Metropolis, Lex Group.

Lex Luthor is making an impassioned speech at a press conference

"I think you have all seen the original incident through various channels!

I want to say that just as General Lane is worried, when Superman loses control, we as ordinary people have no ability to stop him!"

He just finished speaking, and the rows of arms underneath him were raised neatly, like a thorn made of human hands.

Luther picked a reporter at random, maybe not randomly, he specifically chose Cat Grant from the Daily Planet.

She is not a foreign reporter, but Louise is currently in a storm of public opinion, and she can only temporarily take the lead.

"Mr. Luthor, some people say that Superman lost control at the time because he was affected by a magical item. As the person closest to him at the time, do you think this rumor is true? Luther raised his eyebrows, lowered his head slightly and approached the microphone:"At that time, I may have seen something like a prop from the production crew in his hand."

But I want to pleaseThis reporter, even if this is true, can it change the fact that Superman is out of control?"

"It can at least prove that Superman's loss of control was not his intention!"Kate retorted.

Luther smiled contemptuously, adjusted his sitting posture, and then continued:

"Let me ask you another question. Since Superman can be controlled by a prop and lose his mind, can you guarantee that he will not be controlled by some other messy thing one day?"

Having said this, Luther tapped his phone and connected it to the big screen behind him.

A very poor quality, extremely low-pixel picture appeared on it. It was when Clark was controlled by Poison Ivy in Gotham. , and the scene of fighting Dane, I don't know when it fell into Luther's hands.

He said proudly:"Although the picture quality is not very good, I think all the reporters can also see that this picture on the picture The blue figure is Superman!

The red one is Shazam. Do you know why they fight?"

Luthor's words were very tempting and successfully aroused the curiosity of all the reporters present.

Then he continued:"Because he was controlled, controlled by a Raptor named Poison Ivy.

She may still be hostile to the heroes at that time. I don't know the situation in Gotham very well, but as you can see, this is not the first time that Superman has lost control!"

His words are very powerful, especially based on his own personal experience and the video evidence behind him, which makes his words even more convincing.

At this time, Luther opened his hands with full insight:

"Wake up my friends, you must face this problem!

Since Superman can lose control once or twice, he may suddenly fall into a situation of loss of control at any time. At that time, who can save you?"

Kate raised her hand again, and Luthor nodded her again with interest.

Kate said loudly:"Mr. Luthor, I noticed that although you did find evidence that Superman was out of control, have you ever investigated it? , during the period when Superman lost control, who was injured or even killed?"

Luthor frowned. He thought for a moment and replied,"Do I count?"

Kate suddenly smiled and said:"I heard that it was because you planned to pursue Miss Lois Lane, and she was having a fierce fight with Superman at the time...."

The scene burst into laughter, and the serious atmosphere was swept away.

Regarding the feud between Luthor and Superman, this theory has also appeared on the Internet, and it is very credible.

Because a doctor who had examined Lois Lane came forward and claimed that she might be pregnant.


Superman's child?

The story of a love triangle between a pregnant woman and the richest man in the metropolis and the strongest man in the world.

This gossipy tidbit is more popular with the audience than serious topics such as Superman losing control.

After all, the latter can only show that Superman is dangerous without damaging his divinity, but the former can bring a perfect Superman back to the world.

If there really is a bastard who dares to trick my wife while she is pregnant, then I will definitely shoot him and kill him on the spot!

Many red-necks even said that Luthor deserved this kind of disaster, and that Superman must have been born in Texas because he was so bloody.

Luther looked very unhappy when he saw that the topic was wrong. He let the little reporter seize the opportunity without paying attention.

But the life span of tidbits is very short. As long as Superman loses control again, it will not be revealed as lightly as it is today.

Knowing that there is no point in his staying, these reporters will only ask him some incomprehensible questions now.

Luther simply left the scene without saying a word, ignoring the microphones and questions from the noisy reporters behind him.

After Luther left, Kai Grant also quietly left the venue.

She found a deserted place, and after making sure there was no one around, she suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then her facial expression suddenly changed strangely, and her bones expanded like springs, stretching her originally beautiful face into an extremely ridiculous shape.

Then more terrible things appeared on"her" face, such as her hair becoming shorter, her facial features deformed, and her figure began to change towards a strip shape.

After a few seconds, Kate transformed into a man, a plastic figure.

The plastic man shook his body and suddenly shuddered deeply. Then he stretched his hand to his lower body, as if trying to pull out something.

Suddenly a"pop" sound sounded in this uninhabited land, and the plastic man's face became relieved. He looked down and said:"Hello, buddy, welcome back."..."

"Ahem——!"Barry, who had been waiting aside for a while, felt a little embarrassed.

The Plastic Man noticed him then, but he didn't realize how obscene his behavior just was. Instead, he came up and hugged Barry enthusiastically after"picking his crotch."

Barry looked at him in horror, but he didn't dare to dislike him for fear of hurting the new member's self-esteem, so he was directly hugged by the plastic man.

"Hey! Flash, are you here specifically to wait for me? I'm so happy!"

"you...your hands..."Barry stammered.

"hand? What happened to my hand? The plastic man looked at it quickly, and then asked doubtfully:"It has recovered?""

The plastic man thought it was because his hands were still in deformation, but the plastic man was already numb, so he just said stiffly:

"You just touched it with your hand..."

"You mean here?"The plastic man made two arrows pointing downwards with his hands, then put his hands on his hips and said with a smile:

"You know, if I want to become a woman, I can blow on the things I don’t have to make them bigger, but if I want to make the things I don’t already have disappear, I can only stuff them in."

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"plug...stuff it in...!"Barry's eyes almost popped out of his head. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Plastic Man complained a little:"Yes, although it doesn't hurt, there is something stuffed in the bladder. It feels like holding in urine, which is very uncomfortable. I hope you haven't experienced this feeling..."

Barry shook his head wildly, he didn't want to either.

At this time, the voice of Cyborg sounded from the two people's communicator:"Plastic Man, The Flash, have your missions been completed?"

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Barry quickly replied:"Yes, we have completed it. Now, you can pull us back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, covering the two of them, and then brought them to the watchtower.

When Plastic Man saw Cyborg, he was as enthusiastic as ever:"I'm back! Man, how was my performance just now?"

They all knew that Cyborg must have been watching them.

Cyborg nodded expressionlessly:"Very good, it shouldn't be discovered by anyone."

He corrected the live broadcast to ensure that the camera would not switch to the reporter who changed into the plastic man, so as not to let the original owner see the problem.

And he also ensured that the focus of the matter was on Lex Luthor throughout the whole process, and I believe the media would prefer this.

In a capitalist country, serious topics are never more eye-catching than gimmick news.

"Is this enough?"Barry couldn't help but ask,"Can this restore Superman's reputation?"

"According to Shazam, reputation has never been achieved by this means."Cyborg's cold tone was like a machine,"If they want to slander Superman, even without this incident, there will be other reasons."

"So this time it's just a warning to Luther, a warning not to cross the line."

Barry shivered when he heard this. At first glance, this speech sounded like a villain.

But Plastic Man thought it was so cool!

Before he became a hero, he was actually a kid., I like the style of Steel Bone the most.

"I have a question, Superman hasn't been seen in Metropolis for a while, where is he?"Barry said strangely.

Fortunately, the criminals in Metropolis have been very honest recently. Superman just doesn't appear and is not dead, so they don't dare to act rashly.

The only one who dances the most happily is Luthor, and he also happens to know What is Superman doing?

At Lois' house, Clark is working in the kitchen wearing an apron.

He grew up doing farm work, and cooking is not a problem for him.

At the door of the kitchen, Lois appears there , she looked at Clark helplessly:"Listen, I'm just pregnant, you don't need to be so nervous"

"Louise! Clark was really nervous,"You should go take a rest.""

"Did you hear me?"Lois was a little angry. It's normal for pregnant women to be a little irritable during pregnancy.

The content of the parenting class came to Clark's mind, and he could only say softly:"Lois, we don't know. What will the children of aliens and earthlings look like, so we can never be too careful."

How could Clark not be worried? If the child in Louise's belly was also a little superman, even if his little feet didn't kick, Louise would have died immediately!

He completely forgot that Kryptonians have to bask in the sun before they can obtain superhuman powers. The abilities are set...

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