Seeing Batman coming out, everyone stopped what they were talking about and looked over at the same time.

Dane stepped forward and asked him:"How is it? Did you ask for what you want?"

Batman nodded silently.

The necklace around the vixen's neck shone slightly, as if giving her some kind of animal ability. Her nose twitched slightly, and she smelled a trace of blood from Batman, which made her raise her eyebrows.

It seems Batman's interrogation methods may not be so gentle, but how does he clean up the blood on his body?

"I got more information from him. As you said, they are a very dangerous group of criminals... No, maybe more than that."

In the eyes of outsiders, the Criminal Syndicate is simply a collection of scum.

Almost all of them are crazy murderers who despise human life, and there are many guys who regard other people's lives as ants.

And he and Night Owl, that The heirs of the Wayne family in another world conspired to kill the Waynes, as well as another Bruce Wayne!

But these are nothing. Even Batman will not kill the Waynes in that parallel world. regarded as his own parents.

But Thomas Wayne Jr. had to be taken seriously by him.

From the outsider's mouth, Batman analyzed that this man had a serious nihilistic tendency and once expressed that"the world is meaningless." Such dangerous thoughts.

It can be seen from the abnormal mental state of the outsiders that Thomas will only become more abnormal.

They even remind Batman of another opponent who once gave him a very headache, the Joker.

And the Joker is ultimately The end was completely in his hands, and he knew very well how difficult such a guy was.

If Thomas knew the existence of the multiverse, Batman didn't want to guess what dangerous things he would do.

And he learned from outsiders' mouths The information obtained by Lee showed that Thomas already knew some information about this world, and their world was no longer safe.

With Batman's suspicion, even Superman was guarded against him for a long time, let alone another person. What about a psychopath with super intelligence and abilities in a world?

So Batman, who originally only agreed with Dane's ideas, is now eager to see Night Owl. He must find out what the other person is doing now! And what he wants What are you doing?

So when he recounted the results of his 140 interrogation to the Zhenglian members, he deliberately made the situation on the other side more serious. Of course, what he said was meaningful and not made up.

But Dai En knew that what he asked must be more than what he said. Who is the most dangerous person in the Crime Syndicate?

Is he Super? His ability is indeed very strong. Not only does he have almost the same ability as Superman, but his super The ability can also be temporarily strengthened to another level by consuming kryptonite powder.

More importantly, Speedmaster's magic resistance is very high, almost on the same level as Shazam.

Some magic that can make Superman vulnerable cannot work on Speedmaster. To any effect.

In the comic"Eternal Evil", Black Adam once singled out Speedmaster.

However, his magic lightning hit Speedmaster like a breeze and had no effect, just like a bullet hitting him.

In the subsequent battle, Black Adam's jaw was directly crushed by Speedmaster, and he became a stutterer who could not speak loudly without a fixator.

If Clark hadn't intentionally trained himself in recent years, and accepted other training from Zhenglian, His teammates' sparring skills have become strong enough, and he may not be able to defeat the Speedmaster with a lower limit. You must know that this is a ruthless man who can kill the Kent couple with his heat vision at the age of eight. Even the Super Queen who played poker with him wanted to kill him, which shows how crazy he is.

Super Queen, this is a woman who can compete with Super Queen.

In addition to not having clairvoyance eyes and freezing breath, she has many abilities Almost exactly the same as the Speedmaster, only slightly less powerful.

If she encounters a drug-addled Super Queen, the Super Queen will only die.

Like Diana, the Super Queen was born as an Amazon, so it can be speculated that she is also the daughter of the old gods.

Although the character corresponds to Wonder Woman, this woman is actually Lois Lane's counterpart, and Dane feels that Clark may not be able to do it.

In addition to these two superhuman beings with obviously extraordinary strength, there is another person who must be mentioned, Alexander Luthor.

But Dane doesn't know whether this is the version of Luthor, the leader of the Justice League, or the version of Zanza.

If it's the former, then he won't become their enemy. If it's the latter, tsk tsk~

In short, with their current configuration, they can definitely try to have a head-on confrontation, and even he and Superman can lose one person. (ceaf)

If the Luthor over there is Zansa, then he's actually the easiest enemy to take down.

These guys are hardly the most dangerous in Dane's mind. The most dangerous guy in his mind is Night Owl. This guy without any superpowers is probably the most difficult to deal with.

Compared with Batman, Night Owl also needs equipment to have combat power beyond ordinary people, but he pursues destructive power more, so his suit is a set of power armor.

The armor even gave him the fighting ability to briefly wrestle with Wonder Woman.

The Bruce Wayne before would probably be no match for Night Owl, but now he...

Dane kindly reminded:"You have to pay attention, although Night Owl's abilities are similar to yours, he is better at killing and destroying. So he's actually an enhanced version of the Red Hood."

"Give it to me!"Batman just said this and said nothing more.

Dane thought about it. Now Batman's equipment has gone through several rounds of upgrades. He should not be beaten by the night owl like in the animated movie.

"When are you going to start entering that world?"Batman asked

"Not in a hurry. Dane said, turning to look at Superman,"Clark, you still have a chance to think about it again.""

"What to consider? Clark touched his head, not understanding what Dane meant.

Dane had to remind him:"Don't forget, Louise is still pregnant. Are you going to another world when she needs you most?" Clark choked, and he couldn't help but said:"Will it take a long time?""

"Not always."

Dane shook his head. If he had time, he would also like to go to the hell over there. A world that worships sin. How terrible the hell there is! It's exciting just thinking about it. His demonic power depends on it. Sin has increased its strength.

After discussion among the alliance members, they finally decided on the basic strategy of counterattacking Earth-3.

However, there is no need to be too tight on time. No matter how eager Night Owl is to destroy the world, he still needs outsiders to guide him. Ah.

So during this period, the alliance members still have enough time to prepare, and Dane and Batman also have to discuss and decide who to keep.

Crossing the world barrier itself is a dangerous thing, and no one can Fully guaranteed that they would arrive safely, Sea Overlord sent it directly when they crossed the world, proving that crossing the world itself is still dangerous.

Moreover, they could not guarantee that nothing would happen here when they arrived safely in another world. It's a matter of course.

What if someone were out while they were all out?If you come over and steal your home, it will be a lot of fun!

So it is necessary to keep some people.

Although it was not stated explicitly, Dane and Batman had already decided that Clark would be the first person left behind.

As they had said before, Louise and the baby inside her needed him.

In the unlikely event that they were lost in space, at least Louise wouldn't have lost her husband and her children wouldn't have lost their father.

And Dane also knew that if it was the Super Queen in the comics, she might be pregnant.

This will inevitably make Clark fall in love with the situation and become his flaw. Rather than doing this, it is better to let him stay with Louise.

Beyond that, Aquaman is left behind.

His ability is actually not very useful in combat. On the contrary, he is very suitable for defensive counterattacks.

As long as he stays in his own ocean he is virtually invincible, perfect for dealing with unexpected intruders.

Moreover, Dane also knew that the Syndicate's Aquaman sibling, Aquaman Super Suck, was gone when he appeared in"Eternal Evil".

Instead, he was worried that Arthur would be infected with this strange luck when he went there.

Batman proposes to keep the Bat-Family because Gotham needs them and they are not suitable to deal with superhumans.

Red Hood was very dissatisfied with this, and he was already ready to kill everyone on Earth-3.

So he went directly to argue with Batman, and after a heated argument, Dane finally agreed to let him join the crusade.

This made Nightwing eager to try, but he was defeated by Batman's death stare.

Batman then proposed to keep Blue Beetle. He was far from mature enough. It can be seen from the last time he dealt with the Phantom Stranger that he was a bit impulsive.

"Isn't it bad for young people to be a little impulsive? Dane smiled and said,"I remember that you were very impulsive when you were young, such as going out to challenge gangs without relying on any equipment. I remember that you fought very hard at that time?"

Batman said expressionless:"I was...He is very young and only deals with gangsters...."

Dane nodded. He glanced at Blue Beetle, who was looking at him eagerly. His eyes could change in size just like Spider-Man. It was amazing. You could really see his mood.

"Blue Beetle, you stay here, the safety of this earth depends on you to protect it."

Dane's injections didn't stop Blue Beetle's frustration. He reluctantly nodded and walked aside to shut himself up.

"As for Barry..."Batman frowned.

Barry looked nervous on the other side, but fortunately this time Dane made a decision

"The Flash has to come with us!"Facing Batman's doubts, he explained:"In case we are really lost in space, we still need to rely on his ability to help us get out of trouble."

According to their multiverse theory, the Flash should be the only one among them who has the ability to achieve resonance with the parallel world by his own power, and is also their insurance.

Therefore, Batman accepted this explanation, so he agreed to include The Flash Team, this made Barry relieved.

As for the others, Martian Manhunter and government work are inseparable, so they can only stay. The remaining people can go.

It has been roughly decided. candidate, Dane announced the adjournment of the meeting and asked everyone to prepare.

And he turned his attention back to the Original Sin Trisomy.

"What are your plans?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The questioner said:"I seem to have remembered something, so I want to continue to investigate. Dane nodded:"Okay, if necessary, the Justice League can help you at any time, provided that this is necessary." The questioner understands.

The Phantom Stranger has now put on his gear again:"I will continue my journey, you know, just like the old days.""

""Voice of Heaven" has arranged a lot of work for him, but he is not as idle as he seems.

Pandora is a little hesitant. She still wants to continue her mission, but the magic box has been proven to have nothing to do with the original sin of mankind, and she cannot pass the magic box. Box took back the ability of human beings to do evil, and was a little confused at this time.

Dane suggested:"You can go to the church in Los Angeles and find a female angel named Gabriel. Maybe she can give you some inspiration."

Pandora nodded, accepting his suggestion.

In the original work, this woman was finally killed by Dr. Manhattan, and Dane didn't know if this would happen again.

He finally said goodbye to the three of them. Original Sin III The two went their separate ways again. Unless something unexpected happened, it would be difficult for them to get together like today.

Finally, he turned his attention to Madam Xanadu:"What about you?"

Nimue's fortune-telling parlor has been bombed, and now she probably has nowhere to go.

"I now have nowhere to go and no money."Nimue said simply

"Then you should live in the Rock of Eternity first."

When Nimue heard this, she showed a very interested expression on her face, and she nodded slightly and agreed. She had admired the name of the Rock of Eternity for a long time, but had never been there.

Although she had been there many times in her precognitive dreams about the future.. So after the meeting was disbanded, Dane personally brought her into the Rock of Eternity.

Compared with the last time, the ancient atmosphere of the Rock of Eternity has completely disappeared. Now you say it is the future world, Nimue believes it.

"Although I have seen it in precognitive dreams more than once, you have gone too far. The mystery of magic has been lost!"Nimue couldn't help complaining.

Dane said:"I am a modern person, and I am not an ancient person like the people in the Wizards' Council. Who still uses candles to light lamps in the 21st century!"

On this point, Dane has a lot to complain about.

Can you believe that the Wizards' Council used the eternal fire as a bonfire in the fireplace?

Once it gets on it, it won't stop until it burns out. If it weren't for the witch Her fire control skills are pretty good, but who knows which unlucky guy will fall for it.

Dane originally wanted to take Nimue to pick out her room, but what he didn't expect was that she seemed to have a target already. The chair touched, and a passage suddenly appeared behind the chair, followed by an antique room.

Nimue turned her head and smiled mischievously at Dane:"I just like older things, just think of me as nostalgic." Bar.

Before going in, she showed her head:"Do you want to stand there stupidly, or come in with me?" Dane thought to himself, this is my territory, of course I have to keep an eye on it, not to mention he hasn’t discovered this door before. So he didn’t hesitate and walked in with an upright face.

Say it or not, Jeep Sai people's singing and dancing are indeed outstanding.

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