Just as the Justice League was preparing to hold a meeting to discuss how to actively promote the copy of"Crime Syndicate", Pandora, one of the key figures in the incident, found the inquirer through divination magic.

They are both members of the original sin trio, and it is easier than ordinary people to find each other.

So Pandora immediately set off for Kandak, but what she didn't know was that the inquirer was actually looking for her too.

He had already guessed what Pandora got from the dark room, which made him realize that the danger was coming.

So the Questioner could no longer keep his agreement with Dane, and he walked out of the Tower of Justice.

But his words and deeds are still monitored by the spirit of Khandak. This is an order given by Dane to her.

But before the questioner left Kandak, the spirit of Kandak had already noticed that a huge darkness was approaching the city, and it was Pandora who rushed to the city.

And relying on the induction between the three original sin bodies, the questioner also noticed Pandora's arrival, and he unknowingly walked in the opposite direction to her, and then they met somewhere in Kandak.

"Pandora!"The questioner saw her at a glance and fixed his eyes on the magic box in her hand.

"You actually brought such a dangerous thing out! What do you want to do! Pandora raised the magic box in front of her and brought it closer to the questioner:"Questioner, you have the power to open the magic box." The questioner almost laughed out of anger at her:"Don't say that you have no basis at all. Even if what you say is true, why should I do this?""

"Because this is the only chance to solve the original sin."Pandora has a deep obsession.

The questioner feels something is wrong. Pandora is not in the right state.

"Pandora, how long has it been since you got the magic box?"

However, Pandora raised her head, and there was a faint red light in her eyes. On her forehead, it seemed that she could still see looming eyes. This was a vision of being bewitched by the magic box.

"Pandora, put down the magic box quickly, you are in a very bad state! Pandora smiled and answered him:"Of course, I will. As long as you are willing to accept it, I will put it down.""

But how can the questioner dare to take over this fatal thing now? Even Pandora, who was least likely to be affected, has been bewitched. He has no confidence that he will not be affected.

So facing the magic box handed over by Pandora, the questioner Instinctively, Pandora avoided it.

But Pandora refused:"Why are you avoiding it? We can obviously end the current troubled times and return the world to the Garden of Eden.""

"That is impossible Pandora, the Garden of Eden can never be restored from the day it disappeared. Even if it can, it will definitely not be in this way."

"You left me no choice, questioner. Pandora said, taking out the pistol from her waist.

She raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the questioner:"Don't move, otherwise I don't know where I will hit.""

But how could the questioner accept such a threat? He turned around and ran away!


Pandora fired the gun. The magic box needs the questioner to open, but he does not need to be intact.

Even if the questioner is injured, he can still complete the job.

But the bullet fired by Pandora was frozen in mid-air. A hand stretched out from the void, and its index finger and thumb pinched the stationary bullet.

Then, the man behind the hand stepped out.

It's the Phantom Stranger!

"This is a mistake, Pandora, wake up now! Don't be fooled by the power of the magic box!"

"Judas? I didn't expect to see you here."Pandora just smiled when she saw him.

For her, it doesn't matter whether the person who opens the magic box is the inquirer or the Phantom Stranger.

And if the inquirer is not qualified, she can still seamlessly hand over the magic box to the Phantom Stranger. The guest came to try, but it was even better!

So Pandora not only did not stop, but the attack became more rapid and close.

And this time, what she shot in her hand was no longer a copper bullet, but a magic bullet, which has more power than bullets. High speed and stronger penetrating power.

However, these magic bullets were unable to penetrate the copper and iron walls set up by Phantom Stranger. Compared with Pandora's self-taught magic spells for many years, the power inherited by Phantom Stranger comes from the heaven system. More advanced.

But Pandora's original purpose was not to fight to the death with the Phantom Stranger. She just wanted to attract his attention so that she could ignore her real target.

Pandora opened her hands, and the dark magic began to flow from It spread around her and enveloped the surrounding area in an instant. The Phantom Stranger and the questioner were enveloped in it at the same time. The

Phantom Stranger was heartbroken and immediately started to break the magic, but then he heard a scream from behind him. The questioner's voice.

He tore away the black curtain and looked back. The questioner had already held the magic box in his hand, and three red eyes were growing under the erosion of the magic box's power....

Since he has no facial features, he looks more like a three-eyed monster at this time

"What a shame, you're not that person either..."Pandora looked at the wailing questioner and muttered to herself.

Phantom Stranger saw that under the power of the magic box, the questioner's face suddenly became clearer, as if it was about to regain its appearance.

He was suddenly startled and rushed forward


As one of the three original sins at that time, he knew more than Pandora. He knew who the inquirer's true identity was, but because of this, he must not let the inquirer remember his identity.

Just as the Wizards' Council told him The evaluation is the same. He is one of the most heinous original sins in human history!

The Phantom Stranger could only pray at this time. With his own ability, he should be able to withstand the power of the magic box, so he snatched the magic box from the questioner's hand.

The questioner also returned to his faceless appearance, but he seemed to have some vague memories. It seemed that Mrs. Xanadu was not completely fooling him. He could indeed find some clues about his identity, but It's a pity that the time was too short and he couldn't remember more.

But he didn't have time to dwell on this problem now, because the magic box fell into the hands of the Phantom Stranger.

The Phantom Stranger lost the bet, and he couldn't resist the magic box temptation, but instead fell into deeper depravity.

"It's mine now!"Phantom Stranger's eyes were red, and the red magic eyes were on his head. The magic power around his body spread in all directions!

Being rushed by this powerful magic power, the questioner and Pandora instantly flew out and hit the wall behind them.

This collision also knocked Pandora away. Completely awakened, she woke up from the bewitched state

"Oh my God, what have I done!"She saw the magic box in the Phantom Stranger's hand and said anxiously,"Let it go!"

But the Phantom Stranger ignored it. With a wave of his hand, the magic turned into a strong wind and blew Pandora away.

0 Flower

Askers saw clearly that the Phantom Stranger was completely controlled by the magic box at this time, and they must seek justice. Help from the alliance!

So the questioner took out his mobile phone from his arms. He had already exchanged contact information with Dane, and he could call people over with just one phone call.

But at this time Dane and other members of Zhenglian were having a meeting on the watchtower. His cell phone was habitually muted during meetings, so he didn't hear it. However, the questioner's actions were noticed by the Phantom Stranger. He flew to the questioner like a gust of wind, grabbed his neck and hung him in the air.

"Questioner, what are you doing?"

As he said that, Phantom Stranger squeezed his palm open and took out the mobile phone.

"Who do you want to call?"After that, he crushed the phone and let the fragments fall from his palm.

"Now, you can't notify anyone."

The questioner felt suffocated, and the Phantom Stranger tightened his palms, as if he wanted to strangle him to death.

But suddenly in the next second, the questioner disappeared from his palms.

The Phantom Stranger felt very strange, and he used magic to check After looking around, I found that not only the questioner, but also Pandora had disappeared.

"Someone was here just now, but not here..."

It sounds mysterious, but the Phantom Stranger actually found some traces of the spirit of Khandak, but he didn't care anymore

"It doesn't matter, even if you escape, where can you escape to?"

Phantom Stranger looked around and suddenly nodded:"Let's use this as my starting point!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After saying this, the magic power in his body burst out, like a red storm spreading to the sky, and the clouds were dyed red by this magic power. The

Phantom Stranger was Infecting the city with its own magic power, trying to bring it under its control.

In the void world, the inquirer and Pandora saw the spirit of Khandak

"Was it you who brought us here?"Pandora could see her essence.

The spirit of Khandak nodded:"The power of the magic box has amplified the greed of the Phantom Stranger, and he is now trying to take Khandak away."

"We need to tell the Justice League this right away!"The questioner immediately said

"I don't understand, if even the Phantom Stranger can't open the magic box, then who else in the world can?"Pandora is still brooding over this matter.

"You can ask Shazam yourself about this and he might be able to answer your question."

After Kandak said this, he communicated with Dane from his heart.

Dane, who was in the meeting, immediately received the news and changed the words he was about to say.

"Khandak is in trouble, everyone moves into action immediately!"

But just when he was about to step into the teleportation array with others, he suddenly sensed something strange happening on Madam Xanadu's side.

So he said again:"You guys go over first, I have one thing to deal with first."

After saying that, he flashed and disappeared in a teleport.

Members, look at me, I'll look at you, so we had no choice but to follow Dane's words and walk into the portal.

When Dane appeared again, it happened to be Bomb Girl who caught him. When Mrs. Du used her hands, she was about to activate her ability.

Bomb Girl also saw him and did not dare to hesitate any longer. The ability was activated, and a huge explosion sounded, blowing the place into ruins!

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