""The Outsider" cut the big screen to another section, which was the surveillance video of the battle in Gotham City.

Of course, because it was during wartime, the scene was very chaotic, and the speed of superhuman movement was very fast, so many things could not actually be seen Not very clear.

However, the"outsider" still found useful information for himself from this blurry video clip - kryptonite. It has been a long time since he came here, and the"outsider" has already found out this The difference between the place and the universe it belongs to.

For example, many things here are opposite to their own universe. East is actually west, south is actually north, the heart should be on the right instead of the left, etc.

These are all easy to say, although they are not Easy, but the"outsiders" have successfully adapted.

But the biggest difference in this world is people's fundamental understanding of the concepts of good and evil.

Here, people advocate justice and kindness, but in the world where the"outsiders" live, Crime and evil are what people pursue.

The Syndicate is able to rule the world precisely because it is more evil than all governments and organizations in the world.

"The"outsider" believes that he has the right to make people in this world realize this, and he has a sense of missionary mission.

Returning to Kryptonite, because of the differences between the two worlds of"347", the"outsider" discovered this The Superman of this world has a fatal weakness.

In their universe, green kryptonite is the source of Superpower's power. Like an addict, he grinds the kryptonite into powder and sucks it to gain strength.

But the Superman of this universe , Kryptonite seems to be his nemesis. After the green light erupted in the sky, Superman obviously became very painful. He could not bear the energy radiation of Kryptonite!

But instead, the Superman of this world can obtain power from sunlight. , as for Speedmaster, he will suffer excruciating pain whenever he is exposed to the sun, which is very detrimental to their syndicate.

Because the amount of kryptonite here is limited, but sunlight is everywhere, if Speedmaster comes to this world, He is very likely not Superman's opponent.

Not to mention that there is an unpredictable Shazam on the side. If these two people cannot be eliminated, even if the Syndicate can come here, it will just end up as a prisoner.

So the"outsider" We must find a way to get rid of these two super powerful guys at the same time. I believe the remaining people are completely worth mentioning to the Syndicate.

Many members of the Justice League and the Syndicate have similar traits. Ability, at times like this, the party with the lowest bottom line will always win.

"Outsiders"believe that this principle is a universal law in any universe.

And Batman? This superhero is very similar to his master Night Owl. He is not dark enough, far from it, so he will definitely lose to his master.""Outsiders" believe this

""The Outsider" looked at the group of Kryptonian monsters on the screen that were completely restricted and destroyed by Kryptonite, and he already had a brilliant idea in his mind.

Both are the most powerful men in the world, so who will be better? Woolen cloth?

""The Outsider" believed that not only he was curious, but the whole world was as well, so he said to Atomic Girl:"Atomic Girl, I have something that I need you to complete."......"

Following the instructions of the"Outsiders", Atom Girl finally successfully joined Amanda's"New Justice League".

In view of the discussion about Superman in the market today, Amanda Waller seems to have seen some new hope, and she has some other ideas.

As"The Outsider" speculated, the officials of this world have the same deep distrust of Superman as the other universe, so they won't pass up the opportunity to attack the Justice League if they can help it.

So she gave Atom Girl a special task as the"outsider" expected.

"I want you to join the Justice League!"

When Atomic Girl was recruited by Amanda Waller,"The Outsider" imagined all the possibilities.

With Atom Girl's abilities, she is actually very suitable to be a double agent. As long as she wants to, there is almost no place in the world where she can be Unable to infiltrate.

When Doomsday was teleported to various parts of the world by Steppenwolf, in addition to local armies organizing counterattacks, some new superheroes also chose to step forward.

For example, Firestorm, Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Dr. Light Kimi Dehosi, as well as the vixen who was previously resurrected and released by Dane, but returned to the United States, etc.

These new heroes also played a role on their respective battlefields in this war.

Although they failed to defeat any of them Day of Doom, but they successfully bought time for the Justice League, and in the final stage, they also eliminated countless demonoids, saving a lot of energy for armies everywhere. The performance of these new heroes was also spread to thousands of households through the Internet , became known to more people.

These heroes and their deeds were naturally seen by the people of the Justice League, and Batman paid attention to it.

After the war, Batman proposed that more members could be recruited to join the Justice League.

This After an incident occurred, he deeply realized that in the face of such a global disaster, the existing manpower of the Justice League was far from enough.

After discussion at the meeting, the members unanimously agreed to this suggestion and quickly drafted it. A candidate was selected.

Based on the current recruitment standards of the Justice League, although Atomic Girl has killed people, she may not be rejected by the Zhenglian.

After all, the Red Hood is also a member of the Justice League, and he still pursues the rule against those heinous criminals in Gotham City. The principle of"the most serious crime must be killed" still has countless fans on the Internet.

Even Batman can't do anything to him. Shazam has no objection to this. According to rumors, he also supports the behavior of the Red Hood.

Aman It was precisely because Da saw this that he came up with the idea of ​​letting Atomic Girl join in.

Atomic Girl looked at Amanda and said with a faint smile:"You want me to...Spy?"

Amanda sat in front of Atomic Girl, gently raised her feet and crossed her legs: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Atomic Girl, our people have done a psychological profile on you. You are not the kind of person who really has a sense of justice. Although I don’t know what your purpose is, I believe it is just like you don’t really want to join us. You won't really join any organization either."

The expression on Atomic Girl's face disappeared. Amanda guessed some little thoughts about her. Although it was not many and did not even involve the core truth, this ability to see through people's hearts shocked Atomic Girl.

She Suddenly, she realized that although this was another world, it did not mean that the people here were stupid.

On the contrary, she who had been holding a superior attitude was probably the stupidest in the eyes of these people.

Atomic Girl realized , if she didn't change her mentality, then her conspiracy with the"outsiders" might be seen through at some point...0

So she quickly corrected her mentality, put away her casual look, and looked at her seriously. Amanda said:"I understand, I will follow your wishes and join the Justice League."

Amanda then nodded with satisfaction. The Sky Eye Society doesn't care if her subordinates have their own little thoughts, because the human heart is the most unpredictable thing in the world.

But what she is best at is taking advantage of these people's self-righteousness without completely exposing them. All it takes is a small reminder, and they will automatically associate and then obey.

After all, no one wants their secrets to be seen through, right?

At the same time, Dane also handed over a bunch of superheroes from Batman. Saw a name in the file

"Atomic Girl has a belt that can shrink her body freely. Her true identity is unknown."

The Justice League doesn't delve into the true identities of its members. After all, the reason why everyone wears masks is to hide their identities, and they don't come to Zhenglian to clock in and work every day, so they don't need to do background training.

But when Dane saw this one, it was called"Atomic Woman""The woman immediately knew her true identity.

Atomic Girl, formerly known as Rhonda Panida, is one of the members of the Criminal Syndicate and the girlfriend of Johnny Quick, one of the members of the Syndicate.

The original work of"The Three-Body Problem" In"War", it was she who stuffed a kryptonite fragment into Superman Clark's brain, compressing his optic nerve, causing Superman to accidentally kill Dr. Light with his heat vision, which ultimately led to the"Three-Body War".

"Interesting, even though the world has become what it is now, do they still want to use this method against us?..."

Dane thought for a while, and finally clicked the"Agree" button under Atomic Girl's portrait.

Although this woman has bad intentions, she will be a good tool until her conspiracy is exposed.

If a"hidden child" has been discovered, then she will in turn become a hidden child buried within the enemy.

Moreover, after Cyborg completed his mission, he has been studying 5.8 methods on how to restore himself to a real human being.

The Mother Boxes are now back in human hands, and this time it's up to the Justice League to seal them away.

Dane divided them into three, and put one into the dream world and gave it to Cortana for study.

One was sent to Hell and given to Fiora for her care.

Another copy was placed in the Minor God Realm, managed by Zatanna and Anthea.

Cyborg would enter dreams from time to time, where he would study the power of the Mother Box.

The Mother Box can resurrect Superman in the original work, and it is clearly stated that it can reorganize matter at the atomic level, which shows that it can actually restore Cyborg to its original shape.

But since Steppenwolf failed, the Mother Box has gone silent again and become an ordinary box.

Cyborg tried many methods but could not reactivate it.

Dane knew that this was because the Mother Boxes were unwilling to be used by anyone other than their owners and activated their self-protection mechanism.

But now Cyborg has another way to change himself back to his original appearance, which is to separate himself from the mechanical part given by the mother box through the"grid".

And"The Grid" is essentially an electronic virus, and it's on Atomic Girl right now..

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