"Are you done with your affairs?"Batman walked out of that corner without knowing it.

Dane nodded, and then let Nimue out:"This is Madam Xanadu, she was the one who reminded us about this incident before."

Zatanna took a look at Madam Xanadu. She was also from the magical world. She had heard of this gypsy before.

It was said that she had been moving around New York. Zatanna thought she would be older. , I didn’t expect the other party to be so young.

Hmm...Any young women around Dane should be wary

"So, what is the reason for this incident?"

The members of Zhenglian made a way for him, so that he could see the isolated Pandora's Box and the Phantom Stranger, who had almost been stripped naked by Constantine. He had woken up from the bewitchment of the box. Got it

"Davis, can you tell this bastard to stop?"The Phantom Stranger felt very depressed, and Constantine wanted to take off his underwear.

Dane snapped his fingers, and Constantine stopped cooperatively.

He stood aside and looked at the disheveled man all over his body. The Phantom Stranger smiled without any shame, his smile was extremely bad and evil.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were awake. This is for your own good. You should be able to understand my intentions."

Phantom Stranger stood up with a dark face, I just understand it so well!

"Can those things be returned to me?"

Those are good things produced from Silver City, and they must not be brought into trouble by guys like Constantine!"

"Excuse me."Constantine turned his back on the spot, as if who the hell are you,"In order to prevent the possible danger of the magic items on your body, it is better to leave these things to me for safekeeping for the time being."

Leave it to you for safekeeping?

Who in the entire Three Realms doesn't know that Constantine never keeps his promises? If I keep it for you, who can get it back? The

Phantom Stranger looked at Dane, but Dane changed his gaze. Pretend not to see it.

If the East and West are in the hands of Constantine, isn’t that the same as if they are in the hands of the Justice League?

If they are in the hands of the Justice League, doesn’t it mean they are in my hands?

You want me to return them? I am from Constantine It's confiscated from your hands! You should go to him, what does it have to do with me?

The Phantom Stranger felt that Dane might want to steal his things, and he was a little anxious.

But he knew that he had no way to deal with Dane, and In the final analysis, he has a great responsibility for today's matter.

But he can pick the weaklings. Since he can't do anything about Dane, he has no choice but to use Constantine.

"John Constantine, you will be damned from heaven for doing this, you will go to hell!"

Phantom Stranger is not entirely alarmist. Looting the sacred artifact itself is a very sacrilegious thing. Although Constantine has no worries about his debts, Phantom Stranger knows that he had a chance to go to heaven a few years ago. If he still thinks that way...

However, time has changed, and now Dane has become the Lord of Hell. Constantine feels that with his ability and face, he may be able to live better in Hell, and it is obviously more suitable for him there.

So he took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then blew a puff of smoke at the Phantom Stranger with his nostrils, his face showing disdain.

The meaning is obvious - go to fucking heaven!

Phantom Stranger frowned slightly, but he quickly figured out the matter.

Dane has become the Lord of Hell, so it's no longer a scary place for him.

However, the Phantom Stranger actually smiled. He looked at Constantine and said:

"I almost forgot about this. In view of your good performance in recent years, I can specially apply to the people above to let you go to heaven as an exception. Or, do you want to walk the world in my place?"

The Phantom Stranger does not wander around the world voluntarily, he is atonement for his sins.

He wanders the earth like a stranger, but cannot enjoy their lives like other immortal people, or build a family or emotions.

He He must always accept the call of the"Voice of Heaven" and do many things for it. Sometimes he has to go deep into places that are also dangerous for him.

For example, the Phantom Zone that Dane visited last time is about 100 meters away from Hades. The territory is too close, even the Phantom Stranger has to be careful.

If Constantine wants to take away his things, then let him take it!

As for the Phantom Stranger himself, he will wait for this guy in heaven, When we arrived at the angel's territory, we had to put all our old and new grudges together.

Sure enough, when Constantine heard what he said, his face changed instantly, and he had obviously thought of this.

But he had signed a contract with the Boss. His soul shouldn't belong to God, right?

He looked at Dane with some uncertainty, trying to confirm.

But Dane just told him regretfully:"You are overthinking. For the time being, I can't rob God."."

Constantine immediately threw everything in his hand back to the Phantom Stranger like a hot potato, and then stayed away.

He will not go to heaven, absolutely!

At this time, Blue Beetle was a little embarrassed He was not injured after flying back from the ground. Firstly, Clark was not serious at all. Secondly, Kakeda was really strong and helped him bear all the injuries.

But Jaime regretted in his heart that his first debut ended with such an ignominy. His method failed, which made him feel bad.

At this time, the Flash ran to him like a bolt of lightning and touched him with his elbow.

"Don't be discouraged, my first time was actually no better than yours."

"Really? Blue Beetle said cautiously.

Barry whispered:"Shazam and others will not blame you, but you have to be careful about Batman, he is very talkative."..."

Suddenly, the two of them felt a chill coming straight to their foreheads from behind. They turned around stiffly, and Batman was casting an unkind look at them.


"Sorry," Barry and Blue Beetle said in unison, almost kneeling down on the spot.

"Let's go back and discuss this again."After Batman finished speaking, he made no other moves.

But Blue Beetle and Barry were worried that he wouldn't use torture on us, right?...I heard that Batman loves to use very cruel torture on criminals to torture them....

When you hear this method, you can tell that it belongs to Red Hood or Robin, but the only one who would frame it on others is Robin.

"So I guess that's the end of this incident, right?"Clark came over holding his head.

Dane looked at him:"Although I am very pleased that you can overcome the bewitchment of the magic box, I have to tell you that things are not over. On the contrary, it has just begun."

After saying that, Dane suddenly pointed his hand, and an arc of electricity shot out from his finger, crackling on the ground somewhere.

"Cortana."Dane shouted.

Cortana appeared, used magic power in her hands, and projected a magic at the place where Dane had just struck with lightning.

A few seconds later, a body was suddenly magnified in front of their eyes. It's Atomic Girl!

Cortana stepped forward and took off Atom Girl's belt. Without this, she couldn't control the size of her body freely.

"Atomic Girl? How is this going?"

They haven't talked about the issue of Atomic Girl on the watchtower, although it was a bit surprising that she didn't attend the meeting.

But the vixen was vaguely aware of it:"Is there anything wrong with her?"

"Yes."Dane glanced at her appreciatively, then raised his hand, used magic to lift the magic box on the ground, and then placed it on Atomic Girl. A strange thing happened. No matter who the box was placed on before, even if it was Superman was also in great pain due to the erosion of the magic box, but there was nothing abnormal about Atom Girl who was in a coma.

Pandora was completely confused, and she couldn't help but ask:"What's going on?"

"This box is not from our world, but from their world."

Dane said something very shocking lightly. Barry reacted first. He was very intelligent and often read books.

So he blurted out:"So, the theory of parallel universes is correct?"

Dane confirmed his guess. Batman stepped forward. The nanoparticles of the suit reorganized into an instrument shaped like a gun. Batman pointed it at the magic box.

This is a component particle capable of detecting matter. The instrument quickly gave the result.

Batman stood up with a sullen face and said to the other members:"He is right, the particles on this box are all antimatter.

It's just that I haven't figured out how it maintains such a stable state without being directly annihilated."

His voice sounded a little scary:"We should be lucky that with the mass of this box, once annihilation occurs, the destructive power will be enough. Destroy a planet and more!"

Barry and Jaime both shuddered, but the others were unmoved.

"Therefore, this box comes from another universe."The plastic man's hands turned into two arrows and pointed at the magic box, and then pointed at the atomic woman,"Does it mean that this woman also comes from other universes, and is very likely to come from the same world as the box? Dr. Guang was a little surprised by his sharp thinking. This man turned out to be not as funny as he looked. He still had a brain.

Dane nodded:"Yes, this is what I was about to tell you just now. We The world has been invaded..."

Everyone was speechless. Why is the earth being invaded every day? They are almost numb.

Do you have to work in three shifts to save the world?

"So what did she want to do just now?"Clark was a little confused.

Batman reassembled a new instrument from his hands and pointed it around.

Soon the instrument made a sound, and Batman assembled a pair of tweezers to pick up the thing.

Superman has microscopic vision, so he He saw what that thing was without any instruments. His expression changed slightly, and then he fell silent.

"A tiny piece of kryptonite. With Atom Girl's ability, she can put this piece of kryptonite in places that Superman can't reach, such as brain neurons and other very deadly places."

The expressions of everyone in Zhenglian also changed at this time. If that happens, Superman will basically be useless.

That piece of kryptonite fragment may not be able to kill Superman, but it will definitely make him"sick". He simply cannot resist the power of the magic box, and might be controlled by the power of the magic box like the Phantom Stranger. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The questioner walked out of the crowd, and in the original Squatting down next to his son, he checked carefully and found that the position of the other person's heart was opposite to that of most people.

2/3 of the hearts of people in their world were on the left and 1/3 on the right.

The position of Atomic Woman's heart was the same as theirs. exactly the opposite

"Interesting, are they all like that?"The questioner told everyone in Zhenglian what he had discovered.

"As expected, this should be the case."

Red Hood silently recorded the information 730. He relies on his gun to make a living, so he must not shoot it incorrectly, as it will damage his record.

Clark frowned at this time and said:"They seem to have malicious intentions towards us. What are you going to do? ?"

"This is what I wanted to discuss with you before. I planned to capture their accomplices and counterattack into their world."

Dane said something that surprised them. If I remember correctly, this was the first time that Dane proposed to counterattack the opponent's lair before the opponent caused great damage to the real world.

Even Hades was They had already ordered their men to attack the human world before they suffered a counterattack from Dane.

Alliance members had different expressions on this.

Diana, Zatanna and Hawkwoman first chose to support Dane.

"I agree that every time something happens, we can't wait until our opponents cause disaster first before coming out to clean up the mess. Maybe it's time for us to take the initiative."

Clark felt a little hesitant. Louise was recently pregnant and he didn't want to leave.

Dane said at this time:"I propose to counterattack the other side's world not only because they are eyeing us, but also because I have predicted that these people are planning some extremely harmful events.

And have you ever thought about it, since they have the ability to come If they come to our world, will they also have the ability to threaten other worlds?"

This is of course very possible. If Atom Girl and the Outsiders came to other worlds instead of their world, they would also come up with the same plot to split the Justice League. , and engulf that world.

Although things in other worlds have nothing to do with Dane and the others, now that they know it, if they do nothing, it will not be in line with the spiritual purpose of the league. They are the Justice League.

In the animated movie, the Justice League deliberated and finally chose to help Luthor from another world save their world.

Switching to Zhenglian here, the approach is actually the same.

Now that they know it, they will do it, as long as it is for what they think is right.

Although Dane formed this alliance and often claimed it as his own, he never wanted to be a dictator. Countless DC works have proven that dictators will never end well. Even if God is so awesome, Boom Boom is also a vertical arch. And cure.

Besides, being able to work with a group of people with righteous hearts is actually a very fortunate thing.

What's more, most of the time, Dane is always able to convince them, and this time is no exception.

Counterattacking Earth-3, apart from Dane wanting to obtain the pure N attribute of that world, he also had another purpose.

Xantha, the peer of Alexander Luthor, his power suits him very well

"Now that the decision has been made, let’s first catch the mastermind behind this time!".

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