Dane and his two female companions, who were visiting Alcatraz Island, also felt this powerful power and boiling murderous intent.


"I know. Dane nodded to Diana, and then said to Zatanna:"Zatanna, you stay here first.""

Zatanna knew that her own strength was not yet able to deal with a violent God of War like Ares, so she nodded obediently.

"Be careful"

"Don't worry, no matter which world the Ares is in, he is destined to be our defeat!"

The light all over Diana's body flashed, and the champion's armor reappeared on her body.

The two bid farewell to Zatanna, and soared into the sky together.

Next to the altar, a huge figure stood up from the ground. He was more than three meters tall, and his whole body was Wearing hard armor.

Ares is a god who has been sealed since the golden age, so his height still reflects the feeling of being superior to others, so Hippolyta can only look up to him.

"The great Ares..."

Before Hippolyta could finish her words, her body was grabbed by Ares.

"Traitor, how dare you appear in front of me, bitch!"

When Ares was sealed by Zeus and other gods, he once ordered Hippolyta to lift his seal.

But the Amazons were afraid of him, so they all turned to the gods headed by Zeus and betrayed their creator.

This kind of How could Ares not be resentful or angry?

"But...but...you, you promised me..."

Hippolyta felt that her trachea was about to be severed by Ares's fingers! Her whole body began to lose strength.

Ares's two red eyes stared straight at Staring at the person in his hand, he sneered and said:"Of course I will kill the intruders, but you group of disobedients will never forgive them!"

After that, he wanted to squeeze the woman to death, but two figures suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the altar with a"dong" sound.

It was Dane and Diana.

Diana saw Hippolyta being killed by Ari Si grabbed it in her hand and couldn't help but frown.

Although this was not her mother, Diana still felt uncomfortable, so she untied the mantra cord from her waist, threw it out, and tied it to Hippolyta.

Dane didn't need to wait for her to speak, and rushed towards Ares. His speed prevented Ares from reacting for a moment.

Therefore, the newly resurrected God of War was punched in the face by Dane and flew into the sky. Go.

Hippolyta in his hand also escaped from the control of God of War 210 and was pulled back by Diana.

Hippolyta was a little embarrassed, but she still whispered"thank you" to Diana.

However, Diana Still looking serious, she sensed that something was breaking out of the ground.

Hippolyta seemed to have thought of something and quickly said to Diana:"No, it's Ares's war demon!""

The souls of enemies killed by Ares will be enslaved by him and continue to fight for him after death.

However, it is only for mortals. The souls of gods cannot be controlled by him.

The first war demon to crawl out was a The bald man, who was all white, held a mottled short sword and an oaken shield. He roared and rushed towards Diana.

Diana went up to him without fear and started fighting!

Hippolyta saw that there was More war demons climbed up from the hollow of the altar, and finally realized that they had done something very stupid.

So she wanted to start remedying the situation, so she took off a horn made from an unknown horn from her waist. , blowing it out

"The sound of"Woooo" resounded throughout Alcatraz Island. The Amazons who had just cleaned up the mess and had not had time to rest said nothing, picked up their weapons, mounted their horses and charged in the direction of the sound. At this time, there were already more and more people War demons crawled out of the pit.

Every time Diana chopped off one with her sword, more war demons emerged.

"Can't you seal this thing again?"Diana frowned. No matter how fast she moved, she was still alone.

"I can not do it!"Hippolyta was also fighting, but her efficiency was much worse than Diana, but she added:"But I have called my army."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of smoke and dust rose in the distance, and a group of galloping war horses came galloping over.

The Amazons were excellent at riding and shooting. They rode their horses and drew their bows and fired arrows. A large rain of arrows fell from the sky, nailing countless war demons. He died on the spot.

Then the following troops used spears or swords to kill the immobile War Demon Owl, and the killing efficiency increased instantly.

Diana found some familiar feelings in the battlefield. If this fighting intention is not right, Kind people, then there is actually no difference between them and the Amazons on Paradise Island.

She smiled silently, regrouped, and charged towards the war demon army again


In the sky, Ares stabilized his body, and with a flash of light in his hand, a ferocious battle ax with jagged edges appeared, and he slashed hard in the direction from which Dane came.

Dane ducked sideways, letting the flying slashes pass by him.

Then he grabbed one of Ares' horns on his horned helmet with one hand, turned half a circle in the air, and slammed his knee into the opponent's temple.

Ares' brain instantly became dizzy, and his head was knocked sideways by the huge force.

But this armor was the same as the other Ares's. It was very durable, so he didn't feel any serious illness. However, it made the God of War feel that his self-esteem was challenged, so he attacked Dane even more fiercely.

Dane possesses the power of two Gods of Speed ​​and easily dodges every attack from the God of War. He has just released the seal, and the aura of war around him is not enough, so he is not very strong at this time.

This time, because he came to another world, he couldn't bring the things he put in the Rock of Eternity warehouse, so he could only use what he had to fight against the God of War.

But now he has figured out the ability of Ares. The strength is not too high. It is also good luck that he encountered the weakest time in his life.

Then Dane's eyes and chest lit up with intense lightning, taking over the weather around Alcatraz Island, and thunder snakes rolled in the dark clouds above his head.

Ares said angrily:"The power of Zeus!"

As a god who has fought with Zeus countless times, it is impossible for Ares not to recognize his power.

Before Dane could make a move, he raised the battle ax above his head, and a bolt of lightning hit him!

Ares expected an attack, but he didn't expect the intensity of the attack to be so strong, and he fell straight down, falling towards the ground.

Dane also chased in his direction, pushing against Ares' body and pushing him into the ground.

He used Ares's body as a drill and drilled deep into the earth like a well machine.

Ares reacted and wanted to attack him with a battle ax, but the ax he swung was held by Dane, twisting it behind Ares, and then pressed Ares' face and rubbed it wildly in the underground rocks.

His speed, combined with Ares's invulnerable skin, wiped out hot lava in the surrounding tunnels. Within a moment, they arrived at the storage location of the undersea lava.

Dane used his strength to throw Ares into the magma and snatched the battle ax from his hand.

In terms of weight, this ax is heavier than the Ax of Ares from another world.

Magma cannot kill Ares. Dane understands this very well. He pulled Ares here mainly because he did not want to cause too much noise and to prepare for the next move.

The divine power in Dane switched, and the power of the God of War quietly climbed onto the tomahawk. The tomahawk, which had been somewhat resistant, suddenly obeyed and began to absorb the power of the God of War from Dane.

On its ferocious ax blade, red firelight illuminated the surroundings, reflecting Dane's face.

He raised the battle ax high, and at the same time, the power of thunder also climbed onto the axe, adding even more combat power to it.

Seizing the right moment, he waved his hand and threw the battle ax out, and the ax whirled towards the magma.

At this moment, Ares suddenly stood up from the lava, and was hit by a battle ax in front of him!

"With a"bang" sound, the battle ax struck his chest with the power of thunder and the God of War! The vibrations caused even (ceaa) spread to the ground through the surrounding rock formations, causing the entire Alcatraz Island to tremble in earthquakes.

At the same time, The Amazons who were fighting the war demons suddenly discovered that the war demons suddenly fell in pieces.

Zatanna, who was responsible for treating the injured in the rear, could tell at a glance:"It was their master who failed!"

Without the divine support of the God of War, the war demons returned to their dead identities, and their souls left this temporary body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana took back the Vulcan Sword, she knew Dane's side must have finished.

Even if the God of War here has been strengthened by legend, he is still an opponent who has been defeated once. It is not difficult to kill him again.

So she immediately gave orders to the Amazons around her :"Send all the injured back to the rear, and burn the bodies of all the war demons, as well as this hole.

She pointed to the deep pit where Ares had just come out,"Fill it back in!""

The Amazon looked at Hippolyta subconsciously. The queen was slightly injured now, but she still did not change her majesty.

She waved her hand to the Amazon:"Do as she said."

"yes! Ares wanted to take the battle ax off his body. He was confused. How could this be his weapon suddenly used by the enemy?

But Dane immediately stepped into the magma and grabbed Ares with one hand. He put his helmet on the battle ax with one hand and pushed hard. The ax blade was pushed into the heart, cutting Ares's heart in half.

"you——!"Ares felt a familiar power from Dane, a power that had the same origin as him.

But he couldn't say a complete sentence now. The God of War's divine power seeped out of him and was absorbed by Dane's hand along the battle axe.

The process of attracting each other with the same source of power is easier than Dane imagined, and he already has experience.

The power of the God of War was once again integrated into the power of Shazam and became a part of it, while the soul and godhead of the opponent were sealed by Dane and temporarily stored in the Ax of Ares.

In order to prevent the God of War's soul from playing tricks inside, Dane also used the Gift of Life to perform an operation on him, turning him into an idiot, and rest assured that he would never be able to cause trouble for himself.

After doing all this, he left the lava area, went straight up in the vertical direction, and rushed out of the ground.

He looked down at the ground. The Amazons were cleaning up the battlefield, and his appearance also attracted many eyes. The battle ax in his hand explained his victory more powerfully than words.

"He defeated Ares. Hippolyta sighed.

Maybe this is also a good thing. Through observation, she found that these"invaders" were not villains. At least compared to the organization that the Super Queen joined, they were simply like saints.

They It was entirely possible to wait until Ares and the War Demons slaughtered all the people here, or forced the Amazons to a point of no return before forcing them to bow their heads, but they didn't. They didn't even make any demands to participate, and that A wizard named"Zatanna", she treats the wounded without asking for anything in return.

Hippolyta also has some knowledge about magic. If it is not kind-hearted, the healing magic will not be effective at all.

The behavior of these people There was a very fundamental difference from them, which made Hippolyta a little confused.

So when Dane landed among them again, she asked the original question again:"Who are you?"

After Dane, Diana and Zatanna looked at each other, they seemed to have reached some consensus.

"We are from another world, another Earth, and we are the Justice League."

Diana came up at this time:"I come from Amazon Paradise Island, the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and King of Gods Zeus.

Hippolyta was stunned when she heard this:"You said you are..."

Diana smiled and nodded:"Although my mother is not you, but...In some other parallel worlds, I should be your daughter."

At the Crime Syndicate base, all the members except Zanza gathered together.

In addition to the giants such as Power Ring, Johnny Quick, Martian, and Sea King, there are also some corresponding to heroes such as Vixen and Plastic Man. The super criminals are also sitting here.

It’s just that unlike the Justice League, which all meets at a large round table, the Syndicate is very particular about the arrangement of seats because of its distinct levels. People like Red Arrow, Queen Bee, Rob the Wolf, etc. They had no choice but to sit in the back row.

This time, because they were discussing how to deal with Zanza, Sea Overlord, who was squeezed out of the ranks of giants by Zanza, took the opportunity to squeeze back in. His hand that was crushed by Zanza was already equipped with a A big gleaming pincer.

Because he was going to deal with Zansha, he seemed a little impatient

"I heard that you want to deal with that Son.Of.Bitch of Zansha. What are you going to do?"

The Super Queen ignored him at all. She hated this kind of useless man the most. If you have the ability, just fight back for the face that was knocked away by Zansha!"

"Be patient, Sea Overlord, I will plan the process in detail for you. In order to increase our success rate, I did some experiments using Xansha's genes some time ago.

Next, let me introduce you to the new members."

As he said that, Night Owl clapped his palms.

Then three people walked in from outside the gate, an old man with gray hair and a bloated but still strong figure; a middle-aged man with a beard and a strong build; A young man who looks like he is only a high school student and is full of youthful vitality

"They are three clones I made based on Zangza's genes. Each has a part of Zangza's power. I call them the magical family!".

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