But at the critical moment when the divination hall exploded, Dane activated the power of speed, and the surrounding scene seemed to be slowed down for an instant.

In Dane's eyes, the world was like a stopped frame, continuing to run at a very slow speed.

He flew into the pavilion, and Bomb Girl's hands glowed with fire, as if the light was lighting up from beneath her skin.

Bomb Girl cannot detect Dane in this state. To Dane, she is completely still.

He walked over, took Madam Xanadu's hands away from her, then picked up Nimue and flew her out of the divination hall.

When he took Nimue out of the house, the impact of the speed faded, and there was a loud explosion behind him.

But the bomb girl at the center of the explosion suddenly discovered that she had lost Mrs. Xanadu

"not good! He rescued that woman!"Bomb Girl saw Shazam with just a glimpse, so she quickly understood what happened.

As a superhuman with only the ability to explode, her power could not compete with Shazam. Bomb Girl understood this very well, so She was going to run away.

Although she was working for a secret society, Bomb Girl would not risk her life for such a thing, but her speed could not be faster than lightning.

Sensing that she was about to run away, Dane waved his hand Throwing the lightning, it hit her instantly.

Even Bomb Girl could only twitch and fall to the ground in front of the power of the lightning.

Mrs. Xanadu didn't come back to her senses until this moment, but her first reaction was not from Dane got off his body, but his two arms directly hooked his neck.

"You came just in time."She said with a bit of mischief on her face,"I almost died in the hands of that person."

But Dane knew that was definitely not the case. Mrs."Five-Twenty-Seven" in Xanadu was immortal and possessed special skills. How could she be killed so easily?

In"The Battle of the Three-Body Problem", she was also plotted by the Bomb Girl. But he did not die, and his clothes were not even torn. He was just knocked out by the explosion and captured by the"outsiders".

So Dane was not worried that Mrs. Xanadu would die, he was worried that her body would be picked up by the"outsiders".

From then on Judging from Madam Xanadu's first meeting with him and subsequent conversations, she should have known him a long time ago.

Either they did meet a long time ago, for example, he may have gone back to the past through time travel, or She foresaw the future of the two of them.

For the prophet, the past and the present are sometimes not so clear-cut, but no matter which one it is, their relationship should be very close.

He should come here in person for reasons and reasons. a trip

"I just saw that you seemed to be doing divination. What did you see?"

Nimue had no intention of getting off him, so Dane just let her hang on like this.

When Dane asked her this question, Nimue suddenly remembered what she had just seen in her spiritual vision.

"correct! The Three-Body War, Pandora’s Box! Dane, you must rush back as soon as possible, that place has now become a battlefield!"

Going back in time, just as Dane went to New York to save people, other members of the Justice League also teleported from the watchtower to Khandak.

There, the spirit of Khandak and Pandora were using their magic power. Fight against the Phantom Stranger.

The magic of the Phantom Stranger appears red and expands in Khandak. Anyone who comes into contact with this magic will be instantly corrupted and become a slave of the magic box.

Of course, the Phantom Stranger always thinks that it is him The one who is leading all this.

Blue Beetle, as a newcomer and a passionate young man, wanted to show off in front of the superheroes that he could only see on TV news in the past, so he was the first to speak.

"I guess, just subdue the man and that's it, right?"

Phantom Stranger didn't look like a warrior, and he wasn't wearing a battle suit. I don't know if it was because of this, but Blue Beetle underestimated the enemy, so he rushed forward.

"Wait, Blue Beetle!"Batman's reminder failed to stop him. Blue Beetle's flying speed had already broken through the sound barrier.

"I'm going to chase him back!"Superman volunteered. He is the second most powerful person in the league after Shazam, and he took it upon himself to do this.

Batman couldn't persuade him, and just watched Superman chase after him.

He couldn't tell what it felt like. He felt that the person opposite was not as simple as he seemed.

So he said to the members who were still here:"Until I figure out what impact those red things will have, no one is allowed to approach there!"

There is a convincing power in his words that makes people obey subconsciously.

On the other side, as soon as Blue Beetle entered the magic area of ​​Phantom Stranger, Kajida immediately called the police to him.

"Jaime, an abnormal energy source has been detected, I suggest we leave this area!"

If things were normal, Jaime might just give up, but now in front of other Justice League teammates, Jaime also has self-respect, and he can't afford to lose this person.

So he can only say:"Please, Kakeda, this But it’s our debut stage. Do you want us to embarrass ourselves in front of so many people?"

"But..."Kakeda still wanted to persuade him, but Jaime took the opportunity to speed up even faster than before.

"Just look at this guy, we only need a sonic cannon to kill him!"

As he spoke, Haimei controlled his hands to transform with his mind, turning into two sonic launchers with barrels as big as fists, and the muzzles of the cannons flashed with blue light.

"Come try this!"

This gun will not kill people after hitting them, it will just make them fall into coma, and that is what Jaime thought.

But the sonic bombardment launched by Jaime only caused a wave of noise on the magic shield of the Phantom Stranger. The ripples in the circle failed to break it at all.

At this time, the Phantom Stranger, who felt that he was being attacked, raised his head and saw Blue Beetle.

He sneered, raised one hand, and pinched Blue Beetle's body in the air

"Kakeda, I can't breathe!"

Haimei's whole body was squeezed into a ball by invisible pressure, and he could only shrink his limbs along the natural direction of the joints to relieve his own pain.

But even if it was handed over to Kajida, it could not break away from the Phantom Stranger. set magic

"I can't do it, Jaime, he's too strong!"

At this time, the Phantom Stranger was only mentally affected, but he was still using his own power, so the Blue Beetle was controlled by his magical power and had nothing to do with the Magic Box.

Because he was selected as the"Heavenly One""Voice" service, so he was given very powerful magical energy, but this does not mean that the Phantom Stranger is invincible.

In fact, his combat power may not be as good as Doctor Fate.

But the"Voice of Heaven" What was given to him was not combat power, but authority, something that only true gods could master. It could not simply be described as"combat power."

Blue Beetle suffered a disadvantage because he launched an attack without knowing who his enemy was, resulting in Directly captured by the opponent's magic.

But the Phantom Stranger did not kill him, although he was indeed able to do it now, but he still remembered his identity subconsciously.

If he killed an innocent person here, then he would immediately He would lose this power.

So he chose another method. He guided the power of the magic box to Blue Beetle, letting him be infected by the power of the magic box and finally corrupted.

Jaime is still very young, he may have A kind heart, but it is far from powerful.

Even the Phantom Stranger, who has been repenting for thousands of years, cannot withstand the power of the magic box, so how can he be an exception?

Kajida is not really a But once Jaime made up his mind, as a parasite, it couldn't disobey the order.

After all, it was damaged before coming to the earth.

So Blue Beetle quickly turned the gun around and replaced the sonic cannon with a more powerful one. The lethal energy bomb was aimed at the flying Superman.

"Jaime, this is a deadly weapon, are you sure you want to use it to attack your teammates?"

Kakida was still making the final struggle, but Jaime just said:"Stop being verbose and execute it quickly!"

So Superman saw that the Blue Beetle, who was originally going to attack the Phantom Stranger, suddenly attacked him inexplicably.

"Blue beetle?"

At this time, Blue Beetle's energy bomb had been fired, and it hit Superman's face.

The impact caused by the energy escape spread around, pushing the air away, like a ball of blue fireworks exploding.

But Superman His face came out of the"fireworks" unscathed.

Now he understood that Blue Beetle must have been controlled by something. He moved his gaze to the Phantom Stranger and locked on the target.

Then Superman began to accelerate and tried to Bypass the Blue Beetle and directly control the Phantom Stranger.

However, the Blue Beetle shows superhuman reflexes and speed. As a product of alien technology, the Scarab is used as a weapon of war by the people who created it. It is the most advanced technology in the universe. One.

Superman, who didn't take it seriously, thought he could be faster than Blue Beetle, but was caught by him when he flew past him.

"You can never get rid of me!"

Blue Beetle's hands transformed into clamps, clamped Superman's legs, and then dragged him backwards. Superman accidentally got his hand, and his body was dragged backwards.

But he quickly reacted, and the two heat waves His sight was fired out, burning out the things that were imprisoning him...0

Seeing that Blue Beetle seemed to be trying to catch up, he had no choice but to hammer Blue Beetle with"little force".

Then the opponent seemed to be beaten. It flew out like water and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Compared with Superman's strength, it was obvious that Blue Beetle was far from strong enough, and could barely survive in the hands of the Kryptonians.

After dealing with the blockers, Superman continued to move towards The Phantom Stranger left, but just when he was about to touch the Phantom Stranger, the other party suddenly flashed and disappeared in front of his eyes. The

Phantom Stranger's teleportation ability is more powerful than that of the Justice League. He can even Moving between different dimensions and different universes.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Superman. He raised the magic box high and let the red light from above radiate on Superman.

Once again, he was attracted by the power of the magic box. Invasion, Superman was corrupted as expected, but the remaining good thoughts in his heart refused to allow him to fall towards the abyss of corruption.

The last time it was because he was careless and careless, which was why he was so easy to fall into. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to FLU Novel Network!)

But this time, facing the bewitchment of the magic box, Clark’s first thought was about Lois Lane and their unborn child.


Clark used his own will to reject the Box's corruption, much to the Phantom Stranger's surprise.

But he has other ways

"You are worthy of being a superman. You may really have a heart of kindness as Pandora thinks, but it is precisely because of this that it wants you more."

The Phantom Stranger extended his claws towards Superman. At this moment, the sun in the sky suddenly emitted a flash of light, attracting the Phantom Stranger's attention. He couldn't help but look up.

A shadow approached like a bird. It hit him, and in an instant, it was holding a hammer in its hand! It was this thing that was shining!

Hawkgirl Shayera swung down the hammer, hitting the Phantom Stranger directly in the face, knocking him down from the sky. On the ground.

Despite this, he still held the magic box tightly in his hand and never let go for a moment.

But on the ground, Diana had been waiting for a long time. She threw the rope and put it on the hand of the Phantom Stranger holding the magic box. He accidentally pulled the rope!

The Phantom Stranger flew up involuntarily. In the sky, the Green Lantern smashed the giant fist in his face and knocked him away.

Now he could no longer hold it. Stop the magic box in your hand and let it fly out.

The magic box flashed its three eyes in the air. The falling trajectory was very abnormal and seemed to have a target.

"I'll catch it!Barry ran to where the box fell, trying to catch it

"No! Everyone, keep it off!" Pandora shouted loudly.

Zatanna was the first to react. She recited a spell and fixed the magic box in the air. It seemed that there was a force trying to break away from her magic.

But the magic box did not succeed. After all, there was only one magic box. Consciousness, the ability is very limited in 3.0 when it cannot affect the host.

Zatanna controlled the magic box to land, but she bypassed Barry and placed the magic box where no one can touch it.

"I don't think anyone should touch this thing until Dane comes back."

After Zatanna said this, she set up a barrier magic around the magic box to ensure that no one could break in when she wasn't paying attention. At this time, the Phantom Stranger had not yet awakened from the illusion of being controlled by the magic box. Coming over, the magic light on his body flashed, and he seemed to want to teleport again.

But at this time, a dark magic power emerged from his body, shrouding him before the teleportation magic took effect. The

Phantom Stranger instantly felt his own The body began to weaken, this was a curse! It was Constantine who took action. He took a leisurely puff of cigarette, walked up to the Phantom Stranger, and then snatched away the magic equipment from him without hesitation.

"Constantine you...Your behavior is to be condemned! But

Constantine showed him a big smile:"I'm sorry, I have a good relationship in hell. I may hang out there in the future. You people in heaven can't control me~"

Then he continued to pick it up. Equipped.

Barry the Flash hesitated to speak, but Cyborg said expressionlessly on the side:"Remove his equipment first, so that he can no longer cause trouble.""

"Then he'll give it back, right?"

"Will do. Cyborg replied calmly,"Maybe"

"maybe what it means..."

At this time, Dane returned to Khandak with Madam Xanadu, and the Justice League was already wrapping up.

He smiled and said to her:"Look, I said they can solve the problem.""

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