Night Owl still knows nothing about everything that happened in Gotham City, and his attention at this time has been completely focused on Zansha.

The way to lure Zansa out is very simple. He is a simple-minded person and only cares about two things most: Ki11.And.Fuck!

So Night Owl asked the Super Queen to inform Zanza that she had found a special super human, but she couldn't do it alone and needed Zanza's help.

Ye Xiao knows that Zansha has always had some thoughts about Super Queen, but due to the strength of Super Queen and Super Queen, he is not easy to use them.

But if the Super Queen is willing to take the initiative, Zansha will never refuse.

Moreover, an opponent that even the Super Queen cannot defeat sounds very strong, and Zanza will not miss the opportunity to harvest this power.

Therefore, at the place promised by the Super Queen, Xansha appeared as Night Owl expected.

Far away from the Caribbean coast, there is an uninhabited island. Zanza did not realize that this place was too remote. He had been attracted to the super queen.

"I received your message."Zansha landed next to the Super Queen,"You said it would be difficult to deal with a super human?"

"Not exactly one, there are three of them, but they can be regarded as the same person."The Super Queen smiled at Zansha.

But Zansha suddenly felt a bit dangerous, and he immediately waved his hand to push the Super Queen away!

The Super Queen was pushed backwards by him, and crashed into the uninhabited island. Among the rocks.

Although Zangsha is not smart, he is by no means mentally retarded. What's more, Zangsha's premonition of power is very accurate. He believes in his sixth sense.

So Zangsha immediately raised his head, and in the night sky, there was a ball of thunder. The cloud appeared there inexplicably, blocking the moonlight.

The rumbling thunder sounded in the thunder clouds, like the roar of God.

Zansha had excellent eyesight, and he saw three figures standing in the thunder clouds.

A small one, a strong one, and an old one. The three of them stood on the clouds and looked down at Zansha.

Zansha roared and flew directly into the sky, crushing the rocks under his feet and exploding them. He was like a tornado. The rockets soared straight into the sky.

The Magic Family saw Zanza's incoming attack from the sky. The three clones raised their hands above their heads and folded their arms into a circle, as if they had activated some ability. The surrounding lightning suddenly became violent, The thick thunder was like a giant snake, biting Zansha.

However, Zansha was just laughing wildly. He absorbed all the lightning that hit him into his body, and then released it with both hands, hitting one of the magical captains, the one in his prime. He was The formation of Captain Miracle was broken and he flew backward instantly.

However, the other two swooped down and hit Zansha's face with their fists, one left and one right, knocking him down.

Zanza fell downwards, just in time. On the small island, the huge force instantly destroyed the island under him. Zansha was submerged in the rubble by the surging sea water from all around.

In this chaos, a black shadow moved toward Zansha like a swimming fish. Pounced over, that was the Sea Overlord!

He grabbed the trident in his right hand and stabbed Zansha hard. He knew that Zansha's body could not completely resist the artifact.

And he disobeyed the orders of Speedmaster and Night Owl. This trident was aimed at Zansha. He wanted to kill this man!

However, the Sea Overlord underestimated Zansha's reaction. At the critical moment, Zansha avoided the direct blow and was only scratched by the trident.

From then on Countless tiny arcs of electricity jumped out of the scratched flesh and struck the Sea Overlord along with the water flow, causing his body to freeze.

"Oh it's you!"Zansha roared angrily and grabbed Sea Overlord.

Sea Overlord was so frightened that he quickly wanted to attack Zansha with the big metal pincer of his left hand.

But the pincer was pinched by Zansha with one hand. He exerted force with his fingers and clicked again. He broke off the newly installed arm and stabbed Sea Overlord's left eye with his backhand.

Now he not only lost a hand, but also his left eye.

Sea Overlord couldn't help but scream and shouted for help.

"Help me quickly! Zansha laughed cruelly:"This time, I will crush all the bones in your body, including that bitch!"" He gritted his teeth.

He already understood that this was a trap set by the Syndicate, and the Super Queen was obviously one of them.

He didn't want to be so gentle now. He wanted to catch that woman and then ravage her, preferably in a In front of these bastards.

Just when Zangsa was about to torture the Sea Overlord, two heat vision lights lit up in the ocean, burning out two lines of steam and hitting Zangsa. It was Super King who arrived.

He swam quickly He came over and saw the miserable state of Sea Overlord. He just frowned and said"trash" and chased in the direction where Zansha flew backwards.

Sea Overlord didn't dare to say anything. He was now seriously injured and had no choice but to withdraw. , so he hurriedly swam towards the deep sea, and he wanted to go back to treat his injuries.

Zansha left the sea, and in the sky, the Magical Family was already waiting for him.

When Zansha came out, they attacked him at the same time.

Zansha Two fists are difficult to beat with six hands. He can guard against one, guard against two, but cannot guard against three, so he is beaten to the left and right by the Magic Family.

However, the limit of Zanza's ability is not just that, he was beaten by three people. , Zansha felt a ball of fire burning in his chest, and then two rays spurted out from his eyes, hitting the young Captain Magic.

This ray contained magical damage, and the young Captain Magic was hit and fell into the ocean.

Zangsa Then he used magic with both hands, and the destructive magic was pinched in the palms of his hands. He flew up at super speed. The old Captain Marvel could not react and was punched in the face, causing a concussion. The prime-year Captain Marvel hurriedly Stepping forward to support, he used joint skills to control Zangsa's hands behind him, hoping to provide the old Captain Magic with a chance to attack.

But the old captain failed to grasp it. After all, he was older and his recovery was not as good as the other younger ones. Those two.

While the opponent's head was still awake, Zanza sprayed out rays from his eyes again, knocking down the old Captain Marvel.

At the same time, he used his hands hard to open up the prison of the strong Captain Magic little by little.

Zanza laughed wildly. Said:"You are no match for me!"

At this moment, Speedmaster rushed out of the sea and slammed a fist carrying inertia into Zansha's face. The power of this fist was so powerful that a violent explosion sounded in the sky. The dark clouds were dispersed by Supermaster's punch.

He had taken kryptonite before coming, and now he is in excellent condition!

Zanza and Captain Marvel behind him fell backwards, but because the main damage was absorbed by Zanza, Magic The captain was still awake.

He adjusted his position and prepared to throw a ground ball to Zansha.

But Zansha woke up in mid-air, and his recovery ability was not generally strong.

Then Zansha struggled to break away , the energy all over his body exploded instantly, like a nuclear bomb exploding. Captain Marvel was rushed by this force, and Zansha's body broke away directly. He fell into the depths of the earth, causing a violent earthquake.

They didn't know it at this time. Suddenly, he arrived near the Caribbean coast.

On the coast, other Syndicate members had been waiting there for a long time. In the sea water, the Martian transformed into a water monster, and its huge tentacles wrapped around Zansa, grabbing him, and then Thousands of miles away from the Caribbean coast

, Johnny Quick received the signal from the night owl and began to accelerate. In just a few seconds, he reached the Caribbean coast and had already accumulated Huge kinetic energy.

He punched out and poured all the kinetic energy on Zansha. Zanza was accidentally hit by him and flew backwards. Robber, the

Explosive Wolf, has been waiting there for a long time. He has With super strength, he punched the flying Zansha into the ground with both fists. The earth quickly opened under his power, burying Zansha inside.

"I think it’s almost done, what do you think?"

However, the divine power ring suddenly said:"He is still active!"

The ground exploded and gravel flew away. Zansha stood up in the pothole, with no damage on his body!

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?"Zansha stood in the center of the pit and laughed wildly.

In fact, he had just discovered that he had the power to match everyone in the Syndicate!

Things like strength and weakness were based on comparison. In the past, Zansha could only be sure that he was enough to match any syndicate. members, including Supermaster, but he is not sure that he can deal with several of them at the same time.

This kind of thing can only be clarified by fighting in person.

But it is impossible for Zanza to go to war with the Syndicate specifically to find out this, right? What if he can't defeat it? Isn't it over?

So he has been grabbing kills all the time. Whenever he is dealing with superhumans, he will be the first to take action and kill the opponent before other teammates do it.

His power of Zansha must be used by his own hands. Only by killing the opponent can he take away the opponent's ability, so he looks like a murderer.

Even he himself doesn't know it. Unknowingly, he has accumulated so much power that he can take on the entire Syndicate alone.

Got it. At this point, Zansha was fearless. He was going to be the boss today! Anyone who objected would be killed!

So when Speedmaster rushed to the scene, he saw Zansha looking at him with a murderous look on his face.

"How dare he look at me like this!"Supermaster is also an extremely conceited person. He does not allow anyone to override him.

At this moment, a beam of light fell on top of Zansha's head. This was a supergravity beam. Hit by this light, Zansha He was suddenly pressed to the ground by his own weight that had increased thousands of times.

Only then did Night Owl's stealth aircraft reveal its true form. He had been observing the battlefield and had not been absent from the beginning.

At this time, he was talking to the communicator in the communicator. The Super Queen’s channel shouted:"Super Queen, now."

In the crowd, a rope full of thorns flew out and flew towards Zansha. Zansha saw it, and he also knew what the super queen's rope meant, but he couldn't break free for a while, so he Can watch helplessly.

However, at this moment, Night Owl's plane suddenly experienced some malfunctions, and the hypergravity device failed instantly, allowing Zansha to break free.

He took advantage of the situation to stand up and grabbed the Super Queen's rope. He held back The force from the rope was like a torture, and with a sudden force, he pulled the Super Queen in front of him.


Zansha roared angrily, and swung out a fist wrapped in lightning. The super queen did not dare to take this angry blow, so she could only raise her arms to resist. However, she was still punched by Zansha and broke the fist.

In the thousands With tons of punch force, the Super Queen flew backwards, directly penetrated several buildings, and was finally buried in them.

After Zansha threw this punch, he looked up to the sky, his sight fixed on Night Owl's stealth plane.

He jumped up. The coward of the Divine Power Ring wanted to escape on the spot, but Night Owl jumped out of the plane, opened his cloak, and flew towards the direction of the Divine Power Ring.

Zansha directly smashed the invisible plane with his body and continued to move towards Ye Xiao chased him in the direction of Ye Xiao, but the angle he found was very tricky, and he let the divine ring block him behind him.

Zansha was furious at this time, and he would kill everyone who stood in front of him!

Therefore, the god who had no time to escape The power ring can only bite the bullet and start a fight with Zanza. No, it should be the power ring fighting Zanza, Hal is just a puppet.

Zansha smashed the green hard light with a punch, grabbed the head of the power ring with a big hand, Grabbing it, then grabbing his face and rubbing it against the ground.

The Power Ring was screaming, screaming like a weak woman.

And Zanza laughed, mercilessly ravaging the toy in his hand.

Night Owl landed in the Syndicate , pointed his hand and praised Sha:"Come on!"

Johnny Quick didn't want to get involved, so he turned around and ran away. 050 Other members of the Syndicate also backed down, but Night Owl was not talking to them at all. The moment he finished speaking, the Magical Family fell from the sky again.

They Possessing some of Zansha's abilities, their recovery ability is also very good. Although it took some time, they still recovered their fighting strength.

Seeing these three people again, Zansha threw the divine power ring in his hand.

The power of the divine power ring comes from Because of his ring, killing him would have no benefit at all to Zangza, so he was just ravaging him, but not killing the coward. At this time, Zangza, who broke free from the restraints, was stronger than before, and it was difficult for the Magic Family to continue. Suppressed him, so Speedmaster also directly participated in the battle. The four of them joined together, finally putting a little pressure on Zanza.

The other Syndicate members saw that there was something going on, and they were not in a hurry to leave. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Internet!)

However, Johnny Quick was too fast, and by this time there was no one left.

Night Owl frowned, he expected that today's results might not be as he expected.

Once he understood that he could not kill all the Syndicate members , even a simple-minded guy like Zansha would not fight to the end.

Sure enough, after trying several times to no avail, Zansha finally understood that he might be able to kill one or two people on his own, but the result But he may not be able to escape unscathed.

Therefore, after the last energy burst, Zansha directly rose into the sky and flew towards the direction of space.

Speedmaster only chased for a while and then stopped going up. In space, he may be The sun was shining.

Without his support, the three members of the Magic Family might not even be able to catch up with Zanza, let alone defeat him. So under the order of Night Owl, they also returned. The remaining members of the Syndicate were all injured..

After Speedmaster came back, he angrily accused Night Owl:"What the hell is going on with you?"

If Ye Xiao's plane hadn't malfunctioned at the critical moment, they should have won long ago.

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and replied:"My plane has a malfunction, I will find out.…"

"This is all your mistake!"Supermaster seemed to have grasped his weakness.

At this time, the Magic Family walked behind Ye Xiao and brought some invisible pressure to Supermaster.

If the three of them can temporarily suppress Zansha, they can also suppress Supermaster , and the power they showed this time also made Supermaster take offense.

He glanced at the magical family behind Ye Xiao with fear, and then looked at Ye Xiao with a sneer.

"Just wait until you explain it to everyone else in the meeting!"After that, Speedmaster turned and left.

Ye Xiao stood there silently, looking at the wreckage of his plane in a daze.

So, why did his plane suddenly malfunction at that time?

He had checked it before, and it was absolutely impossible. Such a situation occurs?

"Things get interesting."

The night owl chuckled in a low voice, as sinister and dangerous as a night bird.

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