Batman did not head to Old Wayne Tower in the direction the outsiders said, but instead flew in the direction of Wayne Manor.

Like Batman, Night Owl made a heavily guarded transformation to the place where he lived, but Batman could see that no one had lived in this place for a long time.

He got an outsider to do iris authentication and successfully entered the manor.

However, he was not careless. Although he had learned a lot of secret arrangements from outsiders during the interrogation, it was difficult to guarantee that there were some omissions.

So he took off a small piece of nanoball from his suit, threw it into the old house in the manor, and used the power of technology to scan the entire house up and down.

Roughly ten minutes had passed, and when the nanoparticles returned to Batman, he not only knew the interior layout of the manor well, he had even hacked into the internal system, taking it completely into his own hands.

Batman glanced at the outsider at hand. He had been sedated by himself and was now falling into a coma.

He stayed for a moment and led the outsider into the manor


On the other side of Gotham City, Dr. Light Kimiyo and vixen Mary McBee changed their uniforms and walked on the road.

But the two of them never expected that just on the main road, they encountered a gangster blocking their way.

"Hi ~ Two lovely ladies, do you want to do something happy with us ~" It can be seen that the gangsters blocking the road belong to the same gang. They have the same tattoos on their bodies. There are five of them, both black and white.

Kimiyo and Vixen felt speechless. Although it was dangerous to walk at night in the United States, this was the street! They were still so bold when"Zero Zero Seven" was surrounded by pedestrians. Dragging people into a dark alley?

Moreover, the vixen also saw a police car at the entrance of the supermarket not far away, and a fat American policeman was chewing a cheeseburger there.

The vixen was very sure that the other party would definitely see They looked at the situation here, but they didn't seem to have any intention of coming over to take care of it.

Those gangsters seemed to have seen her eyes, followed her line of sight, and landed on the fat policeman, and couldn't help but sneer.

"You don't expect that guy to help you, do you? Give up, those police are just our dogs."

As he said that, the little bastard raised his hand with a pig-like look on his face.

Although the vixen is a black man, she looks closer to the mixed-race"Chocolate" and looks very similar to Halle Berry.

And because of her long-term Exercise and ability enhancement, her curvy figure, and outstanding temperament are their main goals.

As for Kimiyo, who looks small and exquisite, it can only be an added bonus for them.

"Come on, babies~"

The little gangster's hand was grabbed by the vixen's wrist before she could grab it.

The little gangster was stunned for a moment, and then smiled evilly:"So you like to take the initiative, I told you earlier..."

The female fox The fox didn't let him continue to talk dirty. He used his fingers hard, and the silverback gorilla's grip was only used a little, and the little gangster screamed and fell to his knees.

"ah--! Let me go, you bitch!"

His insult made the vixen very unhappy. She used more strength. The little gangster could almost hear the crunching sound from the bones of his wrist.

In an instant, a wave of fear surged into his heart. This woman Are you going to crush his hand?

When the remaining gangsters saw this situation, they immediately took out their pistols from their waists. In a place like Gotham, you don’t have to have money, but guns are a necessity and must be carried with you.

What's more, in most cases, having a gun means having money...

But before these gangsters could shoot, Kimiyo's eyes lit up with white light. The ability she got from Vega could support her to slightly change her surroundings. The force field.

It can not only be used to enhance her own strength, but also can be used to modify the"field" on the enemy.

So she just modified the positions of some parts in a few gangster pistols, and they discovered it when they pulled the trigger. The gun in my hand jammed


The vixen took the opportunity to pull up the young gangster who was kneeling on the ground, put her other hand on his chest, and then threw him behind her in a posture similar to an over-the-shoulder throw.

The little gangster fell on his back and his chest was tight, and he couldn't react for a while.

When the other gangsters saw how brave the vixen was and how they couldn't use the guns in their hands, they were all so frightened that they stood as still as quails.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Well, at this time, the American policeman who was watching the show at the entrance of the supermarket came over and held the pistol in his hand. However, his muzzle was not aimed at the gangsters, but at Vixen and Ji. Miyo

"Are you blind? You just saw clearly that they were looking for trouble!"

The vixen almost laughed out of anger.

Even in their original world, they would not discriminate against people dressed like her.

In the United States, dressing decently can alleviate the discrimination against you by white people to a certain extent.

Here"Respectability" is mainly reflected in"expensive".

The American policeman said plausibly:"I didn't see them doing anything to you, I only saw you using force to threaten these poor guys."

The vixen and Kimiyo looked at each other. Those gangsters were all men, and they all looked stronger than the two of them. How could they be confused like this? This world is simply terrible. The vixen had no time to continue arguing with each other. Thinking, she raised her long legs, and a stream of air cut the gun in the American policeman's hand in half like a knife.

Then, before he could react at all, she punched the other man in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Assault on the policeman!

The little gangster was very frightened now, not because the police were not easy to mess with, but because the police here were all that person's lackeys, and they couldn't afford to mess with him.

So they looked at each other and wanted to shoot directly. Slip, this time the steel plate was kicked too hard, and they were too humble to hold on.

But they wanted to leave, but the vixen didn't agree. With one hand in each hand, she carried the little gangsters like a King Kong Barbie. They carried it back like chickens.

The surrounding pedestrians saw this scene and hurried out of the street. They realized that these two women were probably superhumans.

And the superhumans in Gotham City have always been a thorn in that one's side. He had already killed all the super-powered people once, and there was no guarantee that he wouldn't cause another bloody storm this time.

Vixen and Kimiyo frowned at this scene, what was going on with these people, it seemed like the two of them were He is like a bad guy.

Kimiyo reminded:"We'd better get out of here, we can't reveal our identity so quickly."

The vixen heard this and thought it was reasonable, so she kicked everyone who was knocked out by her into unconsciousness, and then left here with Kimiyo.

Both of them have the ability to fly, so they left within a few minutes. Gotham.

Even if the GCPD wanted to block the road at this time, there would be no trace of them from any surveillance camera.


Green Lantern Hal disguised himself and sneaked into Beach City. This city also has its own"Guardian", but Hal is not sure whether he can be called a Guardian.

He has the same name and even appearance as himself, but in the eyes of the citizens of the coastal city, this"guardian" is a complete bastard and a wretch. He is completely controlled by his ring and is just a puppet of the ring.

They call that"Hal Jordan" the"Power Ring." If you listen to this name, the ring is the main body. As for the person wearing the ring, it seems not worth mentioning at all.

Fortunately, that"Hal" usually pays attention to hiding his identity, otherwise Hal would not know whether he would be cast aside by the citizens in this city.

Because this place was so similar to his own world, Hal walked to the door of his home unknowingly, and someone opened the door at this time.

Hal was stunned, and so was the other person, and then the middle-aged man quickly ran back into the room and slammed the door.

Hal now has excellent hearing, so he can hear the frightened sounds coming from the house:"He's back! The damn devil is back!"

He was distracted for a moment. The man who just opened the door and spoke was named"Martin Jordan," Hal’s father.

In his universe, Martin Jordan died unexpectedly in a plane accident when he was a child, but"he" in this world is still alive.

Hal could probably guess why.

Unlike the father in the impression, this Martin obviously did not have the courage as his father. He might not have gotten on the plane at all, so naturally he would not have died.

For some reason, Hal felt relieved the moment he saw Martin Jordan.

A great father can establish a great image for his children. He is very fortunate that his father is a courageous man, but he is just unlucky.

A few minutes later, Hal heard another irritable female voice coming from the room. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What is that damn bastard doing back here! How else does he want to torture us? Get out of here! Let me see what else he can do!"

This is the voice of Hal's mother, Jessica Jordan......

It was indeed different. In his impression, his mother had never been so irritable. Instead, she often worriedly tried to persuade him not to get on a plane.

Hal walked to the door with a smile, and just as the door was opened, Jessica held a kitchen knife towards him.

"What do you want to do here, you bastard? Hal felt a little uncomfortable. What happened that made them dislike their biological son so much?

He did not reveal his true identity, but said gently:"I just came back to see you." However ,

Jessica sneered:"You shameless and despicable bastard, have you learned to act now?" Want to learn what a hero is like? Dream on you! We all know what you are!"

But Hal took off the green lantern ring from his hand and put it into his pocket, and then said to them:"Will you be able to trust me a little more?"

Jessica was surprised, but Martin's eyes lit up behind her, and his eyes were fixed on the pocket where Hal had just put the ring. There was indescribable greed in his eyes.

So, just when Jessica was still hesitating , At that moment, Martin suddenly rushed out from behind her, snatched the knife from her hand, and then stabbed Hal directly in the chest.

As long as he kills him, the ring that can give anyone power will be his.!

As for Hal?

Without a ring, this man is a loser!

Martin is his father and knows this good-for-nothing son best, but this time his judgment was wrong.

Jessica suddenly screamed and shouted loudly:"No!"

"No matter how unbearable Hal is, he is still her son. Her motherly love for Hal has been deeply hidden until it burst out at this time.

But even Jessica can't stop Martin's determination to kill his son.

But Hal He was not the cowardly son that Martin thought. He turned his body silently and let the knife pass by Martin.

Then he grabbed the wrist holding the knife with his left hand, bent his elbow with his right hand, and knocked the tip of the elbow directly into Martin's face. , knocking out several of his big teeth.

He has received formal training from the Green Lantern Corps, and was trained under Sinestro. His combat awareness is absolutely first-class.

Although he did not wear a ring, he beat Martin For this kind of role, ten or eight are completely out of the question.

When Martin was beaten to the ground by him, the kitchen knife in his opponent's hand was also confiscated by Hal, and he gently put the handle of the knife back into Jessica's hand.

"This knife is for cutting vegetables, not for killing people."

Then he walked into the house.

Jessica stared blankly at her"son" walking into the room, feeling a little dazed for a moment. The expression on Hal's face was the same as before.Never seen before.

Firm, full of courage and confidence


Central City, Barry couldn't help but ran here.

But unlike others, he didn't find his peers here.

Even the people living in his own house were not the Allen family, but a family he didn't know at all.

Barry couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or happy, but he heard some things here.

For example, there is also a speedster in this city, and the citizens call him"Johnny Quick".

Barry was a little curious about him. Does this person also use the Speed ​​Force?

But he didn't seem to meet the other person.

With no other choice, Barry, who had nowhere to go, could only take back his suit and walk to the gate of the university where he studied. It was exactly the same as what he remembered.

"Hi! Are you a new student?"

"No, I just came here to take a look..." Barry turned his head and saw a white girl with bright eyes and white teeth. She was so beautiful.

Barry was stunned for a moment.

The girl smiled, and Barry immediately woke up and lowered his head in embarrassment..

But the girl took the initiative to reach out:"Hello, my name is Iris West, I am a student here."

"Oh...oh, my name is Barry, Barry Allen..." Barry's brain short-circuited for a while, and then he quickly reached out, but soon he was surprised:"What did you say your name was?"

"Iris West? how? Does it have the same name as someone you know?"

"This is incredible!"

The opposite of black is white? Do you dare to be more outrageous in this world?"

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