A clone made from Xantha's genes? Everyone present felt a chill in their hearts.

Even Supermaster didn't expect that Ye Xiao could achieve this level, and he was greatly afraid.

With such technology, doesn't it mean that if Ye Xiao wants to, he can even make a clone of Speedmaster?

But Speedmaster obviously thought too much. Ye Xiao thought his shortcomings were too big, so he was not interested in his clone.

The purpose of making the Magic Family is to check and balance Xantha, and to check and balance Speedmaster or even defeat him, all you need is a sun lamp, which is not very technically difficult at all.

As long as Night Owl is willing, he can even cover the entire earth under sunlight, regardless of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. No matter how fast Super Speed ​​is, he will still die.

Martian looked at the Magic Family and found that the three people's looks were not much different from each other, so they were definitely clones, but they looked nothing like Xantha.

He asked this question:"Why do I think they look nothing like Xantha."

After hearing this, others also took a closer look at the Magic Family and found that this was indeed the case.

Night Owl showed a strange expression:"Because they still have my genetic fragments, only blood ties can make them completely obey my orders. This is the safest..."


The only words in everyone's mind were that Ye Xiao's madness far exceeded their imagination.

Only then did they remember that Ye Xiao had an incredible record, which they had subconsciously ignored.

Among the cities under everyone's jurisdiction, Gotham, run by Night Owl, is the only city without any superhuman beings, because Night Owl killed them all!

An ordinary person without any special abilities actually slaughtered all superhumans. This is not only incredible, but also shows that Night Owl must not be messed with.

Ye Xiao then said:"With the three of them joining us, and with our cooperation, no matter how strong Zansha is, there is a limit, and he will definitely fail! The only difference is, should we kill him completely, or should we keep him?" a small life"

"I do not understand. Johnny Quick asked his own question,"If we can kill him directly, why not?""

Ye Xiao smiled faintly:"Although Zansha is dangerous, we have to admit the fact that he is indeed very strong. He is probably the strongest among us. If not for this, why should we gather together?"

"Do you want to take advantage of him? But he is uncontrollable."

Hai Bawang frowned. He actually wished that Zansha would die directly, but he was very afraid of Night Owl and did not dare to directly object. He could only place his hope on others.

Johnny Quick also tended to kill Zansha directly. He didn't want to A person who may be a threat to him lives.

You must know that even the Speedmaster can't catch up with his speed, so Johnny Quick thinks that he can beat the Speedmaster 50-50, because even if he can't win, he will live. It's no problem to get down.

But Zanza has superpowers that can match his speed, and he doesn't know which unlucky person he took it from.

Johnny Quick can't help but think, if his girlfriend Atom Girl is still there That's good. Atomic Girl has always been a good hand against physically strong heroes like Zanza or Superhero.

She can penetrate deep into the opponent's body to cause damage. Even a guy like Zanza is absolutely unstoppable!

Unfortunately, Since that accident, Atomic Girl has disappeared, and he is still looking for her...

Martian is more Buddhist. As long as Zanza has no ability to do anything to him, it doesn't matter whether the other party is dead or alive.

And Super and Super The Queen couldn't help but fell into deep thought when she heard Ye Xiao's question.

Supermaster originally wanted to kill Zanza directly, but he was a little worried about Ye Xiao's strength.

The three created clones had huge energy reactions in their bodies, and Super Ba estimated that he might be able to deal with one, or two of them, but with all three together, he would never be an opponent.

If Zanza dies, Night Owl will be able to gain a foothold in this battle, and then there will be more opportunities for these three freaks. With support, he might even threaten his own status.

Thinking of this, Supermaster thought it was necessary to save Zansha's life and use him to check and balance Ye Xiao.

After all, the Magic Family was created by Ye Xiao, and once Zansha was captured, he would hate him the most It must be Ye Xiao.

As for the Super Queen, she needs Zansha to be alive. Only a living Zansha can provide the sperm she wants, and she also needs Ye Xiao’s technical support.

Since he can give Zansha Zang Sha clones, then he must be very good at genetic technology. If she wants to give birth to the most powerful offspring, she may need the help of Night Owl.

Therefore, three of the six giants have already decided Zang Sha's life and death.

Super Ba was the first to express his opinion:"I think keeping him is a better choice, and his power is likely to be used by us in the future."

The Super Queen then expressed her stance:"I agree with Speedmaster."

Ye Xiao just smiled softly:"Second. Johnny

Quick raised his hand:"I object, Zansha should die!" I don't want such a dangerous guy around. Sea Overlord quickly agreed:"

Yes, I am opposed to it too!" Zanza must die!"

Everyone looked at his arm without any trace, and then looked away without trace. They couldn't help but feel a sense of contempt for the Sea Overlord.

Now three against two, the Martian's opinion is very important. If he also agrees to let Xantha die, , then they also need to introduce the opinions of other members.

For those non-giant members, the majority opinion is definitely in favor of killing Zanza. This is how this gang deals with the enemy, and eradicating the roots is their code of conduct.

However, the Martians He just said lazily:"I don’t care, as long as Zansha is no longer a threat."

Ye Xiao immediately said:"As long as Zansha can be captured, he will never be a threat to us again.

So the Martian nodded:"That's good.""

He didn't seem to make any statement, but Night Owl's meaning was obvious.

Sea King and Johnny Quick looked ugly.

Sure enough, Speedmaster took the opportunity to stand up:"Very good! Then the matter is decided like this, catching Zansha and imprisoning him is the ultimate goal of our operation!"

Supermaster has said so, who else dares not to give face? I can only stand up according to his wishes and accept the result.

Supermaster nodded with satisfaction, and then he turned to look at Super Queen:"Zansha finally Whether you can be successfully captured depends on you."

"If your guess is correct, then he will never escape my grasp."

The surrender rope around the Super Queen's waist is like a flower stem covered with thorns, emitting a faint golden light.

Ye Xiao's expression is hidden by the mask, and no one knows his emotions.

Under Ye Xiao's coordination, everyone in the Syndicate is like a big picture The net gradually enveloped Zansa, who knew nothing about it.


In Gotham City, because the other teammates have left and Nite Owl has not returned, this place has essentially become Batman's world.

Not long ago, he noticed the commotion caused by Vixen and Dr. Light in Gotham. Someone reported the matter to Wayne Manor, and he solved it smoothly.

After staying in Wayne Manor for a while, he also learned some things he wanted to know. Batman imprisoned outsiders in the Batcave of the manor...

Nite Owl has not transformed this place, because he is Nite Owl, not a bat, His lair is on a tower.

So for Batman, this unexplored Batcave is a safe hiding place.

After hiding the outsider, he rushed to Old Wayne Tower.

In the dark night of Gotham, a huge bat flew across the dark night sky and landed in the night owl's lair.

But this place is not empty, there is also a minion of the Night Owl guarding here on his behalf.


The man was covered in darkness and dressed like an owl. He is Talon! He is also the"Nightwing" of this world!

During Batman's investigation, not everything in this world is completely opposite.

For example, Dick , he has repeatedly investigated the Dick Grayson of this world, and found that even the Dick of this world is not a pure bastard in nature, and he still has room to turn back.

And Talon is also the person that Night Owl trusts most besides outsiders..

And Dick is different from outsiders. The reason why Alfred obeys Night Owl is that he surrenders to Night Owl's force, and secondly, because Night Owl holds his darkest secret, so he has to obey, and there is coercion. Meaning.

But Dick with the Claw is different. The way Night Owl controls him is emotional control. He pours his emotions into Dick, and Dick also regards Night Owl as his father and master.

But Batman found out that these were all lies. Dick was a talent carefully selected by Night Owl, so he killed Dick's parents, and then appeared in front of Dick as a savior and adopted him.

He raised him as a father, taught him, and turned him into what he is today. warriors, Nite Owl claimed that their cause was just, and Talon believed in it.

Even Talon did better than Nite Owl imagined, reshaping Nite Owl's Court of Owls and training more With many sharp claws, they monitor every move of the entire city instead of the night owl.

"I don’t even know when there was another bat in this city?"The claws sneered.

His hands were made of special gloves, and ten sharp alloy claws popped out from his fingers. Then he lowered his body slightly.

"But no matter who you are, this city will never allow any superhumans to enter!"

"I'm not superhuman."Batman's deep voice made Talon feel a little familiar, like...Night Owl"

""How.Dare.You" the claw said angrily, and then rushed directly towards Batman.

Batman raised his arm to block, and the alloy claw of the claw caught his arm armor and sparked a string of sparks.

However, the claw Claw's other hand then grabbed behind him, took out a strange modified gun, and shot Batman in the chest.


The powerful recoil caused by the bullet made Batman take a step back, but it was only one step.

The claw did not stop his offensive. He used the claw in one hand to attack at close range and the other hand to shoot with a gun. For a moment, he seemed to suppress Batman.

But Talon knows his own business. His offense seems fierce, but he never has a key result, it is just a lively fight.

On the other hand, his opponent, with the smallest gesture and cost, completely resisted his attack. If this continues, he will definitely lose due to loss of physical strength.

But Talon thought too much and there was no need to wait until that time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Batman saw that the claw seemed to be distracted, and subconsciously said:"Concentrate!"

Then several consecutive combination punches were suddenly used in his hands, and the claw was completely Without reacting to the sudden change in the opponent's rhythm, he was robbed of the main offensive right.

Batman used a joint move to remove the modified gun from Talon's hand. It was obviously the first time for him to see this type of gun, but he dismantled the gun body into a ball of parts in a matter of seconds.

"Without this, you can't fight?"

"No——!"Talon roared angrily, and the opponent's tone made him angry, so he decided to use his own skills to defeat this guy.

After Batman successfully aroused the opponent's anger, he played very conservatively, only defending but not attacking under the crazy attack of the claws.

Then when Talon was slightly exhausted, he suddenly accelerated his pace, forcing him to increase his attack speed again.

After several rounds, Batman was still calm and composed, but his claws were very tired from walking around, and he could only breathe heavily on the opposite side.

Batman retracted his fist and his voice was flat:"What, is this your full strength?"

Claw finally realized that the"big bat" in front of him was not an opponent he could deal with alone, and he had to call for more helpers!

So he ran towards the tower without hesitation, but Batman suddenly threw out the batarang at this time. It drew an arc, faster than the claws, and was directly inserted into the console, and then turned into a pile of particles. inside the chassis.

His eyepiece UI told him that the system in the suit had completely taken over the system here.

Batman's suit intelligence is a program he wrote himself, and only he can crack it.

So when Talon wanted to operate the console, but found that there was no response from the system, he knew that the person behind him must have locked the system.

He turned around and asked sullenly:"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

He could see that the other party didn't seem to want to kill him. There was no killing intention in his fists, and the suit also had no intention of killing him. There was no lethal weapon, which puzzled him.

"I'm here to correct you, Dick Grayson."

The claws suddenly raised their heads. This name is known to only a few people in Gotham.

Batman continued:"You have been doing something wrong all along. You think that Night Owl represents justice in this city, but this is not the case..

He's just another gangster, another power, another darkness hanging over Gotham, and you're his accomplice.

Sharp Claw growled:"Why do you say that!" You don't know anything at all!"

As he said that, the power of the claws came from unknown sources, and he continued to rush forward. The power seemed to be even stronger than before.

Batman knew how he did it. He gave himself an injection of adrenaline and obtained short-term recovery. The explosion of time.

But this was far from a threat to Batman's suit, so he continued to fight with Talon while talking to him

"Dick, listen to me."

Hearing this name, Lizhao was in a daze for a moment.

"Dick, have you never wondered how your parents died?"

The movement of the sharp claw hand stopped for five seconds.

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