Jaime Reyes walks inside the Justice League building and looks at the layout in amazement

"Wow~! Have you seen Kakeda? It’s huge here!"Haimei looked around and shouted.

"Jaime, you should be calmer, it will make you look less stable. Kakeda's voice sounded like a gentle female voice.

But when Jaime heard the words, she didn't care:"What are you afraid of? You saw it too. There is no one here at all. We were the first to arrive!"

Come on, take a photo for me, this is the Justice League Building~

I also participated in the activity to find the Zhenglian Building, but I didn’t expect it to be in Kandak!"

"I don’t think this makes any sense, because you will appear here often in the future, and it will be difficult for the photos you take to be circulated."

Although Kakeda said so, it still very cleverly synthesized a camera from one of the tentacles behind Haimei's back and took a picture of Haimei.

Haimei quickly made a gesture to the camera that he thought he had. Very handsome pose, and also showed a big smile

"You should know that your face is covered now, right?..."There was a hint of speechlessness in Kakeda's tone.

Jaime was a little embarrassed and said:"Of course I know!" Then he happily wandered around the empty Zhenglian Building.

At this moment, Jaime heard a small chuckle, which made the hairs all over his body stand up.


"learn! Kakeda understood what Jaime meant and immediately began to scan the surroundings. Not long after, it found an invisible person in a corner of the room. In the thermal imaging, the figure was clearly seen by Jaime. It was clear that she was a woman, and Blue Beetle could only see that the other party had a very good figure.

The vixen appeared from the invisibility, she looked at Blue Beetle and smiled:"Sorry, did I disturb you?

Only then did Blue Beetle see clearly that the other party was a black woman. Jaime

's face was a little embarrassed, and he felt like he wanted to die. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask on his face and the other party couldn't see it.

He tried to change the topic forcibly:"Hello, I'm Blue Beetle!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the vixen smiled and shook it with him, and introduced herself:"Hello, you can call me vixen."

"How did you do it just now?"Haimei asked curiously. It is not easy to hide from Kajida's detection.

The vixen straightened her mountain peak, and there was a beautiful necklace on it:"The smooth road necklace allows me to transform into various animals. The power, that just now is the ability of the chameleon."

After Dane resurrected the vixen, he also returned the Straight Road Necklace to her. It was a pity for him to throw it away after it was tasteless, and it belonged to its owner. If you want to use it, you must sign a contract with the god behind it, and wear it En felt it was completely unnecessary. He just learned this contract magic for a while and then gave up on it. The contract on the katana was formed by drawing on the magical contract of the Tantu Necklace, and she was also able to use part of Dane's Death God because of this magic. Power

"So, is this magic?"Blue Beetle asked curiously.


Haimei said with envy:"It's so cool!"

He seemed to have misunderstood something. Strictly speaking, Kakeda is not a pure technology, and it also contains some magical power.

While the two were chatting, a new member walked in from outside the gate.

"Brothers, sisters, comrades! Hello!"

This is a very festive sound, just hearing it makes people feel funny.

Blue Beetle and Vixen looked over at the same time, and found that not only the voice of the person coming, but also the appearance and dress were funny.

He was dressed very ridiculously He is wearing a red and yellow tights and sunglasses on his face. He is very tall and tall. The most incredible thing is that the corners of his mouth are so wide that they almost reach his ears. Everything about this man is ridiculous, he is simply ridiculous. It was like he stepped out of a funny cartoon.

When he saw the vixen and the blue beetle, his eyes lit up...Jaime swore he actually saw something like a flash of light coming from the other person's sunglasses.

Then the person's face came to them before the body, and the neck and body were far apart, as if they were each in their own way.

"What the hell!"

Haimei was shocked. This man's body was like elastic plasticine and could be stretched at will.

He watched the other person's body trot to catch up with his body, and then this guy who looked like a funny character stood up greet them in front of them

"Hi! Guys, I am a plastic man. Did you just see that I am super sexy!"The plastic man showed off his abilities.

Jaime and Vixen were speechless. Will they work with this guy in the future?

Will they make their enemies laugh to death?

At this time, another new member also walked in from the door..

She has an Asian-looking face, wears a black tights, and has a star-like mark on her chest, which seems to be shining.

She is Doctor Light.

Doctor Light is a name used by many people in the DC universe. , there are heroes and villains.

This Doctor of Light was originally an astronomer named Kimedohoshi. The source of her power has a lot to do with the battle between the positive and negative monitors.

The monitors came from Vega to The earth projected an energy wave, which happened to hit Kimiyo, giving her the power to manipulate light energy.

However, Dr. Light can only absorb, utilize and release light energy, and cannot produce light out of thin air. She and"Black Robe Picket" The starlight ability in"Team" is similar, but it is more versatile.

She can also achieve a tangible effect similar to the power of color light through the operation of"light".

Kimiyo looked at the three people who had gathered in the hall. The man asked curiously:"Am I the last one to arrive?"

"No, I was informed that there are five people joining the Justice League this time, so there should be one more."

As soon as Blue Beetle's voice fell, another female voice sounded from around

"And that one was actually the first to arrive."The voice was not among the four.

Jaime was a little speechless:"Kakida, are there any invisible people here?"

"She's at your feet. Kakeda replied.

Jaime looked down:"Under my feet..."

A figure suddenly enlarged in his eyes, and in the blink of an eye it was almost as tall as a normal person, almost frightening Blue Beetle. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hi~ Everyone, I am Atom Girl, nice to meet you."

"So...you were just here the whole time? The vixen's eyelids twitched.

Atomic Girl nodded and said,"That's right.""

The vixen stopped talking. She didn't notice the other party just now. This woman didn't show up until the end. Was she observing them?

"It seems that you all know each other, so I shouldn't need to introduce you."

After the five people gathered together, a voice came from above.

Everyone looked up and saw a red figure landing among them.


The person who came was none other than the leader of the Justice League, Shazam.

Dane looked around at these members, Vixen, Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Dr. Light, and Atomic Girl.

He smiled slightly in his heart and said:"Welcome to join the Justice League. , now, I invite you to visit our new location, I believe you are curious why the other members are not here.

Dane raised his head and shouted:"Cortana.""

A beam of white light instantly enveloped everyone from top to bottom, including Dane. Seeing that some people were a little nervous, he comforted:

"Don't be nervous, relax, this is a teleportation array."

After he finished speaking, everyone suddenly felt their bodies light up, and their whole bodies flew directly towards the sky.

"Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh! I'm flying!"Plastic Man opened his arms and shouted.

Among these five heroes, Plastic Man and Atomic Girl can't fly, so this is a very new experience for them. The teleportation process is very short, only a few seconds. After the clock passed, they arrived at another destination.

Looking around, they saw a huge floor-to-ceiling window, and outside the window was a starry sky and... the earth! 020

"This...here is it!"The plastic man's whole face was pressed against the floor-to-ceiling window, as if he was trying to poke his eyes out of his sunglasses.

"Kakeda, this is not a hologram, right? Jaime asked quietly.

A positive answer came from Kakeda:"Yes, this is real space. You are at the Lagrange point between the earth and the moon.""

"I don’t even know when the Justice League built such a place in space..."

Everyone was marveling at this architectural miracle and looking everywhere.

Atomic Girl seemed to be the same as everyone else, but in fact, she paid attention to something different from others..

She was looking for the specific location of this space base to prepare for future plans. But she was not an astronomer, so she could not determine the location through visual inspection.

Even so, she still tried hard to walk around the base and carefully Observe the layout of this place.

At this time, Dane clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention

"You will have time to visit this place carefully in the future. It is very big and it may take you a long time to visit. Now, let’s meet your future teammates first."

After Dane finished speaking, he stepped aside, and the door behind him opened. The door was not mechanically driven, but sealed with nanoparticles.

Once closed, it would be sealed tightly like steel pouring, unless it was strong enough. Can tear through steel, or are superhumans like Martian Manhunter and The Flash who can travel through particles.

Otherwise, ordinary people cannot break through this door.

Behind the door, members of the Justice League are already standing there waiting for new members They are here.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, etc., they are watching the new members.

In front of them, there is an alloy round table with two letters engraved with laser on it"JL", it has no dominant position and symbolizes that all members of the alliance are equal.

Dane stood in front of everyone and said to the five new members:

"Here, on behalf of all members of Zhenglian, I welcome you to join us"

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