During these few days of temporary rest, Dane began to circulate among several girlfriends again, especially those who had no way to go to another world with him, so they had to take advantage of the opportunity to be happy with him.

The two in Gotham were fine. He would often do things when he had nothing to do, and help clear the pipes. Because they were double pipes, it would take a little longer each time.

It was just recently that Harley seemed to want to try dry farming, which made him a little distressed. He was a relatively traditional person and had never done similar work before, so in the end he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Then he discovered that Harley was actually a strong talker. She didn't know how to talk at all, and the pipeline was too dry to get in.

There was no other way. The two of them had no choice but to put their work aside, get up and Google on the computer to figure out which step must be wrong.

This scene made Poison Ivy on the other side feel both angry and funny.

Fortunately, it was successful in the end. Dane made a final comment. Apart from being a little tighter, there was nothing special about it, but it might be a kind of enjoyment from a psychological perspective.

Finally, he caught Poison Ivy and tried it together, and it was indeed good. Double the happiness brought more than double the happiness.

I have to say that every time he"tours", Gotham is the most comfortable place, Harley has many tricks up her sleeve, and Poison Ivy is obedient.

Unlike Mera, she has always only fought solo, but she is good at playing and loves to play, and is vulnerable to a single blow.

Later he went to Shayera's house, where she told him about his desire to stay in this world.

Dane didn't ask why, he just thought about it and agreed.

He has confidence in himself and Shayera, so he is willing to believe her.

After accompanying his"beauties", Dane finally returned to the Justice Building after delivering the provisions, where Diana was waiting for him.

She looked at Dane with a half-smile:"I just came back from Paradise Island."

Dane's mind instantly remembered that he hadn't told Diana about Big Barda yet.

"Then you must have seen Big Barda, right?"He decided to strike preemptively.

Diana nodded:"She is a very good warrior."

What do you mean? You mean you have done something?

But then she said:"But it's not her I want to ask."

If it's not her, who is that? There are many women on Paradise Island!

"I found that Menalipu's state is a bit wrong recently..."

"She is really none of my business! Dane blurted out.

Diana laughed again, and then when Dane wasn't paying attention, she threw out the mantra and tied him up.

"I believe you, but don’t even think about running away today!"

After that, she grabbed the rope and dragged Dane into the room, and a unique battle started again.

A few days later, the Justice League assembled again.

The members who were selected to stay stood in a row, watching their teammates who were about to leave..

Cyborg wanted to stay and keep an eye on global network security and the base defense system in low-Earth orbit, and couldn't leave.

Cortana also had to be responsible for coordinating the construction of the lunar base and managing Dreamland, and she couldn't leave, so they all chose to stay. Come down.

Not long after, Batman led the Outsider, who was wearing a restraint, into the waiting room.

"It’s really unexpected that you would actually plan to attack our world! The outsider's pale face was full of sneers,"Then what's the difference between you and us?" Justice League. After hearing this, Barry wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by Dane:"There's no need to talk nonsense with him, he's just a loser.""

As he spoke, he took out the magic box, put it directly into his hand regardless of the outsider's objections, and then deliberately said in a very low voice in his ear:"Your world is mine now!"

The outsider wanted to struggle, but Dane had already taken the opportunity to put his thumb on his forehead. The magical power on his fingers instantly took away the outsider's will, so that he could only act according to Dane's will.

So the outsider's expression He lifted up the magic box in confusion, and suddenly a ray of light emitted from the box. It shot out and formed a circular door about two or three meters in front of the outsider.

"I'll go in first and you will follow."

As the initiator and leader, Dane took the lead without hesitation.

So he walked directly towards the"door" and plunged into the transmission channel.

There was no middle section. On the other side of the"door", there was another exit. , Dane found himself in a dark alley

"who are you?"

Dane turned his head and found a fierce and muscular white man. He was wearing a police uniform and looked like he was from the local police.

He also noticed that the label on the man's chest was"GCPD", this familiar feeling......

"This is Gotham?"

When the American police officer heard Dane asking, he didn't answer him. Instead, he pulled the trigger with lightning speed. The bullet hit Dane in the chest and fell to the ground with a rustling sound.

"This is not a wise choice."

Dane was not angry. He rushed in front of the American policeman with great speed, pulling out an afterimage behind him. When the other person raised the gun to shoot himself in the face, he grabbed the gun and blocked the bullet hole with his thumb..

The U.S. policeman fired subconsciously. The bullet bounced off Dane's finger, penetrated the pistol magazine, flew out diagonally and scratched the U.S. policeman's other arm.

He let out a scream and loosened his grip on the gun. hand.

Then the man glanced at Dane in horror, covered his injured arm and ran away.

But Dane crushed the gun with one hand, quickly retrieved the American policeman with his other hand, and then immediately launched an attack on him He quickly learned some intelligence.

Just as he had seen before, this is Gotham, the Gotham of Night Owl.

Now Gotham is completely under the power of Night Owl. The last one who dared to resist Night Owl's heroic Fool has been killed by his own hands.

The organizations here have become Night Owl's minions, whether they are gangsters or police, they are all serving Night Owl.

The American police officer wanted to escape just now because he wanted to report to the superiors The situation here.

As the de facto ruler of Gotham, Night Owl has been keeping an eye on the entire city. He keeps everyone staring at every corner to prevent them from missing various messages from outsiders.

Although outsiders can use The magic box opens the transmission channel, but it cannot transmit information freely.

Especially after he designed Pandora to take away the magic box, the contact between him and Night Owl was cut off for a time.

But this is a good thing, at least for Dane This is the case for the Justice League, because it means that they have not yet entered Night Owl's sight.

Dane is not afraid that he will rush to fight him in front of him, but he is afraid that the old silver coin will hide somewhere and wait for the opportunity when the situation is bad. , who knows what he will hold back.

After getting the information he wanted, Dane threw the person in his hand aside. At this time, other members of the Zhenglian also came out of the passage.

Batman and him Their eyes met, and after a moment of silence, he hesitated and said,"Did you kill him?

Dane felt that he was confused, so he replied:"What are you thinking about?" He just fainted"

"That's good."Batman said this.

In fact, he was quite worried just now, because he learned from outsiders that there are fewer good people than bad people in this world, especially Gotham. Compared with here, hell is a kind place.

Although the difference between the two worlds Most situations are the opposite, but Gotham has not changed from a place of sin to a city of angels. It has not become such an"opposite".

Instead, it has changed from"bad" to"worse", which is equivalent to" The difference between"mildly spicy" and"abnormally spicy"

"So, did you get any useful information?"

"Yes, this is a place you are very familiar with, Gotham City, does it count?"

Batman's body trembled when he heard this. No wonder he just felt a strange sense of familiarity. It turns out this is Gotham.

Behind him, more members of the Zhenglian came out of the portal.

"Wow, this place is terrible!"Barry didn't know what he stepped on, and he swung his foot at a very high frequency until the thing detached from his foot.

Then he saw that it was a condom, and Barry's face turned green.......

Other members also walked out of the portal and looked at the world. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana looked at the dim sky and felt a little familiar. How similar it was to Gotham!

She held the mantra rope in her hand, and the other end was behind the portal. She pulled the rope, and the outsider walked out from the other end of the door with the magic box in his arms.

The truth rope can make people tell the truth, so Diana asked:"Where is your master now?"

The outsider said expressionlessly:"He is in the old Wayne Tower, or the base of the Syndicate..."

"Where is the old Wayne Tower? Where is the syndicate's base?

The outsider pointed to a location and said,"That's the direction of the old Wayne Tower, but I don't know the syndicate's base. The owner didn't tell me about it.""

It seems that even his most loyal subordinates, Night Owl does not completely trust him. This suspicious problem is the same as Batman.

But even Batman, he completely trusts Alfred

"What do we do now? Kill him directly?"The plastic man is eager to try, he wants to have a big fight

"No, I want to investigate the world first."Batman said,"By the way, look at this man named Night Owl."

When he said this, Diana reacted suddenly:"Speaking of which, I am also very curious about the Amazons in this world."

"So is there a Green Lantern Corps in this world?"Hal was a little interested when he heard what they said.

"That may make you a little disappointed. Even if there is a green light in this world, I am afraid it is not a righteous organization. Dane said with a smile.

Barry was a little hesitant. He wanted to go to Central City to see if the mother of this world was...Still alive.

Dane saw what he was thinking and could only pat him on the shoulder comfortingly.

"You'd better not go there, there's nothing you're looking for there, and you don't have a peer in this world."

Even if there is, I'm afraid it's some kind of evil version. Maybe Barry's mother in this world was actually killed by his father.

If Barry saw this, he wouldn't collapse on the spot?

As for Vixen and Dr. Light, , Plastic Man and other members also have varying degrees of curiosity about this world, mainly because they heard that the concept of good and evil in this world is quite abnormal, and they want to see if it is as exaggerated as Batman described it. Red Hood is uncharacteristically quiet, he is very quiet.

When Dane saw this situation, he said:"In that case, let's all act in secret for the time being. It would be too conspicuous for us to stay together, so I suggest we split up."

As he spoke, Dane suddenly seemed to remember something, and took out a few U.S. dollar bills from the pocket of the U.S. policeman on the ground. He found that the patterns on them were slightly different from the banknotes used in their world.

He held these with both hands. When he opened the U.S. dollar bills with both hands, the thickness of the bills instantly increased and turned into a large pile.

This is a relatively simple copying spell. His magic can make these bills exist for a long time.

This also verified one of his Guess, that means the magic in this world can still be used normally.

Then he started to distribute money to the members, which was like a spoils-sharing conference.

"If you want to go out, you must hide your identity. If you don't have money, you can't do it. Take it."

Batman refused:"I don't need these things!"

After that, he opened the cloak behind him and grabbed the outsider with one hand.

Then his body flew upwards as if he had lost gravity, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he came to this world this time, he used his own pressure on the bottom of the box. He had tested the suit in the alliance, and it was not a problem to temporarily resist Wonder Woman's fist. As long as he didn't use the magic weapon, it would be difficult for Superman to defeat him with one punch. The others looked at each other, but Plastic Man was the easiest, and he directly punched him. Dane grabbed a handful in his hand and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

Then his figure changed. He didn’t know who he had become, but it was definitely not himself.

He raised his hand and greeted everyone:"Then I want to be alone. Action, guys!"

After getting Dane's approval, the plastic man rolled out like a hot wheel.

"Sometimes I really doubt that guy has the same style of painting as us at all."Barry sighed as he looked at the direction in which the plastic man was leaving.

Then the young man took a little bit from Dane's hand with some embarrassment, and then took his hand back.

Looking at Dane, what he took was probably not enough for a meal. Then he grabbed a handful and put it into his hand.

"They are all created by magic, what are you afraid of? Feel free to use it!"

Barry started, these are counterfeit bills, Boss! He wanted to complain loudly, but he held it back in the end.

It's a big deal, just use it sparingly. With this thought, Barry and Dane said hello and ran away quickly. Dane wasn't too worried about him. With the artificial intelligence in the suit watching over him, he wouldn't have any big problems.

Someone else took the lead and stepped forward to get a share of the money. It was nothing to take. It was just such an environment. Like the little gangsters dividing the spoils......

Dr. Light and Vixen planned to form a team to investigate the customs and customs of this world, so they left together.

Green Lantern Hal has a light ring that allows him to be invisible in the crowd, and when wearing the ring, he can eat, drink, sleep, and receive no money.

"I am also prepared to act alone and say goodbye!"After saying that, Hal flew directly into the sky and turned into green light and disappeared.

He was still very curious about the seaside city and Hal in this world and wanted to take a look.

The Red Hood just nodded to Dane. , and disappeared into the darkness.

What bad habit did he learn from Batman, can't he walk properly? Dane complained secretly.

The only three people left in the alley were Zatanna, Diana and Dane.

This time Constant Din did not follow. He needed to look after Dane in that world. Although he was lost, his ability was not bad.

Zatanna and Diana used the nanoparticles on their bodies to change themselves into a new set of clothes, and then Hooking Dane's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Now, we are the only ones left."

No, what you said is very ambiguous!

We are obviously here to do business!"

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