Night Owl's management of Gotham City is divided.

Dick Claw is only responsible for managing city security, counter-espionage, and superpower-related matters, while things related to people's livelihood and municipal administration are managed by another group of Night Owl's subordinates.

These people are basically the original high-level government officials. After Ye Xiao took over the city, they also became his minions.

But unlike the Talons, these bureaucrats who help Night Owl manage people's livelihood and economy are a group based on interests.

Nite Owl usually exchanges interests with these guys in the name of Thomas Wayne Jr., and does not end up as Nite Owl.

This resulted in him not being so intimidating among these groups, but Night Owl didn't care about this kind of thing in the past.

Because Wayne Group and themselves are a united front, and the Court of Owls led by Claw Dick is the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads. With the supervision of these two, no one dares to make mistakes.

Therefore, as long as the claws are there, even if the night owl is thousands of miles away, he is not worried about a fire in the backyard.

But now the claws are on strike.

In the Court of Owls, Claw Dick is the only one who can contact Nite Owl. Others may be able to contact Thomas Wayne Jr., but they don't know the relationship between the two.

So after Dick disappeared, the Court of Owls was in chaos.

The reason for their chaos is related to the legend that recently appeared in Gotham City. Someone saw a huge bat flying through the night sky late at night, and he was catching all lawbreakers.

At first no one cared, because the arrested people were all sent to the GCPD door the next morning.

Everyone in Gotham didn't know that in this city, the police and gangsters were one family, so these people were released on the spot.

But the next day, the released criminals and the police officers who released them were caught together and thrown at the door of the police station.

This time everyone understood that someone was provoking Gotham's order!

People have different views on this matter. Some people are very excited, some people are watching indifferently, some people have nothing to do with it, and some people are closely concerned about it.

They knew that the third day would be crucial, because the Court of Owls would take action.

So everyone outside the police station was released again.

Soon the time came to the third day. This time, not only were there the people who were caught before, but there were also a few new faces.

It is not known who they are, but people know that they have a unified name called"Claw", the claw of the night owl, and they belong to the Court of Owls.

The Talons appear here, and for the 600th time, the people of the Court of Owls are exposed in broad daylight.

Once the mystery is lost, people will be less afraid of the Court of Owls.

Although there is not enough sunshine in Gotham City due to its proximity to Metropolis, this scene still allows the citizens of Gotham to see a long-lost glimmer of sunshine.

The bureaucrats and capital groups that were originally suppressed by the Court of Owls have also undergone changes.

They discovered that the Court of Owls was not unshakable, so they were ready to take action, seemingly waiting for an opportunity to take back control of the city.

Therefore, on the fourth day, the citizens of Gotham discovered a new change. The criminals who were thrown at the door of the police station were no longer released on the spot, but were escorted to prison.

"Aren't you afraid of punishment from the Night Owls and the Court of Owls for doing this?"The criminals being escorted were shouting.

The policemen who were escorting him were a little frightened when they heard this and didn't know whether they should continue.

But soon a higher-ranking police officer came over and slapped those criminals. head of a criminal

"Stop blabbing, will Ye Xiao stand up for you trash?"

When the police officers heard this, they instantly felt confident. They followed the police officers' example and forced the criminals into the detention car.

Some citizens saw this scene and gathered together to discuss in a low voice. They all felt that these police officers had taken the wrong medicine and actually dared to confront the gang!

Not far from the GCPD, there was a cathedral. On the top of the church, stood a figure that blended into the night.

"Do you want to heal the city this way?"

Behind Batman, another deep voice sounded. He didn't need to look back to know that this voice came from Jason.

He turned his face slightly, as if looking at the Red Hood with his peripheral vision.

"I know what you did in Crime Alley, Jason, and you're still fighting violence with violence?"

"It works, at least better than your method."Red Hood disagreed.

But Batman said:"Maybe in our Gotham, yes, but in this Gotham, your method doesn't work very well."

"I don't think so."Red Hood was a little unconvinced.

"In our Gotham, we face different opponents from this Gotham. Here, we are fighting against another (ceff) order."

Red Hood knew what he was talking about:"The Court of Owls.

Batman nodded:"It seems you know very well, yes, it is the Court of Owls. They control people's livelihood here. Their shadow can be seen in schools, hospitals, road administration, municipalities and other government agencies.""

"You can't kill them all."

Red Hood frowned. He knew that Batman was right. Sometimes, his opponents were not the most vicious criminals, but accomplices who were unable to resist and chose to follow blindly. They were part of the order of the city.

And in eliminating a kind of Before order can be established, a new order must be established and ready to replace it, otherwise the previous efforts will be in vain.

Is destroying the original order just to bring Gotham into anarchy?

"But how do you do it? Does this city still have the power to resist?"

"have. Batman whispered.

Red Hood raised his eyebrows and asked him:"Who?" I've been here for several days, but I haven't seen anyone resisting the owl."

"Of course you can't see it because they're so hidden, they're a gang of clowns."

Red Hood made a gesture of picking out his ears, and then asked:"There seemed to be something wrong with my ears just now. Can you tell me again, what is it?"

"Clown gang, I know you heard me, I'm not kidding."

Batman finally turned around and faced the Red Hood:"Don't forget, there are many things here that are opposite to our world, so in this world, the Clown Gang is a resistance organization, and they fight against the dictatorship of the Court of Owls. pioneer"

"But I saw no sign of their activity."Red Hood recalled it and made sure he had never seen anyone from the Clown Gang.

"Their leader, Fool, was killed by Night Owl not long ago, so he must be licking his wounds recently, and they are hiding."

"And you found their hiding place, right? Red Hood asked.

Batman nodded:"It's just that I doubt whether they still have the courage to continue to stand up against the Court of Owls.""

Red Hood sneered and said:"As long as the owl has suffered enough losses, as long as the clown gang's desire for revenge is strong enough, they will have the courage."

The people are always like this, they help whoever wins. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After that, the Red Hood turned over and jumped off the church, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Only Batman was left, still Looking down at Gotham


Central City.

Barry didn't know why, but he had been distracted since he met Iris West in this world that day.

During his student days, he had indeed admired Iris West from another world for a long time, but he had not seen her for a long time after graduation.

And speaking carefully, the character of Iris in this world is somewhat different from that of her in another world.

Barry didn't know how to describe it. He felt that this Iris was not so strong, as if... more reasonable. He felt that she seemed to understand him.

But he was worried that all this was just his illusion

"Barry, what are you thinking about?"

Barry's attention was instantly drawn back to her, and he said a little embarrassedly:"I'm thinking about where I should live tonight."

I don't know whether to say he was unlucky or what. Barry only used the money he got from Dane to stay in the motel for one day and then checked out because of his conscience.

But his wallet was stolen on the day he left the hotel. Now, he is the Flash, the fastest man in the world, and he didn’t even know that the bag in his pocket was taken away.

When Barry came to the place agreed with Iris in frustration, she said firmly:"They must have seen the cash on you at that time. Did you bring a lot of cash with you?"

Barry thought about the whole stack of bills that Dane gave him at that time, and said weakly:"There should be a lot, probably tens of thousands of dollars...."

Seeing Iris' strange look in his eyes, Barry's voice became smaller and smaller until it was inaudible.

"I don't know what to say to you anymore..."Iris covered his forehead,"How can you be seen with so much money? It should be said that it is amazing that you are still alive. It seems that the other party has shown mercy to you."

Barry heard this with a look of horror on his face, why is he here? Are the folk customs so appalling?

The more he behaved like this, the more curious Iris became about him:"Where did you come from?"

Where can one teach a child like Barry who is as pure as a little white lotus?

"I have already said that I grew up in Central City!"

"It's just because you say that that I don't believe it."

Iris laughed so hard that she thought Barry looked very cute. He was different from the boys she had met before. He was not the kind of person who wanted to make love with her as soon as he saw her.

So. She rolled her eyes and suddenly wanted to test Barry's sincerity, so she said:"Your money has been stolen, why don't you just stay at my house for a while?"

Facing this invitation, Barry stuttered instantly:"Go....go...Go to your home...this...this is not good...Bar?"

Iris smiled again, this time she smiled even more happily:"What's wrong? I remember you said that you studied at Central City University, and the school happened to be applying for a chemistry lab assistant recently. How is your chemistry going?"

"should...Is it okay?"Barry was a little unsure whether the chemical effects of the two worlds were consistent, and he also had a fatal question,"I don't have a driver's license..."

Iris frowned slightly when he heard this:"Then do you remember your social security number?"

Barry remembered, but that one was for another world, so he could only shake his head at this time.

The United States does not have a household registration system or an ID card, so residents generally use their driver's license to prove their identity, or their social security number. This number is one for each person and is used to pay for insurance and take the driver's license test. When looking for a job, renting a house, etc., its function is actually similar to that of an ID card.

Iris knew at a glance that Barry was not telling the truth, but she didn't care. With Barry's appearance, he didn't look like some murderous maniac who escaped to Central City.

Besides, even if that were the case, he should have defected to Johnny Quick instead of hanging around Central City University.

So she whispered:"I can find someone to help you make a fake certificate to ensure that it is entered into the system, but the price will be a bit expensive."

She talked about this like a familiar person, and for a moment Barry didn't know what to say. , he discovered another difference between the two Iris.

Just when he was about to return, a bus suddenly broke in from outside the coffee shop. It broke through the walls, doors and glass, and the unstoppable bus was heading straight towards the location of Iris and Barry. Come.

Iris showed a horrified expression, but Barry instantly entered the Speed ​​Force, and everything around him suddenly seemed to have pressed the stop button.

Barry quickly unfolded the suit, and Flash kept it on his wrist in the form of a watch, ready for battle at any time.

After coming into contact with Barry, Flash was also enveloped by the Speed ​​Force, so the speed at which it unfolded was very fast even from Barry's perspective, almost instantly.

"The suit is online. Hello Barry. Looks like you're on a bad date."

"This is not a date!"Barry explained, and then asked softly:"Do you think this is it?"

"From my perspective, yes, but Barry, you should probably focus on the events at hand first"

"Well, I think you're right."

Barry concentrated his attention. He carefully folded Iris' arms on his chest, then picked her up and moved her outside the cafe.

Then he followed the same pattern and moved other customers and waiters from the cafe to outside the shop. , and rescued the passengers and the driver in the bus.

During his actions, many yellow lightning bolts shot out from him, but strangely, none of the arcs harmed the people he was trying to save, as if they They all have the same eyes.

After Barry made sure everyone was safe, he returned to Iris, took back the suit, and exited the Speed ​​Force.

""Play button" was turned on again, and the bus rushed into the cafe. The fuel tank exploded in the cafe, and flames licked outwards. The people outside the cafe woke up from a dream and began to scream crazily.

But a few minutes later, they discovered that, He had actually arrived outside the coffee shop, and no one among them was injured.

This was simply a miracle!

Iris's frightened expression had not faded, and Barry tried his best to comfort her:"It's okay, everything is okay, Iris, you are safe..."

He kept saying this until Iris threw herself into his arms, making him freeze..

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