle-aged man who looked very similar to Alfred, but had a more sinister temperament stood in front of the big screen.

He was wearing a suit of fine materials and a gentleman's hat on his head. At this time, the man was looking at the news footage on the screen, his face full of seriousness and solemnity.

He is"The Outsider," an Alfred peer born on Earth-3.

After he stared at the screen for a while, a small figure crawled on his shoulder like a flea.

""The outsider" felt it, he knew who was coming

"Your plan worked, that woman Amanda Waller, she indeed sent someone to recruit me."

Standing on the shoulders of the"Outsiders" is Atomic Girl, one of the members of the Criminal Syndicate.

She smiled and said:"She told me that she wanted to establish an organization that could completely compete with the Justice League, even the name. I want to look exactly like the other person"

""The outsider" heard this and sneered:"That stupid Nico wants to compete with the Justice League, but she is obviously missing a crucial figure.

If we can't find a way to deal with that man, all plans for the Justice League are useless."

After he finished speaking, Superman's head suddenly disappeared on the big screen and was replaced by another strong man.

"Shazam Wong!".

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