Investigation 304

Although the incident of Superman's murder was cleverly turned into a piece of gossip by the Justice League, Superman is indeed not suitable for heroic activities in the near future.

Not only because public opinion is very sensitive now, but also because he is about to become a father.

He attaches great importance to this child and even hopes to propose to Louise and plans to form a real family with her.

So for now, Clark really doesn't have time to engage in heroic activities anymore.

The citizens of Metropolis haven't felt much yet, but Atomic Girl is very anxious, because one of the reasons she joined the Justice League was for Superman.

Due to the existence of the Confusion Curse, neither she nor the"outsiders" know the true identities of all members of the Justice League, except Bruce Wayne.

Even though the"outsider" tried his best to form a secret society, he still could not learn anything about the identity of the superheroes from the villains or the information of the Sky Eye Society.

Compared to Earth-3, this world is obviously better at protecting the secret identities of its heroes.

Since their first meeting on the watchtower, Atom Girl hadn't seen Superman anywhere, let alone alone.

She had no choice but to find Superman, so she had to take down another target of"613" first.

Atom Girl shrunk her body until it was invisible to the naked eye, and then quietly sneaked into the main control room of the watchtower.

That's where Cyborg works every day, and he usually doesn't leave there.

Atomic Girl had already figured out his routine. She knew that at this time, Cyborg must have uploaded his electronic consciousness to the watchtower's network, monitoring the world from another perspective.

She thought their criminal syndicate might need a device like this so no one could escape their eyes.

Atomic Girl easily entered the control room without causing any alarm.

She thinks the design of the Justice League here is stupid. How can people other than operators have the right to freely enter and exit such a place?

Doesn't this make it easier for people like her to sneak in?

Atom Girl smiled inwardly when she thought of this. Who would have thought that her teammates were actually spies?

The Justice League thought they were theirs, and Waller thought he was hers. No one would know that she actually came from another world.

When Atomic Girl saw Cyborg, the cyborg was just as she had expected. His physical consciousness fell into dormancy, and his electronic consciousness entered the digital world.

And this was the best time for her to act without anyone noticing.

She carefully took out an electronic virus from their world from her pocket and crawled into the gap between the steel-framed mechanical bodies.

In the deepest depths, there are many optical fiber-like lines through which data flows. Atomic Girl inserts the virus into the data flow like a syringe, and it will play its role when it is supposed to work.

After completing this task, Atomic Girl quickly packed up her hands and left here as quickly as possible in order to prevent a long night of nightmares.

After she left the main control room, Cyborg, who had been motionless, suddenly turned his head and looked at the direction Atomic Girl left.

Atom Girl didn't know at all. Even if the watchtower didn't install surveillance cameras in every corner, his sight could still cover every inch of the place. This was the ability given to him by the Mother Box.

Metal can become his eyes, transforming everything here into what he wants at any time.

So what Atomic Girl thought was a safe move was actually surrounded by thousands of eyes watching her.

"She has left."

After Cyborg said this, a light appeared around him. Dane appeared from the light. He tilted his head and looked at Cyborg.

"Have you got the stuff?"

Cyborg opened the palm of his hand and reorganized his own metal material to form a small U, with a green data stream flowing on it.

"This is the electronic virus you said."

Cyborg's electronic eyes stared at the USB flash drive, as if examining something.

"Can this thing really help me regain my old self?"He couldn't help asking Dane this question again.

Dane once again gave him a positive reply:"Don't worry, according to my plan, the success rate is very high, and this may be your last chance."

Cyborg's situation is very troublesome to solve with normal means.

If it is an old version of Cyborg, that is, the Cyborg whose whole body of machinery is derived from human technology, it is actually very easy to solve.

Dane has already had the technology to clone humans. Constantine's ex-girlfriend Rachel once relied on this method to regain her life.

I heard that she has now become a very staunch advocate against smoking and is enjoying her hard-won health.

If the technology on Cyborg's body If it is the human version, then Dane can directly re-enact Rachel's treatment process, clone Cyborg into a new body, and then transplant his soul into the new body.

But unfortunately not. Technology comes from the Mother Box, which is the technology of the New Gods. As long as any technology involves"gods", it will never be simple, and the same is true for the Mother Box.

When Dane checked Cyborg, he discovered that his soul was not related to the machine. The body is so tightly integrated that it is impossible to separate.

The Mother Box also completely transformed him when it resurrected him. He is not only a human, but also an electronic consciousness. He has a soul that combines human and machine, a human being transformed. Intelligent life.

So Dane thought about it and decided that the only way to solve this problem is to separate his"human" and"machine" from the soul level.

This is equivalent to operating a scalpel on the soul and removing the coldness of electronics. That part is cut off, allowing the"human" part to be reborn in a new body.

Only in this way can he change from Cyborg back to Victor. As for the lost soul, Dane holds the power of Hades in his hands, and there are many ways You can make up for it again.

Cyborg received Dane's affirmative answer, but he was not as happy as he thought.

He originally thought he hated this body, but the longer he lived in this state, the more As he got used to this kind of life, he became more integrated into it.

Although this body did not have the temperature and feelings of normal people, it also did not have the pain and sensitivity of normal people.

And the electronic consciousness gave him another perspective, allowing him to see a different world than before. It was a completely different world, and he was a little addicted to it.

Dane noticed his abnormality, but just smiled and patted his shoulder lightly:"If you change your mind, I have a new idea."

"Um? What?"

Dane turned around and found a new file from the watchtower's system, signed"Skynet Project""

"If you think the grid doesn't sound good, we can transform this virus into a good direction. What do you think of the name Skynet?"

There is no reason why the criminal syndicate can only infect them and make their side develop into"bad". Why can't it be the other way around, using them to recycle"bad" things and turn them into"good" ones?

Cyborg silently He nodded and then asked:"When do you plan to tell the other members about this?"

Dane looked at the screen with a half-smile, pointed out the monitoring of Atomic Girl, and said softly:"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while...0"

Cyborg looked at Dane's looming face under the screen light. , like Barry, it feels like seeing the face of the villain Boss.

Justice League...It's a decent organization, right?...(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side of the world, Pandora finally selected the next candidate after careful consideration.

"She was picking and choosing the most evil person in her mind, and finally found that there was only one person who could meet her requirements.

That was the"Questioner" who was also one of the three bodies of original sin.

As one of the"original sin" First, he is definitely qualified to be called"the most evil", so it should be right to find him.

Originally, the Phantom Stranger could also be used, but the Phantom Stranger is very capable, and Pandora is not necessarily his opponent in the first place.

Secondly , the Phantom Stranger is very powerful. , the Phantom Stranger comes and goes without a trace. It seems that he is not on the earth or even in this universe many times. It is almost impossible for Pandora to find him.

In this case, she can only choose the inquirer, and he is now also He was just an ordinary person, easy to figure out.

After deciding on the candidate, Pandora mobilized her contacts and began to investigate the information about the inquirer.

The inquirer was also a master of concealment, and Pandora spent a lot of effort to finally catch him. She found some clues about him.

But the final result of the investigation made her frown, because there was credible news that the questioner's last whereabouts were related to Shazam, and he might even be in the Justice League now.

"Why, the questioner is also related to Shazam..."

At this moment, Pandora thought of the previous dream. The words Madam Xanadu said to her in the dream still lingered in her ears.

But she quickly firmed up.

Even if the questioner is there, even if she may be stopped by Shazam, 2.2 she still has to give it a try. This is her mission and a responsibility she cannot escape.

At the same time, the questioner was also looking for the information he wanted in the Justice Building in Kandak.

Because of Cortana's presence, the world's information base was as defenseless to him. The questioner had to admit that compared with this way of investigating cases where he could obtain other people's secrets with just one finger, his previous method was The method is outdated.

Although he could not find any information related to his identity from this modern information, he was prompted by Shazam and decided to start with the characters related to him.

They all know about the Three Body Original Sin, so the inquirer is investigating Pandora.

This investigation revealed the information that Pandora had appeared in the"Black Room" of the Sky Eye Society.

The Black Room is a secret storage base used by Sky Eye to store some super-powered items. Pandora obviously went to that kind of place to get something.

As for what?

The questioner remembered the storm of public opinion about Superman a few days ago. Before the news turned into gossip, the last useful information was that Superman came into contact with an item containing magic and was bewitched by it.

The questioner suspects that Pandora may also be involved

"What exactly did you take? Pandora"

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