It's just a pity that the time when the Super Queen was born was already the end of the old gods.

Because of the continuous wars, the energy of the old gods was severely damaged, and they could no longer even maintain their faith.

In a period when humans and gods coexisted, there were also some people with extraordinary talents among humans. They were either warriors, wizards, or strangers.

These people with special abilities took advantage of the old gods' weakened vitality to seize their power and banished their souls to an area of ​​eternal darkness.

Later, the queen heard that there was internal strife among those humans, and it seemed that they were fighting for the power of the old gods and so on. In the end, a wizard named"Zansha" won the final victory.

She didn't know what happened next.

Hera handed Louise over to the queen before her death, and warned her that if Ares breaks the seal and escapes one day, this child may be the only one qualified to defeat him.

But now the queen can't wait any longer. After thousands of years, she has forgotten how terrifying Ares is, but the threat of Dane is close at hand.

Moreover, the world is generally peaceful now, and Ares' power cannot be greatly strengthened. Maybe after defeating the invaders, he will no longer be able to fight anymore?

When the time comes, they will just find a way to seal him again.

The Amazon Queen told her plan to her lieutenant, who saw that she had obviously made up her mind and had no choice but to follow her orders.

But what they don't know is that their words and deeds have been seen and heard by Zatanna's familiars from beginning to end.

"It turns out that the history of this world is like this..."Diana was a little emotional.

Zeus actually lost, and the loyal Hera was actually forced by her son, which made Diana feel a little ridiculous.

Even the Ares in their world still doesn't dare to be so bold....Right?

Well, Diana lacked faith in the Olympians

"What are you going to do?"Zatanna withdrew the magic of projection.

Dane thought for a while:"We don't do anything. I want to see the quality of Ares, and..."

Diana thought thoughtfully:"You also have the power of Ares, so you have thoughts about him?"

Dane said nothing, but nodded slightly.

He felt a little regretful. It seemed that the gods here had already sent them all. He had no way to collect more wool and could only catch Ares alone.

But judging from the situation, Zansha's power must have gathered a lot of divine power, and I don't know if he has something like a godhead in him.

I don’t know if this guy is still doing evil in the Syndicate or if he has been arrested by others.

The outsider's plan was disrupted by him, and now it's not even easy to determine the time. This is why he wants to investigate first.

If Zanza hadn't already been captured by the rest of the Syndicate, he would now be the most powerful metahuman on the planet.

The headquarters of the Criminal Syndicate, Speedmaster walked into the base with a displeased look on his face.

In the base, Night Owl was debugging the system. He glanced at Speedmaster and said,"You look very unhappy. Let me guess."..."

"Did Zansha do something else?"

"He killed my opponent, mine! Speedmaster emphasized loudly,"And he directly absorbed the ability of Mother Fucker in front of me.""

When Ye Xiao heard this, his hands stopped, and he seemed to hear a bit of the implication of Supermaster's words.

So he said with a half-smile,"What do you want to say?"

"Xansha, no, Alexander Luthor is becoming more and more powerful, he may have surpassed me!"

Although he was very reluctant to admit this, Supermaster had to expose his shortcomings in order to win over the smartest man in the organization.

However, Ye Xiao just said lightly:"Supermaster, you might as well make the matter more clear. After all, we've been together since the beginning, right?"

It was Nite Owl's idea to form the syndicate from the very beginning. He was the first to win over the Super Queen, and then the Super King.

As for Xanza, in terms of the order of joining, he was actually very late, not even as early as the Sea Overlord.

But in In a place like the Syndicate, seniority is far less important than strength.

At first, Sea Overlord wanted to tell Zanza about the rules, but after he crushed an arm, he no longer dared to say anything nonsense.

So even though Night Owl , Super Queen and Super King are the original three giants, but if Zansha wants to be the boss, if the strength of the three of them cannot defeat him, they will naturally have no choice but to be obedient.

But can the Syndicate they worked so hard to establish become the boss? Do you want to hand it over to Zanza?

Speedmaster would never agree, and he believed that Ye Xiao would never agree either.

Sure enough, Ye Xiao turned his head, but his voice still reached Speedmaster's ears clearly:"Yes, this is a problem."

Supermaster wants to have fun!

He often acts with Zansha, so he has an assessment of his own and the opponent's strength. He knows that he is definitely not Zansha's opponent.

Even if he can knock kryptonite unlimitedly, Zansha will always be there. Kill him before that.

Although Ye Xiao himself is not outstanding in strength, he is very good at discovering the weaknesses of his enemies, and often relies on this to defeat enemies that are far more powerful than him.

When he is powerless, Superpower will naturally Preferring to rely on Ye Xiao's wisdom.

At this time, Ye Xiao said:"You know? While we often refer to Alexander Luthor as Xantha, he never seems to refer to himself as such."

Superpower thought about it and it was indeed true. He still remembered that when he introduced himself, Zansha wrote his code name on a piece of paper.

"so what?"But Supermaster still didn't understand what this was worth thinking about.

But Ye Xiao curled his lips and said,"Yes, so why is he unwilling to say such a simple thing in person?"

Supermaster's eyes suddenly lit up:"You mean..."

"Maybe if he says this name, something incredible will happen. Although this idea is good, Speedmaster quickly calmed down his expression,"But if this word is really so important to him, how can we let him say it?""

Night Owl spit out a name:"Super Queen."

Supermaster suddenly realized that, yes, it is the Super Queen!

She has the surrender rope. Even if Zansha does not want to, she must say that word.

And this is also an insurance. If their guess is wrong, they can still pass the Super Queen. Queen's Rope asks about his real flaws

"But this is still not enough."Ye Xiao is still not satisfied with the power of the three of them,"I suspect that Zansha's ability may be stronger. Since he can take away other people's abilities, how many abilities did he take away before joining us? None of us know."

Supermaster frowned and thought for a moment, and found that it was indeed the case. You must not be careless at this time.

"We should summon more manpower and make sure to suppress Zansha absolutely. Only in this way can we ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Supermaster nodded in agreement. He knew that he was right to find Ye Xiao. It seemed that he had already been unhappy with Zansha.

"So, we need to discuss it with the Super Queen first, right?"

"Don't worry, I think she'll be easily persuaded"


In the Super Queen's own room, she is currently in various troubles.

The Super Queen walked out of Amazon this time because of a trial.

She wants to conquer the men of this world first, and then counterattack Alcatraz Island to seize the throne of queen.

Then she would choose one of the strongest men and give birth to the strongest descendant with him.

Conquering a man does not necessarily require force. The Super Queen already understood this, but she was a little hesitant about the second goal.

She currently has three candidates, Speedmaster, Night Owl and Xansha.

Speedmaster, before Zanza was born, was undoubtedly the strongest man in the world, but he had a fatal weakness.

Speedmaster cannot come into contact with the yellow sun, which would cause him great pain and weakness.

To this end, he even did not hesitate to create a large dust cloud over the metropolis, making that place unable to see sunlight all year round.

The Super Queen is worried that if she chooses a Speedmaster, her children will inherit this weakness. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for Ye Xiao, to be honest, he is not very strong and does not meet the standards of a super queen, but Ye Xiao's IQ is indeed unmatched by anyone.

His powerful intelligence is also considered uniquely powerful, but it is not intuitive.

The Super Queen is also worried that her child's physical strength will be weakened as a result. It would be great if she could inherit half of her own strength.

What he fears most is that his strength has been weakened, and at the same time he has not inherited his father's intelligence. That is the biggest failure.

Moreover, the Super Queen is also afraid that Ye Xiao will be killed by her inadvertently when the two of them are doing business.

She is a divine body after all, and in her hands, Night Owl's body is as fragile as a cookie.

Combined with a man who looks like a clay sculpture, the super queen dare not say that she can control the strength.

As for the final Zansha, he is powerful enough, maybe even more powerful than Supermaster, but this guy's IQ is very low, horribly low.

After seeing the wisdom of Night Owl, Super Queen sometimes finds it difficult to tolerate his mental retardation.

But he is indeed very powerful. The Super Queen is thinking that even if the child they finally give birth to has an intelligence as low as Zansha, he can still become the strongest person in the world.

Alas, is there not a man in this world who is strong enough, has no weaknesses, and is smart enough?

In front of the Super Queen, there are three playing cards, namely Super, Night Owl and Xansha. She overlaps these three cards together, as if she is gathering the common advantages of the three men.

At this time, Speedmaster and Ye Xiao came to her door and sent a request to see her.

The Super Queen put away her cards and opened the door.

She crossed her legs on her bar counter, her long legs were very attractive

"~ So boys, do you have anything urgent?"

However, both Speedmaster and Night Owl knew that this was a femme fatale, so they were not provoked by her and just got down to business.

"We want to discuss a big matter with you. Are you willing to join us and fight against Zansa?"

The Super Queen frowned, and she murmured to herself:"Fight against Xansha? Why?"

"Because he is too strong and has become a threat to us."Super King said this.

When Super Queen heard this, she already gave this man a big cross in her heart. It seems that Super Power is only powerful, and he is afraid of others being stronger than him.

Mentally, he is a coward.

As a militant Amazon, she looked down on guys without courage the most.

Then Ye Xiao said immediately:"I have observed what he has been doing recently. He seems to be consciously absorbing the superpowers of his defeated enemies. He is Collect those abilities.

I suspect that he may not only be interested in other people, but even our abilities are within his hunting range, and even yours, Super Queen, your divine power seems to be able to be taken away."

This sentence is still somewhat convincing, but Night Owl?

Super Queen squinted her eyes. Night Owl didn't have any superpowers at all, so he didn't need to worry about this problem.

Super Queen also gave the man a cross, Although Ye Xiao is very smart, he is too scheming.

And he is only a mortal, which is always a huge flaw. This time this flaw was magnified when she thought about this problem.

So, can it only be Zansha?

But Zansha is not under control. As Night Owl said, the Super Queen is also worried that Zansha will kill her when she is not paying attention and then seize her power.

After all, for the almost immortal Zansha, he has no power at all. There was no need to leave any heirs.

So Queen Chao finally thought about it and decided to agree to Ye Xiao and Chao.The (well-earned) suggestion is to arrest Zansa first.

Once he was completely subdued, she could calmly borrow seeds.

It's just a matter of giving birth to a child. It doesn't have to be that kind of thing. In the worst case, I would do in vitro fertilization.

The syndicate at this time has not been established long enough, and the trust between them is far from firm enough.

Although the super queen acts very dissolute, she has very high requirements for her partners, and it is impossible for ordinary people to bear her"love".

So until now, the super queen is still perfect, and she is waiting for a man worthy of her devotion.

After the syndicate's three giants reached an agreement, they immediately began to contact other syndicate members, and except for Zanza, everyone else was invited.


The Amazon Queen took advantage of the fact that Dane and the others were"not paying attention" and entered the forbidden area on the island, a bloody altar.

Every year, a human who accidentally enters the island is killed here to appease Ares' bloodthirsty fanaticism.

But now, this Earth-3 Hippolyta is not here to appease Ares, she is here to lift the seal for him

"Ares, our creator god, your servants ask for your forgiveness and grant us the power to drive out the invaders."

The sacrificial altar erupted with turbulent murderous intent. Although it was invisible and insubstantial, it aroused the fear in Hippolyta's heart, causing her to almost fall to the ground. In the dark, a thought was transmitted to her mind.

"Lift...seal...Kill the intruder...!"

Hippolyta was overjoyed. She thought Ares had promised her, so she knelt down and cut her wrist open with a dagger.

The blood flowed to the ground along the wound, and was absorbed by the altar along the ravine on the ground.

After a moment, overwhelming divine power filled the sky over Alcatraz Island!.

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