While the other members were scattered around to investigate the situation in the world, Dane, Diana and Zatanna were also looking for a place.

Like other places, Paradise Island also has a corresponding place in this world, but it’s not necessarily whether it’s still called Paradise Island.

And unlike the original world, the paradise island in this world cannot form a connection with Diana, so she cannot find the location of that place through this connection.

"Why don't we try to find it from the actual location on the sea? Dane shook his head:"No, if the position is wrong, it will waste a lot of time. I have an idea, Xiao Zha, you take out the magic box.""

After arriving in this world, it may be because they have been transformed into anti-matter structures, or it may be suppressed by some mysterious force here.

In short, the magic box has become very honest now, and anyone who touches it will no longer be bewitched. Instead, it became a simple prop that can be used, and its use method is not much different from that of the Mother Box, but the difficulty is greatly reduced. After hearing

Dane's words, Zatanna stretched out her hat from her hat. Going in, it was like reaching into a huge space, and then took out the golden skull.

Dane took it with both hands, and the power of lightning burst out from his body, turning into arcs and being absorbed by the magic box.

And the mother box Similarly, the Magic Box can respond to the owner's wishes, and the Magic Box is even more unruly than the Mother Box and does not recognize its owner at all.

In the comics, even outsiders with no special powers can easily use it, let alone Dane.

In the comics Unable to shake his mind, the Magic Box acted very cooperatively and did whatever it asked.

Then a global map of points suddenly appeared in Dane's mind. He spent some time looking for it, and finally found it in an overseas location. An island shrouded in magical power was discovered.

"I found it!"Dane opened his eyes.

At the same time, the three eyes of the magic box shot out light forward, opening a portal.

The three 24 people looked at each other, then walked in with a smile, and the light door disappeared after they entered..

When they stepped out of the light door again, it was no longer modern society in front of them. This island, at least in this regard, was consistent with the Amazon of their world.

But Diana frowned and turned her head Come and say to Dane:"Dane, the breath here..."

Dane also felt it, and he nodded:"It's Ares."

This place is protected by the divine power of the God of War, so they can probably understand what the people here are like.

At this moment, a cloud-piercing arrow flew from the sky, and its speed was not much worse than that of a bullet..

Its target was Dane!

But when the arrow was about to hit him, Dane caught it. He felt a faint breath of divine power from the arrow, which also came from Ares.

They looked up and saw a group of The Amazons were riding tall horses and stood on the top of the mountain looking at them.

The leader was very familiar to Diana. That was Hippolyta, but in addition to her majesty, the queen now had a bit more fierceness on her face..

She rode on the horse, suddenly pulled out the sword at her waist, pointed at Dane and others and roared:"Kill them!"

The surrounding Amazons immediately shouted and rushed forward, with bloodthirsty expressions on their faces.

Their warlike nature has not changed, and it has become even more fierce!

Diana wanted to draw out her weapon, but was blocked by Dane.

"There are too many of them, and you will be at a disadvantage if you fight them."

Diana may be able to defeat this entire army, but after all, she also belongs to the Amazon family, and it is inevitable that she will feel a little unhappy when her siblings are at odds with each other.

"wait for me."

After Dane finished speaking, his body flew towards the sky, and the rolling thunderclouds began to roll around him.

"etc!"The Queen of the Amazons quickly stopped everyone's charge.

But once the horses started running, even the Queen couldn't hold them back, so the Amazons not only did not stop, but ran faster. The

Amazons drew their bows and arrows and fired arrows at Dane..

However, the arrows they fired into the sky were completely unable to reach Dane, and because of the gaseous shield formed by the airflow around him, they not only failed to hit him, but were blown to other places by the wind.

Many Amazons were killed by themselves The launched arrows hit each other, and they all fell off their horses.

Dane clenched his fists with both hands, his body went downwards, and his lightning-wrapped fist fell.

He did not aim at any target, but smashed it into the empty space.

In an instant, The strong shock wave spread, pushing the air to form a hard air wall and knocking away the surrounding Amazons.

Here, the goddess scattered not flowers, but people!

Countless Amazons shot out together with the exploded mud and rocks. out, flying out like human flesh exploding into bullets.

The Amazons behind were also hit by their companions flying from the sky, and fell off their horses.

This blow seemed to calm the Amazons a little, and the horses did not dare to attack again. Come forward.

The Amazon Queen points her sword directly at Dane. She is not ready to give up. In terms of fighting spirit, she and Hippolyta are consistent and never give up easily.

"Are you serious?"

Dane only had time to ask this question, and the queen had already rushed forward.

She struck Dane with a sword, making a steely sound. Not only did it not hurt him at all, but it made her own palm hurt.

Dane pinched the sword blade that struck him, not just pinched it, he exerted a slight force, and the sword blade shattered into steel slag in his hands.

"Maybe this will calm you down a bit."

The queen finally stopped moving. She simply didn't have the ability to kill the man in front of her.

"who are you?"

"Maybe this will give you something to think about."

Dane pointed his hand towards the sky, and then drew downwards. A bolt of lightning fell without warning, hitting a mountain in the distance and flattening the top of the mountain by hundreds of feet.

The Queen's eyelids twitched and she said in disbelief:" The power of Zeus."

At this time, Diana and Zatanna also came over. The queen glanced at them. Zatanna didn't look like a warrior at first glance, but Diana seemed to be very strong.

Before the Amazon Queen could ask questions, Diana announced her family name:"I am Diana, daughter of Zeus."

The queen lowered her eyelids. There was a man who seemed to have the divine power of Zeus, a woman who had divine blood like the super queen, and a woman who didn't know the depth but should not be simple. What did they want to do here?

Diana suddenly stretched her waist The mantra was thrown out in time, and when Hippolyta was not prepared, it tied tightly on her body.

"Tell me, where is this place?"

The Queen didn't want to speak, but the power of Mantra forced her to speak.

"This is Alcatraz, protected by the power of Ares, the god of war."

Sure enough! Diana frowned.

However, the Amazon Queen looked at her in horror:"This is the submission rope! No way, it should be in Louise's hands!"

"Louise?"Diana was stunned for a moment, shouldn't she be called"Diana"?

"Is it surprising that your role in this world is Lois Lane? Dane stood aside and said with a smile.

"It's a bit unexpected..." Diana recalled a figure in her mind.

She had also seen Lois Lane. She was a woman with a strong heart. If it was her, it wouldn't be surprising.

She smiled in her heart, and then she followed Then asked:"What is Louise’s life experience?

The queen still couldn't disobey and could only say:"She is Ares's child.""

That's good...

Diana didn't know what to say. Although it's a bit uncomfortable to say this, how many good children can Ares have?

Dane had a strange expression. In fact, according to historical legends and" Judging from story collections such as"Homer's Epic", the relationship between Amazon and Ares is already relatively deep.

On the contrary, the relationship with Zeus is forced by DC.

"Then your daughter should be named Penthesilea. The name Louise is too Chinese."(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana slapped his waist. As someone who works in a museum, she also knows a bit about this queen's story.

Hippolyta naturally can't stand up to them. brain waves, but as a loser, she still has some grace

"You defeated Amazon, and now, we are all yours."

Oh? Is there such a good thing?

Dane looked around. Although these women are different in temperament from the Amazons in the original world, there is not much difference in appearance. They are also female warriors who are both powerful and beautiful.

Dai En Anna and Zatanna seemed to have a telepathic connection, and they pinched Dane's waist one on the left and the other on the right.

"Don't let your imagination run wild!"

Dane regretfully retracted his thoughts.

"Gather your troops and lead me to your palace."

Dane did not attack the Amazons, but who knows if Ran Ya just shot someone to death?

The Amazon Queen was angry but did not dare to express it. The power of gods is something that mortals like them cannot resist.

The strongest woman in the entire Alcatraz Island is Super Queen, but she already has her own place in the human world.

The Queen is not sure whether she will come back, and after all, she is a little undecided about whether to inform the Super Queen of this matter.

"correct."Dane turned around again at this time, and pointed his finger at the thunderclouds above.

"This place has been blocked by me and no news can be spread, so don't waste your time and come over as soon as you're done!

Zatanna whispered from the side:"You should know that what you are doing now is not like a good person, right?" Dane replied righteously:"Your concept should change. Here, evil is right, otherwise you see." Zatanna followed his fingers and found that the Amazon Queen was doing things honestly according to his instructions.

Dane smiled and said:"It seems that the Amazons in this world are very adaptable to the rule of power, and they don't refuse."

Of course, I feel that the queen is still not very honest, and she should still do something, so we can look forward to it. Diana glanced at him sideways:"It seems that you can live well no matter which world you are in.""

Dane felt that if he had been born in this world at the beginning, then he might have replaced Speedmaster and become the ruler of this world.

He took Diana and Zatanna around the world of Alcatraz.

At this time, the Amazon Queen had already thought of who she could ask for help. She couldn't contact the Super Queen, and she was worried that even if she could be contacted, the other party would not care about their death at all. So they actually only have one helper left.

Her lieutenant came quietly to her and asked:"Queen, what should we do, let them run wild here?

The Amazon Queen said to her:"Go to the altar and prepare.""

The adjutant was shocked when he heard this, and fear grew before he even started to act.

"Queen, do you want..."

"God can only be stopped by His power. Since I can’t, let Him do it! This is his territory, he can't possibly turn a blind eye, right? The female adjutant was worried:"But Queen, he may be waiting for this opportunity. If your 193 plan succeeds, how should we deal with that adult?""

The"sir" in the adjutant's mouth is none other than the god who created Alcatraz Island and even the entire Amazon race, Ares, the god of war!

Even in this world, Ares is also known as the evil god who can destroy the world.

In In this world, the God of War and Zeus also fought a protracted war, but Zeus was not fighting for humans or the Amazons. He was fighting to defend his kingship. The

God of War was different from Zeus in that he was not afraid of being killed by himself. His son was overthrown, so he was very keen to combine with the powerful goddess to give birth to stronger offspring.

Therefore, he was as stallion as Zeus. In this world, he even surpassed Zeus.

Except for the three famous virgin goddesses, he could not Outside of his grasp, almost no one on Mount Olympus was spared. Even Hera, the queen of heaven, was tricked into bed by him in despicable ways.

This was also the inducement for Zeus to fight with him, but when Zeus decided to completely kill the God of War When the time came, they discovered that he had numerous children, and all of them were powerful.

When the gods of Olympus went to war with him, the twelve main gods were unable to match him.

The God of War became even more powerful because of the aura of war. , he saw that the battle situation was already tilted in his favor, so he began to drift away, trying to continue to expand the battle situation so that he could continue to increase his power.

Therefore, he triggered Ragnarok.

Yes, in this world, Ragnarok was caused by Ares. Obviously, compared to the God of War in Dane's world, he is smarter and knows how to recruit people first before starting a group.

When Zeus thought he could deal with him and started to take action, little did he know that the children of the God of War were enough to stand on their own.

But the God of War also made mistakes. place.

The expansion of the war situation did enhance his power, but after all, his children were still young and could not defeat the experienced gods, so they were killed one by one.

When Ares reacted, his allies and His subordinates had been cleared away by the gods, and he was the only one left.

He went crazy because of this, and fought a"Thousand-Sun War" with the gods of all pantheons. During this period, the earth was overturned and the sky was torn apart. The blood of the gods spread all over the world, and the aftermath of the war between the old gods almost destroyed the human world.

When the final battle came, all the major gods were wiped out. They launched their final magic and sealed Ares on Alcatraz Island..

And regarding Louise’s life experience, the queen has not yet fully explained that she is the child of Ares, but she is also the child of Hera.

Even Zeus doesn’t know that the God of War won the bid and conceived her directly. A descendant who can be called the strongest.

The super queen is not a demigod like Diana, she is a descendant of gods and gods, a wild god without godhead.

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