In a certain base of the Sky Eye Society, an outsider frowned and stared at the big screen in front of him. Although the screen showed that everything was normal, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He dared not ignore such a premonition, which had saved his life many times.

He knew in his heart what a dangerous thing he was doing. If he fell short, it would not only be affected by himself, but also the world behind him.

Because they were afraid of being discovered by Cyborg, outsiders did not dare to directly use hacking technology to invade the Justice League. Instead, they asked Atom Girl to carry a pinhole camera to secretly observe the members of the League.

It's just a pity that Alexander Luthor was not invited to the secret society formed by outsiders, so he did not know about Cortana's existence.

Therefore, he will not know that in the digital realm, she is a well-deserved god.

The pinhole camera carried by Atomic Girl was connected to the Internet, so it was discovered and controlled by Cortana immediately.

What outsiders see now is what Cortana wants him to see, and it can be said that it is very consistent with his expected vision.

But even so, his vigilance still discovered something unusual.

It can only be said that the outsider is worthy of being the lackey of Night Owl. He is still very capable, but it is a pity that he does not follow the right path.

Because of the uneasiness in his heart, he immediately gathered his associates from the secret society.

There is a word called"darkness under the light". The Sky Eyes will search for super criminals all over the world to fill their special prisons, but they don't know that right under their noses, there is a base that has already been occupied by pigeons.

The reason why Pandora was able to know the whereabouts of the magic box was because outsiders had already known through the Eyes of Heaven that it was kept in the black room and revealed this to her.

An outsider can occupy the base of the Sky Eye Society without the help of a group of associates. The secret society he established includes villains from all over the world.

Deathstroke is the best killer in the world. Anyone targeted by him will never survive for 72 hours. This is because he needs to be on the road most of the time.

The killer only failed in one assassination attempt in his life, and he later learned that that person was actually Shazam, the leader of the Justice League.

Copperhead is an ordinary person with good skills, but his Copperhead uniform gives him the ability to fight superhumans.

Gigantamorph, due to a failed treatment, she gained the ability to become gigantic, allowing her body to grow from human size to hundreds of feet tall in just a few seconds.

Her strength and endurance can increase to inhuman levels as she grows larger, almost becoming a female version of the Atom Smasher.

Shadow Stealer, a spy of the Hexagram Kingdom, has the ability to turn himself invisible and use his shadow to teleport.

She infiltrates the Outsiders' organization on orders from her country and waits for opportunities to cause chaos.

Black Buffalo, he is an Indian, a buffalo shaman.

He possesses a magical staff that can give short-term life to inanimate objects, allowing them to obey his orders and fight.

Hyena, a poor man infected by lycanthropy. As the name suggests, he possesses the ability of a hyena, and this ability has been strengthened. His original identity is no longer important. Now he is just an anal digger.

Multibody, a superhuman born together with Firestorm, except that Firestorm is a combination of Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein, and the ability obtained by the Multibody is a clone. He also has super strength, but otherwise he is unremarkable..

These people are members recruited after careful screening by outsiders. For various purposes, they choose to be enemies of the mainstream heroes in the world today.

"Why did you bring us together at this time?"

Deathstroke's tone was a little unhappy. His position was actually quite vacillating. The outsider was able to move him because the money was enough. From his heart, he didn't really want to be an enemy of Shazam.

Although the outsider was full of uneasiness in his heart , but he still behaved very calmly

"Now that the plan has reached a very critical moment, I think we should stay together as much as possible and be ready to act at any time......"

At this point, outsiders suddenly realized a problem. It had been some time since Bomb Girl was ordered to capture Madam Xanadu. Why is there no news until now?

He immediately returned to the console and checked the location of the explosive woman. He had already installed a positioning device on her, but nothing was shown on the map.

That locator had long been destroyed by Dane's lightning.

"not good! We may have been exposed!"

As soon as the outsider finished speaking, a beam of light like a sonic tunnel suddenly fell from the sky, and out of the light came a group of superheroes, the Justice League!

Dane looked at the outsider who was directly in front with a smile:"Good afternoon, everyone, and You, welcome to our world, Alfred Pennyworth from another universe, you remind me of an acquaintance."

Although the outsider looks very similar to the Butler Man in this world, his face is extremely evil, and his face is very pale, as pale as a clown.

Batman raised his head slightly, looked at this man, and said to Dane:" he's mine."

Dane nodded, agreeing.

"Run away!"Deathstroke had no idea what moral integrity was, and immediately ran away after shouting this sentence. As he ran, he was still cursing the outsiders idiots in his heart, and actually attracted the Justice League, and it was all staffed.

Who can do this? He can fight!

But the Flash is much faster than him. The lightning on his body flashed and he came to the death knell.

"I'm afraid you can't go, sir."

Deathstroke took out his gun and shot without hesitation, but the bullets were easily avoided by Barry. He sauntered up to Deathstroke, pushed the Deathstroke out with gentle force with both hands.

He took off directly backwards and hung on the wall. Go on.

Barry was very embarrassed:"I'm sorry, I seem to have used too much force."

It's not that he used too much force, it's that he is faster than before!

Well, well, well, the Flash is getting closer and closer to traveling through time and space. By then, this timeline will probably be messed up again. Dane thought so.

In After the Flash took the lead in attacking, the others quickly reacted. Gigantamax first activated her ability and turned her body into a giant.

In just a few seconds, her head penetrated the ceiling and the cement wall shattered. , like flying in all directions.

Not only the Justice League, but also the people of the secret society were included in her attack range

"Crazy woman!"Black Bison cursed secretly, and quickly used magic to protect himself.

When the giant woman activates her ability, she will fall into a mental rage, so she will be unable to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Now that she has become huge, she begins to use her feet on the ground. They were trampled crazily, causing continuous earthquakes.

It’s hard to say what happened to the Justice League, but the multiple body of the Secret Society was almost trampled to death.


The multi-body suddenly separated into many clones, and the giant woman trampled several of them to death at once, making him curse in anger!

But in the chaos, Batman caught the outsider with his claw hook in time and pulled him close to him.

But the outsider insidiously took out a gun from his arms and shot him, specifically hitting his chin.

But obviously he didn't know that Batman had upgraded his equipment a long time ago. His chin seemed defenseless, but in fact it always had a layer of The invisible force field is protecting it.

The bullet hits it, and the kinetic energy is absorbed by the force field and sticks to the force field, and then falls.

This force field generator is a technology reversed from the Kryptonian mask. It was originally encountered The bullet will rebound and injure innocent people.

Later, Batman improved it and turned it into a device that can absorb kinetic energy.

This can also store the absorbed kinetic energy and turn it into another weapon. , this was what Dane suggested to him.

This inspiration came from the movie"Black Panther" that Dane had watched. He thought this idea was quite good. Now it seems that the effect is indeed very good. Even the giant woman can't step on him.

The outsider's sneak attack didn't work, and he didn't react for a while.

But Batman didn't freeze. He punched the opponent in the face, and the accumulated kinetic energy was poured out, almost drying the outsider's chin. Damn it!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Black Bison had no choice but to take action in order to protect himself. He waved his scepter downwards, and the surrounding concrete and steel bars seemed to come alive and attacked towards the Justice League.

Wonder Woman used the Vulcan Sword He slashed left and right, cutting all the creations he commanded in two, and threw out the mantra rope with his other hand to trap Black Bison's scepter.

Black Bison wanted to wrestle with her at first, but he thought too much, and his power It was nothing compared to Wonder Woman, and the scepter was taken away easily.

He activated the magic on the scepter again, trying to make the scepter fly back on its own, but Zatanna then recited a counter-spell, and the scepter was taken away easily. The connection between him and the scepter was severed.

Plastic Man's whole body turned into a ball of mud-like plastic and rolled up the black bison.

"You better be honest, buddy, you have nowhere to run!"

Black Bison struggled for a while, and finally gave in.

Copperhead ran towards the heroes without superpowers. Nightwing felt a little angry, why does everyone think I am a soft persimmon?

But before he could take action, Red Hood He decisively took out his gun and shot the Copperhead in the calf.

His uniform should have been able to withstand gunfire, but Red Hood was also pursuing the killing efficiency of bullets. This time he used armor-piercing bullets!

Not to mention his uniform, it was tank armor. A hole can be made in the board, so the copperhead was caught directly on his knees.

The hyena was really like a real hyena. He hid in the crowd and suddenly aimed at the back of Nightwing. He opened his mouth and tried to Biting his anus.

Nightwing felt a chill rush into his heart. He quickly turned around and saw the hyena's bloody mouth.

He immediately hit the hyena on the head with a stick and activated the current on the stick. generator, electrocuting the hyena until it foamed at the mouth.

Then he grabbed the hyena by the neck, picked him up, and smashed the back of its head on the ground. The hyena fainted completely.

Shadow Stealer, this one has teleportation The superhuman with powerful abilities wanted to escape as soon as she discovered the Justice League, but it would take time for her to activate the teleportation, and Gigantamax didn't give her this time when she went crazy.

Therefore, the Shadow Stealer had to wait until Gigantamax transformed into a giant. At that time, she could only become invisible and hide in the corner. When she felt almost done and wanted to come out, standing in front of her was Dr. Light with glowing eyes.

Light is the nemesis of shadow. Dr. Light emits a fierce white light in front of the shadow stealer. , causing her to let out a shrill scream.

A moment later, when Dr. Guang restrained the light on his body, the shadow stealer had fallen unconscious.

Just when Dr. Guang wanted to catch the shadow stealer, the giant woman's big feet suddenly fell from the sky. , she could only dodge.

The Shadow Stealer did not have such good luck. She was still in a coma, unable to dodge at all, let alone use her abilities. In the end, she was trampled to death by the giant woman!

The blood and residue were in the giant The squirting was everywhere under the feet of the transformed girl. Dr. Guang couldn't help but feel her stomach churn and almost vomited out.

But what saddened her the most was that she didn't save the Shadow Stealer! (Read the cool novel, go to Flying Lu Novel Network!)

Dane flew over and patted her shoulder:"You can't save everyone, maybe this is her life."

Then Dane raised his head, and all the villains were captured (or dead), leaving only the mad giantess.

He flew into the sky in a flash, and in the blink of an eye he flew near the giant female's face, and then punched came out, hitting her in the chin.

A ring-shaped shock wave exploded around her. The giant woman only felt her chin and brain shaking, and her whole body was unclear, and she fell backwards.

Zatanna was facing the giant girl from below. The woman chanted a spell, causing her size to become smaller and smaller as she fell, and finally returned to her normal size when she fell to the ground.

At this point, all members of the secret society were captured.

Except for the Shadow Stealer, who died in pieces, all other members were Escorted to a special prison in the watchtower.

Batman (Li Qian's) interrogated the outsiders alone, without Dane or anyone else participating.

He knew what Batman cared about, but unfortunately, in that universe, Thomas and his wife He also died an untimely death, and it was at the hands of an outsider and Thomas Wayne Jr.

It was an outsider who assisted Thomas and made him a nightmare in Gotham.

Unlike Batman, the Night Owl is the real nightmare in Gotham, and he not only maintains it there The order of the United States actually rules there.

During Batman's interrogation, other members of the Zhenglian were waiting outside, and no one disturbed him.

Barry and Blue Beetle played well, and now they have a good relationship. It was funny.

Several female superheroes gathered together, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

Superman shared the good news of Lois' pregnancy with a few people who knew his true identity. He seemed really happy.

"Dane, did you hear that? I'm going to have a baby soon! Clark's face was beaming with joy.

He should be glad that clowns no longer exist in this world, and no one will stare at his child.

Dane smiled and sent him his blessing:"Congratulations, have you decided on the name of the child?" ?"

"If it's a boy, I hope his name is Jonathan."Nostalgia flashed in Clark's eyes.

Jonathan is the name of Clark's adoptive father, and his death has always been a trauma in Clark's heart.

"If it's a girl, I hope her name is Lana..."

"Stop it! Dane quickly interrupted him,"Let Louise choose the girl's name!""

Good guy, what do you think about your daughter being named after your first girlfriend?

Clark was stunned for a moment when Dane interrupted him, but he quickly realized:"You're right, you should ask Louise for help. Opinions of Celery."

While they were chatting, Batman walked out of the interrogation room.

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