"What do you know?"Claw's face was gloomy.

Although Batman couldn't see it, he could imagine it. When he saw that Claw calmed down, he also put away his posture and put his hands into the bat-like cloak.

"I can't believe you never thought of investigating the death of your parents."

Li Claw was silent for a moment, and after a few seconds he said:"The cause of their death was very simple, they just encountered an accident...."

"Your parents were killed in a murder, Dick"

"Don't call me Dick!"Claw roared.

However, Batman did not pay attention to his roar, but continued:"Have you found the murderer?"

Talon became gloomy after hearing this. Although he didn't want to answer, he felt that the person opposite might know something, so he was unwilling to give up the conversation.

So he said:"I have checked many times and even used the Court of Owls. power, but even so, he still couldn't find that damn guy."

Claw not only feels very annoyed, but also feels strange.

He has found out that his parents are two big thieves, so it can be said that he has many enemies.

But even so, there is no reason for him to take action personally, and he has not found any Any clue, it seems that there is always a layer of fog shrouding his eyes.

"Have you never felt weird? Even if you can't find out the truth, what about the person who adopted you?"

An idea flashed in Talon's mind, but he refused to accept that guess.

"What do you want to say?"

"Even before he adopted you, Night Owl had been maintaining order in this land. As long as he wanted to, he could monitor the entire city. Every move in this land could not be hidden from him.

""467" So it's still the same question, why didn't he find the murderer of your parents? Was it because he didn't want to? Or was it because..."

Batman revealed Talon's guess:"Because he was the one who killed your parents!"

"You are lying!"Claw roared again, but this time he did not rush forward.

This is because he thought carefully and came to the same conclusion as Batman, but the meaning of Night Owl to Dick was different after all. Even if he came to such an inference , but as long as no evidence is seen, it is just an inference.

But Batman quickly broke his fantasy:"I just came out of Wayne Manor, you know what this means?"

Wayne Manor!

Of course Talon knows, he said damn it in his heart, no wonder he has never received any information about this mysterious man before. It turns out that he is hiding in Wayne Manor, Night Owl's lair.

This is bad, This proves that this man also knows the true identity of Night Owl.

Until now, Talon still didn't know that Batman came to Gotham not even more than 24 hours ago, and that he came from another world.

He also thought that Batman was already lurking in Gotham. It has been a long time.

Talon usually leads the Court of Owls to patrol the entire Gotham City, so it has been a long time since he returned to Wayne Manor.

And since Talon can stand alone, Night Owl has already become the main The workplace was moved to the old Wayne Tower.

Wayne Manor instead became a place for Nite Owl to hide his identity. Like Batman, Nite Owl also lived the identity of Thomas Wayne Jr. as a mask.

Nite Owl is Nite Owl. The real him.

But what Batman wanted to say was not what Talon thought at all. He said to Talon again:"Dick, if you want evidence, you have what you want in Wayne Manor."

The sharp claws were like being struck by lightning.

At the same time, the red hood was also walking among the crowd hiding his identity.

He was wearing a red hood, a backpack, and a black mask on his face. It was also painted with black camouflage.

He walked against the crowd and walked on the sidewalk of Gotham. The atmosphere around him was weird and depressing, even better than the Gotham where he was born. The airships in the night sky were like pairs of huge eyes. Between those eyes Under such circumstances, kind-hearted people dare not make the slightest move, but another kind of person can do whatever they want in this environment.

"Hey guy!"

Jason turned around and saw a few burly men with their faces painted like skulls. They squeezed through the crowd around them, and those people they squeezed away also fled in fear.

One of the leaders was completely Unable to recognize his original appearance, he grinned:"You seem to be very unfamiliar!"

"I've recently entered the city, what questions do you have?"Jason looked at the group of people in front of him coldly.

"That’s it, you’re new here..."

The group of people suddenly laughed:"No wonder, but boy, when you come to this city, you must abide by the laws of this city, don't you think so?"

Jason narrowed his eyes:"What do you mean?"

The man said arrogantly:"In Gotham, our Skeleton Gang is the law here, so, boy, you have to pay taxes to live in this city!"

"I'm not handing you anything, go find some other coward."After Jason finished speaking, he wanted to turn around and leave.

But the man reached out and grabbed Jason's backpack:"I'm afraid it's not up to you, boy. Our Skeleton Gang likes tough guys like you. Let me see what's in your backpack. What..."

The man tried to open Jason's bag, but how could Jason let him have his way?

He snatched the backpack back, then kicked it out, sending the opponent flying and falling to the ground on his back.

"Then you've got the wrong person."

"kill him!"The man who fell to the ground screamed.

The other members rushed forward when they saw this, trying to surround Jason.

However, he just put his hands into the backpack unhurriedly, and when he took it out again, his hands were already covered Knuckles

"So let’s warm up."

After that, Jason fired his bow from left to right. Some of the Skeleton Gang members were armed with knives, some with sticks, some with electric shock weapons or even pistols, but no one's attack hit him. Instead, Jason took advantage of their large number. As a cover, those with guns did not dare to shoot at will, and those with knives did not dare to use fists and kicks at will, while he himself opened and closed, knocking down all the guys who came close to him.

His fingers no longer knew How many people's teeth were broken, and blood and saliva splashed on the battlefield. As Jason said, this was just a warm-up for him.

By the time he finished, there were already people lying on the ground wailing around him. All of them were members of the Skeleton Gang.

The people who saw the situation here in the distance were shocked, and many people quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Feeling that he was a bit conspicuous, Jason packed up his things and planned to leave first.

But when he Before he took a few steps, several flying knives suddenly flew over. Fortunately, Jason reacted quickly enough and avoided it in time.

He looked up and saw several guys dressed like birds standing in front of him. On the blobs above their heads, their eyepieces look like owl eyes.

"ha! You're done! You've been targeted by claws!"

A Skeleton Gang who was still awake on the ground suddenly laughed and taunted Jason wildly.

However, Jason just raised his foot and kicked him, and then kicked him unconscious, maybe a little harder, maybe a little bit more. Concussion.

Only then did he look up at the guys called Claws by the Skeleton Gang, with a somewhat provocative tone.

"Do you want to fight with me, or do you want to stand up there until dawn?"

The surrounding people no longer dared to watch the excitement and hurriedly left the street. In just ten seconds, the originally bustling street disappeared in an instant.

Only Jason and the Skeleton Gang all over the ground were left, and of course there were Those claws.

Jason frowned. Just from the scene just now, you can see how amazing power these guys have here.

After the pedestrians cleared the area automatically, the claws jumped down one after another, Stand still in front of Jason

"Stranger, you must come with us!"

"Why?"Jason put his thumb back into his backpack.

"The Court of Owls controls everything here, stranger."One of the sharp claws raised his head and stared at Jason with his owl-like eyes."But we have not seen you from any entrance. You must go back with us and explain how you entered the city."

So that's the case, but when did they notice him? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Or was he discovered by them when he appeared at the Vixen and Dr. Light's place before?

But now It doesn't matter anymore. Jason can't be captured without hesitation, and they obviously don't seem to let him go easily.

Then Jason said to these claws:"If you want to capture me, you may have to do it yourself."."

The claws"followed the trend" and immediately rushed towards Jason, and Jason immediately put his backpack on his back. The next moment, the backpack spread into a ball of nanoparticles covering Jason's body, which disintegrated in less than two seconds. Make the Red Hood suit.

Jason redThe breathing light lights up on the mask, staring at those sharp claws approaching him like eyes.

"Come on, let me see what you are capable of!"

The first was the standard alloy claws of the Claws. The first one grabbed the red hood directly on his face.......

Jason ducked sideways to avoid the claw, then took the opportunity to grab his wrist and throw him away from his back.

The man immediately found his balance after falling out, adjusted his position in mid-air, and finally landed on all fours. Although the posture was not good-looking, it was very stable.

Their basic skills are very good.

Jason had just come up with this idea, and then he was greeted by a violent attack from others.

The suits they wear seem to be made of some special alloys. Even though there are a lot of alloys on them, it does not affect their movements and still makes them very agile.

But Jason also discovered that these people did not seem to be superhumans. Their strength could be developed by ordinary people after special training. This can be seen from the texture of their muscles every time they exert force.

If Jason were wearing the same uniform as them, maybe these"claws" could really cause some trouble for the Red Hood, but unfortunately, the technological content of the Red Hood's suit is not at the same level as theirs.

So even though the Talons' attacks were powerful, their coordination with each other was perfect, and they even hit him a few times.

But this suit was like an iron wall that blocked out all harm. All the cold weapons used by the Claws and others could not cause any damage to Jason.

So the Talons did not hesitate to abandon cold weapons and start using guns, and like Talon Dick, each of them customized a modified gun according to their own preferences and characteristics.

Jason is now facing various types of guns of different calibers.

But he is not an obedient child. Since the opponent has already used firearms, he no longer has to suppress himself and compete with firepower?

Come on then!

As a result, two modified guns began to appear in Jason's hands. Although they were pistols, due to Jason's pursuit, these two guns were now almost the same as snipers.

The Talons and Jason started shooting face to face. Both sides were old gunners, and there was no need for any aiming at such a close distance. With their marksmanship, they could hit with their eyes closed.

But in this way, the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment are extremely cruelly reflected.

The bullets hit by the claws on Jason did not cause any damage except the impact of the bullets, and every bullet from Jason caused huge damage to the opponent, so that the opponent's flesh was torn along with the equipment. Cracked.

Even the cold and cruel claws not only screamed, but also fell to the ground wailing.

Jason put away the big gun in his hand, walked up to one of the claws, and ripped off his mask

"Who do you work for?"

The sharp claw endured the severe pain and even laughed at Jason.

"Where are you primitive from? Everything in Gotham 1.0 belongs to Night Owl, of course he rules here, and we are all his claws"

This kind of thing is an open matter not only in Gotham, but even in the entire United States. There is no need for Talon to hide it.

"Does he rule here? You mean, he rules here as a dictator?

Jason thought for a while:"What industry does Ye Xiao rely on to maintain the economy here?""

The sharpclaw looked at him with a strange look, as if he didn't understand why he would ask such a question.

"Of course, whatever industry makes money, we can do it. Smuggling, arms, powder, ice, and even human trafficking, as long as those things make money, they are our industries.

Of course we don’t have to do it ourselves because...Because the boss doesn’t allow it, but we collect commercial taxes from the gangsters, which is a huge amount of money...."

Jason's lips tightened. He could tell that it was business tax. To put it bluntly, it was acting as a protective umbrella for gangsters. This was protection money! black gold!

"Doesn't this city have a government? Where are the municipal organizations and other official agencies?

The sharp claw became even more strange when he heard this. He frowned and said,"What are you talking about?" Aren’t these institutions you mentioned right in front of you now?"

Jason looked at the person in his hand and remained silent. He was a little shocked.

"you mean...you..."Then he pointed to the Skeleton Gang on the ground,"And them, are you the official force to maintain this city?"

"I have said that Gotham is under the rule of Night Owl, so naturally, all the power that belongs to him is the official of this city. Stranger, I don’t know who you are, but your current behavior..."

"It's illegal!".

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