
After killing Ares and taking away his power, the entire magical power of Alcatraz was also controlled by Dane.

The Amazons in this world were created by Ares, so legally their souls should be under the control of Ares.

This is also one of the laws of Western theology, creation should obey the Creator.

So when Ares lifted the seal, Hippolyta didn't dare to resist him at all. He wanted to kill the Amazon Queen, and Hippolyta had no choice but to kill her at her neck.

The same situation applies to Dane. Being able to kill Ares and use Ares' battle ax means that Dane is naturally the legal ruler on Alcatraz Island, where the strong are respected.

At this time, the newly promoted ruler was sitting in the temple, watching the syndicate picture displayed by the magic crystal.

That's right, Dane saw all the Syndicate's actions against Zansa.

At the critical moment, Night Owl's stealth plane malfunctioned because of his own manipulations.

Alcatraz has been using magic to monitor the outside world. Although they cannot leave the island because they need to guard Ares's seal, they have never given up their ambitions for the outside world.

The reason why the Super Queen left Alcatraz Island was apparently because Hippolyta wanted her to become a qualified king and come back with her own army...

Having said that, I would like to introduce the method of succession to the throne of Alcatraz Island. Through the throne challenge, but more brutal.

Only when the winner of the challenge kills another contender can she be considered fully entitled to the throne.

So if the Super Queen wants to come back to inherit the throne, then she must come back with her army and kill Hippolyta.

The challenge to the throne is not limited to one-on-one duels. Legion battles are also a form of competition allowed by the rules.

Hippolyta uses her status as queen to assemble the power of the entire Amazon to fight against the Super Queen.

Even a super queen can't kill everyone single-handedly. Otherwise, when she takes the throne, she won't have anyone available to her. What's the point of being a queen?

So they made a three-part agreement, and the Super Queen went to the human world to gather her own army. If she could defeat Hippolyta with an upright military force, then she would be the new Amazon Queen.

The Amazons believe in ruthlessness and coldness, and this agreement means that the Super Queen must kill Hippolyta the next time she returns.

And the Super Queen is now a member of the Syndicate, and she actually has the ability to come back and seize the throne.

But in fact, Hippolyta had other plans. An Alcatraz Island was simply not worth the super queen leading those super humans back to occupy.

Her real plan is to kill Ares with the help of the Super Queen and the Syndicate, and lift the mountain that has shrouded the Amazons for thousands of years.

By then, even if Hippolyta dies in the end, the Super Queen will definitely be able to lead the Amazons into the world and occupy the vast land of the human world.

It has to be said that even though the queens of the two worlds have different personalities, they are indeed the same in terms of their selfless treatment of the race.

Dane was thinking that if Alcatraz Island's culture of advocating"fearlessness, ruthlessness, and lack of mercy" could be corrected and"love, justice, and honor" could be introduced, then it might not be able to become another paradise island.

Diana thought so too, so during this period, she had been working hard to correct the bad atmosphere of Alcatraz Island and retrain the Amazons in the way of Paradise Island, and she never tired of it.

However, Earth-3 is a world where good does not overpower evil. It is not an easy task for Alcatraz to change their habits in a short time.

If no one on the entire island could defeat Diana, and she did fight bravely and helped the Amazons defeat the army of war demons, these violent women would have rebelled long ago.

But even so, there are still many people coming every day They complained to Hippolyta that Diana was always instilling some very strange ideas into them.

Hippolyta, on the other hand, could only come to remind Dane in a very subtle way, hoping that he could take care of Zeus's daughter.

Dane was helpless, and for the sake of sexual happiness, he could only sit on Diana's side.

However, when Diana knew that there were still people who dared to complain, she drilled those people even harder.

The intensity of the training she gave to the Amazons was something she herself could bear, so even if the Amazons who wanted to be strong felt bitter in their hearts, they would never say anything about it, as they could not afford to embarrass that person.

"She is so positive~."Zatanna is now about to become a professional medical staff on Alcatraz Island. Amazons who are injured from being exhausted every day are always sent to her.

"Do you get the feeling that she looks a bit like Antiope now?"

Zatanna has also met Antiope. When fighting against the demon-like army, she saw with her own eyes the rigor and meticulousness of this female general in running the army.

Diana's demeanor now is different from the one Zatanna saw at that time. The resemblance to Antiope is too great.

Dane smiled when he heard this:"Diana is Antiope's student."

Zatanna suddenly realized, no wonder.

Speaking of which, Zatanna may be the most popular one among the three of them. No one will be offended by the Amazons. No one will offend the doctors and nurses. Therefore, Zatanna's status in Alcatraz Island is very important. High.

As for Dane, he is basically sitting in the temple as an aloof"god". The Amazons on Alcatraz Island found that their lives have hardly changed except for the addition of a devil coach.

Dane is not like those who conquered in history Like those who conquered the land, he treated and tortured the people in the occupied areas as slaves, and he did not interfere with Hippolyta's right to rule.

He did not even do anything excessive to the women of the conquered places like the conquerors in history. Things.

During the period when the Roman Empire conquered the European continent, it was also a period of great integration of local ethnic groups. Hippolyta had already seen this frequently.

Even in modern times, human beings only seem to have become more civilized, but here They are still no different from beasts.

Hippolyta is not opposed to the fusion of blood, but she hopes that the Amazons can at least give birth to strong offspring. Humans are obviously not a good choice.

She does hope that Dane can be debauched. Some, leaving some precious demigod blood to the Amazons, but unfortunately, he didn't seem to have this ambition.

She had been getting along with Dane for a while, so she had some understanding of this man's temperament, so she spoke frankly. He asked:"Sir, why did you come to this world?

She tentatively said:"If you want to conquer the world, I think we at Amazon can help you.""

Ares is dead, and they Amazons can completely convert to Dane, the new god. In this way, if Dane really conquers the world, it will be similar to the Amazons conquering the world.

Dane glanced at the woman and said, Ruo Youyou pointed out:"I know what you are thinking, but in my future plan, the Amazons do not conquer the world. Just do your own thing, Hippolyta.

Ares has not forgiven you for your betrayal. Don't think that I have such mercy.

Hippolyta was warned and could only lower her head deeply:"Yes, sir.""

Dane quickly looked away. He was confused. Although she was not the same person, she was the mother-in-law!

He returned his sight to the magic crystal ball. This is a divine object found on Alcatraz Island. It can make people Dane saw what he wanted to see.

So not only could he see the Syndicate, but he could also see Batman and the Red Hood in Gotham, the Plastic Man in Detroit, the Flash in Central City, and the Green Lantern in Beach City. , the vixen in New York, and Dr. Light.

Each member of Zhenglian is learning about this country and this world in their own way, and they are learning about the Syndicate organization through the mouths of people around them.

Dane also noticed that Barry Allen doesn't know what being low-key is. He has become a superhero again in Central City. He is worthy of being the conscience of the Justice League. Your kindness can never be erased in any world.

He set his sights on Gotham again. The Red Hood has come into conflict with the local Court of Owls and is beginning to purge the city of evil in his own way. The gangs of Gotham City are feeling in danger. The

Court of Owls is chasing the Red Hood, but their leader, Dick Claw But no one could contact him.

He and Batman were staying in Wayne Manor, watching the evidence collected by outsiders about the evidence that Night Owl killed the Graysons. He didn't know what the outsiders meant by this, but Dai En thought to himself that he might also have the small intention of trying to get a hold of Ye Xiao.

It's just that he didn't understand how much weight Dick Grayson had in Ye Xiao's heart.

Dane didn't know how much weight he had in Ye Xiao's heart, but he knew Dick's weight in Batman's heart isHeavy


Gotham, Wayne Manor.

Dick was silent as he looked at the evidence in front of him. Those photos, those files, and the clues left by outsiders when they were personally involved, they are all here.

Why Talon can never find the murderer, why the Court of Owls can never grasp the clues, and why he always encounters various problems when he personally investigates.

Originally, he thought that it was just because it was so long ago that it was difficult to preserve evidence and clues.

Now it seems that the problem is actually very simple, because the person who committed the crime is Ye Xiao

"Why? murmured Dick

"because of you."Batman stood silently behind him.

Dick turned his head, and there was no expression on the owl-like hood.


"He needs someone who he can trust absolutely. Who is more trustworthy than the children he raised by himself?"

Take Batman as an example. All the children he adopted are not ordinary people. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although these children sometimes go against him, at critical moments, every one of them is very good. Reliable, even Damian, who is hated by people and hated by ghosts, is never ambiguous when it comes to big things.

Night Owl also has similar needs, and as an ordinary person, an ordinary person who hangs out in the den of super villains like the Syndicate, What he needs even more is someone he can trust absolutely to sit in Gotham City, his home base, and provide him with back-up support.

" want to say that the reason why my parents died is because Ye Xiao took a fancy to my talents and because he felt that he could trust me absolutely?"

Dick said, a burning rage burning in his heart.

"Don't let anger cloud your sanity, Dick, that won't help."Batman reminded him.

Dick suddenly asked:"What about you? what is your purpose?"

Before Batman could answer, Dick gave his own answer:"You want to deal with Night Owl, right? So you want to get a breakthrough from me and disintegrate the enemy's power from within. It's a very smart approach. You are almost as smart as Night Owl.…"

"So, why are you targeting Night Owl? Personal matters? Or...are you also eyeing this city?"

Don't look at Gotham, but there are quite a few villains who like it here. For most criminals, this is definitely a paradise for making money illegally. The

Court of Owls is already the most orderly force here, so at night It is difficult to define Xiao Xiao as a criminal here. He does maintain order here to a certain extent. No matter how bad the order is, it is ten thousand times better than a chaotic and disorderly society. It is because Talon believes this that he is willing to do so. to assist the Night Owl

"But that's wrong, Gotham shouldn't be like this, and she can definitely be better. Batman said this, as always,"The people here fully deserve a better life.""

Although Batman's tone did not rise or fall at all, Dick could feel the fiery emotion hidden behind his words.He almost wanted Dick to believe him.

But what he had seen and heard reminded him rationally that this was impossible.

This is Gotham at its best, and it couldn't get any better.

The city of Gotham is never in heaven or on earth. It just finds a relatively less bad location in the abyss of hell, that's all.

"You must be a Gothamite, but you must also not be a Gothamite."Dick said this.

If he were not a Gothamite, he would not have such deep affection for this city; if he were a Gothamite, he would not have the slightest hope for such a city.

"Sometimes, we need a little faith. Dick, do you have faith?"

"I've broken more necks than I've ever seen on a sunny day in Gotham. I'm Talon, the Night Owl's Talon. Talon has no beliefs of its own.…"

"But now you have a choice, Dick, you don't have to be a Talon, you can be yourself.

Dick was a little surprised:"I thought you wanted to recruit me?""

"I don't have to do that. You said I'm dismantling your power from within."

"Did I fail? After Dick was silent for a moment, he shook his head again:"Of course not, you succeeded. After knowing the truth, I can no longer work for Ye Xiao with peace of mind."

I'm just curious. It sounds like you want to transform this city. How do you want to do it specifically?"

"I'm going to do it my way, and if you're still in this city, you'll know."After that, Batman turned around.

Dick stopped him:"Wait! Who are you?"

Batman turned his head:"I.Am.Batman".

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